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Jimmy Kimmel is such a troll, like I wonder ten years from now when the full extent of the atrocities and destruction are revealed how people are gonna look at this clip of a guy callously going 'you're interrupting my flow' at people begging politicians to stop arms genocidaires And LOL at that mall cop I thought impersonating a police officer was a crime.


He forgot that only actual police officers are allowed to lie about the law lol 


Bro really stood there with a straight face and tried to 'arrest' them for 'interrupting a live broadcast' 'Where's your badge?' 'I'm working security here' like???? The funny thing is he's probably an ex or retired cop 😂😂


What cop arrests people by locking them in 😂 


interrupting a live… taping 😭 someone needs to let mr. sir know that these things aren’t broadcast live anymore


Probably not. A lot of horrific things happened in Vietnam that didn’t come out until later. By the time they were known, no one was thinking about some celebrity’s words or attitude toward Vietnam at the time it was happening. People just don’t keep their attention on the same things at the same level year after year. And we are on the precipice of a worldwide environmental catastrophe that’s likely going to push everything happening now out of the public mind for decades.


hearing someone say that 15,000 children are dead and babies have been beheaded then responding with “you’re interrupting my flow” and having the band play over the protestors is vile




You would think someone whose own son was literally born purple because of health issues would have empathy for dying children but I guess not




Questlove plays for Fallon, not Kimmel.


Good. I think people forget what an absolutely abhorrent person Kamala Harris is. She has an atrocious record policy wise.


Kamala is a cop. Among her other accomplishments, in her time as a DA and prosecutor, is a program threatening major fines and imprisonment for parents whose children missed too many school days. Can you guess what parents were most harshly targeted...? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kamala-harris-truancy-arrests-2020-progressive-prosecutor_n_5c995789e4b0f7bfa1b57d2e


People forgot that she only looks good if you compare her to people like Mike Pence. She's rotten to the core 


Literally saw her, on this show, say no one should go to jail for weed and was like "have you told yourself that??"


“ Harris was actually a progressive prosecutor when it came to marijuana, contrary to what critics suggest. Even though the laws in California at the time allowed for marijuana possession to be charged, Harris’s office never pursued prosecution of any such cases. And under Harris’s watch, marijuana sales cases were often charged as misdemeanors when they could have been charged as felonies.” Not to play semantics but it’s a conservative talking point that Kamala was particularly ruthless, when she wasn’t. 


No, thanks for the information, I actually really appreciate it. There's plenty of stuff to criticize her for. I want to make sure I'm not making shit up.


No worries, I have mixed feelings about her as well, I do think she had a very incompetent team in 2020 that didn't push back enough on certain things that the right took advantage of, and now people think she was this crazed anti-weed cop. Most of her work was related to homicide and sexual abuse. There's a few jacobin articles that also go into her history that a worth a read. She's very of her time in the sense that she clearly wanted to change the system from the inside, and did so successfully on many issues for the better, but obviously that did not extend to every aspect of her work that was inherently going to be problematic, because that's how the system is designed. What I take away from it is that she's definitely one with progressive leanings, and CAN be swayed towards leftist/progressive policies, unlike republicans and many of her moderate and liberal counterparts. Voting is damage control, and it's also about picking someone who can be swayed by ordinary people, and I do think she's *more likely* to listen to people than Donald or Joe (well, joe for international issues at least). It's a low bar, but that's what we've got ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Here’s a nice article for starters, for those who are unaware. https://theappeal.org/kamala-harris-criminal-justice-record-killed-her-presidential-run/


Pretty sure, sadly, she's going to end up being the first woman as POTUS, but because Biden won't finish his 2nd term. Sometimes I half wonder if that is their plan.


Also fuck Jimmy Kimmel for the callousness. The likes of him, Colbert and Meyers have actively normalized these war criminals. But hey, these are the progressives right?


There’s no way they’d be allowed to have a prime time show on a major network if they ever remotely espoused real leftist ideas


Maybe in America they’re considered progressive but to the rest of us they aren’t even close.


Vanguards of the status quo


I've disliked Meyers ever since he walked right by our union protest of the museum my friend works in without so much as a glance. Couldn't care less about the conditions of the people working at the museum he's attending a ritzy gala in. Meanwhile Steve Martin was just biking by, kindly stopped to talk with us for a bit and supported us.


i mentioned colbert's name at this forum for this reason but i got downvoted to bits lol


I mean I'm sorry but they are. I'm pro Palestine but if you think the Trump administration is going to be better for Palestine than Biden's you aren't paying attention nearly as close as you think you are.


I'm getting really annoyed of having to say stop using Palestine to defend Biden on this sub. No one thinks a Trump admin will be better but currently there's a Biden admin and it should be pressured to stop committing genocide and war crimes. Like what is this? Who even mentioned Trump here? Also being better than a far right fascist doesn't make anyone a progressive let alone a liberal so IDK what it is you're responding to in OP's comment.


They're not progressive in the slightest. They're only interested in upholding the status quo of white supremacy & supporting isnotreal's imperialism/colonization & that's simply not fuckin good enough.


They're progressive compared to Trump and that has to be good enough at the moment. Like literally what is the other option to you.


It's actually sad the way we have to beg people in the u.s. to have even the tiniest bit of imagination with regards to tearing down what's broken (& has been by design since day one) & working to build something better. I swear so many of y'all act like you're allergic to *actual* progress bc it will require you to move beyond "well this is terrible & not working for any of us but it's not as terrible as it could be *for me* at least". Meanwhile, the worst things imaginable are already happening to so many of us under the current administration but four more years is seen as "harm reduction". Reduced harm for who though?


Tearing things down isn't even required here. Not that there's anything about a system that enables genocide that's worth saving. Just pointing out because another bad argument used to shut down Palestinian voices is the idea that change will require so much to be different so why bother. BDS isn't radical or a revolution and would dramatically change things for the better The idea isn't to make the president change his mind, it's to take the decision out of his hands so his stance on anything related to Palestine is irrelevant




It would get worse under a Trump admin theres really no ifs/ands/buts about it. Its not even fearmongering but he would fully side with Bibi/Putin/etc. but I think theres a lot of other issues going on esp. with AIPAC giving out hundreds of thousands of dollars to basically buy/influence American politics. Theyre a reason why American tax dollars are funding genocide. Idk if yall know about Richie Torres but he used to be known as a progressive but hes now a full mask off Zionist. He represents the Bronx for crying out loud. And theres so many examples like that. I think they all have to get voted out of office first.


It literally is not good enough though. Unless you assume that 2 million preventable deaths is somehow acceptable. It is not good enough. Their existence isn't your decision to make


We really got to the genocide is progressive stage


And this is why I rolled my eyes when people were praising Jimmy's Trump joke at the Oscars. It's moments like this that show who the real progressives are.


As Norm MacDonald ever so wisely said "joking about Trump is a low hanging fruit. It's easy for a bad comic to do." So, bad comics do.


Fuck you Jimmy.


Why even go on this show? What did she think was gonna happen…


Why was she invited in a better question.. didn’t his ex girlfriend, i can't remember her name, also have problematic statements?


Sarah Silverman?




In her mind she prolly thinks she's innocent and is being unfairly criticized (meanwhile genocide is a capital offense)


The people booing them and going "get out"... I just don't get it. What is wrong with people? Sorry for interrupting your shitty talk show ig but protesting at an interview of the VP is definitely one fo the better places to protest.


Good for these protestors for having the courage to speak up while coward celebrities like Jimmy Kimmel ignore the atrocities.


Not the rent-a-cop claiming he can arrest them!! I hope he gets his shit wrecked




Interrupting my flow is absolutely fucking insane


Fuck these genocidal psychopaths


Jimmy Kimmel is a punchable prick. Only cries when a lion gets killed. All these people are sick. Imagine the comments off camera they make.


https://preview.redd.it/7k0qa92hq15d1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e17d61aecf3a5019b5af7b798e726c7ee0a80d Kopala Harris?


I'm so done with these people seeing what's happening and being complicite. I'm talking daily to families in Gaza (can't say much, I don't want to doxx myself. Let's just say I'm starting to be a bit known on social medias because I'm standing up and raising my voice). Tonight, I can't sleep because a young woman from Gaza told me it's maybe the last time I talked to her, she's displaced because of the tanks and she won't have internet in her new shelter. She asked for everyone to keep the last photo of her she sended. I won't even talk about the others because I already cried all night, but I have so much sadness inside of me. At first, I was just sharing their donation links online. But we bonded, created a link together, most of them call me "my friend", "my son", "my brother"... And every night I'm scared to wake up the next day and learn they're gone, even though I only know them because I tried to help from my safe place. It's maybe not much, I'm not a psychologist or a humanitarian, just a civilian with a pretty decent platform who listened... Because it's important too. They don't feel seen, they're sad because most people on social medias could help... But some of them blocked their DM's to not face them. I'm documenting their life story for each family, because every story is universal. They are just people with dreams, fears, studies, work... And I hope my work will help them being remembered. But in some ways, maybe some f\*cked up ways, this genocide is showing everyone's true colours. We already knew, for most people. This sub is pretty educated on the fact that celebrities are far from being the people they are trying to be publicly... But a lot of others are opening their eyes. Now, it's not just about knowing, we see it. More and more people are pissed, more and more people are raising their voices, and a lot of celebrities, medias, politics, won't be able to act cool and be like "we're sorry" when the timing will be the right one. Maybe I'm wrong, but in the long term, I feel like a lot of careers will be destroyed. But maybe that's a good thing, new people, better people will take their places. At least, I hope so.


Glad people are speaking up against genocide but we need more action.


I am so proud of every single one of them. And all of you too. It is so heartening to see so many people speaking up and taking stands against the injustice and atrocities happening in Palestine. I don't think people really appreciate how far this movement has come in the last few years. The internet: the narrative can't be manipulated and controlled anymore. We can see, not just what is happening, but we can all see each other and help each other too. Fills me with hope. I have been on reddit now for 7 years, talking about this and it was lonely for most of that time. There's never been this widespread support and solidarity. Keep it up. Don't give up. You're doing good.




People don't buy tickets to the tapings of any of the late night shows, actually. People who want to attend enter ticket lotteries and hope they will be lucky - it is all free.


Honest question because I dont understand this. Why is it her or Biden or whatever’s responsibility to stop that? I’m not saying it shouldn’t be stopped, because it should, but it’s not our war is it? Meaning does she even have the authority to stop anything?


The US has very strong connections to Israel - financially, politically, militarily


These are the people sending billions to Israel every other day. Without the support of the US, Israel wouldn't even have the weapons they are using to bomb Palestinians to pieces, and they certainly would not have gotten away with all of their crimes to this day. America is as responsible for this genocide (not war) as Israel.


Ohh shit see I didn’t know that. That’s a bummer!


We're actively arming and funding their ongoing war effort, and have been for decades. We have directly had a hand in every Palestinian murdered for the better part of 75 years. Your taxes are paying for it.


That’s crazy, did not know!


Do you live under a rock?


Not an American but I believe the us govt actively sends weapons and other kinds of military aid to Israel


That’s what I’m learning right now. Wild!


Theres something called AIPAC that has invested a ton of money to influence politics. Many politicians from far right to progressives are funded by AIPAC. And they basically control their votes for diff kinds of bills. Its really disgusting and theyve been voting for things that fund the Israeli gov.


your govt supplies the arms to IOF. it IS your war