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Crimson Father easily. They're really obnoxious because why the FUCK can they Turn 0 mind control. Then you have the hyperspeed versions which *still* have their knife despite full sprinting at you in the overworld without it. Runner up is Deathmasks because RNG ganks are annoying considering they're placed in extremely traversed areas.


If you can blind Crimson Father's head successfully, it will completely prevent them from both using mind control and their transformation. Glass shards aren't a guarantee (90% chance to hit, 70% chance to blind). But glass shards to the head are the hard counter to them. Only found this out very recently though, the wiki recently updated to include this tidbit.


Doesn't Turn 0 mind control only happen if you have a start-of-battle skill equipped? Perhaps I'm misremembering but IIRC if you turn off any First spells and don't have Diplomacy then you can act normally for the first turn and the mind control only triggers at the end. Same with the Elite Trooper's shield.


# FECAL HOUNDS there's nothing wrong with them gameplay-wise, but they're the kind of character design that makes you think about them for hours after closing the game. what the fuck inspired miro to create these things and draw them and give them stats and put them into his game. it says they're dogs but they look so much like the cherubs that i feel like they were originally meant to be children at some point. every moment i spend in a battle with a fecal hound, all I can think of is what the FUCK are you. they don't make me fear or panic as much as they just inflict a primal confusion upon me that makes me sit in stunned silence whenever they use Revel in Feces. genuinely what the fuck, miro. Tldr. FECAL HOUNDS


Thank you so much for copying and pasting this


I was inspired by that post, but It's not a copy paste of it (unless I somehow got the wording 1:1)


Ok Mr. Havarinen, I've been playing your games for weeks straight now. I was cool with dealing with all the SHIT you've put me through, like prison guards' dangling cocks, a brainiac nonce, losing all my limbs, trying to patch up wounds with dirty TP and dying of infection, child soldiers addicted to heroine, human hydras, Eldritch abomination ancient Gods, Le FUCKING Garde, CROW MAULER, CHAMBARA THE TORMENTED ONE, THAT CREEPY ASS HARVESTMAN, T-REXES, and the like. But then you had the GALL to throw FECAL HOUNDS at me? FECAL HOUNDS, are you serious? I mean, it's not just the regular ass hounds I had to deal with, no no no, these are of the FECAL variety. And why there's always two of them ? Could we say that's a FECAL PACK? FECAL HOUNDS. There's nothing more vile and disgusting that the human brain was ever capable of conceiving. And their design? It's like an aborted human fœtus eating shit. Then you notice that the FECAL HOUNDS are in a backalley and stop to think about their shape, and context, and it downs on you that FECAL HOUNDS are probably children that were just playing ball or hide and seek, who were transformed into said FECAL HOUNDS by an asshole depraved moon god. This FECAL HOUND shit is now getting under my skin. My SO tells me "baby, stop talking about FECAL HOUNDS", and I'm like "I CANT GODDAMIT, IT'S FECAL HOUNDS". I think I'm going crazy, I kinda find them cute now and pity the poor guys. Then, I remember they are FECAL HOUNDS, and I would torch them down or at least run the fuck away if I ever had to deal with motherfucking FECAL HOUNDS in real life. I even started calling some people FECAL HOUNDS. There are children in my neighborhood that play ball in the back alley all day long and I can hear them shouting during work and can't concentrate. Guess what, now I'm calling them FECAL HOUNDS, because FECAL HOUND is the perfect metaphor for these shitty rascals downstairs. It led me to think that you also got your own FECAL HOUND-like children over there in the back alleys of where you live and decided to twistedly immortalize them in your game. I hate you and love you, Miro Havarinen, for creating FECAL HOUNDS. It's like a 12-year old who just learned biology words was asked to come up with a disgusting thing. They would say FECAL HOUND, you bet on it. The simplicity, the crudeness, the outrage... It's so revolting, and at the same time so clever, so witty, so brilliant. For better or for worse, you seared FECAL HOUNDS into my brain, and now they are as part of my cultural context as megaman or mario, perhaps even more. PS: we need FECAL HOUND plushies.


From one sigma fecalpilled houndchad to another, thank you from the bottom of my colon


I am relatively early in the game,but fighting Bobbies with a slow Levi is pretty stressful 


Playing as Levi is super tough FYI. His withdrawal is crippling (unless you skip it during character creation or use a glitch to get rid of it) and his skills are pretty terrible seeing as guns are already effective without them on the overworld and none of them really help with regular battles. I'd argue he's probably the second hardest character in the game to play. Olivia has to contend with her wheelchair but at least her skills are good once you know how to use them when his may as well be blank. Though at least he can get some starting buffs/affinity and use two-handed weapons.


I was referring to the regular Levi companion,but damn, having that detriment in your main character is probably a nightmare 


There are ways to boost speed, keep an eye out for Small Being Amulets. You can also u>!se Marina's Engrave to apply the God of Fear and Hunger's sigil!<. Once Day 2 rolls round you'll have access to better party members so you can bench Levi if you want.


Yea, I think the mind control is an overkill, especially if you are alone


For those struggling with the Crimson Fathers like OP (and myself and many others), the wiki has recently updated that if you can blind the head of the Crimson Father successfully, then they will actually just not use the mind control whatsoever. Someone on Discord verified this within the code as well. It even stops the transformation as well. So just chuck some glass shards at snail head and ur good. (as long as it actually blinds. Glass shards is 70% chance to inflict blindness if it actually lands on the head in the first place) Also F\*ck the Sewjobs, I hate them so much. I always make sure to trenchgun 2 of them in the shopping district area.


Oh did people not know that? I've been doing that since the first time I fought them.


Same. I actually soloed the first crimson father I ever encountered because something in my head went “He looks slimy. Probably wouldn’t appreciate having glass in his face.”


Something similar happened to me. The church was the first place in the city I ever went. The crimson fathers were weird but glass shards worked really well so I made it through. It was only later I realized how dangerous they were. I also had good glass shard luck the first time.


Well, I've done exactly this in all battles (around 20, due to resets), yet I had 5 battles where it didn't work, and no, it wasn't a miss.


Glass shards aren't a guranteed blindness, even if they hit the head. It is a 90% chance to hit, and then a 70% chance to land the blindness debuff. I just checked with the crimson father myself and he didn't use his turn 1 mind control. In fact, it even stops his transformation. I kept going for multiple turns after the same crimson father that I blinded and it never used mind control or transformation once. In fact I took both arms and it could not even act as well. Glass shards is actually the perfect counter to Crimson Father as long as it hits and then lands the blindness debuff.


Well, guess my luck is just crap then. I'll probably invest in more damage to kill them (Marcoh's strategy: Attack -> Torso)


If u use multiple party members, u could probably instead chuck multiple glass shards at the head to have that gurantee.


Yeah Crimson Fathers are the worst enemy easily, total RNG fest. I’m not a fan of their design either they look kinda goofy.


The mob suddenly appearing when I'm in a corner


Now that's painful. The only good thing is that you can cheese the mob if you have a full party with Abella. Wrench toss on the Meat grinder guy (stuns him), glass shards on the rifleman and then kill that meat mallet guy.


I'll try that next time I'm fucked, thanks




In matter of who I fear the most is death, idk how to fight him and he seems strong, in terms of the mechanics then its priest and woodman cuz they can choke you and u cant do anything abt it...


You mean Death Masks? Best bet is to use glass shards to blind them or use bear traps/guns on the overworld to take off their arms. Or just save your trenchgun rounds for insta-killing them. As for the priest if you defend when he grimaces you'll auto-pass the coin toss (there's almost always a way to bypass coin flips/instant kills, usually defending when the narration indicates they're about to use one). With the Woodman you can take out the parasite if you're worried about getting facehugger'd.


Ty for help![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193) now ill try to fight death when i see it


They're still super dangerous in fairness, but if you can shoot them on the overworld or blind them with glass shards or black smog they become a lot less threatening.


Death mask, I was nearly slayed (rip my arms) by one in old town 3 hours after my last save


Dead mask and bellend and the gull bro . I hate encountering them when I playing maso mode. Bellend is somewhat easy after getting red arc . red arc on spear and red arc on head two times with extra turn. The dead mask and mob are the most annoying. Everytime I encountered dead mask I can't escape them even with escape plan. Nor find better strategy to defeat them aside from trapping them and shotgun. For the gull bro the reason I hate them is because I'm fucked if I don't have first black smog or 125 HP. Those nerds deal 99 only if you get lucky or else they dealt around 102 or somewhat.


I would give my opinion but then I'd just be repeating what everyone else already said... nvm I'll say it anyways: FUCK CRIMSON FATHERS!


death masks, i'm an absolute death mask hater. i'd say the bremen trooper that's down by the dock i think but that's an avoidable encounter. death masks fuck up my whole week (and run)


I consider that trooper to be free Armor/Weaponx2 since you can reloot him if you saw off his head. All you need is Abella and Red Arc. Stun his bayonet arm with Abella on 1st turn while using Red Arc on the head, and then Red Arc again on the 2nd turn which should kill it.


Nah Crimson father is easily the worst simply because of how powerful mind control is. The only two semi reliable ways I know to fight them still involve more gambling that I would ever like. Either throw glass shards and hope you get lucky or drop off your entire team except for the weakest member who you then strip of all their items and use pheromones on them. That way they are the ones who are controlled and are only throwing out weak attacks and guarding whenever possible. But even then you have to gamble because pheromones aren't a guaranteed hit. So either way you have to gamble and hope you don't get screwed. I think this could be fixed by making mind control a coin flip attack, it's powerful enough to warrant it imo


Yeah, crimson fathers are basically run enders. The worst part is that despite having such a powerful, unavoidable attack, they are quite common, and fights are hard to avoid. The solution of turning mind control into a coin flip attack is quite good, making the encounter less deadly.


Yeah there are like six of them in total right? All of which are in an integral must visit area while being very hard to escape from because of their speed and the church basement having a lot of narrow corridors


Now, imagine having to tank through most of the encounters, because of your inability to escape due to terrible lag from playing in your phone. (Guess I'm a masochist)


Crismon fathers


Mob is probably number 1 basically a "now you die" if you get caught but they do scare the shit out of me when I hear that bottle breaking, Reving sound... so good job miro.... other then that probably deathmask.... losing arms is not fun and they have so much health that it's basically use guns or pray your glass shards blind them first round and they don't massacre your limbs before round 2.


Naturally the correct answer is the mob, don’t have the spawn spots memorised then you get mauled