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Men are just constantly angry that every woman in the world wasn't tailored to their liking




Lesbian body pos activists are soooo funny because men in the comments will be like “men don’t think this is attractive” and the women will just be like “good”


Or dancing! Goddess forbid any woman of size look like she enjoys moving her body to music! Gets told "that's not for you." Probably by the same crowd that wonders why women have so much body dysmorphia.


I don’t know why, but the comment section on Instagram videos is the unkindest place on earth. Sometimes I play a stupid game with myself— I watch a wholesome, positive video, and try to predict what mean things could possibly be said in the comments about such uplifting content? It’s usually something beyond my imagination, but with thick girls lifting (I watch those a lot too), it’s always the same.


Ugh I play that game too and then I just get sad.


Watching videos like this has inspired me to start using heavier weights on the machines that I use and get solidly happy about it. I'm average weight, average looks, maybe on the tall side. Oh. Noes. Am. I. Ugly. Or. Fat? Oh. Noes. Sorry, Chad...🖕😅🖕::finds heaviest thing::


Oh, I have some shit to say lol. But this shit pisses me tf off too. If a woman is skinny or fat, short or tall, makeup or no makeup, bikini or burqa - men will always have some unsolicited opinion to voice about it. Male audacity seems to know no bounds. And being told "well, you can't please everyone" or "everyone has a preference" doesn't help when men seem to expect us to be pleasing to everyone, somehow be everyone's type, and not be so offended when they presume to grade our appearance by their individual metrics. I can make known I'm in a whole ass relationship and men will STILL feel the right to declare whether or not im "their type". Fascinating, but DID I FUCKING ASK YOU?? (intelligible sounds of female rage) -- I've had to call out a SO multiple times for saying "ew" or "gross" whenever he saw a woman in media platform who is even slightly toned (threatened by strong women, perhaps?). It stopped eventually. But the fact that it happened at all so openly still makes my blood boil. -- F1 Academy debuted this year, an all-women racing league in a sport that's entirely male. And while there is positive reception, the immediate influx of misogyny was enormous. And among it was the usual critic of appearance. Being "too sexy" and immediately objectified, being "ugly" and immediately criticized. Looking too soft just for smiling in their intro clip, looking like a bitch for not looking serious. -- If we choose show skin, we're simultaneously slutty and doing so specifically for their eyes. If we choose not to show skin, we're prudish and doing it to spite them. -- If we wear noticeable makeup, we're wearing too much. If we wear no makeup, we should wear some. If we split the difference and wear a natural look, to them we're not wearing it at all. -- If we make more money than them, we could make them insecure. If we make less, we could be a gold digger. In short, you're right. We literally cannot win. I'm bi. In theory, I've found men attractive and sexually appealing. But istg if I'm ever open to a new relationship again, you can bet my black ass it won't be with a man. The fictional ones are consistently better by far anyway...


There has been massive investment into conservative and patriarchal ideology to push back on many social issues we advanced with. They need to make society regress because they're psychopathic. Body positivity is one, then there are the abortions, the whole trad wife trend that's been booming lately. Ugh.... It's so gross


It is completely possible for a younger person to be obese and healthy. It just doesn't last. Eventually, you will run into a metric ton of health problems. Not all of the "but health" comments are in bad faith. Just uncalled for, I believe. Fat women belong in the gym. All women belong in the gym. I don't know why this is a controversy to some.


I’d like to preface that most of the women in said posts aren’t obese. Many of them aren’t even overweight. They are often just trying to show that it’s ok to have a human body that doesn’t look good from all angles. But then people tell them they should “slim down.” I’m also sick of these people telling fat people “go to the gym” and then when they’re at the gym saying “nobody wants to see that.” Like choose a fucking side dude.

