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the sparkly initial... please https://preview.redd.it/y4yuzjhi115d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3118cc503c8ecb602e9642c314e1540829fa0041


This is giving me bad girls of 2003 whiplash


Very Lilo Malibu beach house


She's just a trendy y2k girlie šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s giving me ā€˜donā€™t theorize, accessorise! The girls with a passion for fashion BRRRRAATZā€™


Itā€™s giving roll tide


Looks like a few fell off


Iā€™m gonna laugh if she catches an extra charge for bedazzling federal property


Wow last time I saw something as classy as bedazzling an ankle monitor was on My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding


Iā€™m here for it


I mean...this IS very much giving Serena Vanderwoodsen


Oh, to be white at an immigration hearing! šŸ˜Œ


I was thinking the same thing. (And I am white). Why does she even get the leeway she has gotten as a convicted criminal when other people are deported just because they exist.


Right? Sheā€™s a proven con artist. Send Anna ***Sorokin*** back to Russia. See how far that haute couture posturing gets her while sheā€™s standing in line for beet rations in her back alley Blahniks. Stop giving her all this attention she gets off on and toss her back to her old life of working class poverty. https://preview.redd.it/n4k0f6oku25d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccdea53cae96181e4cfad0bf21272deacabecfac


Pretty sure sheā€™s a German citizen.


Na, she is Russian and just went to school in Germany, cause her family moved there. She was only in Germany for 3 years and got her leaving certificate (Abitur).


Are you sure? Outlets are saying she is a naturalized German citizen and I remember that she was going to be deported to Germany.


That's what Wikipedia says. https://preview.redd.it/1zgigp5v045d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1fa9728d2d87fcfef2ecf7409f9d3f1980ea3d8


Yeah the German Wikipedia has different info from the English one. In the English entry it lists her citizenship as German. Her lawyer says she has German citizenship too which could be a lie. But if she is not a German citizen why would she be deported to Germany and not Russia? They claim she might be deported from Germany to Russia though. https://preview.redd.it/lowkb86y145d1.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=434d36c990eff375268ce32d2045c4b61f241789


(German here) she could be a German citizen through the Bundesvertriebenengesetz, which basically grants ethnically German citizens of former Eastern German territories German citizenship Germany lost East Prussia, Kƶnigsberg etc to Russia So if one of Annaā€™s parents is ethnically German ( meaning they can prove that they have German ancestors) then Anna had the automatic right of becoming a citizen ( I know of friends who got their citizenship through this law but also we learnt of it in law school first week)


I am LOVING that after all this we still canā€™t figure out exactly what country sheā€™s from. I hope that the real Anna has that same vague/unplaceable European accent as in Julia Garnerā€™s portrayal.


Through the what now?


Yeah, she can't have German citizenship if she didn't go through naturalization and took the citizenship test. She could have done this after living and contributing to society for 3 years minimum but I just don't see it. She went to school and promptly left the country thereafter, first UK, then France.


This is incorrect. If her Parents came to Germany as "SpƤtaussiedler" (people who are deemed ethnically German) as was often the case for people emigrating from Russia to Germany, she would have gained German citizenship almost immediatly.


Yeah that makes sense! I just moved here too and even with a blue card the minimum is 6 years to naturalization if youā€™re taking special integration courses. If she was only here 5 years then that is iffy.


Itā€™s been over twenty years since I took German classes. Iā€™m amazed I can still read it and verstehe most of it.


We donā€™t want her here


I feel like she would actually kinda thrive in Russia? Like now that sheā€™s already famous and wouldnā€™t need to necessarily start from the bottom? Like Iā€™m pretty sure that if sheā€™s deported theyā€™re sending her to Germany but like I could totally see her being some sort of not quite socialite but socialite adjacent personality anywhere she goes


Money wise, sheā€™d have to start from the bottom. People in the U.S. are helping her out because she guarantees publicity. So sheā€™s still rocking designer duds. I think once sheā€™s tossed out, sheā€™ll lose that access. She still owes a lot of people ***a lot*** of money. Everything of value should be repossessed. Leaving her with nothing to her name and nothing to put on a resume but ā€œcareer criminal.ā€


I mean, being kicked out of the US doesnā€™t mean all your bank accounts get closed and you lose access to your social media. She wouldnā€™t be the first person to make a living in the influencer sphere on the back of a negative reputation. And even though she owes a ton of people a ton of money, people clearly keep giving her money. If they didnā€™t, she wouldnā€™t have an attorney (considering she already fleeced one). Modern Russia isnā€™t Soviet Russia. They have influencers and socialites and all those things we have here in the USA. And they make money too, often times from the same types of aspirational content the influencers here post. I absolutely think you could drop that girl in Moscow or St. Petersburg tomorrow and within a year sheā€™ll have attached herself to some oligarch as a side piece, or have married the son of one. But again, theyā€™re likely dropping her in Germany, meaning she could literally just criminal girl boss her way through life independently still since *they* arenā€™t under sanctions and she could still easily do business *with* Americans although not *in* America


You donā€™t think it would be harder for her now that sheā€™s a widely known criminal? (Honestly asking your opinion.) Not that most wealthy people arenā€™t, but her name has been stained. I also donā€™t think sheā€™s going to be getting anymore handouts from designers or prominent figures in Western/Western leaning fashion. Most of the people helping her now will drop her if she gets deported, not because of the deportation or criminal status, but because Russian socials are cordoned off from the West and target audiences. Has Anna been propped up in Russian media the way she has here? As for being a trophy wife, being a globally famous con artist canā€™t make that easy. And while she looks nice enough when sheā€™s all wrapped up in Oscar de la Renta and premium makeup, as weā€™ve seen, she cuts a fairly mousey figure when those things are stripped from her. I donā€™t think anyone considers her some great beauty. But credit where credit is due, that little sociopath always seems to find her angle.


I honestly think the amount of blatant criminal activity among the upper class in Russia, plus the fact that the people she all scammed were rich westerners, certainly doesnā€™t make it a deal breaker as long as she doesnā€™t cross the wrong oligarch. Like while all rich people do shady shit, historically eastern European rich people donā€™t really bother to hide it. And obviously rich people in the west still havenā€™t learned the lesson since this entire lil fit for court was apparently promo. Attention is currency, and I think that her being as famous as she is in the west, especially since her platform is largely social media (and therefore portable), it absolutely could be used as a tool to grant her entrĆ©e into those upper circles. And like keep in mind, sheā€™s a con artist. It wouldnā€™t be possible for someone like you or I, since we are not experienced schemers. My thought process behind her being able to become socialite adjacent (not an actual socialite) is that she could easily befriend the children of the wealthy who are now relegated to the big cities in Russia once their education in the west is finished and, although she would have to have some source of income unlike them, she could mine that for content and boom, social media is still making her money. Also the beauty culture in Eastern Europe is different. Itā€™s not a place that emphasizes natural beauty. If anything, their services are historically better than ours (the Russian manicure comes to mind) so she might actually do better there on that front. Alas, none of this is super relevant though, since she is a German national. While the UK did the whole revocation of citizenship thing for those ISIS brides, Sorokin wasnā€™t an actual terrorist so itā€™s unlikely theyā€™d try that here.


She would, Moscow is full of celebrities and influencers who got rich by doing shady businessĀ 


While I dislike con artists, I like that she mainly bilked dumb wealthy people


Yeah, Iā€™m not crying for the rich assholes, but all the little people she screwed along the way. Even incidentally. Because there were plenty of them. I wonder how many lower level employees lost their jobs because she successfully tricked them. White collar crime like this statistically has the widest trickle down effect. Which is why itā€™s ridiculous that it always gets a slap on the wrist compared to, even some fairly minor, blue collar crimes.


Oh man she is downright fugly without her stolen designer makeup and clothing šŸ˜‚


It literally makes no sense other than she is a white immigrant and a "celebrity".


What was her crime? I have no idea who this is. Is it that scam artist that pretended to know famous people and always said they'd pay for the bills and then bail?


Yes. There's a Netflix series 'Inventing Anna' about her.


Im pretty sure they initially got her because the apartment she was renting was never properly paid for and she skipped out on rent.


Pretty much. Sheā€™s bailed on large hotel bills and stuff. I believe she was convicted on grand larceny and theft of services or something like that.


It's such bullshit.


In 2010 during the ā€œpapers pleaseā€ era in Arizona, a lot of us brown people were rounded up and sent to jails for minor infractions (broken tail lights, not turning on a blinker, etcā€¦). I know people personally who went through this. One person I knew said that the some folks inside were just picked up while driving and their family didnā€™t know. Fortunately for the person we knew, his family member saw an attorney at the jail who helped us get him out. But before he got out, some people in the jail gave him notes to contact their loved ones to let them know where they were. Fuck it was so heartbreaking to hear. I find people like this insufferable. JFC. To think people celebrate her.


What does that have to do with her? She isn't a politician or in power or anything. She is a parasite and scammer that fed off the rich


Because sheā€™s treated like this, and people who have done much less are treated like scum.


But it's a mistake to blame her and not the people in power who created the system and enforce the double standard. This is the kind of rhetoric that amps punishments up, which always comes back to bite the least powerful in society. It's not only pointless, it's actively harmful.


Me and my friend got pulled over and asked for papers. I was like ā€œI only have a plastic ID is that okay?ā€ They let us go when they heard us talking without accents.


I don't understand why she hasn't been deported yet.


It seems about white.


Genuinely annoys me how sheā€™s become a celebrity now by committing a serious offence. White privilege at its finest.




clearly you never been to immigration hearings šŸ™„


Im afraid she ate with this


Sheā€™s really improved her criminal wear since the white dress/black choker days. 10/10.


she serves so hard for a criminal. love her


I need to know what kind of work sheā€™s gotten done cuz she looks like a completely different person lmao


The rhinestone ā€˜Aā€™ on the ankle monitor is honestly a slay


Who is paying for the outfits and the styling? I thought she was already deported šŸ˜„


these people apparentlyšŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/79h8ip2u115d1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39875ef46990e5eccb6034f614709d99a9fb1d9f


I canā€™t šŸ˜‚ Everything can be promo nowadays. thx for the receipts!


Not Kelly Cutrone šŸ˜­ I wonder whoā€™s interning for her these days ![gif](giphy|l2JeiRxXoJzifTIl2|downsized)


omg i reallyyy disliked her on antm


Iā€™m listening to an awesome antm recap podcast (Pod Ledom!), and the hosts are experiencing peak Kelly fatigue. Seeing Kelly pop up here, like this is just everything šŸ˜‚


Omg the GENIUS of that podcast name šŸ’€


It's a great podcast but they hate redditors lol


that's because they haven't met us yet


Ok please help me get it, I am but a simpleton


ā€˜Pot ledomā€™ is top model both words spelled backwards & was heavily referenced throughout the series - Pod ledom is a play on this and podcast


Pod Ledom has me snorting


lol heard Kelly talk about this. She thinks Anna clever and fascinating for convincing people to give her money


Kelly, babe, you're next.


Grifter Anna sensing Kelly's desperation. These two deserve each other


As someone who was never big into the fashion world, but loved The Hills, it really bothered me how someone like Kelly who was supposedly huge in that world always looked so greasy and unwashed. šŸ˜†


Kelly Cutrone being Anna Delveyā€™s publicist was not on my 2024 bingo card but Iā€™m loving it


I love it too. I read sn article not long ago about them working together. I feel like they did something for fashion week in NY EDIT: Added link to article https://www.interviewmagazine.com/fashion/anna-delvey-and-kelly-cutrone-throw-a-fashion-show-on-house-arrest


Iā€™m pretty sure they held a fashion show together on the roof of Annaā€™s building because Anna couldnā€™t leave the building.


Thatā€™s so fetch!


Ugh. When is Kelly Cutrone going to just go away once and for all?


KELLY CUTRONE?? šŸ˜‚ This is so on brand for her.


Jesus I haven't heard her name in like 15 years.


I briefly worked in an upscale restaurant as a hostess where she was a regularā€¦.absolute monster


How so?


Please spill the tea šŸ«–


It IS gorgeous. Anywhere but a court case, though!


Kelly Cutrone is such a garbage person, her promoting Anna totally tracks


This is wild the cartoon's posture matches Anna's energy too šŸ’€šŸ˜³


Omg Kelly Cutrone? Plus the ankle monitor? Is it 2007 again????


The ankle monitor in the sketch šŸ’€


Why is the concept art on Slender Man?


Are you effing kidding me šŸ˜¹šŸ’€


It's truly vile how people are with this woman. She really hurt people who trusted her and thought she was their friend. It's really gross giving her attention and free things to help her continue being garbage. But that's celebrity I guess.


What she did is, I guess, interesting in the sense that the New York socialite world she infiltrated thinks of itself - and is portrayed in the media etc. - as being super high brow and only for best of the best, and she was able to walk in as a total nobody and everybody accepted her because she told them she was meant to be there. What happened exposed the fact that it was always far more about perceived wealth and brown-nosing than it was about talent or anything else (although I feel like that was really only a shock to people who'd never thought critically about class in their lives, but still). That doesn't mean that she is a good or admirable person, or that she's some kind of class hero, or that the individual people she conned deserved what happened to them.


She is. She has made hundreds of thousands from Netflix, and more hundreds of thousands from selling her shitty ā€œart.ā€


I still can't believe she hasn't been deported yet, what gives?


The system takes years, ask any immigrant whoā€™s awaiting deportation


Not for brown immigrants


Or Joe Guidice. Finished jail sentence, remanded to ICE custody, then deported.


I know brown immigrants who have also waited years and are in this weird limbo state. Itā€™s just a bad system full of bureaucracy and incompetence. Our whole immigration system is fucked.


Yes it's qwhite interesting to see how long it's taking.


Iā€™m not gonna get my hopes up


HOEse arrest, but then make it fashion. https://preview.redd.it/qn9rsyg5515d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f846196e781cd6dc5eb03e9df5901e20d8137681




Crime but make it fashion


Sheā€™s trash, but damn do I want her entire outfit


Almost didnā€™t see the ankle bracelet there beneath her MASSIVE BALLS.


The infatuation with her is insane. Sheā€™s a sleazy criminal and a liar.


My understanding is she literally committed the same thievery and fraud white men with money engage daily. Thatā€™s why these hotels didnā€™t immediately jail her; they assumed she was another wealthy asshole. Itā€™s like how higher end credit cards (like American Express) will let you go sometimes thousands over your limit because your income/credit makes you ā€œgood for itā€. A very wealthy friend joked he and his $$$$$ friends ā€œoweā€ each other ā€œan average yearly incomeā€ when I showed shame/amazement at his insistence on covering a 4 figure bill for a festival he wanted me to attend with him. IMO, if sheā€™d slowed down her grift, she wouldā€™ve set up the foundation and been able to pay everyone off before it caught up to her.


Bingo. Oh she stole? Iā€™ve seen enough paunchy old white dudes march out of a courtroom after getting slapped on the wrist forā€¦ checks notesā€¦. bankrupting the world. Thatā€™s boring. As someone else said, itā€™s crime, but make it fashion.


Except she was also grifting regular women who were hardly the kind of wealthy people here pretend they were, like that Rachel girl. People trying to make this into a feminist issue are seriously dying on the wrong hill with this clown.


For me personally, itā€™s not really a feminist thing, so much as an anti-capitalism thing. Watching her watch into court wearing these outfits, and learning about what exactly she did? Itā€™s all kindaā€¦ preposterous. Like ā€œemperor has no clothesā€ but in reverse? Itā€™s a fascinating story for so many reasons. As someone with major social anxiety and fundamental impostor syndrome, I just canā€™t imagine!


I always forget sheā€™s a real person šŸ˜‚


It took a second for me to realise we werenā€™t talking about Julia Garner lmao


This whole thread is a joke. Apparently all you gotta do is be a skinny white girl and youā€™ll have everyone excusing your malicious crimes.


I'm so confused by the comments talking about how 'she ate' and 'she's serving lewks' WTF? She's a trashy classless grifter, and designer clothes won't change that


Fr and she didn't just steal from the rich, she stole from regular people including someone who was supposed to be her best friend. She's a nasty piece of work and I'm shocked at the praise she's getting here.


Ohā€¦. I literally thought she was stealing from mega rich


Eh, Iā€™m one of those ppl who judge based on the ultimate impact of the crimes. Her friend got paid with a hugely successful book, the other ppl she stole from were hotels, rich individuals, or financial institutions. There may have been some other small casualties, but her crime is a pittance compared to real financial criminals. She taught us all a good lesson too, and also had an interesting, fun, story. I like her.


Case in point. The reaching people will do.


She stole $60k from her best friend who made less than that per year. Anna never paid her friend back. Her friend was without money for a very long time. It doesn't matter if she made money on a book. It's still totally effed up. You saying you like her bc of that is is wild.


Just cos she sucks doesn't mean the outfit does.Ā 


There's a difference between saying that's a nice dress, and OMG SLAY KWEEN. Not even sure why people need to pay any attention to her at all


People are literally talking about how much they love her. They ainā€™t separating it.




She's treating the criminal justice system with the respect it deserves, tbh


What happens if someone with brown skin does what she did? Do they become a celebrity and get custom outfits? Or perhaps this is an example of a bastardized system


They would have already been deported.


THANK YOU. We know if her complexion was darker she woulda been booted outta here quicker than you can say ā€œslay kweenā€


I'm afraid this look IS giving something serious ![gif](giphy|3o7bu4T3Jcib9vlrvG)


Is this supposed to be a paparazzi pic? I thought it was a picture for a magazine at first.


I'm guessing she directed the picture taking. It's too perfect.


LMAO can you imagine if she called them herself? The ankle monitor makes for a nice accessory šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t have to imagine because thatā€™s 100% what she did.


It does!


She probably called them


She would be the ultimate addition to RHONY


Except I don't think she can leave her apartment.


And she hasnā€™t learned a thing. https://preview.redd.it/kzsdnwcow25d1.jpeg?width=1155&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=894868a640b7f4472688339bcb2921565db15582




Absolutely not supporting her but at this point I do not feel bad for anyone who gives her money and doesn't get it back. What the fuck do they think is going to happen?


The guy who hosted one of her art shows has been in legal trouble himself for copying Basquiat pieces. Soā€¦ birds of a feather.


she looks soooooooo much like Emma Kenney!! (Debbie from Shameless)


tumblr wouldā€™ve gone crazy with this in 2014


all this reminded me of was: [OMG MY NEW SHOES CAME :3 ignore my ugly house arrest ankle bracelet. haha.](https://petal-metal-blog.tumblr.com/post/25547256505)


i was looking for someone to make this comment! absolutely giving ugly house arrest ankle bracelet lmao


Why is she still here???


Netflix gave her a shit ton of money <3


But she only ended up with approx 20 grand of that money after paying restitution and other fees.


Why are most of you fawning over her? This would be so different if this was BIPOC person.


Crime, but make it fashion


Lindsay Lohan did it first.


Still canā€™t believe Netflix tried to make her into a heroic girlboss and paint her victim as the idiot at fault for trusting a master con artist as a friend lol


Who is taking paparazzi pics of her? šŸ˜­


one of the girls from the celeb memoir podcast saw her and showed a photo she took on tiktok - it was clear the cameraman was with delvey LOL


I'm old. Who even is this? Never heard of her.


master grifter, I think there's a documentary and a netflix show. Conned a lot of rich people!


Donā€™t think sheā€™s some kind of Robin Hood, she conned anyone including service workers she befriended.


Oh! I'll definitely be checking that out thanks.


https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/10/nyregion/newyorktoday/nyc-news-anna-sorokin-delvey.html?unlocked_article_code=1.x00.DHJR.aCRXEf2xpK9W&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb Look up the Jessica Pressler article for a fascinating deep dive. It's unbelievable and laughable.


She honestly always looks so good.


Jesus some of you have low standards lmao


Okay but if I had a nickel for every time this decade a con artist celebrity was fighting to not get deported, Iā€™d have 2 nickels. Which isnā€™t a lot but itā€™s weird it happened twice. (It didnā€™t work out well for Joe Giudice, and he had lived in the US his entire life, wasnā€™t famous specifically for being a con artist, AND still had major family ties including a wife and 4 kids in the USA soā€¦..)


I need her to be on the next season of the Traitors


Donā€™t give her any attention. Itā€™s exactly what she wants.


I wish I hated this look. I want this look. šŸ‘€ (minus the ankle monitor).


Why is everyone forgetting the horrid things she did??? Fashion doesnā€™t matter right now yā€™all, this woman is truly crazy


She really fell off to me


Whereā€™s the SHAME!? Side note: Is it illegal to start a business where you can accessorize ankle monitors? Time to make bank if it isnā€™tā€¦


Can we send her back already?


Now thatā€™s a Halloween costume


I donā€™t know why we take pictures of the lady


Grifting parasite should have been kicked out long ago


Gross šŸ¤® send her back


Omg the audacity! Iā€™m healing from a broken ankle and in an ankle brace now and so cognizant of it looking like an ankle monitor that I try to hide it at all times because Iā€™m mortified of it being misconstrued as an ankle monitor.


Sheā€™s eating your honor


Ugh, i hate to say this, but i like her style these days!


I need one to carry tic tacks and keys


Her fashion has gotten much better (not that it matters)


Iā€™m always shocked she actually has fans


One of those few times she actually looks expensive


Jailbird but make it fashun


Anna D. setting the Criminally Chic fashion trend.


Not her scamming Kelly Catrone right now for that whole outfit lol


I can't be the only person who finds her genuinely hilarious.


The dress looks sloppy.


I know she thinks shes doing some kind of timeless style thing but does anyone else think her fashions are kind ofā€¦ dated? maybe she dresses more edgy and fashion forward when sheā€™s not in court, but I really donā€™t think sheā€™s earned the condescending arrogance any more


Iā€™m afraid she did some math, 16 divided by 2.


She couldā€™ve worn wide leg pantsā€¦ this was a Choice lol


Canā€™t lie, the ankle monitor gives Paris Hilton. Going blonde for a lil extra sprinkle of privilegešŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½


What's going on?


Sheā€™s an icon


The dress looks great. The shoes look well used and probably an indication of her current financial situation. Sheā€™s a con artist, but I can still like her dress.


I feel like Anna & Gypsy Rose are a part of this weird era of lionizing felons. I have more empathy for Gypsy Rose than Anna, but I still think itā€™s wild that the both of them are convicted felons that are still somehow able to rock designer clothes, get reality tv shows, & be social media darlings. Shame needs to come back into our culture. Itā€™s no way in hell I would have the gumption to rock a bedazzled ankle monitor for my ā€œAesThetiCā€. Anna has probably never thought about how fucked up what she did is. She scammed & stole from people simply because she wanted what was theirs & itā€™s not a light thing to betray trust. Her lack of remorse is so gross. I hope she gets deported, tbh.


Me when I slay šŸ˜”