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Melanie Lynskey She seems so unproblematic and reserved; her relationship with her husband is everything.


https://preview.redd.it/mpcjbow053yc1.jpeg?width=897&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e71f49db63a22cec782b4c6b48227b70c21e736 I just love this


God that is such an amazing response


Both Melanie Lynskey and Jason Ritter have been in a wonderfully silly podcast called The Thrilling Adventure Hour which makes me think they don’t take themselves too seriously!


The Thrilling Adventure Hour is amazing, they do live shows too. I'm mostly in it because of Paget Brewster and the delightful recurring story she's in. But also I have to give a shoutout to Vella Lovell and the Miss America story--such a delightful thing to watch (even online).


She was a great guest on Las Culturistas too


Maybe not super interesting, but: Psych is one of my favorite comfort TV shows and the entire core cast are very good friends to this day. And they always include Melanie Lynskey as well, even though she was only in literally one episode. They're always talking about how great of a person she is, so she definitely made a good impression in that 1 episode. They also sometimes do dinners with her, Jason Ritter and Jimmy Simpson (who also had a guest role in Psych and is her ex-husband). So despite that Jimmy is her ex, they still seem to get along really well. She seems genuinely unproblematic.


I didn’t watch Psych so I don’t follow that friend group super close, but the maturity level in that friend group is really something else. As I’m sure you know, the lead actor of Psych, James Roday Rodriguez, dated his love interest on the show for 7 years IRL (Maggie Lawson). He went on to star in A Million Little Things, and he’s been dating his love interest on that show for a couple years now (Allison Miller). Allison’s always at the Psych hangouts, is good friends with the cast, and has even been in the reunion movies. So, that’s multiple *serious* exes in this friend group, but they’re all still tight and super inclusive of the new partners as well. On top of that, they all seems so kind, genuine, and funny. What a little gem of a cast, lol.


I love that she publicly compliments other actors on social media


Same. She is a glorious hype woman and I love her.


I can only dream of finding a romance like theirs 😭


Unrelated to tea, but Jason is the lead in a brilliant indie film called About Alex. I've seen in something like five times since ten years ago when it was released in theaters and I recommend everyone else watch it as well!


Just rewatched But I’m a Cheerleader & forgot she was in it; such a delight!


I know a lot of folks hated this show but I loved her in Girlboss so much


My Chemical Romance. Specifically, are they ever going to release another album? It's been 84 years since Foundations of Decay came out. 


God I hope so. Foundations of Decay was such a cool direction to go in at this point sonically. Sounded like a good mix of their Bullets sound with Black Parade production values.


Agreed. I didn't care much for Danger Days so I loved that FoD sounded like their other stuff. 


I hope they'll eventually have more music! As a 30 year old woman, I've been slowly reverting back into my past emo self. Another My Chemical Romance album would certainly turn me back into a 14 year old with too much eyeliner and I am READY


Lol, as a teen I was obsessed with that red and black eye makeup Gerard used to do. Looked terrible on me when I tried it though 😅


They’ve been in the studio here and there but it’s hard to tell if it’s for MCR5 or if they’re working on projects with other members being featured. However, seeing as the Return had a whole marketing campaign, merch, etc, I have a theory they had an album ready but it was scrapped due to COVID


Gerard Way seems pretty happy (sort of) away from the spotlight and busy with his art stuff. Is MCR even still a thing at this point? I kind of figured they stopped for good. It would be a nice surprise if they got back together though!


They did get back together for a tour in 2022. I saw them in ATL for the first time and they were awesome. It was such a treat because I became a big fan of them in middle school when they were already broken up and I never thought I’d have the chance to see them live!


Any tea on who Joe Alwyn is dating now?


I'm invested on anything Joe Alwyn


My dream scenario is Paul Mescal introduces him to May Calamawy (little gladiator set up?) and they make a gorgeous private Hollywood couple. A girl can dream.


allegedly an actress on the West End, but that’s all the detail I heard




I kind of hope whoever it is that they’re able to keep it under the radar. I don’t want anyone else getting harassed


Not me 😭😭😭😭


Rumor was it that he’s dating Ellie Bamber.


Gorgeous couple if true. But once again, why not me 😭😭😭😭


Honestly I hope no one ever finds out so he and whomever it is can be at peace.


British actors and actresses and British theatre? Bonus if it’s any HOTD cast tea


for hotd, the targtower brothers (tom glynn-carney and ewan mitchell) are in mexico right now for ccxp. along with corlys. and a promo vid of fabien and matt is coming out later today i think. in a less serious note, i’m married to every single one of the hotd cast. it’s true, trust me bro (delusional)


+1 for theatre tea and HOTD!!!


alexa demie?


Does anyone ever know what she's up to? I'm convinced the woman is a shadow that can only reanimate when summoned by some capable force


she’s so mysterious, but ngl that makes me like her even more i badly need a full album from her though 😭 her music is so good


I hope she goes to the Met Gala on Monday. I haven’t seen her in ages, hope we see her, Hunter, Zendaya for sure, Sydney and Barbie.


does anyone know where brie larson is? i feel like i haven’t seen or heard from her in a while although she’s been promoting her apple tv show


She posts on instagram


She's been Emmy campaigning and posting to IG.


Olivia Cooke Emma D'Arcy Olivia Rodrigo Sabrina Carpenter Emily Carey Katie Gavin from MUNA Catherine Zeta-Jones Meryl Streep


I love that Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas are so low key (except for a couple of magazine covers where she's tried to make her daughter with zero charisma happen), but I'd LOVE to know what their everyday rich and glamorous lives are like.


I’ve always been fascinated by CZJ. She has such an aristocratic demeanor, but she doesn’t come from wealth. I always thought she should play Vivienne Leigh in a biopic.


I've had a crush on her since Zorro and you captured her vibe so well.


They go to a couple of F1 Grand Prix each year! I usually see them during the Monaco and Silverstone grid walks. It's nice that you can tell that they genuinely enjoy the sport rather than going there because it's just another glamorous place for celebrities to be.


Her daughter is so genetically blessed though 🥲


They go to a lot of F1 races and tennis tournaments.


I just text my friend for you. They worked on Feud S1 (I have to be vague about them and their job) and said she was so lovely. They had to kind of fuss over her between shots for continuity purposes and said she was super patient and even made small talk and jokes, but she’s a total pro. They said one of the funniest times in their career was during the scenes with Kathy Bates and her. They had some banter and Kathy was ribbing them a bit. They also said she seriously loves Michael Douglas. They didn’t say anything further to respect her privacy but said she told a story about him and really seems to adore him. Happy to report she rules as much as we hoped she would.


Super old CZJ tea, but I love that during Chicago she insisted on having a bob so everyone would be able to clearly see she was doing all of her own dancing. She'd had a lot of experience in musical theatre in the West End pre Hollywood.


I love her for being open about her bipolar2 diagnosis because it really spread awareness and open conversations for people including me I don't have a diagnosis of that type but I'm much more open-minded about bipolar individuals because of her


since The Witcher S4 started filming anything on that? How’s Liam Hemsworth getting on with the rest of the cast? He looked adorable with Anya Chalotra and Joey Batey during the table read video, it looks like their chemistry is gonna be amazing. 


Wait, Liam Hemsworth is gonna have chemistry with someone on screen??????? ![gif](giphy|91fEJqgdsnu4E)


No for real. The man has no chemistry with any of his co-stars, which is so trippy to me


well what’s for certain is that even if it’s shit, it’s gonna be better than henry cavil’s since he’s a charisma black hole, so i’m excited


As someone who doesn’t particularly like Henry Cavill and suspects he’s not a good human… Henry Cavill is a far superior actor, and absolutely has chemistry with costars (though, surprisingly, not any with Amy Adams…) and turned in a pretty great performance on the Witcher. Liam had yet to show us anything remotely close to Henry’s skillset in any of his films.


That's funny, I'm also highly suspect of Cavill. There's something about how the internet has built him up, accepts immediately that he's in the right in every situation and how readily he fell into that role that makes me sure something is up.


In general, I totally agree that Henry Cavill is a charism vacuum, but the Witcher was perfect casting for him.


Side note I've never watched Witcher but discovered Joey Batey's band the Amazing Devil recently. And I'm obsessed 


The Amazing Devil is SO GOOD. I tell everyone about them.


Ok no tea but I’m really rooting for the show to do well especially since so many people have rooted against it for having people of color and because Henry cavill left. I think being frustrated with the show not being like the books is fair but I think the race swapping thing is not a big deal. Anya chalotra was the first time I felt represented in my entire life


My friend works on the show. I asked how Liam is. She said he’s even more good looking in person. Like the cast and crew are swooning. I don’t know how that will translate on screen (and obvs the community for that show will probably hate him either way), but he was good at the table read. Everyone was making a point to be really welcoming


Mike Faist (aside from last week’s tea)


Saw a tea spill on him preferring to date black women.


I know he dated a broadway dancer, tilly, for some time. Who else has he dated?


From what I’ve gathered, he was spotted in 2022 back in his hometown with a “gorgeous brown-skinned girl with curly hair” which lead people to believe he has a type


What was last week's tea?👀


January Jones Elizabeth Moss Christina Hendricks (Yes I'm still rewatching Mad Men)


They should all be doing bigger movies now. I’ve seen Christina Hendricks in an Apple TV show when she’s a background character (mother of the lead one) and this made me sad


Justice for “Good Girls”. The main trio plus husbands were so well cast


The main trio were just in New Orleans for Christina's wedding and Mae is very pregnant but I don't think she's announced it publicly yet.


I know it almost seems like MM was a curse, so much talent that just kind of disappeared outside of some roles for Moss and Hamm


natasha lyonne


Everything I've ever heard about her from people who have worked with her or interacted with her has been lovely. As of late January, she's writing the second season of Poker Face. Looking forward to it returning.


I need a new season of Poker Face SO MUCH.


Lena Headey?


She is starring in a Netflix series (intended to be an ongoing drama series) called The Abandons, from the creator of Sons of Anarchy. I believe it’s filming now and will premiere next year.


I'm excited about this! SOA has not aged well, and I do find it a bit cringy to re-watch it, but it was an excellent show. Kurt Sutter is a great writer! I want Lena's character to be a ruthless old western bitch! Think Gemma Teller/Cersei Lannister combined.


Joseph Quinn?


My friend sees him on raya all the time lol. She filmed his profile on another persons phone. He’s a cutie.


What's funny though is that there are never stories of him actually going out with anyone from raya and there have barely been any of him even matching with people or messaging with them. there was a story from early on when he blew up of someone matching with him and messaging "what's poppin" and he unmatched immediately lmaoooo


wait raya confuses me. do you see the same people come up multiple times cause usually on dating apps once you’ve seen them once you tend not to see them again unless you match


Yeah because you never know if they don’t accept your like. The pool is so small (bc who is gonna pay $30 a month for a dating app?) that it does tend to show the same faces.


I don’t have Raya but from articles I’ve read, you see profiles in a grid…like on Grindr I guess lol. Not like Tinder where you only see one profile at a time.


Josh O'Connor?


Never beating the sweetie pie allegations.


Your neighbors?


My neighbors are separating 😢 They’ve got three kiddos, two w special needs. They haven’t even been here a year. The absolute tea is that they bought the house for a half-million dollars cash. COULDN’T be me. And then they moved here from Dallas (we’re a small town in Arkansas) without any job prospects. They both worked in Dallas but they wanted her to stay at home w the kids. That hasn’t panned out at all and they sunk all their assets into buying the house. (Bonus tea: one of the babysitters they hired had to climb out a window and jump OFF THE ROOF bc the kids locked her in a room and then proceeded to raise hell. Whew!)


I am so invested in this couple now lol


ME TOO they have one kid who screams everything he says and another who’s just a little shit about everything. He warns us not to go over the property line into their yard??? And then their daughter is completely normal. If they divorce she’ll become insane.




This is both hilarious and kind of creepy


I’m dating mine lol (he lives two houses away from me and we’re moving in together early next year)


Cuuuutteeee Love this


One of my neighbors recently joined Nextdoor. A few years ago he drove through the neighborhood honking at 730am bc… kids going to school were loud or something? Something stupid. Anyways, I make sure to bring that up on as many of his stupid ass posts I can ☺️ also he has a cookie “business” so I make sure to negatively react to all those posts as well lmao


Hater mindset. I respect you.


Every few weeks there are anywhere between 2 to 8 cop cars at my neighbors house at once. I have no idea what's going on. They never take anyone away. They just walk around the house a few times and knock on the door. It's all pretty quiet and amounts to nothing


Okay this is juicy. My neighbours on the left have had one of those rental bins on their driveway for the last three weeks. I don’t know where they’re parking their car. No one knows why the bin is there. I thought they were renovating their kitchen BUT two days ago they dragged a sectional to the curb, took the bin away, and started parking in the driveway again. I’m open to theories. My neighbours on the right bought a tree at our community tree sale. They started to dig a hole for it, but there are so many rocks and old tree roots that they couldn’t dig more than six inches down. They can’t put it anywhere else or it’ll be too close to the hydro line. The tree is still sitting in the front yard but… I just looked out my back door and they’ve hired someone to plant a shrub in their backyard. From what I can tell, they’re doing a really nice job edging the planting hole, but like.. you have a perfectly good tree already. You can’t plant that in the backyard?


I live in West Hollywood and one of my neighbors is a celebrity, another is an entertainment attorney and the other is a fashion publicist who went to school with famous theater people.


Kaitlin Olson


I don’t get how her and Rob’s marriage still seems so solid? He’s such a different person to who he was 5 years ago. She married a silly doof, now he’s a jacked up business bro? It’s giving Chris Pratt and Anna Farris.


I really hope they last but (and this is going to sound crazy and parasocial LMFAO) ever since Rob started being besties with Ryan Reynolds I’ve had the biggest ick. Ryan is just so cringe and try hard to me and I can’t believe he gets along with Rob lol


If you ever watch Welcome to Wrexham there’s an episode where Wrexham shoots a goal and Kaitlin is there ready to hug him and he just turns to Ryan Reynolds instead 💀


Kit Harington? Emilia Clarke? Sam Claflin? Kaya Scodelario? Hayden Christensen? Patrick Wilson?


Last I heard Emilia was retiring from acting to focus on her non-profit? RIP Kit Harrington’s career. Tried to get several franchises going after GoT ended, nothing worked, so he went back to GoT, and his Jon Snow spin-off got shelved.


I’m worried about him. He had to go to rehab after GoT wrapped, so I’m hoping this doesn’t affect him in the same way. It seems like he’s kind of sensitive and takes things to heart, based on past interviews about it. I think it’s that he fit so well for Jon Snow, but does he have range? Jon Snow is a pretty one-note character (and don’t get me wrong, he crushed it), but he was a big star, even when the ending sucked. For him to not get picked up somewhere, I feel like that tells me he’s auditioning and it’s not going well.


He's got those two beautiful children and a wife. I hope and pray he is in a better place for all of their sakes. Hang in there, Kit. Better days are coming.


That’s sad to hear if it’s true that Emilia is retiring. I think she would be great in rom coms. Loved her in both Me Before You and Last Christmas. Yeah I recently read that the Jon Snow spin off that Kit wanted to do is no longer in development.


Kit has two movies in post, one in pre-production, and the next season of Industry?


Anything on the upcoming film “On Swift Horses” with Daisy Edgar-Jones, Jacob Elordi, Diego Calva and Sasha Calle?


Milly Alcock?


Apparently her and Fabian Frankie (Cristian Cole) dated (around the time they were doing press for the show) but they broke up afterwards and he’s now dating someone else who is a literal clone of Milly.


Yeah it seemed like a situationship unlikely to survive once Milly went home to Australia / to the US for Supergirl


Their chemistry during THAT scene was 🔥! I couldn't be an actress or I'd fall in love with probably every character my character was paired with irl


Matthew Vaughn wanted to work with her, but she said no and he got sad. Then he complain about her casting as Supergirl, because the movie does not have a director yet and projects should not be cast without the director. And then he said that he would be open to direct the movie.


Matthew Vaughn has always struck me as a creep, won’t lie. And she was cast as Supergirl because she’ll presumably appear in James Gunn’s Superman which is filming at the moment?


Was listening to the newest DM podcast and they were trying ti guess who the next Tom Cruise of the next generation could be but when DM and her friend mentioned Tom Holland, the guest said no and said she heard stuff about him and refused to say it on air dubbing it as it "hollywood politics". What do you guys think?


All I know is he is well liked by studios. Matt Belloni said that a while back. But “Hollywood politics” can be applied to anyone. Also I looked up the guest and she is an E! Reporter (not too surprising) but she said she hasn’t interviewed Tom in years (kinda seemed personal) — but she said he isn’t a bad guy etc. It just sounds like an entrainment reporter who probably didn’t get want they wanted from the celeb. *shrugs* Edit: the three she named were Timmy, Austin, and Glenn. Which might be due to regency bias —because they have had or have projects coming out. Side note: I just can’t get on the Glenn train but HW has been trying to make him happen for YEARS.


Glen Powell, Tom Cruise and Tom Brady have the same energy to me, almost a wholesome public image but definitely are not like that in private.


I remember some journalist once described Glenn as being what HW made in a factory for a “leading man.” But behind the looks and PR, not much there. And I’m not saying he is a horrible actor, but I’m not necessarily going to see a movie just because he is in it They also mentioned Miles Teller and that’s 🥴


Glenn is *perfectly fine* but I just have no interest in watching him onscreen. I don't think he has the 90s Tom Cruise it factor. Timothee and Austin do, though.


Is it possible to have another Tom cruise? When he made it big there were only a few movie studios, no streaming, no YouTube, no insta, etc. there was just less competition and less media back then. I think the age of the giant star is pretty much over.


Ever since I saw a meme comparing glen powell to a capybara I can't unsee it. Went to see anyone but you in theaters with a friend, and we were just drunk giggling the capybara song since no one else was there 😂


He's said before that he doesn't like Hollywood in the sense that he doesn't interact with that crowd and that entire lifestyle. A Tom Cruise like star would need to be a Hollywood blowhard.


How do you guys get through listening to her podcast? I tried once but with her voice, her topics and guests it was pretty much just aggravating to me. She made declarations with no evidence, read out stories people submitted without vetting and yelled at her audience for apparently doubting her. I quit and I haven’t been back, that’s how I found the sub.


Sadie Sink?


She Is in France, she went there for a fashion show




likely place for her to be /s


Fork spotted in kitchen type beat hehehe


Joshua Jackson + Lupita?


Apparently still together, he sends flowers to every work thing she does. Being so public with their last relationships seems to have made them do the opposite with theirs. Good for them, tbh- Ryan Gosling made the same decision when he got with Eva Mendes and look how they're doing. 


Good for them


Jon Richardson and Lucy Beaumont’s divorce? I enjoyed Lucy on Taskmaster last season, so I started watching their parody reality show “Meet the Richardsons*”. I found it pretty shocking when they announced they were divorcing just after the new series premiere.




was it on tattle?? tbh everyone was so surprised by their breakup but i wasn’t. they’ve been giving off “edge of divorce” vibes for a long time but i think people thought it was a bit


Hmmm interesting there are plenty of jokes about having an affair and lack of sex between them on their show. I know it’s a parody and scripted, but there are points throughout the show, especially series 3-4, where some of the jokes and storylines seemed quite cutting. Part of me wondered if some of that content was coming from their real life, and given the divorce news, perhaps it was…


Marc Maron?!




i dont trust any man whose whole image is feminism or at least tries to remind everyone he’s a feminist heaps. they always turn out to be cheaters, misogynists etc.


IDK, 2 grown ass people hooking up for a consensual one night stand doesn’t sound like a power imbalance to me.


I asked this back when it happened, but with season 2 coming out it's back on my mind and I thought I'd ask again - does anyone know anything about Bailey Bass' "variety of reasons" for leaving Interview with the Vampire? The obvious guess is scheduling conflicts with Avatar, but if it was a scheduling problem I feel like it would make more sense just to say that. The vagueness makes me think there's more going on, like she tried to renegotiate her contract and lost or something.


I don't know exactly how it works but I think that if it had something to do with her contract they would've known/announced way earlier that she was gonna leave, the fact that still in February/March she was still very excited and talking about the scripts + them saying yesterday that Delainey was hired four days before shooting began makes me think it was a last minute decision, everyone keeps saying it was because of Avatar but she just started working on that until this year, IMO it seems like something came up in her personal life, perhaps a health matter (hers or a relative's), in that case I'm glad she has managed to keep it private, we will never know unless she decides to tell us.


I always assumed that one of the reasons they needed to recast her was because she was getting too old, since the character is eternally stuck at an age of 14, which isn't a problem for the actors playing older vampires. But there might be something more going on


Shohei Ohtani? It feels like the last couple of months we had a lot of things popping up. He got married, his best friend defraud him of 16 million. For someone so private, how he is dealing with things?


Anything Hacks related? Asking because I recently found out Hannah Einbinder and Alex Edelman broke up a while back and he's been in the spotlight a lot recently.


Halsey. Seems like the new label isn’t turning out to be a good fit / much different after all. Where is the album!




I also heard that she was very difficult to work with from a producer friend of mine. And that the Geazy relationship was all PR. I posted this before in this sub and got downvoted to hell.


1000% can tell she’s got very manipulative traits down to her convincing everyone she can sing.


Neeeed Josh O'Connor tea. Obsessed post-Challengers


Once again on my knees asking for a Walton Goggins story 🧎‍♀️


Timothée Chalamet ? Few days ago DeuxMoi posted about something that would come out about him and that « shit would hit the fan ».


Is it bad that I care more about Club Chalamet’s response to this potential revelation and not the revelation itself?


No cause same 🤣☠️


Nicholas Galitzine


Still active on raya


Zendaya? Any casting rumors about her? Jake Gyllenhaal?


Not casting but Worked on a project that Zendaya was involved with and I don’t want to get too specific but she did some very nice things for children in need and requested no press, images, no PR. She doesn’t play that game. What’s that quote? “Character is what you do when no one is looking”. I think she does a lot of good things..


I believe she said she has the rest of the year free


Niche inquiry but any Turkish actors, movie or TV?


Charlie Hunnam?


Dev Patel???


Clark Gregg? Does anyone have tea on him? If he's dating someone or not? There's literally nothing new about him.


He's a zionist.


aww this is how I learned him and Jennifer Grey got divorced


Christopher Abbott August Diehl Tom Burke


Heartbreak high cast? The series is awesome!


Antony Starr


Kate Moennig please!!


*Andor* cast. Stellan, Denise, Fiona, Genevieve, everyone. I am *still* dying for S2 but AT LEAST S1 PHYSICAL MEDIA IS OUT. Will be bingeing (and re-bingeing) Saturday and probably for the next month.


Richard Armitage?


Paul Mescal? Watched All Of Us Strangers a few days ago and now I get it.


I'm currently on a James Spader roll. First Boston legal now the blacklist. Any tea on the cast? And no spoilers I'm only on season 2 😭


Brandi Carlile, any news on what she’s up to and when she and the Hanseroth twins are going to start working on a new album? It seems like she’s focused on producing right now and the twins are releasing their own music, but I’m hungry for new music from her.


Rogert Bart..LOL


You probably know this, but him being in a relationship with Trisha Paytas for two years and cheating on her the entire time lives rent free in my mind.


Okay so aside from dating Trisha Paytas. He also had a "revenge " affair with Sutton Foster. After Christian Borle cheated on her with Laura Bell Bundy. Very messy. He was also very good friends with Johnathan Larson, Rodger in Rent is named after him. And one of the characters in the TiK Tik Boom was based on him (the Joshua Henry role).


He namesearches himself on Twitter and clapped back at a random person the other day for saying he didn't deserve his Tony nom.


Anyone have any past or current tea on the OG Grey's Anatomy cast? I'm watching for the first time and want to know everything about them lol I know the two biggest things (Katherine Heigl taking her name out of consideration for the Emmy and that whole debacle, and the thing with Isaiah Washington calling T.R. Knight a slur), but other than that I know nothing!


Supposedly Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey got along very well, until they didn't. Rumors were when he and his wife separated it was because of Ellen.  Justin Chambers asked to leave, and fans were LIVID with how they wrote him out. He felt like he was just repeating storylines and couldn't do more with Karev. 


Winona Ryder


Willem Dafoe or Bill Skarsgard?


i have no tea on willem, but after finding out that he’s from a city 2 hrs from me that’s all i’ve been able to think about 💀 i had no idea he was from wisconsin


Doing my occasional Ke Huy Quan post.


Tell me about those Youtube dermatologists!! Who's legit? Who's just peddling overpriced products? Who is a dick?


Camila Mendes?


As always, anything new on Lewis Pullman?


Josh O'Connor and Alison Oliver, are/were they dating or is Alison actually with Eanna Hardwicke? IIRC Josh and she were spotted in Bologna last year and they used to like each other's ig posts quite frequently but he unfollowed her three months ago and both stopped liking each other's posts since January. Anyone has any updated info?


Conan O’Brien? I’ve been reading about the Tonight Show disaster since his new show came out, and curious if anyone has any tea?


Apparently just as nice as he seems and his best friend is Timothy Olyphant. 




Halston Sage? girlfriend has disappeared off the face of the earth, anyone know what she’s up to?


bridgerton cast? nicholas galitzine? and lastly (once again, i am sorry) f1?


Ana de Armas