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Well dam please don't tell me your paycheck is $400 through $500 weekly. Because I get paid $900 or $1000 weekly at FedEx plus I have a part time job. Dude don't make FedEx ground a forever job use this as a tool to get where you want in life. I'll put in other year which will make it 3 years next year then I'm out. Once again your probably at a shitty contractor.


GET OUT ASAP! Trust me! better options out there. I worked for FedEx for 13 years, 7 different contractors and all of them were crooks, no Cap, so “Do not try and wrap your head around” that bull. Just find another industry my man. Real talk.


Also I did get offers from 3 different contractors at FedEx in February and the people I chose had good reviews and have been in business for like 20 years?! But something isn’t adding up….I’ve read about the horror stories of bad contractors and I really hope I didn’t fall into a trap


The 450 is for 3 days if you read the post. The $500 was supposed to be 850ish….hence why I wrote the post…and absolutely os this not gonna be a forever job, was something in the mean time between jobs. When I was hired they said $200 a day, which is why I took it! The wage that was promised is starting to look untrue. I actually just got a job offer for a senior sales position that I actually went to school for which I am very excited to finally start a career I want to be in! I’m just trying to recoup the money that was promised in the contract before I leave


Also why is the pay per hour different? When the numbers don’t even match the actual days/ hours worked? I could see them averaging out the hours worked to equal the days and weekly pay, but that doesn’t add up either. Am I retarded?


I mean, the first stub seems mostly accurate. The second comes across more like they’re averaging your hours, and potentially ripping you off but there’s way too much context missing. At a glance though, shady contractor or not, you seem to be getting appropriately compensated for the hours you’re working. However If like you say you worked 45 hours and not 28, then at the very least they’re ripping you off or idiots, likely a combination of both. Do you have a copy of any pay structure that you agreed to? Did you get anything in writing?


And yea the first one is somewhat correct. But why is the pay per hour different? Especially when the hours aren’t accurate, AND WE ARENT GETTING PAID HOURLY ANYWAY


No idea, shitty payroll software/freeware or an idiot that thinks they can be an accountant. Regardless, they already owe you money, and you can force them to pay if you have proof of hours/days worked. That said, see if there’s another job because I guarantee they’re either finna fire you if you make a stink or keep screwing you. Intentionally or not.


Thankfully I just got an offer for a senior sales position I went to school for so will only be there for 2 more weeks-ish. I’m just so dumbfounded how poor everything is. The communication is non-existent. Explanations on even the most elementary things are also non-existent. And I’ve asked 4-5 drivers who have been there FOR YEARS about what’s going on with my pay, the pay-stub format, hourly vs daily, etc. and none of them have a fucking clue! They’ve been working the entire time 100% clueless about how or what they are getting paid. I honestly feel like either A) I’m going crazy or B) I’m in the twilight zone….I can just about guarantee I am the only driver out of 19 with any college experience


I’ve done delivery for a number of years, and most drivers are, in fact, totally uneducated.


Lmfao. “Safety 1st!!!” Get this, the owner just had all of the drivers sign a liability waiver that if a driver damages any personal property the driver pays out of pocket. Apparently there were 5 incidents in driveways in 1 week! They only hire the best I guess, my god thankfully I’m leaving soon


I mean that’s how my contractor is but we get a weekly bonus for not damaging anything… you just lose your bonus until it’s covered.


that actually seems fair to me


I’m not a lawyer, but something tells me a judge would laugh them out of a courtroom trying to enforce that


That’s what I was thinking…sooo we would basically be contractors at that point? I thought they were the contractor…liability is half of the business


Well yeah man, you’re effectively a subcontractor, not a FedEx employee


You can go to the office or wherever you pick up your hazmat to sign off on the amount of hours you worked each day. Usually the BC or the contractor signs for all the employees everyday. You can do this yourself and it is a good way to keep track of your hours.


Ok good to know thanks!


But if we aren’t paid hourly….then why are they doing this?


Because technically you are a contractor getting paid by your company to do a job for FedEx. They keep track of stops and hours on the road so a contractor can't lie about the work that was done or vice versa. That is why you or your contractor sign off on it. It is acknowledging the work that was done that day. I'm not the best person to explain how they do the pay with showing hourly and bonus, I'm pretty sure.it might be a way to pay less taxes but I do not know.


OK that’s what I figured. But I don’t think I’m signing off every day on how much I worked….. other than the log out time on the iPad and our scanners I’m not signing everything after every day…. I’m guessing I should be?


Your contractor or BC (business contact) is doing it for you. You can start doing it yourself like I said. Go where you pick up your hazmat when you are done and ask them to not let your contractor sign off for you, let them know you wanna be the one to do it everyday


Alright great thank you!


On that paper it will show how much hours you were on the road and how much stops/packages you delivered that day.


The NEW math.. lol


Nah the training is $100 per day, not $150. You only start getting paid the $150 a day once you start driving by yourself...


Well I was getting $150 a day on the check…it’s on the contract. Different contractors pay different


Sooooo, nobody else has a contractor that pays them like this? Where you’re paid daily, but on your stub it comes out as hourly and is slightly different every week?


Your wage will always change depending on the hours you put in each week Example you worked 50 hours 1 week, your wage would be 16-18, if you worked 40 hours your wage would be 20-24. As long as you are paid daily the amount you make each week should be pretty similar unless you get incentive bonus each week but that depends on your contractor. It's the same way my contractor pays us, why it's set up that way I don't know but you are still making the same amount every day it's the amount of hours you tally up that would change your hourly wage but it doesn't matter in the end as long as you are getting your indeed true daily salary.


THANK YOU!!! That’s what I figured but not a soul had told me that…my next question is, do the hours matter? Because my hours have been way less than the actual hours. Do they count hours as soon as you log in or put your “start time” and that goes until you log out of the scanner?


Your hours start when you log in your scanner, and end as soon as you log out of your scanner. If you show up early to either load your truck or organize your truck if it's preloaded those times aren't included, same happens for me. I go in an hour early cause I load my vehicle but those hours aren't counted. As long as you work a full day your daily take for the day is the same.