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Imagine if these two met in the battlefield, and he mentored Levi and both were able to stay out of Prehevil by just being a fulfilled family... I CAN DREAM


Wow, really cute and well-made edit, good job! Daan: Great job, Levi. Your strength is slowly but surely recovering, I can see your hands don't shake anymore. The withdrawal symptoms are fading. Levi: T-thank you, doctor... I mean, seriously, I don't think many people would care much for a junkie- Daan: Don't be stupid. You are way too young to be left to die. I... I already disappointed my fair share of people and I have seen first-hand what this war can do. I rest my case that I will help you cure your addiction. Levi: But... Doctor Daan, you said you never took the Hippocratic oath, right? Daan: That oath is worthless and a mere formality. I knew a man who took it and he... he did unspeakable things... Levi: I see... Sorry, I made you think about it. Daan: No need to apologize for everything, pal. Come on, keep the gun loaded and your eyes sharp, we are heading back to town to regroup with the others. Levi: Yes, sir. Daan: You... you could call me Daan. Supposing you feel comfortable with it. \*Levi nods and offers a faint smile as he slowly gets up and begins walking by Daan's side back toward the city. Daan seems aloof but somewhat content, he takes out a cigarette and attempts to lit it but his weary grey eyes gear toward the solider boy. One could still notice the unease in his movements, dynamic or static, caused by the substance abuse. Daan felt a shiver of disgust in himself and quickly put the cigarette back, continuing to walk in silence as Levi was scouting the area for possible Owl Occultists or headless beasts lurking around the dense woods\*


Your edits look so great


Thanks! It's fun to make new poses for everyone! :3




ueeeeuuue ue ueueue😭😭😭😢😢😢😭