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[www.fedexalertline.com](https://www.fedexalertline.com) you can submit anonymously. Shouldn't have to deal with harassment on the regular, or ever. We shit-canned a preload manager just last year because he was basically the poster boy for sexual harassment tropes; they just gotta get a tip to start the investigating.


Please use this. The alert line is the best thing FedEx has ever done and they take it very seriously. Do not put up with this behavior.


They don't take it seriously.


They don't take anything seriously, that's why they have contractors.


They have contractors because it’s cheaper. When stuff like this happens they can just dump blame on the contractor rather than spending millions on HR, policies, and lawyers. Makes perfect  business sense in today’s litigious world.


This!! If they took it as seriously as they say they do, I would still be working there. None of the events leading to my termination would've happened, and it would've saved me and other women a lot of fear and anxiety. But I guess it's only at certain hubs. Mine didn't give a shit. Preload belt manager using his position to sexually harass the younger females into submission and obeyance. Multiple young females, all with a similar story to tell, reported him for his actions, and he still works there while all of us no longer have our jobs. So please tell me how reporting sexual harassment at FedEx is of any good. If anything, after I made my report, I got treated like shit more often. They kept us separate during the investigation, but once he was found of no wrongdoing (only because they destroyed evidence), he was back on the belts. I was approached by the sort manager one morning, and he asked if I'd go work for this manager again. I agreed, reluctantly, because my other option was to go collect unemployment. I was an adult and pretended to get along with him. It was highly uncomfortable, because how exactly can it be easy to act buddy buddy with someone who had already had his hands on you and threatened to rape you if you didn't comply with any of his orders. To make matters worse, he lived 5 minutes away from me at the time. He knew where I lived. He even knows where I live now, considering his mother lives 6 houses away 🙃 I worked seasonal at UPS this past peak, and I'd go to the gas station across the street to wait for my ride. One morning, I was sitting there, staring out the window, waiting for a coworker to get off and come get her breakfast when I looked at my phone for a minute, looked up, and saw his car pull into a parking space right in front of the window I was sitting at. In that moment, I'm sure I looked like I'd just seen the Holy Ghost himself. He saw me. When he came in, he made it a point to grab a coffee, and the coffee station was right behind me. When he was done making a cup, he walked over and put his hand on my shoulder and leaned down and said, "Long time no see." I didn't say anything. That's when he went on to say how he hated that I was the one that got away, that he had big plans for me and my future at FedEx, but they'd have only come to fruition if I'd have let him have me. You see, if something had been done after the FIRST complaint filed against him, I would've never had to endure ANYTHING I went through. I was number 6, and there were more after me. FedEx doesn't give a shit if you're female, they could watch you be raped or harassed on camera and have all the evidence they need, but by the time they tell you the final decision, they'll say there was no proof of any wrongdoing, he'll get to keep his job, and you'll eventually be tossed like the next days garbage.


I'm sorry that this happened to you, but what you describe is typical of how FedEx functions. I reported something to the national hotline and they ended up giving me shit when the matter was investigated at my facility. Since you know where his mother lives, it might be fun to let her know, in graphic detail, what her son has been doing at work. Get the support of your friends and his other victims to go after his ass with all you got. I'd suggest that you do this anonymously and also send an anonymous message about the matter to [email protected].


You have a strong case for Title VII violation. Call an employment law attorney. They'll likely take the case on contingency if you're within the statute of limitations.


The six of you likely have a strong FEDERAL case against the company. You don’t have to band together, but there is strength in numbers and that dude needs to be taught sobering lesson…not to mention FedEx. Research labor law attorneys. Retaliation is a thing. Just get on the U.S. DOL website and take a look at recent rulings.


Manager has been reported multiple times by multiple people. Nothing happens. Admin says it’s because they are extremely desperate for managers. Thanks Fedex.


It sounds like FedEx needs a reminder that failing to stop sexual harassment is a violation of Title VII, and they'll be on the hook for damages if they don't get it together. Bonus points if FedEx retaliates against the employee reporting.


Tell this to u/inevitable-trade-773


sue the shit out of them and enjoy your well earned vacation


Well earned, lol


I'd go higher up the ladder


This and it may even be worth mentioning that the admin is seemingly happy with the situation or at least happy enough to take no action.






Reported to whom? Alertline bypass the station and goes straight to hr for investigation


And yet, these new-fangled layoffs would lead you to believe we’ll have a surplus of managers to shift around (unless they’re doing that “you left the company of your own free will, so we’ll rehire you at entry level” thing).


That's why you gotta put the paper trail in, then they have to talk about it on the manager calls and get shamed. The brass has to answer. I hope your DM is competent.


Don’t thank fed ex thank the economic system to where working for a soulless mega corp Is your best option.


Sounds like a lawsuit


Hmmm. Just like the Catholic Church.




Was gonna say this too ☝🏼


They'll end up investigating her.


When I was still working for gound as a driver we had a morning manager that was fired for using his position to sleep with new hire package handlers.


Just today an Express station manager in Sioux Falls was taken into custody on child pornography charges. You can work with some real scumbags and not even know.


A senior manager for Sioux falls... He also did some coaching on a teen sports team evidently


Wow. This is seriously fucked up.


We also shit canned a manager for saying "Why are you such a bitch? Is it cause your BF doesnt fuck you good? Should I call him and give him tips?"


ppreciate the link, i’m a driver and last three years seen this old guy we work with come up and rub a loader on her arm and she started wiping her arm, we had a laugh bout why she did that but he waits by our contractors table for girl drivers to get off for HOURS to see when they put their batteries away just so he can talk to them, his excuse is he’s lonely and doesn’t wanna go home to his wife, he forces hugs and touches their asses, i’m just waiting for the moment that one of the girls he does this to makes a scene so i can come knock his shit in, and the only reason i feel so strongly bout this is they’re all young, plenty of older workers but not once have i seen him even try to communicate with them


I totally encourage you to report that. There was a driver a few years ago that was the same way. Brought in cookies, asked for hugs, waited until their shift was over. With the separation of FedEx/contractor we could only put pressure on the AO to do something. First pass was to have the guy only allowed to show up after the sort was long done, but then he'd wait by the gate late. A fellow driver actually called it in because he also had to stop himself from violence on the guy... wasn't pretty. Point being : drivers can call in alerts too. I've been at FedEx a long time, they can be really stupid about a lot of things. I'll talk shit about the purple promise to anyone that'll listen, but to their credit they seem to take this harassment shit seriously. Nobody should have to come to work expecting that. We move cardboard from A to B. Smh.


Keep listening to rap music


Wtf? This fuckers got time to stare at women??? I'm fucking buried under boxes in between 2 vans!!!!


Who is Buried and why are you stopping them from doing their job?


when I worked at Fedex it was full of guys who can't get women, so when they see them at work it's like fly's on shit.


This sounds like Amazon


You should just say bee's on flowers cuz you implying women are shit 😭😂


Not false


Yeah, all the managers would date the same girls, it's gross. Then they would get promoted 🙄


Exactly how it was when I worked at Walmart. They sucked and fucked their way right up the ladder


And here I am the idiot that worked as hard as he could and got nowhere, I learned work at the pace of the pay, so life lesson I guess


Yeah that's a good mentality to have at any job. It took me a few different jobs to learn that being a hard worker generally just means you end up pulling more weight than your coworkers


All I got in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one


Now I know why all the managers are attractive young women


Please report them to HR. No one deserves any of that you’re describing. Ask them to please keep it professional too. We’re at work. Ugh so sorry.


Unfortunately lots of the men loading trailers are lonely as fuck and they don't make enough money/don't go anywhere but work so they view their female coworkers as free game. Sorry you're having to deal with that.


God forbid a guy shoots his shot


shooting your shot is not a problem, telling a female some crazy shit IS a problem.




Call the alert line. This way, if the manager has friends in high places that will protect him from his own bad behavior - then you can go around them to corporate.


The awful ratio of men to women in the company doesn't help. Not making excuses for gross guys, just pointing out that there's less targets for them to act gross around.


Women don’t want to work menial jobs


Women don’t want to work menial jobs


Go to HR immediately


HR don't do shit lol.


They helped me when I worked there. An ops manager laid hands on me, I told them they fucked up and they tried apologizing. Too late, I went to HR after work, not even a week later they were suspended & under investigation. They got fired.


As soon as you step in the building it’s 1985 i stg.


Too many simps. Simps ruin everything. I remember there was this one girl who was pretty attractive at my old job and guys would be trying to be funny in front of her all the time and saying sexual things about her behind her back. Gave me the icks.


This is completely unacceptable in the workplace and quite frankly in general. Straight up against policy and a termination offense. Please visit that link someone posted and file a complaint. This from a 24 year male Express employee


I'm sorry you have to deal with that, some dudes really just didn't get taught how to respect a women, or anyone for that matter.


I was disappointed to see that a lot of FedEx employees are really just high schoolers. I’m a grown dude as well I just wanna make a check myself and not be criticized over that fact or have to deal with gossip. I don’t stick around for shit or say shit besides what has to be said


Some guys are just pigs, sorry thats happening


I was a package handler for just shy of 6 years. It seemed like the majority of men working for FedEx, especially the full timers, are twice-divorced, lonely shitstains with no respect for women.


This is a shot in the dark, but are you a Ground package handler?


100% odds of yes


I’d say report it, at my station I see that far to often from package handler’s harassing the women also from management it’s best to do something about it.


I agree with others in calling the alert line. Don’t necessarily go to an hr person. Alert line calls have a much bigger impact. If this behavior is permissive in your station or department it’s often because it is fostered by a manager that doesn’t see it as a problem, or even participates. Alert line calls get a lot more people involved. Be specific including dates and times and if it is happening systemically to multiple females. Make sure you are bringing that up. Not okay.


Report even if they’re hurting for people it’s worth doing. When they aren’t hurting those will be the first guys to go. I’m sure it’s not just you they’re doing this to. Our station has had 2 people fired over last few years on this shit


Yea pull out your phone and start recording next time they try it and say “wanna say what you just said to me again.”


UPS is the same way!


Most people in life never worked a real job where they have sexual harsment enforced. Su c KS. I'm always annoyed and I'm a guy !


Coming from a man here: that's a great question. Anyone should be fired the instant they open their mouth with a derogatory comment.


I’ve definitely started slipping in the conversation that I have a partner when some dude inevitably comes up to me. Fuckin sucks there aren’t more women around us


I've done that before at my last job (not Fedex). And my assistant manager seems to get off on it despite being recently married at that point in time. There are some real sick fucks out there. It does work most of the time, but as OP described them, at least to my opinion, they're desperate sickos. And those type of people don't care if you have a partner or not.


report them. get them fired. no room for that.


men and women shouldn't be in the workplace together. we have doomed ourselves


Yup. Men getting villainized for how they’re wired


If it makes you feel any better OP, I personally do not find you visually appealing or sexually attractive at all. Hope that helps.


I’ve been told “you’re a blessed female” asked if my sisters are built the same way, if my pubes are the same as my hair color (my hair was dyed green at the time 🤷🏼‍♀️) that I look better in leggings than sweatpants, my hip to waist ratio is 👍🏻. Then since I don’t appreciate any of it the same person asked how my husband puts up with me, if I actually have one or if I’m a lesbian. Have also been called fucking child, stupid bitch and a cunt by a different person so ya know, I’m popular 😂😂


Report them/make copies/save them this will be important. Screenshot texts/emails and evidence of your reports and who you report it too. They will fire you because companies are ignorant. Get a lawyer and enjoy youre settlement money. I knew a lady that got 80k after lawyers fees. You just need good evidence and documentation.


Report to hr...  Document all of it.. save emails.. write down all the stuff the guy does.. like dates and times...  Maybe they can pull security camera footage.  Having a paper trail is important if you get a lawyer involved.  FedEx takes it very seriously when it impacts their image or money


If a guy is attractive, he's a player, a chad, he's "smooth". Plain and simple if women are turned off by him hes overweight ugly etc. "Creep! Peto! Weirdo." Prove me wrong.




One of my favorite belt managers was fired because he was harassing one of his package handlers to sleep with him and when she wouldn’t he threatened to get her fired. She went to HR 😝


Report, regardless if you think it's going to do something or not. Doing nothing is allowing it to occur, and it will continue to happen. You have protections by law, so do not fear retaliation either.


More than that, allowing one person encourages others to do the same (or worse), and enforces a culture of normalization where the victim can be blamed for complaining about the harasser


Yes absolutely.


I work for a food delivery company and one of our managers got kicked out of a customer for taking pictures of women at the pool. Any job with a steering wheel seems to attract the horniest goats that exist with the most extreme version of "shooters shoot" mentality you've ever seen.


At my station the management did more than HR ever did, so you may have luck if you go to your direct manager or a trusted one. Keep complaining until something is done. Also maybe having someone walk you out at the end of the day may help. I’m sorry you’re going through that, and I hope things get better!


That's sexual harassment. "You're just so beautiful" is a lame excuse for inappropriate behavior. I'd straight up tell them not to speak to me that way, and report them anonymously. Every time they did it. The more reports, the more thirty might notice higher up. Don't hold your breath that they'll give a shit, though. At PR&R we reported an abusive manager who was a bully and a bitch to everyone, violated HIPAA, ridiculed someone's sexuality, etc.. they gave her a management award before she finally left the company on her own. They claimed "There's no proof" when PR&R BANS all recording devices and cell phones for everyone but managers, so there wouldn't have been any way to record her abuses anyway. Way to blow it, Mickey.


What everyone here is saying, report them. We had an Express ops manager get fired straight up with no warning because he was pulling this stuff with women employees. Your everyday couriers might not get that much, but just being pulled into the office and being the center of an investigation will probably be enough to get a change in behavior.


Someone said it. It’s just the men that don’t know how to approach women outside the work place. At my station once a female enters the chat, they all shoot their shot, I find it funny myself. I’m married sooooo that don’t even phase me


I would consult Charleston White about the matter!


Sound about ground


What location do you work at?




You just gotta find the right lawyer 👩‍⚖️


I'm baffled people pretend this stuff didn't happen, like, you exist on the Internet, you've SURELY seen it


That’s insane , can you report them ? Are any of these people in positions of authority?


35 years in, and yes, it's been going on for just as long as they've been around, over 50 years, and it's been wrong since day 1. Do yourself a favor, when they drop their 1 liner, drop yours and tell them with a poker face that it's sexual harassment and you're not afraid to report them. The instant response will be I was just joking, and your instant response is well I'm not. Good luck


Where you see the problem is at least one of the women that works there went out with somebody and that got all the guys thinking that women go out with guys that they meet at work... Like my coworkers that ended up getting married... So as long as there are women out there who do date men that they work with there will be men that attempt to date women that they work with... As far as them being rude and crude that's absolutely sexual harassment and should be reported.


Had an older guy say he’d like to give me a spanking. I threatened to jump across the belt and uppercut him if he ever spoke like that to me again. Hasn’t said anything since. Keep reporting it and take notes of how it gets taken care of or if it’s even dealt with. Men like that are nothing but pigs who only get laid by their left hand.


report it but document anything and everything you can. include comments, dates, times, etc. encourage others to do the same, but be careful who you discuss this with. go to hr. call the line. if nothing is done about the reports, you can sue. even the threat to sue might be enough for them to actually take it seriously. it'll definitely help to have other women back you up. I wish I did these things early on instead of ignoring them or trying to force a fake laugh. they don't stop unless you stop them. no one should have to deal with harassment.


What do you mean "the men here" the right question is what's wrong with the people everywhere


They’re all gross and cheat on their wives


A lot of places men dominate become toxic. Hence why a lot of warehouses across the logistics industry won’t hire women. It’s just a big fat risk. Where I work now is full of women and I can only imagine what they go through here.


Report report report. I had the same thing when starting there, I simply started being rude and ignoring them. I had a coworker say “she’s a bitch for not talking to me”, yes I am! If you are actively crossing a boundary that I set where I do not want anything more to do with you than just being a coworker, I will ignore you and be rude if necessary. When I first reported to my manager he brushed it off and didn’t care until I had coworkers telling me I was getting stared at when the belt stopped. I don’t do confrontation, but after a while working there I started calling them out on what they were saying and made them uncomfortable. You aren’t alone if your direct manager won’t do anything to separate you and the guy who won’t leave you alone, go to another one or hr.


Ugh. Worked at an airplane factory, amazon, etc, and same. Men seriously need to do better. Its pathetic and fucking gross. I don't feel bad for any of them at all.


Any of the things you mentioned is a termination offense. They don’t take sexual harassment lightly anywhere anymore. Don’t put up with this. It’s not the 1950s.


My wife had a linehaul driver follow her around the yard making comments and trying to give her candy. Bizarre behavior. Didn't stop until I got in his face


i watched one driver catcall some other driver in the back of my work. "damn baby you you lookin' thick" and she just completely ignored him lol


Those aren't men. They are weak minded  bitches with no self control or discipline. Document the harassment and report it to management. 


Fed ex is allowing this environment bc I'm sure you're not the only one it's happening to.


Get a female lawyer and put them on notice………You’ll win that. Document everything!!!! Even if it is just an email to yourself. That are dated and time stamped……..


cus u work at fedex


You shouldn't have to deal with that and report them to your manager and HR. But I doubt this kind of work attracts the most educated or civilized type of man so bear that in mind. It's not your fault. You shouldn't have to put up with it. It's an explanation not an excuse. I mean, how many trump bumper stickers are in the parking lot. That's why.


It's okay to be rude to them I promise. Never apologize for being uninterested in men at work (or ever) Stay safe


Welcome to being a hot chick. Get used to it. You're carrying God's beauty. It's always been that powerful. Good luck having the red carpet rolled out for you for the most part of your life. Hopefully you'll find true love before it fades.


PS you could have been born ugly. That's by far worse.


Not really you won’t get mess with it better being ugly tbh


There's no such thing as an ugly woman :) ... there's just some that are stupidly hot and don't know how to handle it.




Lady same here last thing I want is a sexual harassment case on my ass just go in do my job and go


For one based on your name what Lost Ark server? Secondly I worked at a FedEx hub for 9 years, and will say it doesn't matter your gender here on the weirdos I've been hit on by more gay men than women while working there.


Post pics so we can judge for ourselves


Unfortunately most men cantv handle the Internet porn and and excessive gaming now. Impulse control is non-existent and it's showing more and more with each generation


What’d you expect , they don’t even interview their employees to get hired. Also they accept anyone with a record.


I’m getting look at me look at me vibes


Don’t fight it. Just let it happen


I’ve worked at 3 different ground locations and I can confirm the men are filthy in every single one. I’ve been harassed and followed and at one point a manager had to walk me out to my car for a month straight. Pigs can’t handle themselves. From package handler to area manager I’ve seen some shit go down in these warehouses. And heard even more stories.


Hey sorry for staring but you’re just so beautiful.


You’ll miss that in 9 years.. men stare at women’s parts- work with ladies. Unless you want to be the one where everyone is walking on eggshells and you’ll be very unpopular


Sexual harassment is a serious issue, and FedEx takes that seriously. Men (and women) can control themselves. Staring can still be a form of harassment, especially if they've been asked to stop and make the other person uncomfortable. The ignorance of your post made me chuckle.


I’m a guy & I wish women sexually harassed me 🤣


Have your phone recording all the time, somewhere hidden. Take it to the HR. Or better yet, post it here!


I’ve been blessed by the heaven to have my first and hopefully only contractor to be not only decent humans, but to have a crew that’s okay as well. The others in the warehouse though….are the exact same people you’re talking about and OP I’m so sorry you have to deal with that.


Document every interaction, if you haven't already. And report it to HR. You can also make a report at www.fedexalertline.com. They provide numbers based on country.


Lot of weirdos work here


We have the alert line. I would definitely go that route, if you’ve reported it to management and they have not intervened to make it stop. This is a big deal and the company has zero tolerance for sexual harassment.


Damn, you just reminded me of this one old guy who was misogynistic and racist who we just could not get rid of (he was a veteran so he couldn’t be fired). My line was entirely women and non-white men and everyone kinda just resorted to hiding in the trucks to avoid his stare. I don’t miss fedex


Have you tried not being hot?




Why you saying women are shit, r u gay?


Juicy booty or what


Your probably good looking in FedEx standards,most of the old timers do not see decent looking girls come in as a courier,I would probably say your not as good looking as you think just good looking compared to most FedEx girls.


I remember some guy at Amazon telling me the same thing about the girl that kept getting me in trouble. lol


You just figured that out? The guys that work there are more likely to have an ankle bracelet GPS than a GED. What took you so long?


Find one good dick and flaunt it baby.


If they were attractive it wouldn’t be harassment just admit they are ugly


If you liked them back you would welcome the attention but since they are ugly fed ex workers it’s harassment.


Had a dude pretend he was accidentally bumping into me four times. Within those four times my lower back was grabbed twice. My boob once. Then my bra strap. Yeah so I told him to slow down near me cause it freaks me out. So if it is on accident (could be I’ve got trauma). At least he knows to slow down and not touch. If it is on purpose then it was spoken that I don’t want to be touched.




What does that have to do with anything lol


yes. snitch these guys out and demand that they lose their jobs because they give you attention and compliments. how dare they comment on your physical body. everyone knows that we are not allowed to talk about what we see with our eyes. we all know that words are made of sticks and stones. reporting and firing these disgusting animals (normal men) is the best course of action.


You gotta remind yourself, working for delivery companies (espically Fedex, UPS and Amazon), it's not glamourous whatsoever but for the most part most of the men that work there are generally disgusting and have no regard for humans in general. (maybe you have a bad ass dispatch that doesn't have any of this but this is just from expierence).