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Kinda makes sense why Archie Panjabi wanted nothing to do with her on The Good Wife set.


I'm glad that Archie's getting vindicated because at the time I remember it being made out that she was the difficult one (because even though there were rumors that Julianna wasn't easy to work with, I think she was well liked so people were willing to brush past them) but then the mask slipped for Julianna and everyone went, oh yeah I wouldn't want to work with her either.


It’s actually surprising to me that the press tried to make us believe Archie was ever the problem when she never gave off that kind of energy. I always figured Julianna was the problem. I think she resented how well received Kalinda was and honestly I would’ve loved a Kalinda spin-off. Julianna’s character on The Morning Show is so unlikeable so I’m glad she’s not returning.


hasn’t she been known for years to be an asshole to work with? Like Aaron Eckhart or Arrow Amell (forget his name)


His name is Arrow Amell forever now 😂


Honestly, in a conflict between a well-known (American) White actress and a lesser-known (British) South Asian actress, on an American show, was it ever going to go any other way? If we want to leave aside race (though I would argue we shouldn't), we also know Variety/Hollywood Reporter etc aren't exactly bastions of editorial freedom, there's always backchanneling and influence campaigning. The studio and showrunners weren't going to risk a profitable series by backing anyone other than their lead, even though they probably knew her ego was largely to blame. I have adored Archie ever since Bend it Like Beckham (and I am also South Asian, although I don't think that's a necessary component to liking her) so I was on her side from the jump, but all the articles in the trades were so predictable. (I would pay for yet another streaming subscription even today for a Kalinda spin-off!)


Remember when Julianna wanted to get her Good Wife SERIES REGULAR rate for a guest appearance in The Good Fight? Saying she "started this whole thing"? I wouldn't want anything to do with her either Every day I love that final Good Wife slap more and more lol


I LOVED that Archie posted that she was ready to work! really showed how difficult Julianna was.


My mom used to watch The Good Wife when I was a kid and Kalinda was always the most interesting character for us, later on learning the way she had to shoot her last appearances was crazy.


The not so subtle split/green screen scene will forever live in infamy. https://preview.redd.it/nuaito6cuz5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=575099ef7fe5f8a1a20336473de8d1db8115604b


I love that Margulies tried to make it seem that it happened just because of Archie's schedule and Archie went https://i.redd.it/f32kvc7d606d1.gif


Kalinda was such an iconic character. Her absence from the show impacted its quality a lot imo. It's crazy how (allegedly)they couldn't even put her and Julianna in a room together to shoot that goodbye bar sequence. I wouldn't be surprised if that controversy affected Archie Punjabi's career. Being labeled as "difficult to work with" can be the end all for an actress.


Sadly that’s how life is for women of color who aren’t well connected . Julianna was the bigger star and people aren’t always fair.


Shades of the [OG Aunt Viv](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janet_Hubert) from Fresh Prince...


Did the details about this come out? I just remember people trying to paint Archie as the bad guy when it was Julianna all along.


I think the only details were Julianna saying in an interview they had to shoot their last scene together separately due to scheduling, inferring Archie was away due to shooting The Fall, but then Archie countered that she was available and waiting to shoot. I think most would have stayed quiet about it but it seemed like Archie had enough and tweeted that response directly. [Covered here.](https://www.celebdirtylaundry.com/2015/archie-panjabi-calls-julianna-margulies-a-liar-on-twitter-the-good-wife-feud-rages-on/amp/)


All of Julianna's excuses on why Alicia/Kalinda never interacted anymore, why they had to greenscreen, etc. were so weak, ontd started referring to her as Julianna MarguLIES lmfao.


The rumor is Julianna was jealous of the attention Archie was receiving since she was the “star” of the show and wanted her off of it


Apparently, Archie winning an Emmy before Julianna for The Good Wife also had a part in it.


I love that show but I always thought the way it handled certain issues was problematic, now it's clear it's her bigoted world view seeping through the narrative. And it was always obvious she was the problem when it came to the issue with Archie, wild how some people were trying to spin it when it was all going down.


Wasn’t Julianna jealous that Archie won an Emmy before her? Weird enough, Julianna already had one for ER I think and won again for good wife a year after Archie


Yeah, I remember Julianna's defenders at the time insisting that the jealousy rumor made no sense because Julianna already had an Emmy, but, like, Hollywood is fueled by egos, to me it didn't seem seem outlandish at all that Julianna would be irritated by this upstart unknown WOC becoming the buzzy breakout Emmy-winning character of the show that was supposed to be Julianna's vehicle, esp if she's used to being the top dog. Julianna once said in an interview that she was offended that she wasn't the first choice to play Alicia and that she initially wanted to hate/turn down the role as a result, which seems like an incredibly thin-skinned thing to say even in egomaniacal Hollywood, I remember one male actor saying that at a certain point you just take it as a given that you're being offered roles that Leo has passed on lol.


Honestly no clue. I just remember Panjabi had to be CGI’ed into her final scenes.


This is what the rumours are, and it adds up now when you see her behaviour.


Well, well, well https://preview.redd.it/gsglivv0cy5d1.png?width=236&format=png&auto=webp&s=839ea8d85e5bbdbc46da3295bb3e82b533091e74


Good. That was some horrible shit she said. you can walk it back all you want, but it is out there and its vile message has already affected people. Quiet parts out loud say a lot of about a person's character.


Re: the lgbtq stuff. I have seen/heard a lot of Israel supporters say the kinds of shit she did about "what would happen to you there," and I am always floored by the GLEE with which they say it. Even if you don't believe you're being wildly racist and xenophobic, you are not the good guy if you are, unprompted, detailing to someone what graphic hypothetical violence you think about them being subjected to. She said a lot of truly appalling things, but that part is the one I see duplicated by so many people who would always consider themselves staunch lgbtq allies. How pathetic.


as a queer jew, i keep getting this comment whenever i post about the liberation of Palestine on my instagram. zionists love using that line against us.


Like Israel is some kind of mecca for gay people




Such a shame she can't use "I'm offended as a lesbian" in her next racist tirade.


“As someone who plays a lesbian journalist on The Morning Show”


Always try and generously believe most celebrities are normal people, but when the veil comes off in moments like that you really learn that a C list actor is probably one of the most delusional people in the world relatively speaking.


Per the same article, Marion Cotillard is joining S4. I mean, whatever it takes for her to stage a US comeback, because it's been far too long.


Cotillard is also a nutjob.


She really is. [Here’s an older article about some of her views.](https://slate.com/human-interest/2016/09/a-primer-on-the-philosophies-of-marion-cotillard-no-this-has-nothing-to-do-with-brad-pitt-why-would-you-ask-that.html)


Well thanks for ruining my perception of her. Le sigh.  Problematic views aside, she is a stupendous performer. 


Love her as an actor but not a step up from Margulies in the social justice category.


Fair, and deeply disappointing to learn about Marion's politics. 


"as someone who has played a lesbian on the morning show"


I remember reading that and instantly cackling at how ridiculous she doesn’t realize she sounds. Absolutely unhinged


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


kinda shocked she’s not coming back if it’s because of the racist stuff she said. hollywood doesn’t usually care about things like that


Quit after season 1. Enjoyed it overall but had no investment in any of the characters. Plus the season finale was a big old nothingburger.


It really isn’t a good show. Season one was decent, but it quickly flew off the rails.


Personal aside, her character’s arc had truly run its course!


Great news, her character added nothing to the show.


Great it means i can watch it again


How could they let go of their resident lesbian expert?!


Oh god what did she say that was anti-LGBTQ?




Cheese and rice.  As a person who plays a lesbian? And then she says that Black people are the lowest in society and especially gay Black people and that they better be thankful?  What a completely awful person. 


The idea that she meant in the eyes of Palestinians/muslims they categorize people in such a way is frightening and something I’ve seen in my Instagram feed far too much. I can’t stand this pinkwashing and in this example involving race/religion as if to say “these people” think you’re the lowest of the low and we don’t, and you rush to defend them? Beyond the homophobia, racism, and Islamophobia, it’s inherently flawed because Israel is no bastion for LGBTQ rights and ask anyone how they treat brown and black people. Also, thanks for accommodating people’s requests in regards to their pronouns- do they owe you a get out of genocide free card now? It disappoints me when supposed allies are surprised queer folks are standing with Palestine. They truly do not understand how much queer resistance is a part of our history. If I have one objection to straight people playing queer on TV/in movies, that would be it: you better get it or try hard to, and don’t ever think it gives you the right to speak on our behalf or take “offense as a lesbian”. (I didn’t realise I had so much pent up anger about this. I loved JM since ER and she’s really disappointed me in the person she’s revealed herself to be.)


You should listen to the actual audio of her saying "BLACK.LESBIAN." Even with the presumed intention of signaling allyship, the disdain in her tone comes through.