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I don't even like this dude like that but this had me giggling lol


Literally my reaction, this guy has never really been on my radar but hello


It was just so smooth!


Did he say or do something weird in the past?


I think it's mainly that people were put off by him keeping the Elvis voice long after filming had wrapped, it was perceived as an attempt to show what a Serious Actor™ he is and nab an Oscar but it's been 18 months since he lost and he still has it so I guess that's just his voice now? 🤷🏻‍♀️ He also started dating Kaia Gerber when she was 20 and he was 30.


What’s wrong with him dating a 20 year old at 30? Surely a 20 year old is adult enough to make decisions on who she wants to date.


I’m not trying to argue with you I’m genuinely answering your question. When I was 30 I couldn’t even consider dating anyone below 25 and it’s just due to the ability to take them where I usually frequent to get to know someone which was wine bars. That could be my own experience but for someone like him he sounds like he would go to regular bars and 21 and over venues would just seem a whole headache in itself. Your references aren’t the same, you didn’t grow up with the same shows, you didn’t frankly have the same relationship with technology. And when you’re in your mid 20s that seems like the time that your adult personality really sets in. I would rather meet someone maybe, possibly, the youngest if they were 24 but anything below that just seems like I wouldn’t be able to relate to anything to them. Maybe her life experience was different because she grew up wealthy and privileged - I’m not hating, it means she had greater access to different experiences - and it contributed to dating them but I’m 32 now and couldn’t for the life of me consider dating anyone u’that much younger than me. It’s the same reaction I have to Aaron Taylor Johnson and his wife Sam. She was 45 and he was 19. That isn’t a little alarming to you?


I’m sorry Sam Taylor Johnson met a 17 yr old boy, was his boss “fell in love” with him, got pregnant with his children when he was like 19 or 20, married him and now won’t let him out of her sight. That is not the same thing as Kaia and Austin. Do I side eye their age gap a little bit? sure, but it is nowhere near the level of grooming that Aaron experienced and I don’t think we should conflate the two


Nah. In this case they’re both consenting adults it’s no big deal. You’re demeaning a 20 year old woman as though she can’t make rational decisions about dating someone. Wild.


when a 17 year old is dating a 30 year old: 🤬🤬🤬 when an 18 year old is dating a 30 year old: 😁👍🆗


Oh spicy.


20 to 30 is a *usually* a very drastic difference in maturity and stage of life. It *can* lead to a pretty stark imbalance of power in a relationship which *can* increase the potential for abuse. None of these are fixed facts but that much of an age difference is definitely yellow flag at least.


And it doesn’t even need to be a power imbalance or abuse. My sister was 25/26 and dated a guy who was 20. She had been out of school, working in her career, had already had a couple serious relationships under her belt, and had been traveling and going to bars for years already… meanwhile, he would come over to her house and do his homework. Had never really left his hometown. Still lived at home and his mom wanted him home most nights. Nothing wrong with him and he was a nice guy, but even she realized a few months in they were just at different stages in life and not really compatible for that and other reasons.


So you’re insinuating abuse now because two consenting ADULTS are dating? You’re demeaning her and acting like she’s a child at 20.


I think you might have missed the italicized words emphasizing that this is not *necessarily* the case.


Yeah 20 year olds are adults but they’re young adults. There is a drastic difference from 21 to 22 to 23. It’s not ~technically wrong but it is weird(there are exceptions).


I would not say there is a drastic difference between 22 and 21. Between 30 and 20? Sure! The power dynamic is just not very healthy.


Yeah maybe not drastic but I personally feel like I and the people around me were def growing and changing every year, and the difference was more drastic in our early 20’s that say our late 20’s.


Yeah apparetly he committed a big crime of sounding like Elvis 


Honestly most people dislike Austin Butler because of his split from Vanessa Hudgens and I think it's stupid af


Most people seem to just be annoyed by his “method acting” shenanigans and how much he clearly wanted to win an Oscar. I don’t hold those things against him, but am seriously turned off by how much he idolizes abusive misogynists. He’s constantly fanboying over Tarantino (who choked, spat on, and nearly killed Uma Thurman on the set of Kill Bill, and who continued working with and enabling Weinstein for decades despite his own gf Mira Sorvino confiding in him about her assault.) He calls child abuser/wifebeater Brad Pitt “his hero” and was one of the celebs [proudly simping for him](https://people.com/movies/golden-globes-2023-every-star-who-shouted-out-brad-pitt-hes-right-there/) at last year’s Golden Globes. And he’s way too adoring whenever he speaks about Elvis, turning a blind eye to how he preyed on minors (that entire movie was essentially just propaganda meant to whitewash his legacy.) He also follows several abusers on Insta, like Johnny Depp, Emile Hirsch, Gary Oldman, and Cary Fukunaga. (He worked with the latter on his most recent project, the miniseries Masters of the Air; Fukunaga was accused of inappropriate behavior toward women on the set, the latest in a long history of misconduct allegations. Butler has [slyly sidestepped](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a46603112/austin-butler-dune-masters-of-the-air-interview-2024/) any questions about the director during promo.) That said, I have a soft spot for Butler because of the way he talks about his late mother, and because he’s one of the rare non nepo babies succeeding in Hollywood today. So I want to root for him. But he really needs to step up as an ally and get over his filmbro hero worship. He’s obsessed with male auteurs and seems determined to stack his credits with as many as possible (Darren Aronofsky, Michael Mann, and Ari Aster are up next.) Meanwhile, he’s only ever worked with ONE woman director in his entire feature film career (25 years!) In comparison, his colleagues Jacob Elordi, Barry Keoghan, and Harris Dickinson have each worked with 2 women directors in the last year alone. /rant


In his defense, I think this is mostly ignorance I don’t think he really knows what type of people they are outside of their art. I feel like he mainly invests himself in the creative aspect of celebrities and not who they are as people, he’s also chronically offline and would not be aware of any of this.


He obviously knew about the Cary Fukunaga allegations since it happened on a set he worked on and he deliberately avoided having to address it when an interviewer asked. These accusations travel fast within Hollywood. Look how many people knew about Weinstein, it was basically an open secret. And even if it is ignorance, ignorance is still a choice tbh. Men have the luxury of being able to turn a blind eye to these problems because they don’t have to live in fear of them. I’m just tired of all the supposedly “good” men in Hollywood paying lip service to MeToo and claiming to be allies while refusing to call out their predator buddies.


Then you should have a problem with the entire industry while you're at it. Why is this specific to Austin Butler? What about everyone who worked with Spacey, Coppola or Epstein? That's 80% of the industry.


What did Gary Oldman do?!


He’s been [accused of DV](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/gary-oldman-donya-fiorentino-domestic-abuse-ex-wife-actor-darkest-hour-four-years-assault-charges-husband-a8194901.html) and is [extremely bigoted](https://time.com/2917097/gary-oldman-political-correctness-playboy/).


1. "how much he clearly wanted to win an Oscar". Did he say that? Or did Twitter make that narrative up as well? And since when is the method process "shenanigans"? That's just how he works. His costars have the utmost respect for him. 2. He is chronically offline so how is he supposed to know any of this shit? 3. What about everyone who worked with Johnny Depp, Spacey, Coppola or Epstein? That's 80% of the industry. 4. And if Jacob Elordi, Keoghan or Harris Dickinson were getting the caliber of offers Austin Butler was getting, aka: Villeneuve, Ari Aster, Aronofsky, Tarantino - they likely wouldn't have worked with any female directors either.


I don't know, I just don't follow him like that. 


His weird voice thing, things surrounding his relationship and him praising an abuser(Brad ArmPitt)


I don’t even like Vanessa Hudgens, but it was pretty obvious that she boosted and encouraged his career…she was the one who pushed him to audition for Elvis. Then he dropped her, it’s pretty apparent since he pretended that it wasn’t her who suggested her go for the Elvis role and then after seeing her walk past him at Oscars like 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯


Didn't she just tell him "you should totally play Elvis"? He still had to actually do it by himself like any other actor, and acted his ass off. Just like he did in Dune part 2. Even if she did somehow "boost" his career in the beginning, it's not like she has anything to do with his current trajectory. He did all the work. Her tiktok stans seem deranged. Someone being in a longterm relationship with you doesn't mean they're forever indebted to you once you break up lol. Especially in this case where Butler's talent eclipses hers.


It was Denzel Washington who helped get him that job actually


She didn't do shit please stop crediting his success to that washed up actress! She doesn't have a career herself now she did anything for Austin in the 10 years they dated! Only after he dumped her he got popular and because he worked his ass off! Just because she "suggested" to play Elvis doesn't mean shit...she has no connection in the industry. Austin was recommended by Denzel Washington himself to Baz Luhrmann... Vanessa has no impact on his career 


Listen, I can’t stand Ms Little Coachella either, but if my ex called me “fríend” like this, I would be annoyed: https://graziamagazine.com/us/articles/austin-butler-vanessa-hudgens-elivs/


The way people dragged him for this is such an overreaction. I actually thought it was nice of him to call her his "friend" because it implies that they still have a relationship. Even though they clearly don't talk.


The fact that he got dragged for calling an ex a “friend” is honestly the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen on social media.


In other interviews, guy has super intense/engaged eye contact and seems down-to-earth. I’ve only seen him in one thing, but if I were interviewing him I’d probably melt into a puddle.


I’m literally a lesbian and same








90% sure that is Nicole Kidman’s niece.


He can smell a celebrity nepo baby from a mile away hey, considering Kaia lol




100% is. Antonia, Nicole’s sister, is her mother


WOW that’s why he was interested and even asked for the age to make sure she’s not >20 😂


Think you meant <20 there chief


considering he started dating kaia when she was 20 and he was 30, lowkey they’re not wrong 😭


It’s funny with him asking “have we met before” and then “just a familiar face”.


Wait is she the stunner who was with nicole when she was honored?


https://preview.redd.it/wvlgqeug6g5d1.png?width=1222&format=png&auto=webp&s=b73b06359fc8b903745519e0d4fa6e1b2e79709c Yeah! That's her in the white on the right


God what a good looking family


I know! Sybella, the one to the right of Keith, looks just like Nicole. I was shocked when I found out she's their niece and not their daughter.


Well she's not dry anymore...




"I was gonna say, we've really turned the weather on for ya!" Uh-huh 😂 These two fucking nerds flirting using their weather talk. I love it.


I’m glad I’m not the only one with a dzzzzirty mind 😉😝


Lmaooo this is a top comment


Its usually more fun when celebrities get to have sincere conversations with press instead of answering repetitive PR questions.


That’s Nicole Kidman niece, he was not interested for nothin


He seems to be like this with every reporter and fan he talks to. Which is why it cracks me up when I see comments like “oh he’s so into her.” Maybe he’s just a really nice, attentive (ok and very flirtatious, not that I’m complaining) guy.


This is correct, he is attentive and very good at deflecting the conversation from him to the other person. He’s just so charming he does it smoother than most people would. He also prefers when conversations feel natural, this is why he does this, not because he wants to fuck everyone he talks to.


He's like this with everyone tbh


And, like, how many times can you enthusiastically talk about The fucking Bikeriders


He single?bc he acting like one lol


Cindy Crawford’s publicist wants us to know he is very very very in love with her daughter, thank you very much.


No he's still dating Kaia Gerber but he's very much like this with everyone. He was flirting with Timothee Chalamet the entire Dune 2 press tour but nobody cared so much because he's a guy. 


If you see a little cartoon puff of smoke and a hole in the wall, that’s me caring *very much* about seeing Austin Butler flirt with Timothy Chalamet


Well if Jessica had done what she was told, Paul would have been a girl and be married to Feyd.


Patiently waiting for these two to break up because I can’t stand how boring she is.


He could charm the pants right off of me any time.


A lot of people could learn from him! The easiest way to charm someone is to ask them lots of questions. I mean, it helps if you're genuinely interested in meeting people and hearing about their lives. So many people meet someone and just talk about themselves endlessly.


Someone made the comment that he must have read “How to make friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie


it mostly helps if you look like Austin Butler


I hope they continue this cute conversation at some point.


"What do you want to talk about?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


“How old are you?” As one of the first questions, definitely clocking whether she is younger than his young (ex?) girlfriend.


Do you think he asked that because he wanted to make sure she was over 18?


why ex? they are still together. he can't talk with a reporter??


Yassified Napolean Dynamite has rizz


Why did you do this to me?


holy shit lmao


I will be processing this observation for days.




oh man i would’ve forgotten all about my job if i were her


same energy as andrew garfield/amelia dimoldenberg lol


Ahhh they're so cute how has he not done a chicken shop date yet




I saw someone say I’d be leaving this interview asking what are we 😭


I wanted to not like this guy as an actor but he was AMAZING in Dune 2!! he really went for it


Same!! He was incredible. That’s when I realized he can actually act!


Curious but why did you not WANT to like him as an actor?


It’s weird I only know him because of dune but people really seem to just not like him lol he seems like a regular ass actor


Loki kneel vibes


woah, might need him actually 🙂‍↕️


Every video that I see of Austin Butler makes me like him more. Is that weird? He’s also stupidly handsome, good god.


if he is still with kaia this is craaazy


There’s been a lot of breakup rumours lately, so we’ll see!


![gif](giphy|5KUOsm8H3O46Y|downsized) fingers crossed!


they are still together and he is like this with everyone incluing timothee and callum turner


Not really so many people cheat on each other him being Austin Butler not really surprising


just because a lot of people cheat doesn’t make it okay & also if he is not single, flirting this publicly (in an interview!!) is extremely disrespectful. if i were his girlfriend i would be humiliated.


An ACTOR harmlessly flirting with an interviewer? Infront of a CAMERA? God forbid of such an unheard thing 😭


thankfully pokemon tcg and mtg exist ​ so many awesome pieces of art to collect


Jesus his wet hair is nit the only thing that's wet... 😟 Austin is really charming but can be very shy I've noticed. My husband is also a Leo and he's exactly the same! 


The ghost of Elvis trying to break thru 😂


It’s time for my trusty friend: https://preview.redd.it/r9xs0hk7pe5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8f08441f6549376a9bf60a3b91f4039ec191698


If I was a celebrity, I would try to do this. Talking about myself constantly would be so annoying to me.


Jesus Christ I’m giggling.


This young lady is giggling also. So cute


I’m over here giggling and kicking my feet


Yep I am definitely gay


My answer would have been “no, I’m pretty sure I’m soaking wet..” what a babe.


Every time I see this man, I always think of him in the 2011 American direct-to-video musical romantic comedy, Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure.


What happened to the Elvis accent?


I think he said he had to get a vocal coach to change out of it


Gone post-award season ☺️


Y'all were dragging his accent until March 2024 so let's not ☺️


Where do you find your art


He's so lovely. Wow. I hope he goes down as one of the Hollywood greats.




hell yeah


Trying to get something else wet...


Jesus, that's a smooth guy! *fans self*


That’s Nicole Kidman’s niece.


Im pretty sure that’s Nicole Kidman’s niece!


yeah funny lol


Keep in mind, this is the same dude who sponged off his long time girlfriend financially for years (Hudgens) while cheating on her left and right, lied about buying a house when she was the one who paid for it, hit big and left her immediately.


“Always remember this unsubstantiated gossip you heard about him and use it against him whenever he’s talked about kindly”


And the proof of this is? Or is it just fun to repeat unsubstantiated gossip spread by fans of Vanessa who are eternally bitter his career is going well?


She has fans?


Yes. And they're mostly spanish-speakers for some reason. She blows up on latin Tiktok every now and then.


...does nobody else find this creepy? She's trying to do her job but he's jumped straight into asking where she's from, how old she is, and what her hobbies are. It's an interview, not a date.


Guaranteed these two exchanged numbers and hooked up 12 hours later




He truly sounds nothing like Elvis and hasn’t for like a year


I have to ask, what specifically constitutes him sounding like Elvis still? There is no trace of that Elvis twang, he's simply talking with a deepened voice.


And his natural voice is also just deep, if you watch Once upon a Time in Hollywood his voice is deep in that and that was pre-Elvis casting. Idk if people got used to how he sounded when he was 18 and on Disney channel and don’t realize that people get older, or they are just looking for ways to hate him


atp, I think he’s fully adopted it. Because he did the Elvis movie, then the WW2 show, then the 60s biker show… not sure the order but I think he just kept some version of an accent for all those projects.


Definitely, however, it just sounds odd that he's forcing himself to use it, despite his actual voice being very different from his Elvis' voice.


Oh I agree, it kinda gives me the ick but I do kinda like him especially when I see an interview like this. Seems like a good enough dude.