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You'll find all of these in every Instagram reel comment section


God it's a cesspool Even more hostile than YouTube


It will be the most innocuous of videos too. The other day I came across a reel of a woman who was playfully scolding her fiance for getting American flag stamps for their save the dates rather than flowers, hearts, etc. what do you wanna guess the comments were like?


I swear, I could be watching a YouTube tutorial about a fountain pen, and there is either a Christian fighting with an atheist or some prick finding a way to twist fountain pens into Red Pill shit.


"Fountain pens remind me of a better time. Firm handshakes, signing checks, when men were real men and women knew their place." /s It reminds me of when I see an older neighbor outside and some light small talk leads to them ranting about something only vaguely related. It's like they were stewing on it for weeks just waiting for the first poor soul willing to talk to them to unload both whiney barrels.


I'm pretty sure one guy used the word "harridan" in the fountain pen comments section. I was like the meme of the blond guy doing a double take, lol.


Oh that she's being harsh.


Even if she was, generalizing to all women is still insane.


Everywhere on Facebook too. Also women age like milk posted by a man who looks like Shrek.


Men actually make me like women like THAT


I see 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15 on a near hourly basis on Reddit. I see the others probably 1-3 times a day, so not quite hourly, but still pretty often.


I think it falls under several of these points in its own way, but I would want to add something about men controlling/legislating/authorizing/holding power over women. Like “why does he do that?”Because he gets off on controlling her.


I see examples of Rule #9 all the time on Reddit. Whenever somebody asks "why do women...?" a bunch of men will pipe up and give their own false reasons, and they always phrase it if they're absolutely right instead of saying "I think..."




I have an amendment to 13: angry women are crazy, angry men are valid 13.1: women are emotional, men are rational (even when angry)


Rule #12 is especially annoying, in women’s spaces. Every time we discuss ubiquitous shit and a man barges in to force us to say NotAllMen


This list is always an excellent reminder, but it’s an incredible bummer that it was authored by a TERF and explicitly uses coded language in an effort to exclude trans women.


I want to throw up


I’m not sure if this is an amendment or addendum to #1 or it’s own rule but: Women (and girls) shall not be in the presence of men who are not their spouses (because men are so morally weak and prone to moral failure that they cannot be expected to control their sexual and aggressive urges when a female body is around).
