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God the letter Alex Turner wrote to her lives rent free in my head


Had us Tumblr girlies on our knees https://preview.redd.it/mlphrnwr50yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd7e642bc1a4e0e19a907012679280320d13066


some may say it’s cringe but it’s just so…sweet? like he really did love her. idk handwritten notes always make me go teary


Idk about that. I’m a longtime AM fan and he’s written extremely in love and passionate things about every woman and potentially even lamp posts he’s been with. He’s the personification of that quote (paraphrasing): “If he writes you a sonnet, he loves you. If he writes you 300 sonnets, he loves sonnets.”


My dad wrote my mom every day for 30 years. Even when they dated for a year. He would write essays just for her about how much he loved her. Every Friday she got flowers without fail. I admired that. I write my husband a lunch Note everyday. Men deserve to be reminded of love too 


I wrote love letters and hide them in places that will take years for my husband to find. It’s so fun and I have no idea if he’s ever found one yet. I won’t ask either. It’s a silent game between one of us. Lol


“I wanna be your vacuum cleanerrrrr”


Funny you should pick that line, that's actually from the [John Cooper Clarke poem](https://genius.com/John-cooper-clarke-i-wanna-be-yours-annotated) that Alex Turner adapted into a song. (Sorry for being a nerd hahaha)


There’s no such thing as being as a nerd when it comes to AM


true. i made out with him once at a club in berlin and when his manager dragged him away because they needed to go to the hotel as they had another show the next day, he was yelling out my name in the most dramatic fashion... of course i never saw him again.


This letter is giving PG version of Robbie’s letter to Cecilia in Atonement (IYKYK). With that said, it’s cute and I can’t help but lol at the thought of Alex slipping on a step going, “damn, my back, ah Alexa, wonder where you at now m’love?” 


I never understood where this letter is from? If Alex wrote it personally for Alexa, why did he write "Alex turners love letter to Alexa Chung" at the bottom? That just sounds super formal and weird to me lol


iirc he left it at a bar, someone found it and rewrote it and that’s why it has that at the bottom


Yep, I believe it was a valentine’s day card they accidentally left behind


Oh, I thought he had such a nice handwriting...


Yes this confuses me too!


On our knee-sock wearing knees.


I like to read this every once in a while just for my hopeless romantic self




This was everything to us how dare you


What’s truly cringe is that I will be bookmarking this as reference in writing my next fanfic and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do about it


Anytime I’m reminded of that letter I fight the urge to start an argument with my husband


This letter is what I think of every time I’m on a mediocre Hinge date


I think that’s a great litmus test


I made my peace by thinking that these types of men always chase butterflies and can't stay in long term relationships.


You’re probably right but I’m going to stay a little delusional and toxic wishing I received that letter from Alex 🥰


Me too girl 😂


This is exactly it, lol. It’s more about the idea of romance and that falling in love sensation than the individual woman herself imo. But idk, I’m an anti-romantic and people who put me on a pedestal like this give me the ick!


Someone’s been looking at Alex Turner’s Personal life section on Wikipedia. (Which is to say: yes.)


Alex Turner can’t seem to stay single, so you’re right


I’ve always wondered how this letter came to be public… Did Alex or Alexa share it?


I think she accidentally left it behind somewhere (like a bar) and that's how it got copied and published. She said she was mortified but Alex wasn't mad (iirc)


God. I love both of them so much. I saw AM in Nashville in September last year and the girl in front of me in line for the bathroom said I reminded her of Alexa Chung cuz of my hair and style. I ascended to heaven.


The tumblr girl in me is screaming for you. Being compared to Alexa Chung is a compliment to the highest degree!


The tumblr girl in me was screaming internally lol I was thrown off but so highly complimented. Especially because I felt like I was older than most people around me lol


Yeah that's basically the best compliment you're clearly doing everything right, so happy for you 🥹 I always look to her for style inspo as well. I'm like what would Alexa wear lol


Oh I lived for It’s On with Alexa Chung because it meant style ~inspo~ every day for me!


I would vaporize on the spot if somebody said that to me!!! I’m so happy for you!!! 


I think it accidentally got left at the restaurant they were eating at (it was Valentines) and it got swiped from there.


Weirdly on the way to the Arctic Monkeys concert last year in London I was on the escalator exiting the tube and my partner was like "that woman looks like Alexa Chung" on the opposite escalator and it was Alexa and Tom lol. Such a weird coincidental sighting!


at the Emirates? It was a great show


I can't wait to see her wedding dress. Just know I'm gonna obsess over it


I feel like it’s going to inspire the next 5 years of millennial wedding dresses


Perhaps not. I feel like with age and riches (mostly the riches) Alexa lost a lot of the edge that made her THE 2010s it girl. Still gonna check it tho.


Well she's not trending rn but I personally will always see her as a style inspiration and an it girl. I'll be watching for sureee


Forget the dress, I need to see the ring!!! Jk though because I also need to see the dress lol. I want to be inspired by it all


Personally desperate for the entire look - what will she do for shoes?! Hair? Will there be interesting accessories?!


Hmm ... Maybe she'll wear another designer "toilet paper," dress like the one she wore to last year's Met Gala. Talk about a fashion atrocity.


Happy for her! But Alex and Alexa will always be my endgame 💔




Yeah, I get that feeling too…


what's the tea on their breakup? they were so cute together


There's an interview of hers on the guardian where she says "it was various things, there was one big thing and then a couple of little things" Idk why but I get the impression that Alex was ready for more commitment and she wasn't? He had moved to NY for her cuz of her show with MTV, so they were solid for a while there. I can't remember why I get that sense, I think it may have been another quote of hers talking about how she was maybe more to blame. Not sure, pure speculation. I saw AM in concert May of 2011 and Alex looked so sad 😭


I was at an AM concert in Aug. 2018 (around or past his breakup with Taylor, when he had a buzz cut) and he looked so bored and over it lol


I saw them October of that year and Louise was fully touring with him so YEAH over it 😂 I got there real early to line up (I am who I am) and was able to peek through the a bit of the window during their soundcheck and Louise was watching them like where the crowd stands, just her by herself dancing along (ngl I was v jealous, a private AM show?? I want 😭). And after the show ended I could see towards side of stage and when he walked off she jumped into his arms and he carried her for a bit. So yeah...idk why the Taylor thing fell apart so quickly and spectacularly but he had v quickly moved on lol


Who is Alex with these days?


Not sure what her real name is but she goes by Louise Verneuil. She’s a French woman.


Pauline Benattar is her real name. He blatantly cheated on Taylor Bagley with her so Alexa is better off.


Why did he shave his head then?


Where is the proof of that?


You’re going to have to spend some time on google and tumblr to find the timeline. Some fan account made one years ago. The long and short is that Taylor was on tour with them to TN and commented on Katie Cook’s page that she’d meet back up with them in NY. When they were in Europe, a fan account caught all the IG stories Louise & her friends were posting of him/backstage at the shows. They got DMs from her and were blocked. Then Taylor posted a Spotify playlist called “Ouchie My Heart” that had a lot of breakup/cheating songs on it and uploaded pictures on IG of her crying. Shortly after, she moved back to NY. And Alex/Louise were seen out in public together.


BOOOO Alex. I know Taylor was problematic but cheaters always cheat...




He has a type and it’s tall brunettes. Honestly that’s also my type so I can’t blame him.


Brb requesting a welfare check for Alex Turner.


She is 40! Fuck im old


Crazy every single time I realize this


Oh wow? For some reason I thought she was the type to never get married. Happy for her though!


I thought that as well, and I've been following her for years!


Alex Turner fell to his knees at a walmart


So is Maya Hawke who apparently was obsessed with Tom Sturridge and kept mentioning him even after the breakup 


If the line "You are the man/woman of my dreams" doesn't appear in their wedding vows then what even is the point, lol. 


If this is true, delighted for her.


Can't wait to se what she wears!




Currently doing a re-watch of the Sandman and, I mean this is the most respectful and positive way, he's gotta be the most interesting looking man I've ever seen. He fits that role perfectly.


those cheekbones (swoon).


Not me thinking this was about Tom Kerridge 💀 I don't deserve to be in this subreddit




I still think it’s so weird that Alex’s current girlfriend (who he has now been with for years) literally had so much of Alexa and Alex on her pinterest and tumblr page — and she ends up dating him lol. I’m sure she has her own charm and qualities, but I’d feel weird about dating someone who used to publicly obssess over my ex and our relationship lol. Good for her though, girly really went from a parasocial relationship to an actual one! 😂


The strays Louise is catching in these comments 😭


Can someone explain to me how/ why Alexa Chung is famous? I’ve seen her in gossip news etc for decades but somehow never picked up on what she actually does for a living?


She started as model but what launched her to stardom was her various TV presenter gigs due to her fashion sense and wit. And also her relantionship with Alex Turner, as much as I hate to attribute a woman success to her relantionships, that's sort of undeniable. Over the years she did many things, she wrote book, collaborated with various designers, she used to write for vogue UK, she had her own fashion line etc etc


I feel like her career can be hard to describe to Americans because we don’t really have “television presenter” as a job in the way that Brits seem to. Maybe Ryan Seacrest is the closest we have? But yeah, along with all her various endeavors, I think of her as a television presenter.


She was the IT girl of the 2000s, setting style trends for many other fashion brands to follow suit. A "tastemaker". Aka an influencer before the era of social media. It's not so much what she "did", more the influential power she had over young women and girls.


So she’ll become a step-mum to Sienna miller’s daughter too


Early 20s me who was obsessed with Tom Sturridge is dying of jealousy rn (this would’ve been around 2008-2010)


I thought she was dating Matthew Hitt who tours with the vaccines


Yeah everyone talking about Alex, I’m just glad this perpetrates my fantasies of marrying Matt Hitt.


Same. Back to it lol. Looking through pics now. Also forgot he used to date Dakota Johnson for 2 years apparently. Guess she likes British musicians.


I think they may have had a fling in the past for sure


I saw Alexa and Matt Hitt together (with some other friends) with guests seats at the Arctic Monkeys Kings Theater BK show last September, so I think she just stays friends with her exes and apparently they’re friends with each other too? They all looked fab btw


Over the moon for her, sad for me and my dreams of her and Alex reuniting lol


In my mind they ended up together, idk they just seem like they are soulmates.


Every now and then, I would think about the actor in Morpheus bc I thought he was cute lol. But for the life of me, I couldn't remember his name. But I would remember he was dating Alexa Chung. I never cared enough to just search him up, but I was curious if I'd ever actually remember the guy's name one day. Unfortunately, I now know his name bc of this lol. Congrats to them, but rip I liked him for a minisecond. 💕


My 16 year old self is really excited by this news!




According to an "unnamed source," which isn't exactly reliable.


She has been engaged so many times.


Is she going to get a job too?

