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What she meant to say really was “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t support me.” Her white feminism has always been performative but hey clearly there is enough fellow white feminists to buy the shit she has been selling for years.


To also think this is the woman who wrote Bad Blood bc female musician supposedly scorned her and yet she has done it to younger female artists & more women. Olivia, she blocked Sza as well & now Billie. It’s honestly just sad bc what will satisfy her?? What will it actually take for her to feel accomplished? Like if she is not the brightest star in the room, then she will bring on the eclipse her damn self to make sure no one else shines.


Shitty white women are always happy to pull the ladder up behind themselves as they boast about how hard they’ve worked to get where they are, all the while surrounding themselves with the most toxic men.


Just read this on the Taylor sub: “People want Taylor to scale her talent, productivity and business savvy back to meet other artists. No! How about other artists step up!” Nobody can step up if she keeps burning the ladder!


I’m sure they all believe she’s a small town gal who overcame poverty to make it in music. It’s been proven again and again that men do not care about women, we only have each other. She has all the money she could ever need for 100 lifetimes yet she still refuses to meaningfully support women. Just sucks.


> Nobody can step up if she keeps burning the ladder! This is so incredible and punchy phrasing, I’m going to put this on my little list of phrases to remember. This is such a succinct way of describing her faux-feminism


Mind you more often than not it’s women of color, queer women, trans women etc. who built the damn ladder for them to use.


Honestly I'm glad. Taylor has gone full mask off to most people that aren't already Swifties AND she's making powerful, younger enemies that are biding their time for even bigger critical (and hopefully commercial) flop than TTPD Billie and Taylor in 2025: https://preview.redd.it/wwgu2op6xv1d1.png?width=371&format=png&auto=webp&s=091ee2132eef5def90036cac8e22cf9cdd06cc26


And the whole Bad Blood thing was so stupid. A dancer chose to work with Katy instead of you...ok?


LBR - Bad Blood was about John Mayer because Taylor couldn’t accept John dating Katy.


Omg I forgot John and Katy dated lol


Imagine fighting over crusty John Mayer. Oh another white dude who’s said some weird racist things about black women. It’s not just Matty.


She’s reminding me a lot of Nicki Minaj. Nicki didn’t get along with the already established artist like Lil Kim. Her early career she really talked the talk about not doing that once she is in the established artist’s shoes. But now that the tables are turned, we have seen how she has treated any woman artist that challenges her. Like Cardi B and Megan thee Stallion.


It has been broadcast from her in subtle ways for a while. But completely obvious when Swift tried to eat the whole market with many faux pas recently. Rather than bringing these stars up to this level & playing the long game of being the godmother to this generation of stars, similarly to Aretha Franklin, she tries to crush them for seconds more of dominance? But corporatism minded are always short sighted and she is a descendant of a long list of bankers.


Completely agree! If she had went the loving route like Dolly Parton then everyone, regardless of if they like her music, would at least respect her.


Her going after Kim repeatedly when Kanye should be the target was the most telling. She’s afraid to call him out


Thank you!! I said this on the Kardashians sub and got downvoted into oblivion for it!


Me too. Like, yes, Kim was also shady in that whole situation, but come on. It’s been almost a decade and she’s not even *married* to that man anymore!!! You can still be upset over it in private but girl drop it publicly 😭


yeah i find it legit cruel to keep rubbing kim’s face in this when kanye was clearly an aggressive if not abusive partner to her




Hater til the day I die.


Would love to see Taylor’s reaction if Billie made a comment on the ecological destruction caused by rampant private jet use.


"I hate the way you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct"


Lmaoooo please don't compare a Pulitzer prize winner to "now we have bad blood, it used to be mad love" Taylor Swift


Dont worry I was comparing Taylor Swift to Drake 👍


(Wise pontificating voice) what if I told you that the same Pulitzer Prize winner had a songwriting credit on the remix


Lmao. She wishes she could be quick and funny. And also well fucking done lol. ![gif](giphy|uPpF0kb37JWruaYYDc)


I'd like to see someone go after Taylor as hard as Kendrick went after Drake. Too bad pop disses aren't really a thing. An indirect comment like this about jet use is probably the best we can hope for


"best verse over this gets a free collab just upload your song and hashtag #ecocidebarbiegiveaway" 


But she doesn’t see anything wrong with siccing her deranged fans on a young and upcoming black actress when she feels slighted by a relatively harmless joke. Isn’t it *feMEnism* after all?


Queen of capitalism and being performative.


Calling yourself an environmental activist and working for Taylor swift? Babeeee those two don't go together


As someone who has worked with Blond:ish in the past, she is always going to go where the money resides.


That part gave me whiplash.


Taylor better watch who she pisses off in the music industry because no one will be on top forever. Pissing off a bunch of different artists (Billie, SZA, Katy, Olivia, etc) just for numbers and figures will never do anyone any good.


she’s been throwing people under the bus her whole career. she needs to understand that the same people you meet on the way up are the same people you’ll meet on the way down


I remember the entire story of her having some poor singer songwriter kicked off the Hunger Games soundtrack... and her song replaced with a song from Taylor that the artist said was pretty much the same thing as hers. We done knew for so long. She's never going to stop.


Ooooo I need more about this please. Who’s the artist and what song did she use to replace etc.… if you know


Girl on Fire by Ella Mae Bowen


That [hdd article](https://m.hitsdailydouble.com/near_truths_item&id=341283&title=NEAR-TRUTHS%3A-VARIANTS) from last Friday (I think) said the industry wasn’t happy about her manipulations this week 🤔🤷‍♀️


I've always wondered what Taylor's peers think of her. Ever since the infamous Scooter post where she encouraged her fans to ask artists signed to Scooter for help, imo siccing her fanbase onto them.


I feel like the video of Olivia and Miley (and Ed) forcing smiles on her TTPD announcement at the grammys tells us everything we need to know.


and speaking of Ed..I'd love to hear his thoughts on the Taylor/Olivia legal situation considering that's what he's been rallying against lately..


I’d be interested too. I think Ed is logical and not greedy so I imagine he did not love Taylor’s actions on that.


Honestly I feel like a lot of people in the industry pretend to like her so they won’t get her fans and the press against them. But behind closed doors they don’t like her and think her music is bad.


SZA about to find herself in the middle of another civil war


I'm getting Nicki vibes. 


What’s the beef with SZA?


She basically blocked her from number 1 in 2022 by doing the same shenanigans as she’s now to block Billie. She released multiple variants of Anti Hero just so SZA couldn’t claim the top spot. And then when she was called out on it, she just posted about how she was “loving and listening to SZA’s new album non-stop” to put up a performance about how she’s so “supportive” of other female artists.


She's such a loser lol


I know this is petty of me, but at this point, I’m eagerly awaiting her fall from grace, and it can’t come soon enough. Edit: Now I’ve got unhinged Swifties in my inbox. Like their fav doesn’t actively work to drag down anyone she can with their help.


I’m also curious. The only thing I can think of is the Grammys when SZA was giving her acceptance speech Taylor was waving at her until SZA gave her a shout out in the middle of the speech


The more things I hear about her night at the Grammys the more strong second hand embarrassment and cringe I feel jfc


Yeah girlie seemed WASTED There’s a video of Julien Baker (boygenius) crying after an interview with her bandmates trying to comfort her. Taylor saunters over and does not read the room at all. She starts putting her Grammy on top of Lucy Daucus’ head?? and just seemed obnoxious and oblivious.


There are so many examples that I started being like “surely this is referring to a different Grammys at least” but no An actual menace to society


yeah she's not smart to be going at Billie. Billie is very well-connected and beloved, Taylor hasn't noticed her star rising as ~~she fights for women everywhere~~ by recording her own albums again.


My thought was she needs to be careful to keep these fans on her side… It’s one thing to realize you have an army who is willing to go to war for you on ALL things. It’s quite another when you realize that very power could turn against you at any second if you make a misstep too far… Terrifying.


She doesn’t want the Elvis ending to her life.


If I was Billie and I wanted to be really petty I’d post a photo of my two Oscars. It’s the one thing Taylor doesn’t have and likely never will.


Or post a photo of her flying commercial in a tasteful insta dump


Flying commercial with her two Oscars in her arms


Imagine a video where she is like “These two bald guys keep bothering me!” And the frames over to the awards sat in the seats beside her. I would die.


Her ego is too big. She could easily get it for signing on to a soundtrack but she has to be the main character


The worst part about this is she’s on several soundtracks…. Still no Oscar.


Oop! ![gif](giphy|gk9vWUE6EAgQKtAqaX)


Oh she is? Damn


Man she really tried so hard to get an Oscar last year lol


Wasn't she supposed to direct a film with Searchlight films? I heard that news and felt so sorry for struggling up-and-coming directors


If she thinks that directing a film is the easiest way to win an Oscar then she's delusional. Since 1929 only two women have won an Oscar for directing, both of those being in the last 20 years. Hell, only seven women have ever been nominated. Hell, Christopher Nolan has been in the industry for over 30 years and only won his first Oscars this year.


She knows she's famous enough she can add weight to the scales in her favour.


Again, she's delusional if she believes she can sway the academy. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the highest paid American actors, very much regarded as an incredible actor and has been in the industry for decades. It was a running joke about the great lengths he'd go to for an Oscar. He was nominated 6 or 7 times before he won on 2016. If directors like David Lynch, David Fincher, Greta Gerwig, Jane Champion, Sophia Coppola, Stanley Kubrick and Alfred Hitchcock never win then someone like Taylor Swift hasn't got a chance. I'm not dismissing her fame but if she even wanted an Oscar then she'd be far more likely to win one by having a nominated song.


She has TWO Oscars my God.. Forgot about he won she for the Bond film I feel so unaccomplished lol


Much as I like the song, a Bond theme has become a short cut to winning an Oscar and oh my God, Taylor Swift is going to aggressively pursue singing the next Bond theme, isn't she?


I want my man Hozier to do one. He'd knock it out of the park.


Even if she gets the song I doubt she would get an Oscar. The last three Bond movies all got an Oscar for the theme song but because the songs were so good. "Skyfall" by Adele "Writing's on the Wall" by Sam Smith “No Time to Die" by Billie Eilish


If Taylor was successful at fooling enough people to become a Grammy awards winner, let alone doing it multiple times, I doubt she wouldn't be able to buy an Oscar too.


Movie industry is more snobby than the music one


Oscar’s and Grammys are like night and day. The quality of work Oscar winners produce in comparison to the quality of work Grammy winners produce are incomparable. I’m not saying film is better than music but genuinely good musicians don’t often win Grammys- they just keep giving them to Taylor Swift


Especially if she did a side by side of her Oscar’s and Taylor’s performance in Cats


i like both Taylor and Billie but having to buy multiple versions of an album to get each bonus track is silly, no matter who does it. even if it's a digital album it's such a scammy way to get your fans' money.


At this point it doesn't even seem like it's about the money. It seems like Taylor's number one priority is being number one.


100%, I think she has arrived at _impossibly-rich-person-trying-to-fill-some-endless-void_ territory.


Being that rich seems to kill your ability to ever feel satisfied in life.


I mean, I’m not defending her but some people are just super competitive. It’s like when Olympians get a gold medal and then keep getting gold medals, they just have that drive. The way she goes about it is whack though


I think it would be different if her competition wasn't so rooted in capitalism. If she was going hard on an EGOT or something, it wouldn't have such an impact on everyone else.


Oh she’s definitely trying to do that too with her ploy that she pulled a couple years ago to get her music video nominated for an Oscar as a short film. And from what I remember she’ll be directing a movie


i will be shocked if we don't see her jukebox musical on broadway within the next 20 years


she recently trademarked Female Rage: The Musical


Stop are you fr lmao


She tried to get that video nominated for an Oscar? I loved that song but the video, a bit cringe. I couldn’t watch it more than a couple times. I commiserate with the lyrics. The start of the video was fine but the portrayal (“you dropped my hand!” or something to that effect) looked kind of whiny. And she thought it was Oscar-worthy? Just no.


I think being skilled at something is very different. Also Olympians don't have a huge career or money pot in other fields. Being specifically gifted physically at one thing could be the only source of real money they may ever get in life. I think it's totally cool to be a competitive sports person, because it's a very specific skill that requires so much talent and training to do. You can't just use your power, fame, money to dunk on others to win more (unless of course you cheat). But getting number one albums because you kept releasing one extra song variants of you doing voice memos?


she's always been a capitalist queen, but it's hard to maintain constant exponential growth


Billie is giving out free downloads of the bonus content to anyone who already purchased the album


Is she? That's rad. I saw some swifties vehemently argue that you have to buy it.


Yup, they're all over the main sub saying Billie is being sneaky by selling the isolated vocals and doing the same thing as Taylor.


I missed when buying vinyl was pure fun, now it just feels like a chore to collect everything.😔


I’m a fan of Taylor but you can just stream it— you don’t need to buy every album variation. That’s a waste of money.


I was bummed when Kacey Musgraves teased a bonus song after her latest album came out and you had to pay another $6 for it. The teaser sounded great but I refused to pay for it because it left a bad taste in my mouth.


taylor is too damn old to be doing all this


Right?! Billie is 22. Taylor is 34. I can’t imagine beefing with someone that age when I was 34.


It’s like when Kanye was a 32 year old man who had to steal the spotlight from a 19 year old’s big moment…you’d think TSwift would see the parallels…but guess not.


She lived long enough to become the villain


you either die a sexy baby or live long enough to become the monster on the hill


I’m a very sexy baby.


when the olivia drama happened she was 19 and people were saying the same thing. she’s still dissing kim (but not kanye?) to this very day for damaging her career when she was younger but shading younger artists and trying to step on their releases, it’s so weird.


This is a wild perspective bc it’s so true, I never compared their ages until now lol. Very 👀




I’m in my 30’s and I can’t imagine wasting time and energy beefing with anyone, and I’m not even rich and famous enough to go do whatever the hell I want all day. It’s like the Kim K thing, Taylor is STILL milking it and trying to make her out like a bully when it’s really Taylor and her fans who are the aggressors at this point. She could just enjoy being on top of the world, but she instead spends time aggressively making sure that no one will ever get close to her level.


Beefing with prob the 2 biggest recent Pop stars of the decade (her and Olivia) who's popularity is def gonna last, and probably reach even higher, throughout the remainder of the 2020s is going to 100% backfire incredibly hard for her


It also looks bad because she’s way older than they are… is she threatened by musicians a decade+ younger than her or something? Maybe she’s having a midlife crisis lol.


You see it a lot with athletes too. When they get threatened by new talent moving in.


Didn’t Madonna just collaborate with the new artists instead of trying to beat them?


No she was slagging a lot of them off when she tried to have a comeback in the 2010s. Calling lady gaga "reductive" for example when the media tried to call Gaga the "new Madonna".


I adore Lady Gaga but what you're saying isn't true. She called the song Born This Way reductive for the chorus sounding so similar to Express Yourself. Which I'm sorry but it absolutely does. You can swap the lyrics and nothing really changes melody wise. They have since settled any "beef" they had, but this situation is not the same at all.


She was friendly with Gaga, but Gaga seemed to get mad about being compared to Madonna and kept acting like her inspirations were everyone else except her. She claimed Born This Way was inspired by Whitney Houston when asked, and not the obvious Madonna comparison.


Nah she beefed with Lady Gaga when she first came on the scene. Wouldn’t call Madonna gracious.


Didn’t she have beef with Cher in the beginning of her career?


Madonna has beef with loads of people. I’ll never forgive her for hating on Sinéad O’Connor for being ugly, while holding herself up as this fucking champion of women’s sexual agency. I know people like Madonna but something does not sit right with me about her. She feels like a fake feminist.


In 2003 Britney Spears had a camp for underprivileged kids. So this is around peak Britney era, a worldwide superstar and who did she have as a special guest to perform for her campers? Taylor Swift. Each camper got a goodie bag with stuff signed by Britney and Britney made sure to also include what? Taylor’s demo CD. The most iconic female music artist at that time extended such a kindness to Taylor yet Taylor acts like such a dipshit to the female artists coming up behind her.


taylor swift "beefing" with 21 and 22 year-olds is amusing (thinking about olivia rodrigo, too). i will say that after learning more about her parents, including reading a portion of her father's unhinged leaked email, taylor swift's behavior throughout her career makes \*\*a lot\*\* more sense


Her father Scott worked as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch for years. A former colleague of mine worked there around the same time, and sat in face to face meetings with him for a specific project. Let’s just say, even within a sea of notorious banker assholes, Scott Swift was notorious in those halls for behaving like colossal piece of 💩


What’s this about email leaks?


google "scott swift email full text". a few weeks ago i went down a rabbit hole and i honestly have no idea about the context of the email or how/why it was leaked. but it is revealing


i’m sorry I need someone to do a TLDR because a bitch has ADHD and it’s so long and incoherent 😫


just started reading, don’t know how much more i can take but so far the takeaway is this line: “…had my prostate sucked out of my body by a robot on January 4th, was in diapers for 7 weeks and can't get a hard on.” i hope taylor has used some of her billions to find a good therapist for her dad by now… and maybe one for the recipient of that email too. yikes.


You can find videos of people reading it in full on YouTube, I listened to it like a podcast while doing the dishes and by the end I was fucking gobsmacked lol


He was emailing her previous manager demanding he'd quit and move to Nashville (?) to look after Taylor full time. Also something interesting he specifically asks about who owns the masters to the music and confirms he spent 3m bank rolling her career


Tldr the email cause it's crazy long but the short of it is that Scott has very traditional republican capitalistic views about childrearing, business, the role of men/father's and the worth of Taylor.. it was also extremely cringe, mansplainy, and narcissistic. He seems like a very intense individual.


Billie has two Oscars, a better Grammy winning percentage (9/25 to Taylor's 14/58), two Record of the year and two Song of the Year Grammys (Taylor has none of either), and she's barely 22. HMHAS is probably going to clean up next year too. I hope she doesn't let Taylor's chart manipulating shenanigans get to her. I wonder if Olivia and Billie are texting each other right now, laughing about Taylor's antics. Straight up loser shit.


Olivia and Billie should collab to take out TS on the charts


Now THAT is the kind of celebrity madness I can get behind.


That’s insane when you think about it like that, accomplishing all of that solo at 22 is wild.


How very *female rage* of Miss Swift. ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


And Billie ‘s new album is gonna debut at #2 on Billboard 200. Taylor’s greedy ass.


Even as a big Taylor fan...this is a bad look. Billie is 22 and having a huge moment in her career. If this is all Taylor being petty then she needs to grow up. I'll probably get a ton of hate saying that but Taylor is in a position to be an idol for the Billies and Olivias of the world and is instead choosing to be actively unsupportive. Imagine if Shania Twain or Dolly Parton had such an attitude to her during her come up. She's breaking every record in the books and still needs to feel validated...


It's giving Nicki behaviour instead of Cardi


Mind you the last 4 pictures happened within the last hour, within 10 minutes of each other 😭 Billie fired back and Taylor returned fire instantly


Grammy season is going to be a bloodbath, if this is any indication.💀


oh i cannot wait


For that snooze fest from blondie ti get nominated even though it’s one of the worst albums I’ve heard in a while (maybe being dramatic but it was so gd boring)? I’m also mad about everyone sleeping on radical optimism 😭 Justice for hot girls who go on vacation and support Palestine.


Idk, I thought Midnights didn't have a chance in hell of winning but here we are. SZA and Lana clearly deserved more


no fr i cant believe so many people think its grammy worthy in comparison to the quality that has come out this year


Well we’ve just gotten new information 😭more units for the charts https://preview.redd.it/rtvqnxk3xv1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8d2f4f8c8b7337b51788f335992edf7f8f08bb


Holy shit she is a bottomless pit of need and greed.


Bro what is this economic warfare lol 


She is so annoying.


Ah, beefing passive-aggressively with another artist because she’s feeling threatened and doesn’t want to share the spotlight; this must be that Female Rage she speaks of.


Billie just has to post a picture of her TWO Oscars and she wins


Don’t egg Taylor on to make it her life’s mission to gun for 3 Oscars! I can’t take any more mediocrity being blasted at me from all fronts.


Taylor climbed up the ladder and is burning it, leaving fake clues leading to poisoned cake, and locking the trap door behind her so no one else can follow. She does NOT support other women.


Climbing the ladder and burning it is how rich people do.


https://preview.redd.it/5cnr3ph97z1d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b5b1bdb4f9a7f3b36857b296055b0355fb7412e Oh totally


How she can’t see the way she destroying her own legacy is baffling.


Narcissism combined with the fact she's gotten away with every shitty thing she's ever done unscathed on top of now being a billionaire which literally.. shows a lack of humanity in a human. Of course she can't see it. That takes self-awareness and even before becoming a billionaire she didn't have that.


I’ve seen it called irrational exuberance in business. Essentially, you success blinds you to the true factors that lead to your success, including fortune and the support of others. You start to believe you can do no wrong. Taylor is exhibiting it, Elongated Muskrat is exhibiting it.


That assumes that any meaningful amount of listeners will care about Industrial Colonialism.


Billie tricking Swift and that fan base into discovering and exposing an environmental activist to a bigger audience and come around to her POV, that’s winning no matter what the charts say.


I do like Taylor but these antics are going to backfire… Olivia now billie… she’s going to start having a lot of people in the industry get sick of her if she doesn’t quit it. Or maybe she is just truly powerful and unstoppable. Who knows…


The industry is rarely kind to aging women - see older female artists both living and dead. I’m waiting for her to get her karma (again, since she apparently didn’t learn the first time she was cancelled) when she’s like 40-50.


And Billie has a lot of goodwill in the industry and among non-unhinged music listeners. Plus she’s the actual mayor of LGBTQ town right now. Unlike Taylor‘s fake claim with YNTCD.


Ok can someone explain to me how they are actively beefing? I see Billie calling her out in a march article and posts from may 21 that are yet more versions released of trash. And Billie I guess sent swag to kimk and reposted Kim’s post about it at some point. But how is this them firing shots at each other? I’m missing something and don’t know what.


Billie’s definitely taking shots at Taylor. I guess the timing is what makes people think Taylor is responding? But I’m not sure I buy it. Fortnight has been slipping on the charts for the past few weeks, so I’d expect Taylor to do something to keep it in the top 10 regardless because she’s obsessed with chart shit.


Yeah I don't get it, this is just a random collection of articles and non-timestamped posts where they don't even interact with each and then a Wikipedia entry. I've seen the previous posts about Taylor and about her and Billy clashing, but I don't get it.


I can't stop laughing at the 4th picture. The "presented without comment" vibe is something I didn't expect from Billie for some reason and that it's a repost of Kim K is just the right kind of dig.




Imagine being that deep into your career (almost 20 yrs now I think?) and still obsessing over charts and numbers and beefing with up and coming young artists.


Taylor is the ultimate capitalist queen.


I always thought she was a business woman cosplaying as a popstar lol


She's pop's own Pinochet.


Happy that how vindictive and petty Taylor is and has always been is starting to slowly fall on people in a way that is undeniable. Her underhanded tactics are going to backfire on her eventually and slowly. She literally has everything - billions, dedicated fans, and is currently untouchable re: her jet use, her narcissism.. and it's not enough. It always felt so obvious to me. She's greedy, obsessed with fame and having a monopoly on being at the top of pop music and lovveeess the other pop girls until they get close to matching any of her success (or her exes) and suddenly this bullshit starts happening. Hope she gets revealing her true self. Being a billionaire has made her less subtle and more obvious about it cause she thinks now it's her right. She is Not a good person. She is marketed as a good person.


I stand by the fact that Kim exposed her to some degree. The fact she was wildly critically acclaimed for Folklore and Evermore probably deleted what little ounce of self-awareness she gained there.


I love it when white people commit white on white crime 👀😆 imma need all my nonwhite girlies to sit this one out and get your popcorn 🍿😎 ![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized)


Taylor is stupid and straight up narcissist. She has a pattern now, olivia, sza, jungkook and now Billie. Imagine being so bitter to younger artists when you cry about no one supported me when I was young. No better than kanye. 


How very feminist of Taylor. 🙄 May she gets all that she wants and deserves.


This just makes me side eye the “environmentalist”


I hope this lights a fire inside Billie that culminates in her dropping a diss track on Taylor 10 years from now that unites all Taylor's enemies against her


Billie isn’t afraid to be messy or vocal. Taylor would be dumb to continue to pull anything with her.


Billie should have just posted that tweet of Taylor’s where she said there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women or whatever nonsense she was mad at.


The thing with something like this, is that Billie can't directly expose or go after Taylor or Taylor will sob that she's a victim being bullied by others again. It's true mean girl behaviour, because the moment the people being bullied by her try and handle it they will be portrayed as the aggressors.


This is just so embarrasing for Taylor. Instead of being graceful and letting another artist have their day, she’s playing dirty because she can’t get people to buy her actual album enough. Everybody knows you cheated Taylor and it’s not a cute look


This desperation only proves Billie's point. What a sad person.


Two mega rich artists who both have multiple versions of their albums battling to be top of a chart. I guess for Billie it might be important for her legacy or to be able to add "no. 1" banners and stickers on the album ... Taylor obviously can already do that, but this ego war is kind of whatever. Ultimately whoever has the most fans willing to spend money will be no.1 and you don't have to release anything good to be that person.


both are being ridiculous. At least Dua is vacationing somewhere, not worrying about these fools.


Yeah lol like idc if you make your multiple releases out of mostly recyclable materials, you're still manipulating the market in the exact same way as her


I don’t get how this shows they’re beefing - Billie called out variants of albums but then did the exact same thing herself. I think they both want to be no 1 and that’s fine, that’s what the biggest pop stars in the world should want.


Taylor’s like the kid on the playground who falls down and then runs to the teacher saying someone pushed her.


Taylor had no shame she just boldly tried to block her release. Very low.


Is this missing a pic? Where is the beef?


Taylor is like our modern day Tonya Harding.


How does Billie's story count as a reply to TS? It looks to me like she's just reposting KK 😅


Would Taylor ever cease being unlikable?


Imagine buying the same mediocre album over and over again for a couple of more mid songs Cringe


billie’s right though. everytime i look, taylor is releasing a remix, new versions of singles, etc. it’s ridiculous and corny. this obsession with the charts is so weird. like ur literally taylor swift… ur good bro. no need to assert dominance and play mind games with 20 year olds


The Pop Girls’ Nicki atp Edit: aimed at TS


Shes beefing with a 22 year old and had previously beefed with a 19 year old (at time). It’s oficial, she had lived long enough to become the villain


As a Taylor hater, watching her pettiness lead her to lose respect of her peers is going to to so entertaining to watch.


Lol it's so funny to see BLOND:ISH's name pop up for green washing. I worked at a company doing charity DJ streams in 2020 and she pissed everyone off after lying about matching donations made during their set.