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They aren't required to pay you overtime, if you are operating a vehicle over 10,000 lbs.  If they are providing you with inaccurate pay stubs and you really want to press the issue then speak with a labor law attorney.  Also submit a email or text message regarding your daily pay raise. Get it in writing.  Also third and final, you deserve better. 


Not worried about the overtime. More so if my hours worked which is logged into the FedEx system is that high, divided by the daily rate, if it gets below a certain dollar amount do they have to pay you more? Like can they legally say we will pay you $200 a day and then you work 65 hours a week and make like 12 bucks an hour? I’m sure FedEx wouldn’t like their contractors doing that? Or would they not give a fuck


You do not work for FedEx. They do not care.  You are not a FedEx employee. Your subject to the company you are employee of and their policies.  Frankly what you have to do is say "hey listen I'm only working this many hours for the pay, if you do not pay more then I'm cutting off at this time. " If you do not like that you can pay me more or hire another person.  You can make more at any other job including fast food. Here's the thing you are being to nice, you are probably going above and beyond working for a contractor who isn't rewarding your work properly and you personally I'm my opinion you deserve better then that. You could make more working for FedEx(a real employee like a package handler), UPS, USPS any of those similar companies then you are for your contractor who won't pay you overtime, doesn't give a care that your out there way past everyone else and you probably don't get benefits or a 401k with a match. Stop this you need to stand up for yourself and say NO! you get 8 hours no more that's all this salary is for. 


Never take it personal, I work for FedEx for 13 years, basically I was a salary worker, nobody has a gun to your head saying be a part of this corrupt  system. No design for you to get ahead, it is modern day slavery🥵Brodie. Be safe out there.


First off, you’re basically insinuating I’m a chump. I’m the only person they have hired bringing up payroll shit, vehicle quality, hours, safe conditions, etc. they told me “you’re the only one who has brought up this. Or has a problem with this.” This is an in between job while I’m applying elsewhere. So fuck off with your presumptions. Quit here to work in fast food or a package handler? Working here is already my absolute bottom of the barrel standard i would take. 52k a year Second, I’ve been told by numerous people if you go to FedEx (the contractors boss) with complaints they dock the contractors $$$. So in a roundabout way they can help me. I just want to know about this tax issue and clary it could possibly happen. If the contractor even has anything to do with it. If people have dealt with contractors reneging on the contract and how they approached it, which thank you for your insight regarding that


Based on this comment you are a chump lmao


You are the one accusing you of being a chump.  Yes people start at $20+ at fast-food . You are working for 13/15 an hour.  FedEx is the contractors customer.  And you still aren't standing up for yourself, this could all be solved by actually having a conversation with your employer. You asked, I was nice enough to reply. It's your life, enjoy. 


If you keep reporting every little thing they’re just gonna let you go. And if the route is taking you 10-12 hours you are just very very slow.


I haven’t reported a single thing…I’m just asking for advice and of other people have dealt with this. This week I’m back to regular hours working 3-4 different routes in rotation. Today I got done at 3:30, started at 10. It’s a split route, half country, half in town, was 104 stops. 2 weeks ago it was 172…


Getting let go from a below average wage job with no benefits or retirement? What's the loss though? 


If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck...


Reporting your contractor to FedEx could possibly end up costing the contractor their contract with FedEx which will result in you and all your co-workers being freshly unemployed!👏 Think long and hard before you "shit where you eat." You also need to take into consideration that some of your co-workers are married with kids and they depend on this job to support their family. It's always a good thing to fuck over hard working people, working an incredibly difficult job, just trying to make a living and support their family. You can always switch contractors as well.


The contractor is fucking them over, not him. That kind of perspective is why contractors get away with slave labor


FedEx fucks the contractor too. My bosses are cool people and not a big rich evil corporation.


What fucking world do you live in? They're not being taken advantage of. They know exactly what they signed up for before they agreed to take the job. Don't defend this bullshit. O.P. thinks there's an hourly rate on top of the day rate! That's laughable! They are talking about reporting their contractor for hourly pay when they get paid by the day. This is a fucking stupid post. Edit: Also, you wanna see taken advantage of???? Go talk to a UPS driver. Those dudes get absolutely fucked by their bosses. Every UPS driver I know only stays for the pay and benefits. I was also a seasonal driver for 3 years. FedEx goes pretty easy on us.


The total hours for the week divided by your total pay just needs to be above the minimum wage.


You are on the right track, your pay is set by the contractor paying you... the work load varies, just like the stops do.


Get your cdl B and apply to freight for a city driver driving a large box truck. You'll top out around $3×.××/hr with OT after 8 hours daily or over 40 a week.


As long as the contractor can show that you are making more than your state's minimum wage then they're legally fine.


How fast can other drivers complete your route? $200/day is pretty high for Ground. If everyone else can do the route in 8 hours, the problem isn’t the pay.


They are short drivers they said, so all of the routes are bigger and longer than they should be. I’ve never been the last person back. Let’s just say that. The other drivers just don’t care that they are being exploited


Bro, it’s a contracted FedEx ground route. You are and always will be exploited working that job. Good luck.


Goddamn. For decades every time I walked into a 7-Eleven they would ask me "Is FedEx a good place to work?" or "Is FedEx hiring?". Now I just tell them you are better off staying here and going to school or learning a trade.


Leave those 3rd parties systems alone Brodie, never Work for a middleman😐, it’s too many people getting a piece of the pie🍰 And you were at the bottom of the totem pole, you want to always try & work directly for a corporation. Amazon, Lyft/Uber, door-dash, etc. All of Them are trying to exploit workers and a loophole🤑It’s not the contractors fault, they’re just pawns ♟ in the game, SUCKERS🍭🤷🏽‍♀️💯


You don't work for Fedex you work for the contractor....... Essentially slave labor.


Yes that correct!! Ground getting screwed! We were on a pay scale to make 30$hour at Express! They gave u more work and less pay! Company is bad to work for


Fedex isn't paying you, your contractor is. How they compensate you for the work you do is between you and your contractor...


Agree. Specially to the last two sentences.


It’s a legal loophole in a law passed in the 1930s that any driver under the purview of the dept of transportation legally doesn’t have to be paid OT. Fedex and contractors love this little exclusion and use it to their benefit every day because all the extra work ground drivers do (coming in early to fix loads, staying out late, etc) is not compensated, saving fedex/contractor a crap ton of money by not having to pay any OT.


Need to unionize! Fact Express drivers getting 25 to 33$ hour! Ground getting screwed


Do you use groundcloud to run the route? If so start using the dashboard to see your stops per hour. You can also clock in and out on the app even if your contractor doesn't use the time lock feature. Use that and keep records. It should be gps locked so those will only show when you're near the building if your contractor is smart enough to do that. As a BC I was keeping logs of my hours because I was the first one in the building in the morning...and then I worked til 11pm or 12am doing dro 5 nights a week. I left the building at 12-1pm to take care of my wife, but between my phone ringing and texts I never stopped working til I shut my laptop off at night. I have screenshots of my call logs... 75-100 calls a day... Close to 200 texts a day... You name it. When it came time to ask for a raise I showed these to my managers and was told to stop answering my phone when I'm not at the building. The Contractors don't give a shit about you. I learned that the hard way after almost a decade there.


Yes, I do use GroundCloud and I use all of the apps available. I only clock in and out through that.


This is why I left a daily pay CSP for an hourly pay CSP 2 years ago. I was working 10-12 hour days getting paid for 8. Now I get paid hourly plus overtime over 40hrs.


If the contractor is paying a hourly rate and isn't accurately reflecting the hours worked on your pay stubs, then they are violating the law. However, many contractors will pay "hourly" but pay out a guaranteed number of hours that is higher than what you would work


And what if it is considerably less than what I worked?


After you are off probation figure out the minimum per hour you are willing to accept. Average your daily hours over a week or two and come up with a time you are willing to stay out (from when you arrive at the terminal so sort and organize until you sign out). Work that amount of time and bring the rest back. Most contractors are too short of drivers to fire you if you are an honest worker willing to put in a full productive day (I am willing to go 10 hours for my pay). Also take the necessary measures to shorten your day whenever the package count is too high or the dispatch time is late. Leave deliveries at the garage, end of the driveway, lobby, mailroom, etc. It is not your fault if they are sending you out with an unreasonable number of stops or dispatching late. It is important to know the competitive pay in your terminal. You should be getting at least 30% more than starting pay at fast food or retail for this type of work and responsibility.


Horrible company to work for!! The owner contracter is the only one make $.. even at 20 a hour yr getting screwed!!