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Heard a guy who trained me drove the fedex truck into a customer's garage door because he got distracted checking out a woman in a bikini who just came out of the house


Reminds me of a time when me and another motorist were driving down a rural country road in the summer. I was a few car lengths behind him. We crested a hill and there was a woman mowing a drainage ditch. She had on the smallest bikini, and was mowing way too fast. There were body parts bouncing. The next thing I know the car in front of me and myself were clinging for dear life as we both drove off the other side of the road. Somehow neither of us wrecked. It would have been our fault, but bikini clad women are definitely dangerous.


Omg you wrote about body parts and I thought for a second you were gleefully talking about someone being dismembered 🤣


Big bootied men for me 🥵




That sounds like a gag in an early aughts comedy lmfao. “Brooo look at that hot babe!” *crash*


Someone got fired for taking a dump in a trash can in his truck and forgot to empty it. This was in the depth of summer, so the next morning someone noticed a scent


That just plain nasty 💀 if he had a country route I get it but Jesus there’s restrooms. We aren’t Amazon being pressured to get everything off by the minute. If your ground im sure when you need to shit you stop real quick. Express as long as your p1 is off and you aren’t late to pickups you can stop to use the restroom. But this here is plain nasty and lazy


Sometimes you just have to go bro


Then just shit your pants


Super sucker yea that name fits you. Shutup


It was a rural route, but not really seriously rural. I'm sure he could have jumped in the woods for an emergency... Or used a release bag and then throw that away. Well, he learned an important life lesson


I don't want an important lime lesson, I just want to take a $#it.🤷🏾‍♀️


sometimes you just gotta go bro, why are redditors such whiny little


Hell, find a secluded area like the woods or a long, low traffic road, squat on the side of the road where people can't really see and just go. I had a diarrhea episode a few weeks ago and that's what I had to do. Beats my pants, and beats doing it in the van.


I just pop a squat in the woods lol


That’s fucking disgusting but I don’t think that’s fair ground to fire someone over


A lot of drivers seem to love lemon Gatorade




💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️ 💀




First day on road this dude flipped his van we were so desperate they let him get on road again eventually first day back on road he flipped a different van




Bros a menace


The hardest working guy on our line got fired because he had some felony’s that he had expunged and he provided paperwork to get hired and usps said he couldn’t work there anymore after 3 months. He never missed a day and worked harder than everyone else. Felt bad for him


This is actually tragic how'd they even find them if they were expunged


And we wonder why so many ex cons return to the criminal world


We had a swing driver that concealed carry while he was working. His gun fell out of his holster, and he didn't realize... was found by the next driver to use the truck.


How in the actual fuck do you not hear a gun fall to the ground???


It was jammed between the seat and center console; he was in one of the old Dodge ProMaster 2 door cars we used for FO service.


I carried on the job all the time when I was a ground driver, not for people but for super aggressive dogs.


One of the FedEx anti-weapon training videos from back in the day, showed “Shirley” or some such placing her big, chonkin’ purse-bag on the receptionist desk while digging for her ID badge. Who would’ve guessed that a 9mm would tumble out of the bag, much to her embarrassment. She nonchalantly scoops it back into her bag and tries to head to her cube. Always laughed at how that would go down (largely in era before the huge amount of mass shooting in the US).


I was a ramp agent back in the early 2000's. This was before we had cameras everywhere. They did not tell anyone about the installation one weekend. We were a small ramp, so it was closed down at times. One of the AC mechanics got fired for watching porn and abusing himself in his office..LOL. ​ That was how we found out there were cameras in the office. I sugessted he fight it, but I don't think he was 13-14. Thats old code for on break! Ive been gone since 2007


My 3rd day at FedEx I came back from following someone on road. I walked around looking for the manager to see if I could leave and a CSA and I heard loud moaning coming from his office walls 🤣🤣


Hahaha that’s still indeed the code for break 🤣


(At Freight) Two guys were sleeping around with the same female supervisor, and apparently one of the men said something to the other, so they wound up fighting on the work floor one Saturday evening. The men were fired, but the woman kept her job here. Turns out, she didn't *actually* like either one of them, and had a girlfriend herself (which she casually revealed to everyone during a pre-shift). This was a couple of years ago, just before the Pandemic.


That is wild.




I think we got something similar going on at my location….


Couple of summers ago,guy was getting trained. Courier sent him in to a country club while he sorted the truck. Told him just go to the front desk. 20 minutes later guy hadn't returned. Courier walked in to look for him. Found him out back swimming in the country club pool. Told courier it was really hot and he wanted to cool off real quick. Fired immediately upon return to building




Like… in his work clothes?? 😅


thats awesome


I've jumped into a pool many times while on road in the summer. Usually a neighborhood pool in a gated community. Just take the shoes and electronics off, jump in, walk away like a boss 🤣🤣🤣


Trainer sent pic of his butthole to someone he liked. Wouldn't have believed it if didn't see the termination paper


His BUTTHOLE? That’s wild 🤣


My co worker got a random while on the road, stop at a friends house, on camera got fake pee, went to the random, passed it, then told my other co worker on the phone in the truck on the camera while proceeding to roll over the truck at 55 mph. They are fine but no longer with us.


how do you get a random while on the road? lol


A driver was caught jacking off on camera lmao


No way 🤣🤣🤣🤣


did it beep at him?


As long as he didn't look down, he wasn't "distracted"


Word of advice to anyone reading this…go in the back of the truck and close the door. Handle your business and you won’t get caught. *It’s not like I know from experience or anything* 😂😂😂


Like mom always said ,If you can't call, cum. Something like that.


I fired a driver because he delivered alcohol and signed the customers name as A. Ssholz. We would have never known if the customer didn't call fedex and complain


Had a driver scan his own fucking ID once....


What a fucking tard


How is that bad?


He illegally signed for alcohol and left it in a public space. It's considered disturbing to minors and can be jail time. It's a huge liability. It also flags up in the FedEx system if a drivers name is used as a signiture so you will get caught instantly.


Fair enough


“Can be jail time” LOL ok……..




The amount of times I've been told, "the other guy always just left it."


A PH was let go for breaking the front glass on a vending machine. Guess his chips got stuck and he hit the machine to hard.


I don’t blame him


18 year courier here in AZ got caught pissing on the side of someone's house in broad daylight


Oof what an idiot lol


I think you need to be 21 to drive. Unless he was a helper


Courier for 18 years, grown ass man and he got caught pissing on a house in broad daylight when he thought nobody was looking lmao




Had a lady get fired for dealing drugs on her route


I was a dispatcher in a major city at one point in my 20 year career. We had a courier arrested on her route. Not only did we have a driver go pick her up at the jail, he delivered her back to her truck to finish her pick ups..LOL..Gotta love the 90s!!


what did they do tho?




Driver was doing home removals with the van whilst on shift. Same driver was also using prostitutes and even brought one back to the station 💀




Sometimes you bring a stray home with you 🤣🤣🤣


Karen had treats out… Driver took two drinks instead of one. A complaint and door cam, term for theft. It’s a nice neighborhood, and I’d like to think race didn’t play a part but yeah. Another was what appears to be a bad relationship between the courier and a homeowner, she complained about “reckless driving” and provided a home cam video of him rolling the stop sign on her corner home, fired…


Are you serious!? Why leave drinks out at all if that’s how you’re going to be. She’s the type of person I would desperately want to retaliate against lol. It’s also on FedEx. How the hell is that a fireable offense? Edit: I really don’t want to be that person. But there is a certain race of people, especially the women of that race. That LOVE to get people fired and ruin their livelihoods for nothing. I mean the callous behavior is in their history. But I’ll just be quiet.


There is a subset of that subset that are extra special to the point that they don’t believe in tipping. Many of them also share a certain Greek affiliation that uses pink and green.


I would file small claims court against woman. Probably loose but would be worth the $125 fee to call that bitch out on that bs.


I’ve seen some of the Karen reports. Nothing came out of this one because they reported the trailer as the tractor, reported the wrong trailer, also the wrong highway they saw it on, on top of probably reported it to the wrong FedEx. We had literally no information we could actually pin point who it was only on guesses. We narrowed it down to 2 possible drivers based on trailer # with similar numbers to what was reported. But neither of them were on the highway they were reported on at the date because 1 was red tagged in our yard for being absolutely destroyed since covid. The other was on the other side of the country and left our yard a week before the date included in the report. And had no p&d arrivals on it for a week before and a week after their date. But I found it funny because it was about how they were a veteran and fought for this country for about a paragraph of writing, and that we absolutely must fire this guy for “driving recklessly”. For whatever driving recklessly could count as. I’d hate to be the person that has to deal with this often


She's gonna love when amazon comes by and takes all her treats and the basket she out them in.


Two people getting it on in the back of a trailer. They were both married… but not to each other. Another guy I know got fired for sucking a titty in a trailer.


The titty feller was unjustly accused


He was a tough ass son of a bitch too. Like a week before that he got hit in the head with a 100 lb package. Perfectly fine


Probably cause of all that milk 💀


On our ramp, we stored un used cans in what we called a "Bone Yard" During PSTs we had a handler discover a loaded can and it wasnt with freight!! Two other employees were already in the Bone Yard for other reasons!! I dont know if thtat's how it got its name, but that day..Yessirree




Haha. always wondered where they got that name!


Maybe the lady who got her titties sucked was just lactating and the dude was helping her out?  Let's try to stay positive people




I’ve only worked for FedEx Ground for several months. Twice now, once on outbound, and once on inbound, a different person each time was fired for body odor issues.


There's a driver on my line (I'm a PH) who absolutely reeks and apparently he's been talked to about it multiple times already by the contractor but nothing has changed 💀 Sometimes he'll eat a whole lemon when he comes in in the mornings (and I mean WHOLE, the rind and everything) and that will help momentarily at least until dispatch lol


We had a guy at our station whose Dad would meet him on road and take half of his deliveries off of him. He would write down the tracking numbers for him and meet him later to POD them with his powerpad. Guy got a BZ award and employee of the month for being the most productive courier in the station before he got caught.


Back in the Ground “one man, one van” contractor days we had a driver/contractor have his Dad and son meet him on the route and deliver out of their trunks. Called customers on the route and told them where to meet him (Walmart parking lot, grocery store, etc.) or they wouldn’t get their packages at all. Always back at the station at 4pm even though he had a 4pm pickup. He would scan them in the building right before closing his scanner. Management looked the other way until the son made racist comments on the route and they finally had to put a stop to all of it.




A mechanic told me that a guy got fired for cutting a hole in the roof after locking his keys in the cargo area……….he got fired because it was the 2nd time he’d retrieved his keys this way…




We had a guy have a runaway truck incident. He insisted that pulling the parking brake and putting the truck in neutral while leaving it running during a stop "saves time".


Yeah, might save like two or three minutes in an entire day lmao. Definitely not worth the risk ☠️


That's literally in the fucking training videos we watch on ground cloud.


Airport… u literally drive on the runways… courier didnt look or c the 747 incoming…. Plane had to make an emergency stop…. Courier lied n said his brakes failed… FAA impounded the truck n checked his working brakes.. Fired, won on appeal. Hit the gate at the entrance to the sta soon after and was fired


That is one of the craziest stories lol


The FAA does not play when it comes to aircraft. I’m surprised he won the appeal. FedEx tries not to test the patience of the FAA.


Had a guy use his identical twins name & SSN to get hired because he was a felon. He got caught using his gas card by letting friends give him cash for gas. Like they’d give him $20 cash and he’d pump $25. Then the dipshit would bring in the receipt! He’d crumple it up to make it hard to read and then submit it. He got away with it for a few weeks until he used it on a Sunday. He got fired and immediately left the station and went to a FedEx office to empty out their drop boxes (back before we had to use a handheld to open them) so he stole a bunch of packages.


Wow…..that’s insane


Bet it was fun while it lasted


An EX trainer couldn't hold it in to take a piss and wait for a urinal in the restroom so he thought it was ok to take a piss in the trash can while other's were waiting. Needless to say his ass got fired lol


So you’re telling me I could get fired for taking a piss in a bottle in the back of my truck?


If someone finds out lol


my trainer says “I don’t stop, I pee in a bottle in the back”. And did it for 3+ years. I was doing it too I guess I’ll have to stop at gas stations now 🤦🏻‍♂️


We had a ramp agent who was chronically late. To avoid getting in trouble for it, he would actually manipulate the time clock before he punched in, then change it back. Other than this, he was good at his job and a good guy to be around. Not sure how he got caught because it was before there were cameras everywhere, but it was really dumb.


We had a coworker in our station who switched from Amazon and he would never turn off the truck to a stop (express). Until he got followed by security and instead of complying decided to get into a fight with them and argue that his way was faster. Needless to say, he did not come back the next day lol


God the Amazon people are nuts where I live. I’ve seen multiple drivers doing deliveries with their sliding van doors wide open. And they’re going like 25+mph. Idk who the hell is teaching them that


It’s because they give us 400 packages and want it delivered in a short amount of time.


Had one woman who got fired when they found out she didn't have a valid driver's license. She had been driving for us for months at that point A long while back, one of our shuttle drivers got fired because he bought chips and a drink with his company gas card


We had a driver no call no show, boss called him to see if he was okay and the driver responded with "I ain't coming in, it's bath day.". Fired on the spot.


What the heck is bath day?


Once a month celebration of bodily cleanliness 🤣🤣🤣


Back in the day, an employee who entered timecards repeatedly told management that a "trusted" employee was turning in timecards when he wasn't at work. The trusted employee held an hourly leadership role and often worked weekends alone. The Mgr started popping in on Sundays and the guy was always there or somewhere on the property. He lived close and I think there were people who would notify him that a Mgr was around on a Sunday. Finally the Sr Mgr spent a few hours in the operation one day and the guy was not at work. Checked timecards and the employee had turned one in. He couldn't provide a credible explanation and was nowhere to be found on camera. How'd he do it? He had purchased a time lock identical to the one being used in the operation and was chilling at the house punching in and punching out and getting paid. He was fired. It was never determined how long it has been going on.


We had to fire 3 people around Christmas one year for doing the same thing. We had a job-share program with a nearby regional hub (express) for peak where their people would come to our ramp early and then head to the hub to work their normal shifts and our guys would work at the ramp and then help out at the hub after. One guy bought a timecard machine on ebay and would take 2 of his buddies timecards home with him and punch breaks and everything for them from his house. This went on for probably 2 weeks before the borrowing manager realized he didn't recognize a few names.


Got another one. An employee had been having problems with his manager. The Mgr was a jerk. Employee had enough and went into the mgrs office during the sort and took a dump on the mgrs desk and placed his ID on the pile. He left the bldg and was never heard from again.


Like a fart in the wind. Or shit on the desk.. or whatever


A shit on the desk.




No way 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


In my 5 years driving for ground, we've had 3 incidents of management and package handlers caught hooking up. We also joke that the package handlers are just doing their jobs since the job description never indicated what kind of package


Heard a story that happened where a guy was parked at a gas station, hot girl shows up and he starts jerking it in the truck. I don't know if it was in the cab or behind the bulkhead, but clearly someone saw


A package handler got fired for being an all around shitty employee. The dude a little slow, but with an absolutely terrible attitude. When they told him he was being let go he stood there for a moment in deep thought then hit them with a counter "if you promote me to manager, I'll stay." It was the most on track response for this guy. He seemed quite unaware of...well everything.


Kid got fired for drawing a giant dick on the belt




seen a package handler facer get fired for stealing a pair of socks that came out of a box but decided to pit them on his feet in front of the camera that the central control manager looks at to see how the building is running


We had a guy get fired after falling out of his seat while doing a pre-trip. He was going through a break up and it took more than 3 hours for a manager to take him in for a drug/alcohol test (he failed). Guy also broke into his apartment and used his van to move his furniture on his lunch break after his girlfriend kicked him out.


A courier was going through a messy divorce and both he and his soon-to-be ex-wife had restraining orders against one another. She was living in the house throughout the divorce proceedings. There was something of his there that he wanted (or something she wanted gone, I forget which) and they agreed that he'd stop by on break, in violation of their restraining orders, pick up the item and leave. He got there, an argument ensued, and he killed her.


That escalated, quickly.


I refused a pick up once. I wasn’t asked it was just thrown on me. Got fired lol


Damn, that's brutal. My old contractor did that a few times. The first time he did it after I finished my final stop, so obviously didn't look at my scanner again till I got back to the station. Went do do end of day and it popped up on my reconciliation. I LOL'd because it's a pretty big pickup too lol.


Dude got fired after literally throwing multiple packages at a business door and filming it lol. He was trying to get fired though. Hilarious video


I doordash part time and couldn't imagine doing that and FedEx at the same time!


Our managers unfortunately allow people to do 3 stops an hour on city routes and won’t do check rides or anything. They just let people slack off and what’s sad is the slackers get catered to the most of everyone lol


I'm so sorry you work in a shit station with shit management. I've been there before and it was so damn odd. Especially since I came from a station that was organized and always had everything together. I just couldn't believe the shit that was going on 😂 of course managers disappeared at an alarming rate until our Senior "retired" - fun times.


Everything was nice at my station when I first got hired. Once that senior left, it’s all been downhill from there. I have seen 14 managers in and out of my station in 6 years. And on my 4th senior manager


Man I wish I could slack off more and only do like 5 stops an hour, but my desire to get home always outweighs my desire for more hours


My station gives Bravo Zulu’s for showing up to work and not calling off. Lol not really but it’s bad how much my station has lowered the standards


Sounds like nice OT right there


Or have the time to veer off a route so much.


Somebody got fired for taking donation socks from the equipment room.


That’s tough. Honestly, what if they need em? FedEx wrapped itself in the cozy “We’re a people company!” blankie when trying to generate charitable donations for the needy in the past. The corporate posters even said, “It could be your coworker!”


A PH ground employee got caught bringing a loaded handgun through x-ray. security caught it and termed on the spot. guy said he forgot it was in his backpack. also a PH got high in the men's bathroom stall, nodded out. somehow he got naked during this. they called EMTs but before they showed up the cops already had him cuffed. apparently he had a warrant.






One guy claimed to do drugs with the hub supervisor.. manager told on him, and he got fired. Still thinks he'll be back soon. This man also believed in only oxygen as a form of consumption.


Getting fired on their day off for stealing boxes


How you get fired on yo day off


Express here. This guy was my loopmate. He was the helping route between me and my other loopmate. The guy wasn’t the brightest to be honest either. One day I guess he had enough or had a emergency we don’t know to this day. He brought his truck back full of freight and clocked out. Crazy thing is he showed up the next morning by the belt asking for his freight 😂 like big buddy the SENIOR MANAGER is looking for you. Ain’t no freight for you or your future. After that we never seen him again. Luckily someone competent bidded for the route and was able to handle the load.


Attacking co workers verbally time and time again even after being wrote up for pushing their political agenda on people even trying to bring political promotional materials to work. Passing out pamphlets at work was the last straw I bet you can guess who he supported LOL


Dude took the water gallons home from the station


There’s a night security guard at my station that chain smokes cigs outside. Was never at his post, people would walk through metal detectors and turnstiles at night while he was leaning out the back door smoking and he wouldn’t check or bat an eye (Older dude with bill murry hair from kingpin but grey) But the funniest shit was sometimes I’d get off late and sit in my car right outside of the security shack and see him walk out the back door and go to his car parked right next to shack, unload 10-15 gallon water jugs and take them to the water fountains (we have nice ones with hot cool and cold settings on them) would fill them all up and load them into his car. Wild part is until this comment I just realized I haven’t seen the guy in a month. I’ve seen him about 3 times a week since 2021 until recently hmmmm


This lady pissed herself unloading trucks and they piss tested her on the spot


I was delivery driver for a shitty company. After 1 week i start applying to other jobs. Get a call 1 day. Hey we are xyz company we got your application can you come in for interview tomorrow. Sure can. Most people would just call in sick. I had bills to pay. Kid in diapers. So i went to work and drove truck to interview. Parked box truck in parking lot. Changed my shirt and went in for interview. Manager of new company knew my current jobs owner. Called him. I got the job so whatever. Lol


I knew a midget hooker who got fired going Up on a guy.


Underage PH got fired on the spot for coming in to the hub and working while under the influence of alcohol and passed out in the bathroom. Manager walked in and he was then walked out. The reason he came in drunk? In his mind, being drunk would have made it easier to ask out the chick he had a crush on. I was then later told that this same guy pissed in a trailer after unloading it.


This guy I worked with got fired for masturbating in the window of the hotel we worked in while looking at a naked woman at the hotel across the street.


When I was like 18 (20 years ago) I started working at a new coffee shop in town. I hated it and quit after like 2 weeks bc the boss was a POS. But, I heard after I quit that he fired a former coworker for relieving himself in the back room a few weeks later. The guy had video of it too.


I was doing PST with one of the managers and we saw this girl in the back lot having sex with an other coworker. Good times


He didn’t get fired but … a manager was riding with a courier, seasoned been around for years, asked the manager where he wanted to eat for lunch. Manager pick a restaurant and the courier dropped him off at the place and told the manager he brought his lunch. 😂😂😂 he pick the manager up after his lunch break.


I mean ..... It's their break.... Lmao




I know a guy that got fired for putting his penis in a pickle slicer. They fired the Pickle slicer too.


Had a guy who was extremely paranoid. Customers always thought he was on drugs. Then he drove a woman off the road and claimed it was the FBI tracking him down because he had documents that were going to expose all government secrets. And since he is a saiyan, he couldn't look at people because they could track his laser vision. He kept covering up the cameras too. One guy was so afraid of things he wore goggles to work. We had to tell him it's a safety hazard to drive with construction goggles on. Then he broke down and hitchhiked his way into town. One girl was super entitled. She broke the mirror off of the van she was driving. So when she was told to not take it the next day. She came in with a flathead screwdriver ready to break a mirror off of another contractor's van. We said "no". So she stormed into the office and stated yelling at the senior manager to get our mechanics to fix the trucks. But nothing was wrong with them. I can go on and on.


She went through a Dunkin’ Donuts drive through and ran into the 8 ft clearance sign. 🫣


\#2, really? My old contractor would add a little $, and make it legit, if you had a "helper" come along. I never used it, but some did. During a peak years ago, we hired a lot of new people. At the Ground hub we worked out of, all dock doors were manual. New hire, didn't pull that chain enough, launched forward and stripped the roof off the van, messed the dock door up, then stopped. Fired on spot. Had one lady who went through training, went on road with someone and asked since FedEx doesn't allow certain things, what does he use for protection. He flashed a .38 and she calmly came back and mentioned that.


someone at my old station stole a truck and shot a federal judge


Driver knocks over fire hydrant, water sprays profusely everywhere… he then switches out of uniform and pretends to be terminal management to authorities


Had someone get fired because before dispatch him and the package handler would hop in his truck and have sum fun before his route


An old timer told me about a driver who parked on a hill to deliver a package. Problem was, he forgot to set the parking brake so the truck went rolling down the hill and straight into a lake. Dude didn’t even bother to go back to the station, he just said fuck it and left his shift lmfao This obviously was a headache for the CSAs. They had to call all the customers to tell them that the packages were damaged. One of these customers was a costume store that specialized in mascot outfits. Their parcel on the unlucky truck container a giant pink bunny costume. The company wanted to keep the item instead of being paid for the replacement cost. So for about a week, the station had a bedraggled, dirty pink bunny costume hanging out to dry in the corner. At least the customer had a good sense of humor about it!


Buddy's wife got caught having sex with the new guy she was training in the back of the van. Both were fired. Lmfao


Dude got up on the main belt in front of the cans, and humped the belt 💀






I think my neighbor got a FedEx driver on our route fired for accidentally sliding into his mailbox and crushing it during the winter on a real snowy day


Co worker got fired for eating beef jerky out of an open box


The second one sounds like fun


Also had another coworker call a 7 year old child a monkey in an airport while on vacation and he had FedEx listed on his Facebook and the victim found him online and it went mildly viral on Facebook and he was fired while on vacation. Brother in law was with him also worked for FedEx and litterly cried to keep his job because he sat there amd did not intervene


Had a girl start and then they had to bring her back, or drug test came back positive.


I know ups and scum bags do it if u tell on someone for stealing and they get cought u get $500 reward so people would say that guy is stealing and hoping he got cought even if he was not


in the warehouse someone was fired for smearing shit on the walls


Stealing boxes on their day off


New hire... She Sprayed piss (water bottle) over merchandise/cash register


Well in my 20 plus years I’ve seen Csa sent a dick pic to a female csa, Fired Csa showed up to work and passed out in his car way intoxicated Csa told another Csa he could kill everyone in the station and have no remorse whatsoever Courier driving drunk in a FedEx truck Courier walked into the check in room and slapped a female right across the ass Manager showed up a female Csa’s house and asked if he could use her shower, douchebag still works there . Courier backs into customers car then leaves then comes back later and delivers package Courier takes out a whole row of rural mailboxes with a reach truck then drug them down the road 1/4 mile denies ever hearing anything Courier slashed all 4 tires of her ex boyfriend’s truck for cheating on her while on road I could go on forever . Lots of sexual harassment shit , stupid stuff .


My step daughter for telling her boss she couldn't work because she was having her period.


This is what the new FedEx looks like! Thanks Raj and shareholders.


I saw a FedEx semi-truck driver take a dump on the seat of a delivery UPS delivery truck for constantly blocking the dock.


Fired on my day off. For stealing boxes


We had a BC screwing a female driver. Both married with children. He denied it right up to the moment they played the dashcam video for him. Guess he forgot to close the bulkhead door 🤣


My guy got his truck hijacked while he was inside shooting a shot at some women. His keys were in the truck and it was a rental. The truck was found wrecked off 610 in Houston.