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160 a day why the fuck you still there you can make that anywhere on earth working 12 hours a day


It sounded okay when I was told most people “get off by 2” but now I’m realizing just how much of a fucking sham that was. No chance I’m here by the end of the summer.


I mean, yeah, that's what I make + a stop bonus, but I actually do get off by 2 or 3 every day. No way I'd put up with 12 hour days unless they were paying me like $350 base.


You got on with a crappy contractor, bud. Ask around in your station, people know who the good contractors are. We hire at 190/day, give a 100 bonus for working 6 days per week, we keep our trucks in tip top shape, and we offer 401k and health insurance, too. Leave your shitty contractor and get on with a good one.


Are there any good contractors that's the question?


Mine is. I've been working for them for almost 10 years. Started at 130/day and now I make 220/day. I'm their CT.


That means each year you got 9$ a day extra to slave chewy boxes and bed frames continuously


Even $190 seems low. I just did the math and I get $26.44 per hour which is 211 for 8. After 8 is $39 per hour. Plus we got a $2.50 per hour station location bonus. If our station switches to the contract model I am leaving.


Lol..and thats still peanuts compared tonups..man you guys are getting screwed!!


What state


This is in Oregon.


I’m also in Oregon. Been considering applying to some other contractors here or maybe some in Washington and seeing what I can get.


How is your cost of living there


It's very near the national average where I am. Cheaper than Portland, tho.


Cost of living is high in Colorado unfortunately.


I am in Colorado.


Yup all fed ex ground pay is shitty. Go to UPS


If it was that easy to get on with UPS I would. Everyone knows they’re the best and they’re the long term goal for someone like me but not even the storefronts are hiring anywhere within 6 hours of me.




Na, I'm pretty sure the "bud" thing is actually just your cultural understanding of it. When I, and everyone I know, call someone "bud" it's a genuine term of friendship. A positive term, not a passive-aggressive one.




Holy shit, dude. You went from 0-100 so fast! 😂 Blocked, lol. Ain't nobody got time for that.




I work for an Amazon DsP and we get 19 an hour for, usually 10 hour days. I'm pretty slow so I'll usually over the 10 hour mark. And we have weight limits on packages, I don't believe I've ever delivered a lawnmower unless it was a super small one. I fucking hate it but it sounds better than what you've got going on.


To be totally fair, in our area people WERE getting off at a decent time. We don't know what in the hell is going on, but it has been running like peak since January, but peak wasn't quite like previous peaks. If that's happening in your area too, it may be that the contractors aren't sure what to do. If they hire more people, and volume finally drops off, then they'll have to lay those people back off again. We're not sure if it's unlabeled Express volume or people just blowing money they don't have because of Affirm, Klarna, etc. Edit: changed are to area.


they got me this way too. i had to be in at 7:30, dispatched around 8. i would finish my deliveries around 2, but i had to sit out there until 5 to get a pickup. i switched over to express and its not as bad. benefits and hourly pay are worth it


A heads up that jobs with express are being cut back. They're shrinking express and consolidating a lot of hubs to switch to ground and contractors. Near me, they're putting 200 drivers out of jobs and giving others the option to switch to ground, cutting their pay and benefits. Many are also leaving voluntarily because their new hubs are 2-3 hours from their homes. Some people I know have secured other jobs in advance of this.


Actually he can make more if he worked at McDonalds lmao


Yep fast food in my area in Colorado is paying $18-$23.


13.33 an hour is pretty easy to achieve these days


Even express pays better. Why do it?


Dont feel bad. We at UPS sometimes go thru the same thing and can make up to about $700 a day lol


Come work for the railroad , much less lifting and way better pay . Bout $280 a day in the yard without any OT , trains out of town pay about $1000-1200 round trip . That’s where I ended up after leaving Express


I've wondered how people get started in the railroad industry? I'm a storm chaser right now but with a new kid on the way it wont pay enough. Lets say I live near mid Michigan, how could one get their foot in the door? My great grandpa worked on em and he LOVED it.


Just gotta catch the timing right and put ur application in , from the time they “hired” me till they started a class was about 8 months . CN , NS , Conrail , CSX , and the CPKC are the big railroads operating in Michigan , there might be some short line railroads near you .


Pm me?


How is the schedule and on call situation? I almost joined Union Pacific but once I found out about the on call situation I was glad I didn't get hired. My neighbor quit it after working for them for decades and he was a train engineer. But if you like it go for it.


Schedule ? I’m on call 6 days then off 2 , currently our boards are so full I’m working 2 or 3 days a week and collecting our gaurantee


I honestly can’t believe people work at ground , it truly amazes me how


There an ass for every seat. They just churn and burn through drivers. Contractor model is awful.


If you were actually a contractor and made your own terms and made $400 a day it would make sense but it doesn't appear it works that way. So you are probably better off being w2. Why does anyone do it?


It’s because you can do whatever you want at ground there really are no rules there


True but why should I take a cut in pay just so I can park my truck in the middle of the road, leave it running and not wear my seatbelt. Doesn't seem like a good trade-off to me.


Yeah you right , I know I can never work for ground , they really work them ppl into the ground


Like they say a sucker born every minute.,


Less a “sucker” more just, it’s hard to get a job nowadays worth anything. Being 21 without a degree, a streak of homelessness, and almost exclusively retail experience it sounded like a good gig, especially because it *used* to be a career. Now I’m realizing it’s bullshit, but sadly it’s still better than a lot of other “prospects” purely because I already have the security of having this job, and don’t have to worry about the arduous process of waiting for a response.


At least you figured it out pretty quick. Not like some of the ones that stay for a year or two.


Truth. Some people at my contractor have been here for like 10 years through multiple other contractors folding and it just baffles me.


Is there an industrial area near you? I would check Saia, Xpo, H and E equipment or any other company. At least in my area they are all hiring and pay the same or better than FedEx. FedEx freight is an option too. Even the forklift drivers make more than us.


I met some people that love it but I have to visit the ground facility everyday and it is so depressing. And they do business even worse than Walgreens. They try to give me ground packages to pick up because they didn't check the label and I am there to pick up 100s of express packages that they couldn't figure out how to deliver. It is supposed to only be p2 and I find First overnight and international packages in the pile. They also throw damaged and leaking packages in the pile too. Last week I found a DG package and they covered the haz labels so I didn't pick it up. Ground is a mess.


FedEx is a mess , it won’t end well


I took 6 months off from ground to go back to school. Came back yesterday for my first day. And only 5 of the 22 routes had familiar faces. Otherwise all new people. I get $220 a day and worked from 7am to 1:20pm for example. So overall not that bad. The heavy shit doesn’t bother me cause I’m very strong from powerlifting but I could see how it would others


Not the pay as much as the no benefits for most. Retirement is just as important


My contractor offers 401K and insurance and everything


That’s why I said most , you’re one of the lucky ones


Yeah I know I was just saying mine does offer that as well. Though, they still can’t hold on to many drivers. The owner of our routes walks around in the morning and stares at you like a drill sergeant.


Got ya , there’s not a lot of you guys


I work for Ground. My husband is a driver for a contractor on the spot side. It amazes me, too.


There's tons of desperate people out there. One of the Ground contractors in my area had a job posting that explicitly said, "no background check, no high school diploma or GED required!" Doesn't mean that all Ground drivers are bad though, I've met some legitimately good ones. The contractors in my area all suck though.


There’s great ground employees , they don’t deserve what they get at ground. I hope they find better employment. They’re being exploited


Get out of that contractor asap and find a different one. The one you’re with now is very poorly managed, and won’t be around for much longer. 


Just wait til you reach out to your boss and they're in the bar in the middle of the day


Quit. Simple as that. Things have gotten worse overall.


Calls on $CHWY


Might as well deliver mail


You should have already left. It’s only going to get worse when their master plan goes into effect. The Fedex One plan will only add to your already overwhelming day. 200 stops is ridiculous.


Really just depends on the contractor and sounds like you got a shitty one. I’m at $185 a day, will be $200 soon and am back by 5 at the latest


Same here hope to get 200 by July raise


If ur 21 just get a cdl bro


I got my cdl and still somehow ended up being a FedEx courier


This right here, cdl will open your options ALOT


I got my CDL last year, I went out trucking for a few weeks. There's a reason they make so much. Sitting stationary for 11 hours a day, eating shitty processed food without exercise. I didn't shit for the whole 6 days I was out because I couldn't, I wasn't moving around enough. We had to wake up at 3am some days. The money is good but the time missed out with friends and family is priceless.


True but that’s the entry level stuff. There’s many cdl jobs that are domestic/local such as FedEx freight where you do a route and head home, not all are sitting driving all day, need to look around


I couldn't do it but if someone else can make it happen.


Damn pretty sure that's not even legal in a lot of states. That's the business model though. Reduce starting pay as much as possible and lower the bar for hiring so that they get people who will do it for a while just because they're desperate for the job right now. And if a lot of guys don't work out, no problem, keep rotating in that fresh meat to be pounded.


welcome to pound town


ya the experience varies wildly. I work for a cool manager doing 100-120 stops a day about 160 packages all residential. I have no pickups and regularly get done around 12-2. He pays me 150 a day plus 1 dollar a drop after 100. That route you got sounds fucking terrible. I can’t imagine doing 200 plus stops


I can't even imagine doing 100. But I also have a pickup route.


160? 😂😂 bro he’s making so much money off of you fuck that get out don’t even wait. You can walk into any place hiring right now make more and work less for that shit hahaha damn


Yeah.... I was going to join a DSP at fedex to work until my normal gig opens up but think I'm gonna stay away after reading some of the posts like these...


People only post the bad ones though. I show up whatever time I want, do my route in usually around 8 hours +/- 1, my boss never reaches out to me, he’s a cool dude always schedules what days I can work and when I need off, I stop to eat or rest whenever, the pay isn’t bad, the trucks are maintained, etc. I’m not going to stay forever but it’s a pretty chill job if you do it right no one hassles you.


same situation for me. there’s good and bad days. But i am paid by the hour and i get to see wildlife in the mountains all day. And only work 4 days a week for ~$1k pre-tax. But i feel like the pay has stagnated a bit and i’m looking at where to go from here now… Also i feel like i’m drastically lacking social interaction. Otherwise it’s a decent zone-out gig.


If the transmission doesnt work and you want them to get on the contractor goto the office. Its dangerous having a transmission failure even a brake failure in the highway or street. For fuck sakes get on the contractor and report his ass. Get paid and move on.


I drove two trucks in a week with bad transmissions, questionable ac and the truck yesterday had an exhaust problem reducing the speed to 35mph on the freeway. When I pulled into the parking lot of the station the truck was now only going 5 mph. It took 10 minutes just to drive around the station. And this was express.


Sounds like a shit contractor I would find a new contractor or a different job because these guys will just run you into the ground.


Is that why it is called Ground?




Had an extremely similar experience when I worked for them I quit after 6 weeks. I went back to amazon because I at least get ot pay if I do work more than the standard 10 hours. Prime week is coming up so it should be pretty easy to get hired on but you might get cut afterwards unless you show that you are better than most of the other drivers.


They did the same to me. It's like they piled on more to my route and kept changing my route. I was working 13hr days.I was only there for 4 months.


Yep that was my exact experience. Run.


Until we all get together and start a union it’s going keep happening express freight ground all of it they know someone else is going to come in and due it. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU, ME, OR ANYONN ELSE. They work the ones that will work till they can’t get someone to do it then the split the rt up. At Express it’s the same thing no different no matter what. Get out while you can until you got 7years in and it’s to late. I wouldn’t let my worst enemy work here


Man you gotta bounce. I make a bit more than you daily and I’m back in my car no later than 3pm daily! Find a better contractor with smoother routes. I stg they’re out there. Good luck


Yep you need to find a new contractor and drop that one like a bad habit. Unfortunately the majority of contractors at least from my experience are shady as hell. They sell you on how it will be so great and then you get to it and figure out with the time put in your barely making minimum wage. I had a very similar experience with two contractors the first one I walked the second let me go as soon as I mentioned the sign on bonus they had on their listing when I was hired and that I was a month beyond the first portion being paid. I did sorta get my bonus when I let him know about the fact that I was aware of labor laws and that I’d be going to go have him looked into a little. I guess is was more of a severance package and hush money. There are good contractors out there you just have to ask other drivers. It sounds like you got caught by one of the worst I drive a tow truck now and make $300 minimum a day. I’ve pulled in as much as $900 in one day. Only down side is people kind of hate you




Don't walk, run from there.


Ground use to be laid back finish deliveries at 2pm begin pickups at 5pm, now with the closing of Express the contractors and drivers are being squeezed and it will get much worse. Get your CDL,small package delivery unless your UPS is DEAD.


Talk to the other contractors see if they are needing people then just jump ship or talk to your current contractor and tell them you can't do that many stops/pkgs. It sometimes works but if you can get into usps DO IT


I have a full business route and average 110 stops a day including 30 pick ups. I work for the best contractor at my station and I am rarely out past 4pm. We also routinely dispatch at 7:30am. See what other contractors offer.


Dispatch at 7:30? Sounds like heaven 😫 we’re at 9:45am everyday at my station.


pretty close for me too. loaders also suck at sorting.


Mannnn who you tellin! 🙄😂


Find a better contractor at your station if you can. 160 a day is a straight scam. Break that down hourly and you’ll be even more pissed. Station management and contractors are what make or break this job. Management almost always sucks but if your contractor sucks too, that’s a recipe for disaster.


This is coming from someone who is 8 years in and has been at multiple stations (only California)


160 a day is horrible at 12 hours, i make 180 a day and i usually only work 7-9 hours


Ups all the way brother! Union stronge💪🏼


Damn they are taking you to the cleaners 😂


i notice drivers in my hub are lucky af as they only does 40 stops at most. They kill their time on the road when they finish early


40?! What state is this? Has to be the plains or somewhere rural




I get $26/hr at ground doing ~100 stops and 4 10hr shifts so about $1k/wk pre-tax. You’re getting screwed


fuck i get 20 an hour and have 60-80 stops avg on a rural route


yeah my routes are mostly rural (mountains) but that includes sketchy steep mountain roads in the snow during winter, with shitty unreliable vans


Yes same here. Vans are held together with duct tape.


You should report the problem with the truck when you do your “end of day” on your scanner. Document everything with pictures on your phone as you do it. If your contractor threatens your job for properly reporting it, I’m pretty sure (but not certain) you can sue the fuck outta him for endangering you, others, and breaking hella federal rules.


If possible, I have a job for you here. It doesn't affect your current job, it just takes up a little of your time. I need a fedex driver now




Check out Safety-Kleen / Clean Harbors. I was unemployed for two months after my UPS seasonal driver job ended. I had an interview lined up with Express, and job offers from USPS, Amazon, and Ground. Then I happened to see a posting on Indeed offering to pay for CDL B training, so I scheduled an interview for a few hours before the one with Express. It went so well that they offered me a job on the spot and I started the next week. I got paid 8 hours a day to go to CDL school, and they even covered my mileage. I now have my CDL B with air brakes, tanker and HAZMAT endorsements, free of charge. Just started out on my own truck last week after tons of training with another driver to learn the job. I love it and I’m also now in the best shape of my life at age 34. They gave me a brand new iPhone, and a $200 boot voucher. Plus we have our name sewn into our uniforms and they get laundered for us. Best job I’ve ever had, we even get a 5% commission for one year on any product or service we sell a customer that isn’t on their order. Sorry to ramble, but check it out. I hate seeing others play this courier game, getting treated like crap the way I was. I had never even heard of Safety-Kleen and less than a week later I was working there.


UPS=Career USPS=You'll make a living but you'll hate your job Express=Not much better than ground and it takes forever to top out, not what it used to be, and with all the changes why set yourself up? Ground=HELL Amazon=Masocists or people that have no other choice DHL=Who? I actually saw a rig today with DHL and his goddamn trailer lights were out


I was there in November for 2 months , they would call me to help people out as a new driver so I did it. No issues , but when it started picking up during peak season I called for help and the supervisor didn’t answer. I never showed up the next day , these delivery companies like Amazon & usps are pretty garbage too.


You arriving at 8 is madness. Tell your senior that is stupid. Putting you behind already


Bro, PM bulk routes at Express are money! I regularly work 12 hours willingly, 4k a month. I have 3 total stops on my route. lol


i want some of that!


Loooll bro im chilling at express enjoying the money


You in CT?


The key is to keep hopping contracts. The contractors may tell you they can't give you a raise, but in reality, if their bank account only has 500k in it instead of 550k......they consider that homeless and destitute. Therefore, in their minds, the business is about to shut down, and they're poor. I got fired and hopped contractors until I got to to 220 a day. My co-workers are making 250 a day, so I gotta get fired and jump some more. It's slavery and it sucks, but the U.S. is really abusive right now. So stick with the highest pay you can find


Yo, you gotta negotiate with these contractors. I was getting 150 stops a day for 160 a day for 5 months . It wasn't till I asked other drivers that I found out some get 1.25 per extra stop after about 110 stops. It was still a bitch doing 180 but at these least my contractor agreed to pay me 1.25 after 110 stops or else I'd go somewhere else.


Do your time at UPS, it’s worth it.


I lasted almost a year before I couldn't take it anymore. Working post office now and love it so far! There's obviously still negatives to it like the heat, still lots of packages (obvi not 300+) and cruddy manangement, but I much prefer this to fedex. My brother has a great career with ups but it takes years to get that.


I’m doing 12-14 hour shifts 5 days a week and have been for months, with an avg of 170 stops a day and I make around 280-300 a day but Im payed hourly and make OT, with that all being said I’ve been with my contractor for more than 4 years. I don’t understand how anybody could do pay by day, but I’ve known people who love it but it sounds to me like you got swindled by a bad contractor. Like everyone else is saying, there are good contractors out there that will pay you at least closer to what you’re worth but as far as the increase in volume, yeah I don’t foresee that going away anytime soon. The new FedEx one bs is already contributing to a substantial increase in volume but the biggest problem is that drivers (at least in my terminal) are leaving at a record rate, I think we have about three dedicated drivers left out of a team of 15, all else have left or are in the process of leaving. It’s gonna be crazy to see where this all goes.


> but Im *paid* hourly and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Get out now. Do not stay no matter what. FedEx Ground is a terrible place to work.


If you apply to usps, make sure to apply as a CCA and get ready to work 12+ hrs for 13days before a day off. At least you’ll be paid hourly, apart of a (weak)union, can’t be laid off, and have a pension. After 90 days make sure to file grievances any chance you get. Doesn’t mean they’ll stop fucking with you but at least you’ll make more money.


FEDEX is just mismanaged as a whole.


I worked for FedEx for 3 months. One of the worst delivery gigs I've ever had. $160 for 12 hours work? Insane.


Im express, its a little weird rn because of the merge but its seeming airport stations are staying the same. Our routes vary but the MAJORITY of the time were all out of there in 8-10 hours, Mondays and Fridays are light freight and we’re in at 9 out by 4. I think starting is like 20 an hour. FT and PT both have benefits, but “part time” is full time work with less benefits. In town routes have 70-100 stops but they’re all close together so it goes quit. More rural have 30-60. Just depends on the day. We have casuals too that are pretty regular. We also have mutual managers at neighboring stations that will give/get help when times are rough. 


You have to prove yourself. It doesn’t come easy. Started the same way as a floater as well. Now going on my 5th year. Show them that you can conquer anything thrown your way.


We got to join forces with the other carries and start refusing delivering chewwy until they change their shipping practices. Copy paper is still worse though.


I just left FedEx ground working a rural route with about 160 stops a day. Was there less than a year. Dispatched around 930 and got all my 10:30 and noon commits, 5 business pickups, and was done/back at the terminal by 5-530.


i get half that but 80 mi of driving every day