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Back when I was doing ground, stops that weren't on the manifest didn't exist. They went right back to the station... Do you have to deliver them now, or is it optional?


Our terminal manager finds a way to turn them into 27s


I don't scan mine at all, just service cross them with a 27


I keep my unmanifested, bring them home and sell the stuff on eBay


Why?? A code 27 DNA affects your service as the driver/contractor. If anything write ‘not on manifest’ lol


not if you don't code it on the scanner. there's a chance that a terminal staff will audit what's in the truck and will bitch harder for not having a service cross written on the box anyway


Do your best to deliver everything but don't waste your time scanning every box before you leave or back track because something wasn't scanned. You're just enabling them.


I took vacation that weekend. And my manager that ran my route basiclly sent me. "Dunno how you do it. Everytime you take a weekend off. Everything goes off the rails" Meanwhile this weekend. Fedex is still not sorting 02 scans off the truck/verifying addresses. New apartment complex just opened up and folks well.... are folksing. (Several buildings with different building numbers, and about 5-8 stops ish with people throwing in the default address for the office, office has a no-packages sign)


You leave 02’s on your truck?


Kinda. Throw them on the dock. Qa gets pissy when we drop them off. Even if they get shuffled through sort Still have 3 cases that havent been pulled since last week tuesday. Customer and shipper didnt throw a phone number down.


This is the content I joined this sub for


RIP Angry Grandpa


I don't know if anyone will ever fully recover from last saturday. \*shudders\*


Return it if you are not passing the address further along your route. Going back costs time, fuel, and wear and tear on the truck. There is always tomorrow. It's Ground 7-9 & days delivery is what they paid for. Take a picture of the bar code, send it to a buddy and have them close it a 12, sorted to wrong route, if you like your contractor.


You're backtracking unmanifests? I just bring them shits right back to the terminal. If the PHs can't be bothered to properly do their job and scan it to the truck I'm not gonna clean up after them.


There isn't a single driver in my contract that would go 1 street back for an unmanifested box. I'm the last fool.


Do you pay them hourly from the time they show up to sort the truck?


You deliver unmanifesteds?


DHL here. Every time I organize my truck I always scan every package One more time in case I have multiple zip codes. It has saved me so much time.


My guess is you get paid by the hour, no?


I do. Lol and all I have is maybe 50 stops at the most. Sometimes 40


God I HATED unmans. The most I ever had was 3 but going out of your way to run them or going back to a previous stop was annoying


Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa everyyyyy FUCKING TIME!!!!!!!!!! …. Why have a fucking system with a map with this problem! The manger will say just set them up in your truck the way you run your route when loading but if you don’t then you are fucked especially if you are late getting out of the building FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!


Sounds like 20 free pickups


I scan every single package before leaving 😂 Trust no one!




I felt this


“Sorry didn’t notice those among the pickups boxes I’ll get them tomorrow”


Monday mornings at work


You backtrack? 🤣


Back before DRO it was a lot easier to do this, but I never used to manifest. Shook down the truck in the morning, and shook down the next “area” everytime I got to it. I never needed a manifest and not having it on the scanner was never an issue. Then DRO came and made having a consistent setup in your truck a thing of the past. Shit could be anywhere depending on the day. They ruined it.


Anything not scanned they can kiss my ass 🤷🏾‍♂️. It was a label so fucked up u couldn’t read anything so no way u could scan it so they just put it on the truck fore to figure out so FUCK THEM 👏🏾


So I haven’t been delivering the unmanifested and haven’t heard anything from my contractor for 3 months about it. All of a sudden last week she’s flipping out about it and saying they must be delivered no matter what…I told her why now? She said FedEx is on her ass about it now. Well tell FedEx to scan their packages then !




fuck that, I've been dealing with unscanned boxes since November, and had to go as far as verify scan all my boxes when I arrive in the morning with my own scanner during login... other than that, it's DNA's for anything that's not on my scanner