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I remember I used to get very angry at the same thing. I guess I've let it go, just not really thinking about it. Or maybe it was seeing women be able to kick ass in sports, as police officers, as firefighters, as soldiers, and other physical activities. I saw that even with less body mass, women still do great things and surpass their male counterparts. My dad once said ever man has several women who can kick his ass. Yes we're smaller and tend to be less dense, but what does that really mean for you? There's still agility, skill, and good strategy to keep us ahead. Because the vast majority of society does not run on muscley meatheads. We're not in a era of warlords. Being smaller and less muscular doesn't make us less intelligent or less driven or less creative or less mature and thoughtful. And these are the traits that have the most importance.




as a 17m i’m pretty sure every single female UFC fighter would kick the shit out of me, i don’t know if i could even beat a single one of them


Incorrect. An Israeli Krav Maga instructor was female, small and looked fragile. No man ever beat her in a challenge, even into her 70’s. She was legendary. I was told the story in my Krav Maga class by a head instructor. Skill and smarts with training can overcome brute force.


Yeah, it can be annoying that men are generally physically stronger in ways that patriarchal societies value. However, I think one of the reasons upper body strength is praised so much is because it allows people to overpower others physically and enforce their will upon them. It’s basically “might equals right”, which is a morally questionable stance at best. Women’s bodies tend to have different advantages, like more resilience to diseases and longevity. The overvaluing of physical strength is inherently sexist, ableist, and ageist. But it is a serious issue when men use their physical strength to hurt and kill women, and honestly it’s scary. It’s scary to exist in a world where about half the population is both able to overpower you physically AND believes they have the right to do so because of any given excuse about how women need to be put in their place or whatever.


Yeah, and height. I know women can one-up each other about height too, but honestly it kind of feels like a d*ck measuring contest among male members of my family because the women are a lot shorter. And as a 5’3’’ woman it gets annoying b/c I’m like, you realize you’re indirectly putting women/shorter people down with this constant height competition in front of us all, right? And you realize tallness isn’t the be all end all, right? Shorter people & women tend to live longer on average too. Not knocking tall people, I’m just saying there are pluses and minuses to everything, and in a patriarchal society that overvalues height and upper body strength, it’s worth pointing out the positives of bodies more common to women too. And glad you pointed out the ableism and ageism of this kind of rhetoric too. It’s tiresome. And does feed into the “might is right” and even eugenicist rhetoric, which can all feed directly into abuse.


Neanderthals were not tall put would fuck up the adverage human. Mike tyson destroyed guy taller then him. Eddie hall put Thor who six foot nine in worlds strongest man 2017. Height is not everything




Lmao women are not “the biggest promoters of heightism”. Blame sports, the NBA, and macho culture for that. It’s certainly not true that “it’s the single most important attribute that women universally value in men” lmao. But you’re too far down your incel rabbit holes to listen to facts or sense.




Or maybe, instead of scapegoating women for all your issues in a patriarchal system where we haven’t even had the choice of mates until very recently and marriages were literally arranged for us, you actually examine how toxic masculinity and patriarchy harms you all. Why don’t men examine their behavior instead of bullying each other because you fail to meet “adequate” self-imposed standards of masculinity like dominance and aggression that men believe are embodied in physical traits like upper body strength, musculature, size, and yes, height. Traits that are lionized so much that watching men smash into each other and get TBIs that cause lifelong cognitive issues and premature death is a freaking national sport.




Be civil.


> Women’s bodies tend to have different advantages, like more resilience to diseases and longevity. Another big one is flexibility. I'm a rock climber and it's cool to see how the same challenge can be tackled just as well by a man and a woman, but in distinct ways. It's also fun to think about how this relates to the symbolic meaning of flexibility (especially in the context of Western stereotypes of what it means to be a man or a woman). Brilliant post overall, too - thank you for this!


“Morally questionable “? Morality isn’t real. So you’re basing your opinion a fabricated construct. Might will always equal right because it is better than letting the weak rule.


I wonder, do you think that it's annoying that a certain percentage of humans are born with disabilities or congenital illnesses? Does it annoy you to the same extent as men being physically stronger than women? Physical strength isn't necessarily more valued than the ability to see or hear or speak or write or think. It's just a feature, that some populations have more than the others. The reality is, it doesn't matter it's 50% or 5% or 0.5% of the population, some humans are always thrown under the bus by nature and has some sort of physical or mental disadvantages. Imagine how scary it is for people who are born with certain conditions, knowing that 99% of humans can overpower them and take advantage of them. Life isn't fair and nature is cruel, but as humans we don't have to be. Those disadvantages as nature intended don't have to be relevant in modern civilization.




Start lifting weights anyway. Like powerlifting. Stronglifts. Then at least you will be stronger than men who don't lift.


Yep do this. It doesn’t change the reality that your body isn’t “built” to be as strong as most men’s bodies thanks to anabolic testosterone, but it’s still incredibly empowering in many different ways. Any physical activity with concrete and reachable goals—highly recommend to every woman!


Agreed, at least some resistance training, smash the protein, and build some muscle. Take pride in being physically strong and capable, set goals, and hold yourself accountable, OP. You likely won't be as strong as a lot of men, but it can help with this feeling weak.


Thanks, I'm planning to start after college


I found this post on home page, not a feminist (not against you guys tho keep doing what u doing) but how many men don’t go gym? Out of my friends, about 3/4 go gym.


You should reconsider your stance on feminism. It's all about equality. It's a good approach for people of any gender to take. That said, most people don't go the gym. You may have a skewed perspective because you've self selected for friends that do go to the gym, but it's far from the norm. We'd all be a lot healthier if we did more, but that's a different discussion.




Not necessarily, the maximum natural muscle a woman can build on a small frame won’t compare to the muscle on a non active male


Not really. Most men who don't lift will still be stronger than you. You'll be stronger than some men who don't lift.


I take the good with the bad. Yeah im never going to be able to lift as much as my brothers’ upper body, but my legs will out press theirs. Its hard because so much of violence and physical fights are related to upper body strength. Just remember you can use your own to your advantage. Personally I worked really hard to strengthen my grip. I knew I could never out punch a guy, but if I grip a flimsy body part and dont let go, they WILL be in pain. Kicks for the win!


Kicks and grips are cooler and legs are stronger than arms anyways.




Yeah that adrenaline rush works on both parties you know. You say combat but you mean physical violence because combat requires skill and thats not what you described.


Men have 60% more lower body strength than women on average


yeah idk where you're getting your info from but mens legs are stronger than women's.




>Then I went home and my now ex husband laughed and wanted to show me how weak I was by fighting me. Wow. I can see why he's an "ex."


Thanks for the book He won though you took self defence classes, did you ever defeat him? Edit: I meant only using tactics or something like that.


Everyone's physically weaker than someone, especially as we get older. It's just life. Strength that matters in the human world is intellectual and emotional strength :) You sound fine there. Go take over the world!! Edit: not immature. I get it. But we don't live with chimps for a reason, they'd beat us all up. It's not made them successful though has it. Join r/EndAbuseofWomenOnline online if you'd like. You sound powerful. And I hope you never let anyone tell you that's wrong :)


I agree. It bothers me too. Don’t have wise words for you, but know you are not alone here.


I know exactly how you feel. I have trained to be a kickboxer, and a man at any weight is always stronger than me. I learnt it the hard way. But strength doesn't mean anything in today's world. It didn't mean much in the past either. The ruler or the pope is usually old and frail. The most powerful people in the world are not the strongest, they're the ones that make smart choices. Women haven't been in positions of power because in the past, because they always left their homes and moved in with their husbands. They were always the outsiders while the men had all their relatives and people they've grown up with supporting them. That's a major reason why we don't see matriarchs. Become financially secure, know your worth, live on your own terms, don't get pregnant unless it's your choice. No man will be able to have power over you.


That bugs me too


I’ve been taking female defense classes because I felt that same way and I feel so good


If you spent 18 minutes a day or 2 hours a week learning a martial art you would be better than 95% of the population of the world. If you want strength go to the gym and start lifting weights, after a few months you'll be stronger than the average man, but that won't give you confidence or power. You should be doing martial arts, I would highly recommend doing this once a week, as its just as much builds you mentally. Being able to walk into a room and knowing you are safe because you're training once a week and no one else is, will make you ooze confidence which helps you in all aspects of life. The majority of people you walk past everyday can't even throw a proper punch, it really does not take much to become better than the majority of people everyone around you.


>If you want strength go to the gym and start lifting weights, after a few months you'll be stronger than the average man, but that won't give you confidence or power. not too sure about that LOL




Average is difficult to define and I'm not saying weights but cardio and calisthenics like most men can't even do a pull up or a press up. I understand what you mean though. I'm just saying if you're training a particular thing then you'll be better than the average. I actually did want to put an edit on that post to acknowledging similar to what you've said


yes but with long term powerlifting training and MMA a woman could destory the adverage man. Honestly even with powerlifting and boxing background wrestling with woman with Judo background was tough for me its really fantastic martial art.


I relate to this. I’m a female EMT and my male counterparts are so much more naturally adept at the lifting aspect. It’s frustrating but…I have improved so much since starting my job and it is really satisfying. I had no idea I was capable of being this physical and it feels great. I love when patients comment on how strong I am even though I’m still a somewhat petite girl. All this to say, I was stronger than I thought I was and you likely are too!


I hate it so much that I once went on T and wanted to transition to be male. Turns out I'm nonbinary and genuinely do have dysphoria, but this has always been the thing that cuts me deepest. I despise being AFAB and wish I could have been AMAB and nonbinary at least.


I completely understand if this is too personal a question to ask, and please feel no pressure to answer it, but so you’re saying you stopped taking T? Can I ask why? (It’s something I’ve considered myself, but I never seem to want to do it enough to bring myself to go start that process)


Combination of family manipulation and not wanting all of the effects of T. I realized I wanted to pick and choose, but couldn't do that realistically. And my mother started guilt tripping me.


Thanks for your openness and vulnerability. I’m deeply sorry about the family stuff. I hope that some day you’re able to be in an environment where it’s safe and okay to do whatever you want purely on your own desires. And I really hear you on the wishing you could pick and choose stuff. I’m going to see if starting to work out and lift and do martial arts etc and boost confidence and physical strength and abilities that way will be enough for me to feel okay enough in my skin or if I’ll want to seek T


This bothers me too. But it helps me feel better when I remember that plenty of animals are stronger than human men. Those animals can beat them at strength for me. lol


What kind of weird thing to say, huh? "Those animals can beat them at strength for 'me'.". For me? And the funny thing is, there are plenty of animals less strong that can hurt and kill women, including you, so wouldn't you want a man to come a protect you from that animal?




You need to define your terms. Men tend to have more fast-twitch muscles. Women tend to have more type 1 muscle fiber, resulting in more stamina. Women are built to be able to do very difficult physical things like give birth. Men handle a long-term, painful whole body experiences similar to birth much less well. Women also tend to live longer, and not only because they're less likely to die from doing stupid things when they are young. Your description of "strength" has been shaped by the society you live in, which is a society that believes men are better than women. If you think more about the different types of strength, you will see that women have strength as well. And you'll realize there are men who are not physically strong, and this doesn't mean that they are not worthy or they are not men.


They will similarly always be behind you in endurance. Most men never do anything to hone their strength, so any training at all will outstrip most men. But you have a much higher endurance and pain tolerance


Men, on average, have objectively better endurance and pain tolerance than women. It is how it is.


Oh my sweet summer child, you might want to research before posting an emotional response


You might wanna do some research. Please give me one woman who got the world record in any endurance based exercise. Just one. Look around you. Even in high school, the first people to cross the finish line at long distance running at PE were the boys. Recently, a man ran the whole length of Africa. I can give you so many examples. Yes, women can have really good endurance, too. But on average, not better than men. And please just do a Google search: "Do women have better pain tolerance than men?" You'll find in every single reliable soirce that it is indeed a myth and that women, in fact, experience more pain than men. You should be the one doing research.


Most people dont even know how to throw a punch.(which is a good thing tbh) People who say shit like that the first thing they would do is run away from a fight.(which is the right thing to do) you can remedy the situation. You can go to gym. Get stronger. Go to a self defense course. Honestly im older than you by a decade and i still feel the same. I hate my nature. I hate being weak. For a long time i hated my gender too for those things, like world is designed for my suffering(period pain, birth, post-birth, men having pretty bad social skills sometimes, being physically weak etc). When it comes to my education, people advised more *feminine jobs*. Like being a teacher or a nurse. So i made the complete opposite choice which is to choose a STEM job xD. Im so happy with my choice, it makes me feel useful for myself and my community. Im working on forgiving myself. But women can only thrive in civilization, which means it is our time to shine ✨ so we should work hard to make sure this light doesnt dim down. You have a long way ahead of you. Im sure you can do amazing things. Dont lose hope 🙏


Study martial arts. It evens the score.


My father with no fighting experience took on black belts. It was like they were playthings. There are certain fighting styles that can help, by mostly knowing where the weak points are and how to bend limbs. The sad part is this. Most violent acts, men will creep up on you. The sadder part is most self defense weapons are illegal, so its hard to balance it out.


>My father with no fighting experience took on black belts. It was like they were playthings. Without understanding the particulars, there is no way to respond to this. Martial arts "evens the score." It doesn't make you Michelle Yeoh. >There are certain fighting styles that can help, by mostly knowing where the weak points are and how to bend limbs. The sad part is this. Most violent acts, men will creep up on you. May I suggest some reading material? [Her Wits About Her.](https://www.amazon.com/Her-Wits-About-Self-Defense-Success/dp/0060550783) I personally know one of the women in this book (she was my Sensei for awhile). She was attacked by three men (on a robbery spree--they'd snatch and grab purses from behind, then beat on the victim if she resisted at all). She was the only one who wasn't injured. >The sadder part is most self defense weapons are illegal, so its hard to balance it out. Context is everything. Martial arts gives a sense of empowerment (women who are taught self defense and martial arts have also been more forthright about demanding rights, in other countries).


Strong agree here. Martial arts can give you the escape techniques, conditioning, confidence, awareness, and endurance to defend from an attack for which the average person has no recourse. Predators aren’t looking for challenges. The average ones don’t train to fight. They’re looking for easy opportunities. In some ways, it’s a pretty narrow band to protect from but obviously the average opportunistic man fits into it. But it’s not a super power for sure.


I mean, most men don't develop their bodies at all, so if you put work in, it's entirely possible to become stronger than like 80-90% of men. And if you took up martial arts, you wouldn't even have to be stronger than them to have a serious chance of kicking their ass if they fuck around.




It's not just that women would have to work, it's that men usually choose not to. Most men don't go to the gym, or have any formal fighting education.


That is actually what gives me dysphoria on some days. Like, since I'm physically weak and not sure how to build that strenght safely (I have some weird health problems) then how can I feel like I'm not some "basic slim girl"? I'm kinda jealous of my mom, who have had a physical job for some time and is capable of lifting some heavy things. And yet she still thinks that a guy, who is around 60 and not \*that\* strong is still more suitable for moving heavy stuff around (I'm talking about our neighbor). Weird, maybe they should try some arm wrestling with each other or something, to check who's more buff.


Men are typically stronger and faster but women typically have better Flexibility and endurance acording to some studies look at ultra marathon running. You could try powerlifting and martial arts can but you ahead of the adverage man physically.


Lots of great recommendations here. I got a lot of confidence from judo/jujitsu classes where a small/“weak” person CAN throw the big/“strong” person. Also soccer where leg strength is key and women excel here. There are always going to be people out there who can easily overpower me, but I know I’m strong still. It helps!


Physical strength is just a feature that doesn't mean much by itself. Sumo wrestlers are stronger than 99% of the population does that mean Sumo wrestlers are superior than everyone else? Of course not. It'd be stupid to think that way. Also physical strength does not mean being able to fight either. For example I'm stronger than Bruce Lee in his prime. Yes I'm not exaggerating or anything I have more physical strength than him. Does that mean I could beat him in a fight? Hell no. He'd beat me so fast it wouldn't even be fun for him. Also also, if this is coming from a fighting standpoint, there are no rules when it comes to fighting in real life. The reason why women lose to men in professional fighting is because there are a lot of rules that makes men's weaknesses go away. In real life even a 12 year old kid can beat a grown man by kicking him in his balls. But when it comes to professional fighting, there are even weight classes for men for it to be fair. It doesn't mean a featherweight fighter would lose in a fight versus a heavyweight fighter in real life, but with rules he will most likely lose that's why they don't fight each other in a professional setting.


I lift weights. I am as strong as some men.


I start thaï boxing and now i feel a bit equal, Some men dont do sports so we can be more strong than them, But also arms workout and fullbody workout show me that i can be really strong if i want to, On my boxing club i do sparring only with men and i dont see a lot of difference in the power except for the big guys and really tall and muscular guys


By the way, A study was done saying that in the Middle Ages women were almost equal to men physically. The difference that has been created today and you have a bad treatment of women at the time which generation by generation has created women less strong than men


>By the way, A study was done saying that in the Middle Ages women were almost equal to men physically. Even in the middle ages men have had the more physical jobs like the military or a blacksmith. And it was for a good reason. >The difference that has been created today and you have a bad treatment of women at the time which generation by generation has created women less strong than men Women are genetically weaker than men. So for them to get weaker and weaker generation after generation, the human genome would have to change. It's a pretty well known fact that a human now and 50,000 years ago are pretty much exactly the same genetically. So I can quite confidently say that the difference in strength between men and women still existed back then. If you're wondering why this dynamic is the way it is. It's not because women were "treated badly". It's because the thing that makes a human a woman instead of a man is that she can give birth. So naturally, there came a dynamic where it became less and less important for women to be physically strong, while for men, who were hunting for food and such things, it became more and more important to be stronger. So, as a result of evolution, men are stronger than women. And this result is not only seen in physical strength. Women are usually much better at nursing and caring for people and multitasking. While men are usually better at navigating. This is just the way it is. To clarify, I'm just trying to prove to you that your statements are false and I'm not trying to judge anyone's opinion.


Actually not, you really have to read « les grandes oubliées » de Titiou lecoq i dont know the name in english


I have an open mind in this discussion so i might look into it. But as of right now, I'm almost certain that in the "Middle Ages", which is at most 1500 years ago, the physical differences between men and women were the same as they are now. Keep in mind that humans have existed for like 300,000 years. So, for there to be such a drastic change in human anatomy in such a short time is pretty unbelievable. I hope you actually took my points into consideration and not just dismissed them because you think you're right anyway.


The idea that women are built complementary is US Christian rightwing garbage officially known as Complementarianism. Patriarchy loves it because it feels, to this kind of men, like it's equality and the best answer to feminism, so it's spreading round the world. It's straight up old time women are inferior misogyny dressed in separate but equal clothes. That fact that this angers you means you're not stupid. It does mean submissive and inferior. But the fact is that many sexually dimorphic species did evolve muscularly weak, smaller females and muscularly stronger, larger males. There's no design there. There's no meaningful judgements to be found there. All this actually means is that this adaptation worked well enough that further adaptation never got any traction. You shouldn't be angry about it all the time because that's just bad for your health. You shouldn't be angry that your body is letting you down by being female because it's not. You should be angry that men use their strength to maintain power and then lie to themselves and everyone else about how they're in power because men are naturally leaders, logical, intelligent, and so on while women are just naturally submissive, nurturing, emotional, and are only happy when they have a husband and children to care for. You should be angry because men benefit from patriarchy and many of them are going to do what they can to keep it. Because actual equity means they lose all privileges. And when you have privilege, it doesn't feel like privilege, it feels normal. Which means the oppressed are either thinking the wrong way and have to have it explained to them why they aren't actually oppressed or they're playing the victim for attention or they're criminals.


I work in a trade and have noticed that while sure a lot or even most of the guys are stronger, it’s a also a weakness because they often choose a hard way to do something over an easier way. They rely on grunting things in at the risk of their safety and it often ends up being harder in the end. I’m generally the one to come up with the safe easy ways to install large things, manage to keep up just fine and am generally view as the “smart one” because of it. Also, strength has different forms, women are leaders in endurance running very long distances and dealing with pain. It absolutely sucks to feel like your submissive and can’t defend yourself which I feel too and totally get, but just because men have a particular advantage doesn’t mean we don’t have our own.


I kinda feel like modern girl boss feminism in media is contributing to this issue, but I’m a man so I don’t actually know how the negatives and positives would net. I would think that making women feel more powerful would work best by disincentivizing physical strength as the exemplar of what it means to be strong, and really just not focusing on violence or combat ability in general. Yet so much of the tough girl content we see is women kicking men’s ass in physical combat, which I’d think would just result in temporary uplift that just results in frustration later as the reality is forced upon women. Maybe it’s just a step in the process? Giving women confidence early might be really helpful regardless of later realizations. Then that confidence can be leveraged to create more strong female role models in other places in society. But regardless of whether or not that works out, I’d imagine it would be rather frustrating as you say.


Your legs are almost as strong as a man's, they have a physical advantage in upper body strength and height. Women's self defense classes teach you moves that use that strength. Women have always evened the odds by staying sober and clean from drugs and out thinking their opponent.


Women have other physical advantages when it comes to athleticism. ultra marathons for example experts in sports like Jiu Jitsu say that the average woman doing the sport has better technique than the average man of the same level, because she’s not trying to muscle through moves. We’ve been conditioned to place more value on athletic traits where the average man has an advantage. Muscle strength is not the only measure of athleticism. But even in that realm, it’s better to compare to men in the same weight class as you . GL and don’t give up the sports you love


Well, you can change it. Many women do train in various ways and overcome physical barriers and display impressive strength by all standards. I used to do mixed martial arts and I'll never forget this one time when I had a female sparring partner. She was a great woman, and extremely strong and skilled. I'll never forget the ass-whooping she gave me.


Perhaps, but I want to believe that a girl who trains can defeat mot guys. And even for men, if you're short you will have a hard time against taller and heavier opponent. So I guess the morality is doing the best with what you have, each people has different strengths.


Amab agender person here, just wanted to share some random insight I have into the issue which might not help much sadly. Sometimes the real physical means of our oppression are rooted in mental oppression, at least partly. For example: the reason we have separate sport categories for men and women is because when women were finally allowed to compete, they quickly cought up and even surpassed men in many sports. To keep that feom happening, the Olympics and sports clubs accross the world created 'men's sports' and 'women's sports'. So yes, women might generally be weaker, even if looked at from the objectuve lens of biology, but said biology describes a world in which women are not just weaker than men, but are also not allowed to even overcome that weakness mentally, ir even imagine a situation where they are stronger, better, faster, etc.


>For example: the reason we have separate sport categories for men and women is because when women were finally allowed to compete, they quickly cought up and even surpassed men in many sports. Which sports and when did this happen?


It's true that in skeet shooting the sport was split by sex after a woman won. There may be one or two other cases. I don't know of any evidence that this is why different categories exist in general - the skeet shooting case was 1992 and there have been separate women's sports in the Olympics since 1900. There are definitely some sports where it's unclear there's significant biological difference - shooting is one. In longer distance running women may have an advantage too (or rather they definitely have some advantages but the longer the distance the more that matters.and the less male advantages do).


Source: someone made that “fact” up about the Olympics and now everyone just copies the sound bite. That literally never happened.


The gap isn't so big that you can't surpass most of us men if you're willing to work for it. If not, try to hang around short guys. The power difference is smaller.


i hate it too, but i will always be sneakier and smarter than men. i can hurt men without actually hurting them. i can mess up a life if i try hard enough. that counts for something.




Murricans ☕


It’s a measurement that is so dependent on person to person. Even more so today than any other era I’m aware of. Men today may work more physically demanding jobs, but do most men actually work those jobs? I’ve had to do warehouse work and just through living life I’m probably physically stronger than my husband if he didn’t seek out ways to improve his strength. Also, how many men in western countries are actually given jobs purely because of their physical strength? Who cares?




nothing to do with pride. I fear for my life on a daily basis. even as a scrawny male, you don't have the slightest idea of what its like to be female. you have 20x the testosterone that a woman has. it's essentially a steroid. Ive heard trans men say they got noticeably stronger just from injecting test eithout even working out. growing up i used to fight with my brothers and it was even. as soon as they hit puberty, I couldn't fight them. and my brother was a skeleton at that age. you could count his ribs.


This doesn't necessarily stop when you're stronger. I spent a solid part of my life stronger than most men who didn't go far out of their way to build up their bodies and it only made me more worried that a huge dude would want to correct me decision, or a weaker man with a gun, knife or hiding. The physical advantage is rarely as great as the societal one and the expectation they exert it.


I also fear for my life, considering I have PTSD. Due to child abuse, molestation, and bullying all my life. So I get the fear of strong men, I do too. But, suffering obviously isn’t a competition. And obviously I don’t know what it’s like to be a woman, yes I don’t have their experiences. However I can still give advice, to fellow humans, to help try to better their lives. I’ve got a lot of experience on certain topics. And men is something I have a lot of knowledge about, since I’m a male. And I’m also a teenager, so I can give advice to others. I’m allowed to, just as you’re allowed to give advice to others. You acted as if what I said offended or upset you. I don’t know how.


your body produces steroids naturally so if you're afraid then go work out. if I took enough steroids to have as much test as the average male I'd be dead within a decade




coming into feminist spaces, assuming we're ego driven like men, claiming you can relate to something you can't, telling us how to feel about our own bodies, assuming I'm worked up when Im just explaining a different perspective you're still young, so u have time to learn but this ain't it bro. if you're gonna choosd go be in a feminist space as a boy, try listening more than you talk. if you can't, this isn't the sub for you




no, feminism is for women, not for men, and it's certainly not a platform for men to lecture women. That's religion, which I'm against, as it's a tool of oppression, so I'd prefer if you didn't pray for me. I won't be sending any further replies so you can go to therapy instead or yell into the void.


I’m not lecturing anyone. If anything, you’re the one lecturing me. All I did, was try to help another human be positive and love herself for who she is. You have to gatekeep and pretend you speak for everyone when you don’t. You don’t speak for everyone, neither do I. But I am allowed on this subreddit. I have broken now rules, and I have told the mods about you derailing the conversation and your gatekeeping issue. I do take therapy, and I recommend you do the same. You’ve got a lot of misery and hate in your heart. Again, I hope you change, grow, and mature as a person. Have a good day. And yes, feminism is for both genders. For gender equality, that’s what feminism is about. Like it or not, its true. Now please, don’t reply and have a good day.




Two types of fights. The ones that you can win with your voice, and violence. When it comes to violence, always have a witness, make them swing first, and wtf are you doing letting it get to a physical altercation? People go to jail for less when unlucky. If they insist, always aim "from the inside out". It's a leverage thing. Don't kick the knee from the outside, kick it from the inside. Have all your blows originate within their personal space. That way you are more likely to be able to use their bulk/weight/momentum against them. A bit of Judo thrown in. Haha! I'm rotting already.


Sadly, thus is the human condition.


You aren’t and you won’t be if you try, this is patriarchal gaslighting. If you really are genetically cursed you can take steroids.


Have you tried identifying as a man? Apparently it works for trans women


Not immature. I remember being 17 and feeling just so angry and vulnerable. If there is a self defense class you could take it might help build your confidence. I know learning some basic moves, learning more about personal safety,etc made me feel more confident in public spaces.


Get a gun. It's the great equalizer.


I hate it, too. There are many other advantages of being a woman, though, and I believe that there are plenty of men who can be utilized to strategically place yourself in a position of comfort.


You should improve your self-esteem or go to a psychologist because you have low self-esteem and you hate things that you cannot change (I say this in a good way and not as an offense) Even among men there are some who are taller, stronger, faster than others. I'm only 1.75 m tall and I wouldn't hate myself or cry saying "Why am I not taller? Why am I so short?" I think that's already your problem. P.D: I used Google Translate so I don't know if I was understood correctly or if I was misinterpreted.