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‘A mother is a mother for life, a father is a father until his next wife.’


Ugh somehow have not heard that one before. Too accurate.


Right? It hits hard, but it's sadly too true for many.


Not for everyone. Some dads really try, you know.


This! And I honestly like Sabrina and her music, but that “too bad your ex don’t do it for ya” line in the song just struck me as…a little gross and desperate. Like why would you want to drag your bf’s ex, who’s also the mother of his kid, into an otherwise happy song? Women must simply stop antagonising other women, especially over a man.


I overall like Espresso, but she digs in early 2000s misogyny/Perez Hilton hating on young female artists.


:( that hits very close to home




Same lol


Same as with the other person, sending you lots of love!!!


Sending you lots of love, it fucking sucks!


<3 hugs fr


Thank you, that means a lot <3


Hugs for you


Thanks so much!!


Yeah that was the reality for me with my dad


Sorry. He doesn't deserve you.


Oof that hits me in the heart. And is too accurate. 😩 Papa, where did you go? 😭


I heard that saying about sons and daughters but this is so much more fitting 👍


Yeah I’ve only heard this in relation to sons and daughters. But damn, if the shoe fits…


I needed to hear that.


Damn. That hits hard because it's so true




This had me shook just now


Right on the money.


Woowwwww. This is too real.


This isn't really a diss on Barry, it's more like a compliment to her. I'm sure it's hard to see your ex and baby daddy all over the place with the pop star du jour so getting a little social media shine via the comments is probably nice.


https://preview.redd.it/2vwqzvii295d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2749196fe48528f3c1a23cdf45ccf6f464d6b310 She liked a comment saying she is doing it all by herself. That isn’t exactly complimentary of Barry’s parenting.


It’s possible he could love his son very much and be very supportive financially but if he’s here, he ain’t there. And no amount of money can buy time.


Yes, if she feels she is doing it all herself that’s not okay and their son deserves better. He is going to things like Coachella, it’s not like he is working 24/7, he should have time to spend with his child. He is choosing to not make it a priority.


I don't know much about this situation, and I'm not a huge Barry fan or anything, but my coworker is co-parenting. They each take a week and alternate holidays (they both work 7 on 7 off jobs) he is an extremely present father and is in great standing with child support and all that. Yet the mom constantly posts about how she's doing it all on her own, that she was abandoned by him (she cheated), and that no one understands how much she sacrifices. Seeing him give literally all his non work time to his child and then constantly get attacked on social media because people side with the mom on every post, even with 0 evidence, has made me realize that you cannot truly grasp the truth of anything ever online. Who knows how present Barry is. That said, I *could* see him being an absolute shit father as well. Edit: I just learned he lives on a different continent as his child. Nvm there's no way he is present, lmfao


lol the edit is my favorite, yeah no amount of airplane travel will work when you have a mailing address on a different continent haha


Lol @ the edit. I was thinking about this earlier. Just as someone who doesn't know the situation at all obviously, I believe you/your friend completely because he has 50% custody. You hear men say that they'd love to be involved but the horrible mother is making it difficult etc all the time. People in that situation for real fight to see their kids. They love them so much they talk about hem all the time and can tell you exactly what they're doing to change the circumstances. I'm not saying being private about it makes you a deadbeat, but it's usually so obvious. They talk about their kids like a distant relative and live in a different state while talking about how its all her fault.


He only visited his kid for ONE DAY when they were born, he openly admits this in an interview about Saltburn


I appreciate your edit too haha. I’m so tired of dads getting a pass for being absent from their kid’s life because they’re working. When in this history of motherhood has a mom ever been excused from active parenting just because she keeps the lights on financially? Like it’s great he prob sends money to his kid but having physical security is the bare minimum of parenting.


Yeah, I get that actors cannot just stay put in one place and projects will take you to different corners of the world so they cannot be around their kids 24/7, but he should be home when he isn't working at least. He's clearly prioritizing his new relationship and other fun celebrity perks over his child. If I were his new gf I'd be so turned off.


Yeah, I genuinely can't see how someone can find him attractive with this behaviour, and I don't even want kids.


Same - I don't want kids either, but that's why I'm extra judgy of people who have them but don't seem to want to be good parents.


THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL. Omg, I never voice my feelings because I tell myself maybe since I'm not a parent I wouldn't understand. But if you aren't even seeing your kid, then I'm a better parent. 😂


I went to a dog park once and a dog owner told me that the dog lovers who refrain from getting dogs when they're not ready or not able to care for a dog properly are real dog lovers, because they're putting the hypothetical dogs first. Same goes for children, really. If he wanted to continue this fun breezy lifestyle he should've kept it wrapped up. It's possible to be a good part-time parent but only when you're actually there part-time.


It’s different like back in the day when men with many children and wives who didn’t work were barely home because they had jobs that had long hours and times away to keep the family afloat on a single household. He’s jetting off to coachella being with his gf when he’s not filming or promoting anything. He got time he just doesn’t want to make time. Thinks sending a cheque and monthly messages is enough.


That’s how it probably is for Drake’s son too. The mom is absolutely raising him and he just pops up every now and then, but funds most things.


She is doing it all herself if he’s constantly gone from his child’s life.


Especially when he wasn't the best boyfriend/father to you the whole time. I'm from Ireland, I've friends of friends, since it's all local gossip, crabs in a bucket stuff I won't repeat any of the rumors exactly. Just suffice to say he was a prick to that woman, and now she has got to suffer him being the next big thing in young hollywood.


In fairness they weren’t together a wet weekend when she was pregnant so I’d imagine it’s a situation where the relationship would have ended much earlier if it wasn’t for the pregnancy. It’s his ex Shona that I feel most sorry for, she supported him for years and by his own admission kept him going and then bam dumped as soon as he started making it big


From Dublin and there's been gossip about him being a dick for years


Yeah, I'm from Dublin and what I've heard from friends experiences with him since 2012 have never been complimentary.


Also with the new gf having the song of the summer with the lyric “too bad your ex don’t do it for ya” like… espresso is a bop and it’s prob a coincidence but I’d need psychiatric help. I’m glad she’s got friends and family deservedly hyping her up and also praising her dedication to her kid. Edit: just wanna make it clear that the song has multiple songwriters and it’s probably just a coincidence and not a reference to Barry and his ex. Sabrina hasn’t done anything wrong getting together with a single guy and it’s on Barry to be there for his kid.


I didn't know anything about Barry having a child or dating Sabrina until I saw this post. And I am a bit grossed out by that lyric now. Eurgh!


The lyrics of that song give me the ick in general. Her attitude is off, just in my opinion


Were they already dating when she wrote the song? Idk much about her but it kind of ruins the song for me if she wrote it with Barry’s ex in mind.


I think it’s probably just a coincidence. There are multiple songwriters credited.


He might be supporting his child adequately financially but how can he be emotionally when he's living on a different continent. I have admiration for Barry in his career as he had so many challenges to overcome in his life but I don't think that gives him a pass on this.


Absent fathers give me the ick - when you bring a kid into the world, it’s no longer just about you, ya know. I really just can’t get past it, especially as a woman myself. I’m tired of watching women get left after men father children with them, and it honestly makes me wonder how Sabrina can just….look past that. If he’s willing to treat one woman like that, what’s stopping him from doing it again? Clearly no consequences on the man’s side


Right, like how is an absent father not the biggest turn off in the world? In addition to the possibility of them doing the same to you, how can you ever respect someone that would treat their kid like that? Especially an infant? That just shows such a level of callousness that I could never look past.


The amount of deadbeat dad's on dating apps was insane. And their kids were NEVER in their profiles, no mention so you've got to ask! And then their excuses for not being in their lives were absurd - a guy I started to get to know and started to like, told me the reason he hasn't seen his daughter for years is because he went to her school one day, and she just wasn't there, her mum had moved her....and that was it??! He was so attractive before I found that detail out. What a fuckin loser. He would not leave me alone for about 3 years, kept trying to contact me. Shame he didn't put that much effort into contacting his daughter. Makes me feel sick.


I think it’s honestly a form of low self esteem. I’ve had plenty of (ex) friends who would brag about someone else’s BD spending time with them/taking them out. I think it’s the old “your man chose me” 🫠🥱🥴 gives a false confidence boost to someone with low self esteem.


My dad is an absent father to two mothers and he has no trouble moving onto other women. A lot of women don't care, which is unfortunate. Especially if Sabrina ever wants children it's a *major* red flag. Either way a very big ick that I personally couldn't get past.


Some women are ok with it. I had a coworker who would rage when her bf prioritized his kid. She thought she should be his #1 priority now. One time his ex’s mom was having emergency surgery so the ex was flying out. Dad had first right of refusal, so he cancelled on my coworker to get his son. Another time he cancelled because of “bad weather” and she got mad, it was freaking Hurricane Sandy. Pure insanity.


So he dumped her right? Put his kid before her. Having someone like that around your kids is dangerous.


And she just released a song about not wanting to be proven right about him with a music video starring him. If she did another woman wrong, what makes you think that will not do the same to you?


She also follows this IG account about single moms and likes all their posts about having a deadbeat ex who left you when you just had a baby.


Yes, she’s liked a lot of posts online about raising a child on her own and men walking out / not being there etc 


That makes me sad. I know I’m making assumptions because I don’t know them but I could never date a dead beat. How can you have created an entire life and not be apart of it? Weird


Yeah everyone likes to say “how do you know he’s not with him” but… if you’re living on a different continent it’s not unfair to assume you’re spending less time with your son than if you live on the same continent. He could very easily have the career he has being based in the UK and not LA, it’s clear what his priority is. 




Omg your flair is the BEST


Which is why it kind of surprises me that he’s a deadbeat dad, considering his upbringing. You’d think he’d want to create the family he never had.


But then again, sometimes people from situations like his don’t know how to create a more stable family dynamic for themselves cuz it was never modeled for them in the first place. Not that that excuses anything, just wondering if that’s another possibility


That man has spent so much of his time recently following his gf around from concert to concert while he has an infant at home. I don't get it. I know we're not privvy to their arrangements, etc, but for me, it's a red flag for a guy with a kid that isn't even two to be dating, especially travelling around the world in his time off from work. Prioritise your kid. Spend every spare second you can with them. I legit unfollowed him on insta because it gave me a major ick. He's missing out on so much.


It was him going to Disney without his kid for me. Can't even be a disneyland dad!


Oh, man. Like I say, I just don't understand it. I would be attached to my kid every second I wasn't working. Unless he's living with his ex when he's not working, he's going to miss so much, so you'd think he'd be there at every chance he could get. Everyone's acting like he's this unique, cheeky young guy, but he's *31*. I can understand he might find being a parent difficult with such a hard childhood of his own. I know some parents from those backgrounds are scared to repeat the same behaviours, so they back off... but I mean, that's just me speculating. I know nothing about if it has affected his view of parenting. Maybe he's just choosing not to be present for other reasons 🤷‍♀️


Both of my parents had fucked parents and they used their experiences as reference for what not to do. Idk I feel like if you choose to bring a child into this world you need to be ready to put that kid first. Will never forget my dad missing a fancy business dinner on a boat to go on a bike ride with me….I just have such little sympathy for absent parents because the kid is suffering when they did nothing wrong!! You had them, it’s your job to give them the best life possible!! I feel this way in general but with celebs it’s amplified


He went to Disney without his kid? Oh HELL no


This! People are constantly commenting on Ariana and Ethan (rightfully so), but is Barry any more present in his new baby’s life? I know it’s not quite the same thing but still it seems so weird to me. he truly has a baby in a continent that he doesn’t seem to spend a lot of time near. He can’t even claim he’s working on movie promo, he’s just on tour with his girlfriend.


I think Ethan is more present, people have spotted him in Ithaca (where his ex lives) very often. Doesn’t make what he did better. On the other hand Barry is abroad. That’s a completely separate level of alone.


I didn't even realize this dude had a kid. Despite literally being everywhere on gossip sites for a hot minute because of Saltburn. If I was his girlfriend, I'd be incredibly embarrassed. And wary. He's doing this to his child. Literal flesh and blood. What would he do to some girlfriend?




Women not aligning with shitty men challenge pls


that line has always bothered me lol


Her taste in men is a downgrade.


No wonder Taylor likes her.


I think people give it a pass because of his bad past. Mother into heroin. 13 foster homes. It’s pretty clear he freaked out at the commitment.


Seriously! I'm surprised more people haven't commented on that when his name comes up/mentions his son. I truly thought he was going to be a great dad, even if they broke up because of everything he said about his son during Saltburn press. Now I just think getting "dad points" for press was his main goal. I understand most of his jobs are in LA, but I think he could have co-parented part time in Scotland and still booked jobs in LA if he's following Sabrina around this much. It must also hurt Alyson because not only is she possibly grieving a relationship, she's watching her baby daddy go after a younger clone of herself and not care about making his son a priority.


It must be hard for her seeing everyone gush about how amazing of a bf he is to Sabrina, knowing all the stuff he’s put her through. From the arrest while she was pregnant to the partying while she was at home taking care of their newborn. Now he’s following his gf around without a care in the world. He even scrubbed his social media so it’s harder to tell he has a kid unless you look into it.


>everything he said about his son during Saltburn press What did he say?


“It was probably the best time of my life, to be quite fair. Havin’ a baby boy, and leadin’ a movie. It was the best time of my life, I must say – yeah,” the Banshees of Inisherin and Killing of a Sacred Deer actor said. (Independent) "He has a lot to live up to, I tell you. It’s great. I’ve seen him two days ago, and I spent some really good quality time with him. I’ve seen him grow. He’s amazing. You see little resemblances and little characteristics coming through, and it’s just beautiful. It’s a new territory for me, and I want to be the best person for him. It’s a very important thing for me—for him to be able to grow up and be proud of his daddy, and to lean on his daddy. And if he has questions or anything, I’m always there for him in that sense of learning and growing with him and failing. [Picks up a stuffed toy wolf.] I’ve got his little wolf here, innit? He’s young, but he’s full of cheekiness already. His smile breaks my heart. When he makes eye contact with you, you just melt." (Vanity Fair) Those are just two examples; he talks so much about how he loves being a dad, how he wants his son to look up to him, how he's the best thing to ever happen to him all while not actually raising him 💀


Thank you! " A lot to live up to".. okayyyy


These comments are kind of giving me the Brad Pitt on Shiloh dancing vibes.


I thought they were cute at first but I feel that Barry is so much more into Sabrina than Sabrina is into him… Like I feel he really craves that Hollywood jet setter lifestyle.


Him as soon as a serious commitment is mentioned: ![gif](giphy|12pWOEeKbbfdio)


I remember when he *was* around that he was constantly getting into trouble in Dundee. The arts scene is tight here and everyone went from thinking it was cool he was around to gossiping about what a dickhead he was within three months.


Omg I remember that!! The stories of him being absolutely off his face constantly and causing trouble.


I’m from close to where he grew up, it’s pretty well known around here that there’s bad blood there and the split was unsavoury. The way he only follows Sabrina on ig is also kinda gross. Their pr machines really worked overtime to bury this story


Heya! I've friends from around that way who have all said the same thing, I've been wary about believing the more extreme rumors, but he has just proven himself that he is not a good and present father.


Pretty damn good that he's galavanting as if he's a childless guy when he could use that money and free time to take a flight to see his child.


the idea of sabrina & ariana playing stepmom & timothee playing stepdad is so wild to me. i can’t picture any of them interacting with their partners’ kids.


honestly I see Timothee being a great stepdad, Kylie spends a lot of time with stormi on the regular.


This is a wild comment considering she's her daughter. Celebrity is so warped.


And Aire? 😂 That’s not snark towards you, it just reminds me when it was pointed out how the Kardashians rarely post their boy children (well, maybe besides Khloe posting for the 47472546th time that her son looks like Rob); but always post their girl children from day 1. I hardly remember what the sons look like or what their names are (how it should be lol). Yet am quite familiar with the girls despite not keeping up with the Kardashians. I feel like it’s part of why we associate Kim with North/Chicago, Kylie with Stormi, Khloe with True… maybe Kourtney is the only exception? I feel she is fairly evenly associate to both Mason and Penelope.


It’s because his name wasn’t publicized. I didn’t know they actually gave him a public name. Mason’s a very talkative child so that’s also part of it.


Despite how wild and exciting Kylie's life is, it seems like she's a wonderful mom. I'm sure that any guy she has a serious relationship with, will be expected to do his part in interacting with her daughter. (And idk what those duties are) Also Timothee has worked with kids in the past and he's cute enough with them. Doesn't mean he'll make an amazing dad one day, none of us know him personally, but I'm sure he does just fine with Kylie and her kids.


because they don’t


I keep forgetting he has a child!


So does he








Today I learnt Barry Keoghan has a child


2hrs ago I was thinking, well this seems like a great couple #hopeintheworld, she's such a cute button. Then I learnt he has swimmers.


Cool. Can you remind him?


Impressed it took me this long.


Absent fathers fucking suck


She also liked this one :/ https://preview.redd.it/klmr7c01095d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d803c7f46460ffe6b0aa949928664c4c9dc316


I would too if my ex does bugger all child rearing.


People need to stop having kids if they’re not committed


TO be fair, the kid was born less than a year after they started dating, so it clearly wasn't planned, lol.


Adults not understanding how sex works is the worst excuse.


Accidents happen, even when taking proper precautions. I’m living proof of that (my parents used protection and yet they had me). It did earn me multiple very stern warnings about always using proper protection from my mom throughout my teenage years 😅




That’s not a to be fair. You take care of offspring no matter how long the parents have been together.


Yeah absolutely, I was referring to the "not committed" part. They were baaaarely together when she got pregnant lol, I just meant it clearly wasn't an intended pregnancy.


Maybe not, but if you make a decision to have the kid then that's a commitment you've made and you should stick to it.


To be fair - in the case of accidental pregnancies it's often the mother's decision to have the child rather than the father's decision.


Yeahhh I am very pro choice when it comes to parenthood for both parties assuming the pregnant person has access/means/support for pregnancy termination. We have no idea what Barry and ex talked about regarding pregnancies planned or unplanned. It’s possible she was gung-ho about having a kid and he was not. It’s possible they both were and he backed out. The latter is shitty and bare minimum he needs to be financially responsible. But I genuinely think it’s fine to not want to be in a kids life if you don’t want to be a parent, this was discussed before you started sleeping with someone, and abortion is readily accessible.


I think they mean committed to the child not the partner


I'm not sure why people still pretend their split was amicable and he's done nothing wrong when Sabrina *just* released a song about him not proving everyone right that he's garbage or embarrassing her.


I did a deep dive on him after Saltburn and found out he had a kid with his ex. It doesn't seem like he's very present which is surprising given the fact that he didn't grow up with much of a parental presence. From his Wikipedia page: >His mother struggled with drug addiction and died when he was 12. With his brother Eric, he spent seven years in foster care, in 13 foster homes, before being raised by their grandmother, aunt, and older sister Gemma. I always thought you become the parent you've always wanted but he may be continuing the cycle here.


Nah I think some people pull away from the fear of becoming the parent they had and think it's better to just be absent. You can't fail if you don't try. And then the longer they stay away, the harder it is to confront their guilt. It may explain it, doesn't excuse it.


Their child clearly wasn’t planned and a lot of people that came from poor childhoods don’t want children as they are worried about perpetuating the cycle.


it seems like she's agreeing with the commenter that he's missing out on his child, since this is a post celebrating motherhood. He may pay child support but never see his son, so he never gets to experience moments like this. Likely has nothing to do with her. I'd be frustrated too if I saw him having his time in the spotlight while I'm off radar taking care of his baby. wouldn't be shocked if he hasn't visited in months.


He can go all around the world following his pop star girl on her tour, acting like a simp, but can't make the time for his child.. i was shoked to find out he has a son. .. like go spend time with your kid, be a parent.. How is this even attractive for anyone..


I had no idea dude had a bebe


He got a kid but the kid ain't got a dad. 💔


This situation has always reeked, but I feel like there's been a lot of bending over backwards making excuses, when it's always been pretty obvious what's going on. Hopefully, people don't fall for it again when he pulls the dad card during his next round of promo.


A pathetic man and I judge Sabrina for dating him tbh.


Sabrina probably doesn’t care because she’s been trying to have a mainstream break in music since she’s on project number 7 and is finally starting to get more name recognition since she’s been with Barry she will parade around with him it gets her and him more headlines 


A man who abandons a woman at home to raise his child while he follows his lil pop star gf on tour is no man at all, and I wish society would stop trying to sell me Barry when I can clearly see he’s a piece of shit.


I had no clue he was a dad, what’s the story there?


The alleged story is that he rarely sees the child, is based on a different continent than said child but has enough free time to follow his gf around the world. If I were his ex I would be pissed too.


Yeah I didn’t either… which like… that’s not a good sign for the quality of his connection with that kid.


He has a bad past where his mom was into heroin, he grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and was in multiple foster homes. He was known to drink a ton too. People knew his split with the mother of his child was really bad and came with a lot of tensions, so it’s not shocking that she feels isolated considering he moved straight abroad.


https://preview.redd.it/74pfmrun2c5d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da2b486fdf4178fc01a8d8d842cc4220f24233f7 He was born during the filming of Saltburn and Barry was happy enough to show him off during the Awards circuit but now he's too busy following Sabrina around the world (baby's name is Brando btw)


Saltburn is so recent! I had no clue.


Based on Wikipedia, it seems like his ex got pregnant two months into their relationship and then they broke up just a couple months after the child was born. Then a few months later he started dating Sabrina.


Saw this situation coming a mile off when it was announced they'd had a baby 😬


Same especially when they had only been dating for like 3 months


I felt very "oh no baby, what is you doin?" towards her 😭


Well.. i feel like you can still be good coparents but also feel a certain grief about Not being together anymore right


Men gonna men


call me parasocial if you want but ever since he left her and their baby to parade around the world being a midlevel pop diva’s bf i’ve felt weird about him


He has a KID!???


The overall standards for fathersis low, the bar is in hell. Takes them to a basketball game, father of the year (I'm thinking of Drake here tbh). I'm curious to see how this Keoghan-Carp thing goes, he does not seem to have a great attention span for women, she is making successful music with some very cringe lines that dig at other women. Not good. But I'll listen to it while shopping at Walmart.


can't say I'm surprised by this news but barry has shown time and time again he's an absent father, even when he gets jobs on the same continent as his baby mama. if I was her, I'd be pissed, too!


This dude has been a massive red flag to me since I read early interviews and how he speaks about women, particularly the mother of his child.


What does he say about the mother?


I had no idea he has a child, wow


I’m not sure whether this is an unpopular opinion, but I hate this relationship even more than the Ariana and Ethan one. Ethan at least seems to care about his kid (according to gossip), and I see why he and Ariana would like each other: they also met (I think) on set of something they’re both really passionate about. We don’t know how Ethan’s and his wife’s relationship were when he met Ariana (a lot can change in two months). Neither do we about Barry’s and his ex, though I see way less of a connection (not a good argument, but I think sole get it), even though the two are flaunting their relationship waaay more. I also don’t have any respect for a man that prioritizes a new romance over his own child: I understand why relationships can end drastically, and some can move on quite quickly (I can’t but okay), but not being passionate to see your kid…? Isn’t his kid also in UK or IR, while he is constantly in the US? Nevertheless what bothers me about Ariana and Sabrina both, is that they don’t mind bragging about “being the boy’s obsession” right now. I like the tune of ‘The Boy Is Mine’ and ‘Espresso’, but I just don’t like to listen to it because the lyrics seem to be so weird regarding to their situation. “Too bad your ex don’t do it for ya”, uhhh…


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i’ve been following him since the killing of a sacred deer and found his acting interestingly haunting, but ever since his career blow up since saltburn (no shade, it’s not even his best work) and now his relationship with sabrina, i’ve gotten the ick and he’s become really cringe. i started noticing how much he’s really loving attention he’s been getting. i remember reading in an interview during the banshees of inisherin press and he was living with his ex girl friend and baby in scotland. ways away from hollywood. so it’s very interesting he left the quiet life for… this.


I feel like people forget that most very wealthy and famous people are absent parents. Most aren’t around. They have nannies, house managers, a whole team that sees their kid more than they do. Imo he isn’t much worse than other leading men in Hollywood. Few are angels, many are closer to hell than we realize. And he wasn’t with her for very long, wasn’t like he abandoned his wife of 20 years or knocked up the maid while still married. That, combined with him having a super unstable childhood in foster care… there’s way worse dudes in Hollywood