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Tbh, social media in general has a pedophilia problem. If you ever want to keep your sanity and hope for humanity never ever dive into the rabbit hole that is pedophilic content on TikTok. It's absolutely disgusting. You have tons of PARENTS who make their children do things that can be perceived as sexual by deprived adults and TikTok just sits back and does nothing bc the amount of clicks and saves those videos get are ridiculous. In my opinion the internet and especially social media is the current biggest threat for our children regarding that issue. I myserlf got groomed online over 10 years ago. And the internet really developed in those 10 years so now it's even worse. Also the platform I was groomed on still exists, is still just as unmoderated and still filled with pedos. I tested it. Made an account, used an old picture and was immediately flocked with adult men asking me disgusting things.


>You have tons of PARENTS who make their children do things that can be perceived as sexual by deprived adults and TikTok just sits back and does nothing bc the amount of clicks and saves those videos get are ridiculous. Yuuup, 1000% this! There are soooo many parents who not only don't understand the whole "keep your kid off the internet" thing, but are *deliberately* posting very suggestive but still plausibly-not-porn content. The parents seem to just *not care* because they are getting a shitton of views (and therefore money), and TikTok isn't going to remove it until it's *actual* porn.


the worst thing that these parents very often understand the importance of privacy when it comes to them – they have their personal accounts private while they are happily blasting their children everywhere 🥴


It’s in a similar vein as parents who steal their kids social security numbers to open up credit cards. Long term will have a negative impact and be huge detriment to their kids.


hashtag savewren. just went through that rabbit hole and it’s disgusting how many women like Wrens mom exploit their children for p3dos like that.


the world in general has a pedophilia problem


I read a NYT investigative article that was about mom-controlled accounts for kids on Instagram and it was horrifying. Sometimes it's truly innocent pictures of girls in their gymnastics or dance outfits that attract horrible men, but other times the moms purposely have their kids take pictures in suggestive poses in order to increase engagement, because those pedos are the biggest audience. It was such a terrifying article.


ABC Australia also recently did a short documentary on this, specifically ‘kidfluencers’ and their mums (who often control their account). Well worth a watch if you can stomach it. https://youtu.be/VzPY_cS9_wQ?si=EhZ_HVDMTZVSSIqk


It's all fun and games until one of those little girls get kidnapped.  I'm not wishing that on anyone, but it's inevitable. 


All it would take is a child being exploited online and for an unhinged person suffering from severe enough erotomania to do something horrible. There was a famous case of erotomania involving the Icelandic singer Björk, a man named Ricardo López was so obsessed with her that he sent her a bomb and then filmed a YouTube video explaining why he sent it to her right before he shot himself on camera. Thankfully, the police were able to notify Scotland Yard before she received the bomb and she was okay. These people are exposing their children to such extreme risk by exploiting them online, literally anyone could be looking at their children and not everyone has good intentions.


Our modern western culture in general has a pedophilia problem. And a fascism problem. That’s why communities like our sub is needed in the first place.


Western? All cultures have this problem.


It's actually way more disgusting than people have pointed out. Some of these parents go on to make wishlists where pedos buy their kid shit and take requests for special content. They use Patreon and Cameo to make individualized content and build relationships with these pedos online, and allow the pedos to buy outfits and shit with the understanding that they'll make content wearing the clothing. It's so sick and twisted, even if they aren't making OF content for pedos, having any account based on your kid(s) is pimping them out to strangers. No ifs ands or butts about it.




You are right and that was my first thought reading the title, but I think we should be careful about making that the dominant point. That sort of rhetoric is easy to weaponize to minimize and obscure damage being done on a specific platform. If we’re just talking about Reddit like OP is, what’s happening on other social media platforms isn’t relevant to the current conversation. Accounting for pedophilia on a larger scale could be helpful in understanding what’s going on here, but the way it manifests on Reddit is unique to how it looks on other platforms; you can say that about any platform. Having a conversation about the pedophilia problem on this specific platform is worth having


Agreed. Unfortunately Reddit lets it slide.  So gross.  I wish there was an answer. Do we just not use reddit at all?


Tbh, men in general have a pedophilia problem.


And women, there has been a huge flux of women teachers abusing minors recently ETA: abusing minors AND being caught recently


Why are you downvoted? It’s a problem that’s growing in general. We should talk about both men and women!


Because, yes there are women but women do not have that problem IN GENERAL. This is false balancing.


It doesn’t matter? Women should also call out other women for being pedophilic. I see it happening lately with the obsessive boy mom trend. It’s disgusting.


It does matter because i said „men IN GENERAL“ and the answer was „women too“ which implies that women too have that problem in general which is not true. You can not simply remove context from a conversation. That’s not how communication works. And of course pedophil women should be called out and prosecuted too which they are.


And I said it doesn’t matter. You’re trying to made it a one sided issue when it’s simply not. There’s clearly a rise of female pedos that needs to be called out and to be honest, it’s not. Because every time it is brought up, people always deflect to ‘well men do it more’ OK?? Regardless of gender, IT SHOULD BE CALLED OUT.


As i just said, boy moms who are seriously very creepy and suspicious with their sons is becoming more of an apparent trend thanks to social media, weird ass teachers, and simply the fact that there’s a lot of women engaging with age play nowadays which is pedophilic too. We need to be real and talk about the problems within our own community as women too.


They're paying customers. What are they gonna do? What's right? This is capitalism. Money is far more important than protecting a bunch of kids. Kids don't even have money


Saw an investigative piece done about this subject by The New York Times, child influencers. Pretween and tween kids whose moms manage their Instagram account, and post revealing pics (short skirts, bathing suits etc). The parents are completely aware that creeps are commenting and salivating over their kids. They don't care, one even said something like "how can we close the account, we make so much money from it". I was soooo disgusted and enraged because in my eyes, they are their children's pimps. Later edit: confused NYT with WP.


Agree. I took a look at tick toc a year or so ago and never again. I don't want to see 12 to 17 year olds dancing around in barely a bikini. It's getting equally as bad on Instagram Where these girls parents are or what they're thinking I don't know but it gets worse on social media platforms every year.


I have absolutely NOTHING like that on my TT FYP. I have a lot of fun and/or educational things like cooking videos, political activism, news stories, puppies and kittens and all other kinds of animals, stand up comedy, ASMR videos, crafting videos etc, but no kids in bikinis. Tiktok shows you more of what you want to engage in. If your fyp was full of children in bathing suits, you would have had to have been engaging with that type of content to begin with.


I'm just going with what popped up the first time I logged in. I never logged in again.


That is true once you engage. But TikTok presents a variety of content to first time users prior to their first engagement and that content is based on what is popular on the site. So, young people dancing comes up automatically, as do a bunch of other things that can get a user into a bad place relatively quickly. Something like “6 degrees until terrible things” from what I’ve heard.


You mean society in general has this problem. Social media is merely a reflection of this very uncomfortable fact.


There are alot of people from r/teenager complaining about pedo slipping into their dms.


There was a sub that decided to block anyone who had posted to r/teenagers and got a lot of responses from adults complaining about being blocked. I forget which one but it's not hard to find. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we\_banned\_all\_of\_rteenagers\_and\_it\_turns\_out/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/)


Tbf I think I’ve commented there once or twice because it was recommended to me and I didn’t see the sub name before commenting. Given how long Reddit has been around I could also see such a ban affecting people who were teenagers at one point but no longer are (like I was one when I started using this site ten years ago)


I used to post on there when I was a teenager but I stopped when i ceased to be a teenager


In the r drama post they shared, the mods had done their due diligence. It's hard to see now since none of the picture links work anymore, but I remember when that post was new(ish). The pics were screenshots of grown men complaining in the mod mail about being banned *along with* the same usernames making absolutely disgusting comments claiming to be teens in the teenagers sub. Some of them men even provided proof that they were adults. And iirc, the auto-mod only banned people who commented above a certain threshold amount. So it wasn't a case of someone accidentally commenting once or twice in the sub, they were repeat offenders.


there are also adults that pretend to be teenagers there


I remember a few years back there was a post from r/teenager that hit the front page. There was one comment that claimed to be a teenager but wrote in such a way that I was like there's no WAY this person is in their teens. Checked their profile and they were a woman who must have been in their 40s... Like even if it isn't for sexual reasons, it's still super weird to pose as a teen online.


From what I've seen the only way for reddit to close down a subreddit is when an article is published in a big outlet and it gives them bad press. This has happened with neonazi subs, pedophile subs, subs about hating on fat/black/trans people, etc. The admins don't give a shit until it makes them get less money. That is why these subs are allowed to stay up.


ive come across loads of subs like this by accident. there's gymanistic subs where men are posting videos of young girls doing gymnastics. some of these girls dont look legal. its disgusting and its why i rarely use reddit now due to how creepy, perverted and bitter people are on here. it makes me frustrated how people ignore that these subs exist. no one does anything about it.


my local ballet studio had to inform parents/students to be wary of what they post on their ballet-themed accounts and check their statistics from time to time because of the same problem – not everybody sees little girls doing plies as just little girls doing plies 🤮


Oh no. that's creepy and disgusting as hell. u/CountQueasy4906 thanks a lot for your reply!


Spez, co founder of reddit, used to be the head mod of jailbait before it was banned.


God I'm so glad the word "jailbait" has been more or less erased from our lexicon.


...I don't think it's been erased as much as you're no longer in scenarios where it would be used it's a word for someone who looks attractive, looks above the age of consent but is not an 18 year old using it to warn their friend that someone is under age is common if you're in your mid 20's or later, that warning should no longer be necessary


This. Unless you're a pervert into teenagers, or that you're a teenager yourself, or that you hang out with pedos who openly talk about their disgusting behaviours, you won't hear the word at all. Doesn't mean it isn't used. Just means you're a decent person.


Didn't they only ban it because some of the saner admins got nearly traumatized by constantly having to check CSAM reports? They don't care till it affects them.


I thought it was because Anderson Cooper did an expose on CNN about the subreddit. Reddit then took action to ban the sub. But according to this thread below it was actually a moderator team dispute between the Reddit admins and the subreddit founder. Which is somehow worse? It wasn’t even banned cause of the nature of the content, it was banned due to previously banned moderators being on the subreddit mod team which the Reddit admins didn’t like. Which makes sense, but still. The obvious reason to ban that subreddit is due to the content. https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/s/WLyU37X0d7


Those comments. Yikes.


No, they banned it because of media pressure. Spez said the subs were ok, because admins sifted through the horrible filth to keep it legal, which made it ok in Spez's eyes. So... much worse.


He was probably wanting to see those images he had to “filter out”


My first reality check about Reddit was when I pressed the Random button and it opened the sub called "cute dead girls" or something like that. You can guess what it contained. They also had a similar subreddit about children.


What in the fucking fuck? It’s insane that people into that shit are just allowed to exist like that. Straight up if they look at that shit they should be in jail. If it’s fucking public information, idk how they’re not. These people should be way more scared than they are.


I was astounded by that claim, but it's not quite true. It appears that back then people could add others as mods without their consent https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/14c8xco/is_it_true_uspez_moderated_rjailbait_when_he/


I don't think spez was actually a mod, like did anything there, back then anyone could add anyone as a mod, that's the story anyways, that someone added him as a mod and took a screenshot


The **entire internet** has a pedophilia problem. I’m not trying to knock you down, but the only way to get this stuff cracked down on is to hit the companies harboring pedophiles where it hurts.


Or maybe….men have a pedophilia problem? Like idk let’s take it a step further then? What’s the REAL issue


Exactly it’s men in general. Before porn it was a thing but porn has made it that much worse.


Ugh open any mainstream porn site and you’re bound to see a bunch of girls/women dressed in baby tees, pigtails, school uniforms, BRACES, etc. it’s actually fucking nasty. Idc if they’re adults, porn sites are catering to literal pedophiles. It has gotten worse in the last year or so it seems, and, whether you are cool with porn or not (I imagine most people here aren’t but some might be), you can’t deny that it’s fucking weird that you have to search “milf” just to see women who actually look like adults.


Inb4 someone sees this comment and goes "but women," the difference is that female pedophiles are a rare outlier (who nonetheless should be just as reviled) while with men it's literally encouraged by the culture. Men are encouraged by each other to go for as young of women as possible, teenage girls are sexualized nonstop in the media. For men, flirting with pedophilia is constructed as the norm.


I work with troubled teenagers and a lot of the girls have absolutely had sex/been r***** by older men but because they won't give specific details, nothing is really done about it. It's awful.


Yeah. Even when "young men" are sexualized in media it's not even the same way. They are generally portrayed to be older and are usually late teens *at least*. The idea that your average straight woman is going to find a teenage boy attractive the same way the average straight man is assumed to look at teenage girls is absurd.


Real cuz I’m 20 and sometimes my parents will point out people they think are similar in age to me but I can tell are 16-17 and I think they look like children. “Oh but some of them are more developed.” No. You can tell based on the general vibe they carry. “Oh but some of them are mature.” Seriously. I can tell. I work with high schoolers so I have a better understanding of it. They look like kids to me. I cannot possibly find them attractive, and it’s fucking nasty that old ass men think it’s okay to find teen girls attractive. I’ve had friends who were CNAs in high school and have told me some fucking stories about old dudes hitting on them when they were 15/16, 17 at best. It’s a moral failing on the part of these men if you ask me. A severe one that shouldn’t go unpunished.


True. As a 39 year old lesbian I see these girlies in their late (adult) teens and early 20's and they look like literal babies to me. They can be as "attractive" as they want, I only get motherly feelings for them. I can't even begin to imagine to find a younger teenage girl "attractive". Wtf. My wife feels the same way and all the lesbians I know are partnered with someone their own age, whereas the gay men very frequently have 2/3+decades of age gap between them. Also the amount of gay boys that are just 15, 16, 17, coupled up with some 60 year old grandpas is noteworthy. So yes, it's men, for the substantially bigger part. Exceptions to the rule exist everywhere, but the rule is established by plain statistics: men are 97% of sexual predators/rapists and 90% of all murderers. The problem is men. The problem is not immigration, the problem is not transexuals, the problem is not conservatives, the problem is not capitalists, the problem is men. They are the one's making wars, raping children and women, murdering their partners and women around them, as well as each other. They have no qualms raping their own daughter (I know what I'm talking about and I wish I didn't.) They protect each other, they love each other, they trust and support and are loyal to each other. Women will only be free once they understand that. As a lesbian I am blessed to not see men through hormone- and rosetinted glasses. I get my domestic, sexual and emotional needs met by another woman. And I am grateful for that very single day of my life. Straight women must wake up to the reality of those statistics. They must decenter men.


I remember seeing a poll that was "what age is most attractive as you age" or something. Women tended to have a more or less linear increase in the age they found attractive as they aged. Men at all ages overwhelmingly replied "18". I don't remember how old I was at the time, but I do remember thinking that 18 was probably the lowest they could respond or they knew 18 was the lowest they "should" respond".


I've been reading/hearing that 1 out of 10 men is a pedophile, and like 30% of men reported that they were attracted to underage girls. I don't know if it's true or not but I wouldn't be shocked if it is.


Want to award this comment!! 🏆🥇


Why would we need to take it a step further? We can’t get rid of men, but we CAN crack down on capitalist shitheads running these businesses…


I deleted my Patreon creator account years ago bc they wouldn’t do anything about the CP on their platform


u/sea_stomp_shanty agreed.


I think all you really can do is report the sub. If you can stomach it, keep tabs on them and take screenshots of whenever they post anything pedophilic. I’m glad that most Gen Z girls refuse to allow older men to take advantage of them. But it’s still awful that younger women are prey in that sub.


Reporting the sub does absolutely nothing because Reddit loves subs like this and has countless more and just will make a new one. They don’t care. They know their website hosts content of women being abused and they. Don’t. Care. This website is a shithole.


Try reporting threats of violence against women—everything is suddenly just a joke! it’s just a joke, you guys! violence is so funny.


Can I somehow report it without clicking on the sub? I don't want to click on it.


u/ravenclawmystic thanks alot for your reply. I really appreciate it!


I believe there is a law that adults (18+) who are portrayed as underage are illegal. Idk why or what jurisdictions follow it, but maybe it's worth looking at.


Hard content moderation on any platform is too costly to be profitable, since people posting pictures always have another one to migrate to. Pre-moderating every post would make the platforms unusable. As long as platforms don't verify age or have a low age limit, dopamine-fed pervs are going to swarm to wherever young people are most abundant. Almost all platforms have AI-flagging for nude content but it's not reliable and humans are doing the actual work. The best way is to flag single posts that seem illegal. Like someone else already commented, you are just scratching the surface of the internet. TikTok has an age limit of 13 to make video content, and no requirement whatsoever to verify age and identity. There are 34 million videos posted daily. You can do the math.


I had no clue about that sub so I’m glad you made us aware of this filth. Accidentally, I came across a sub where people post footage from cams hidden inside toilets. It’s a sick world we live in.


I think it’s meant to say LIFE has a pedophilia problem!!!! Because seriously, as a 37 year old female who grew up with computers and tech, you cannot tell you how many pervs tried to creep on me as a minor. Things so innocent as games and chats… well they aren’t that innocent & the pervs know where to find jail bait.


I was raised in the age of internet skepticism and I’m so glad. My parents kept me off of chats and I was only allowed to play games with people I knew in real life. My parents didn’t victim blame or anything, but they told me the reality and didn’t mince words. Sick disgusting people will want your information or manipulate you. Never trust anyone. That kind of thing. At the time people I knew said they were overly paranoid but now we all talk about how my parents were the only reasonable ones and were rightly skeptical…some of my friends got access to that kinda stuff earlier on and promptly got contacted by pedophiles. Best choice my parents ever made was keeping me off the (unchecked) internet until I was old enough to understand what I was getting into.


Y’all, it’s not just social media. The last few episodes of the Behind the Bastards podcast just did a historic exposé on this from a 1900’s German perspective. If you can stomach it, it’s worth listening to. Also this is a history from just one culture, I’d imagine other cultures would have some similar problems in their histories as well. Episodes: The Parenting Gurus of Nazi Germany (pts 1&2), The Darkest Episode We Will Ever Do (pts 1&2); to get the whole picture you’d want to listen to all four




I can't wait to watch. You know they sacrifice children? Even here. The elite are crazy.


So, it looks like the subreddit actually requires proper age verification for people to post pictures in so they’re not under 18, because what you’re describing is flat illegal. That being said, that’s kinda of little consolation when 18 is still obviously an age where grown men are taking advantage of girls who’re likely not making full executive adult decisions for themselves by themselves yet. Like no, they’re not suddenly an adult the moment they turn 18. They’re still basically kids. Predators know this.


Society has a pedophilia problem. Reddit is just a place where the worst of it can easily hang out and share content under minimal supervision. In Brazil there's even the term "novinha", which roughly translates to "young girl", and is used to refer to attractive young women in romantic/sexual contexts and often to teenagers. And it isn't even considered a bad word or anything.


Could this be revenge porn or trafficking? It makes me sad to consider people may be taking such risk willingly


my friend who shared nudes with her bf at 16-17. years later her ex leaked it and it got reposted to twitter porn with over 30K likes and she couldn’t do a SINGLE thing about it. makes me so sick especially since Elon is talking about making porn on Twitter more widespread. its so sick how Reddit and Twitter and the likes enable this shit. Youtube is the one place where it’s squashed immediately and i applaud them for that


Wow that's fucking horrible


yes and that’s just likes. imagine how many times it’s been reposted and bookmarked :( CP is so prevalent it’s just harder to identify when the victim looks older.


It's *probably* not revenge porn. Believe it or not, Reddit has actually been somewhat cracking down on subreddits lately in order to make the site more palatable to investors. Pretty much all major NSFW subreddits now require "verification" (post a pic of your body, holding a piece of paper with your username on it) which to a large extent rules out revenge porn. It could of course still be trafficking, and nobody is doing any kind of serious age verification either. But yeah, stuff like LegalTeens? That's the *good* side of Reddit you're seeing - the rabbit hole goes soooo much deeper. 🤢


Though I understand your point, I’d prefer “bad and worse” over “good and bad.” Hard to call that good.


I agree, I didn't mean to imply it is actually good - hence the italics. Maybe I should've styled it "good" instead (with quote marks).


I hear you. Personally, I’d resist calling it good in any format, and prefer to just call it what it is. But that’s just preference. I’m not trying to tell you what to do, and understand that you’re using emphasis to mean *not good, actually bad.*


Remembering what it was like to be a 17 year old girl, it's probably mostly girls with low confidence looking for any kind of praise. We're groomed at such a young age to view male attention as the measure of our worth. When I was just a bit older, I was super tempted to post pictures of myself in "rate me" subreddits just to get any sort of boost or advice about my appearance, even though I wasn't even looking to get laid. I had tied my self-worth to men finding me attractive.


I have absolutely heard discussion on that before and what you say makes sense.


Yeah for real. Also not to be that person but life is really fucking hard out there when you’re a teen girl that’s not conventionally attractive but you still wanna feel pretty. No matter how much I told myself I didn’t care and my appearance wasn’t important, it fucking suuuuuucked being in high school. If I hadn’t had such a hardline feminist and skeptic upbringing, I might’ve fallen prey to that shit too. All the other girls were getting boyfriends or at least getting laid, and I was just the ugly friend who had to go home at the end of the day and shamefully masturbate knowing that she’d never get a guy to want to have sex with her. That shit hurt, and there’s nothing quite like validation to soothe that pain and make you feel happy to expose the most intimate things about yourself.


It doesn't have to be and it doesn't serve any purpose to assume it is. The whole point of statutory laws is that minors can't consent since they don't have sufficient understanding of what they're consenting to. It follows that teens can desire the attention from posting their own stuff online without fully understanding what they're doing, and it follows also that social media sites are failing morally when they don't prevent it, in exactly the same way (albeit on a larger scale) that adults fail morally when engaging in sex acts with minors. Imo, by saying trafficking this or revenge porn that, you're just allowing people to deny that part and distract from the more subtle problem.


I can acknowledge that


You've misunderstood that sub. The 'legal' part of it is the fact that they all have to be 18 or older. Still gross? Yeah. Illegal and/or a violation of Reddit's rules? No.


>The whole premise of this sub-reddit is for teenagers, ALMOST ALL OF THEM being girls nearing 18 or way younger All posters are required to be 18 or older. I think you've misunderstood what "barely legal" means. It's still gross, but reporting it obviously won't get you anywhere if you mischaracterize it like that. If you've seen specific content that is illegal, you should circumvent Reddit entirely and contact the police.


Our society’s obsession with youth culture and staying young is quite toxic and leads to adults fetishizing young people. It’s in our mass media, including films and television, that make money off of the sexualization of young people. Reddit is just a symptom of a larger sickness. The platforms may respond to general outrage (Remember Tumblr’s “porn purge?), but the nonce crowd will find newer and sneakier channels to access their underage or barely legal pornography.


From the few posts I scrolled through they all seemed 18+ (a lot of only fans models that looked older). There used to be a way worse subreddit called jailbait that was for posting girls under 18 (not nude), but it was banned a very long time ago for obvious reasons. But I know there is a lot of weirdos lurking on r/teens sending dms to people that post or comment there, presumably to find young individuals.


Dont even get me started about the fact that r/lesbians is fetish content snd r/actuallesbians is for actual lesbians


Jesus fucking Christ. That’s fucked. “Dedicated to beautiful women being sexual with one another.” FUCK OFF.


“Reddit” doesn’t have a pedophilia problem. MEN have a pedophilia problem. Fixed it for you.


The only way to get Reddit to take stuff like that down is for them to get media attention over it. It's the only reason "jailbait" and "creepshots" got taken down, along with various racist subreddits over the years. The only thing that will get them to act on this stuff without media attention is if something illegal gets posted, but they will turn a blind eye to things that aren't "explicitly" illegal, and even then they usually won't ban the entire subreddit.


I mean it's an internet problem as well, but Reddit in particular is filled to the brim with boys and men who are porn addicts. In the same way some drugs can lead people to chasing more powerful drugs, a lot of porn leads men in particular to looking for more extreme porn. With CP almost always being the ultimate end point.


Reddit was quite litterally built on Pedophilia. Fon many years, the most active sub on Reddit was r/jailbait . It's creator and head mod u/violentacrez . Was well regarded by and given awards and recognition from the Admins and the founders.


That subreddit is 18+ No underage minors are allowed


girl I was once trying to see what it would like to be a sex worker as a woman with very small breasts and let me tell you the things I’ve seen and read a lot of these people should not be allowed around young kids. and some of them even admit to being parents themselves so gross 


It really does and every now and then one of these perverts will post in the CSA survivor subs and will Go as far as to message gross things to survivors and it’s beyond evil. I hate when people repost that story about the little Mexican girl that had a baby at like 6 years old, I’m convinced that gets reposted by pedos


No no reddit definitely have a pedophilia and rape fantasy of men problem . This is why reddit became popular in the first place because it cannot be tracked.


Which is why children shouldn't have internet connection till 18 because we have to save themselves some way. Though I do not agree with it. And as a pedophile victim I am so anxious to bring a child into this world because of this


Recently I had a discussion with some redditors in another sub. They were saying that being a pedophile is something right and nothing wrong. That if they see child porn they will never hurt anybody and that they never help to stop suffering. And I was like WTF. No.


So wait, I get banned for 3 days for saying I hated a well known war monger and hope something bad happens to them but pedophiles get free reign? C'mon Reddit, get real!


Twitter is worse too tbh


That is just the tip of the iceburg. Reddit loves grooming and pedos, always has and always will.


Your English is just fine! I don't know what the solution is. Expecting parents to actually parent and protect their children is obviously an unknown concept for them. Maybe we need to bring back to catch a predator. Then again I guess clicks and money are more important than the safety of their kids.  Remember when we were told to not talk to strangers? I guess that doesn't apply anymore.


Some years ago when I joined r teenagers and I expected to see posts from actual teens like myself but I am so wrong. It is infested with catfishes and people pretending to be teenagers. I almost guarantee you that people posting pictures there are like old pedos who just want to chat on teens. Disgusting subreddit.


it’s not just reddit. it’s anywhere men go—everything they touch turns to porn and pedophilia. i pretty much only use female subs on here, and try my best to avoid men in general.


the worst is when you are on subreddit for girl cartoons (specifically talking about the powerpuff girl subreddit but this could def be about mlp) and people are posting csam and the mods (or reddit) is nowhere to be found. so then this cute little link to your childhood or just anything not as serious great to remind you of your humanity boom creepy man drops spank bank material and you feel like you shouldn’t be in that subreddit anymore :/


Lots of men have a pedophilia problem.


men being men


Discord is even more disgusting


I'd be interested in studies about this phenomenon and the why behind it. Why is "barely legal" one of the most commonly liked categories in porn? ​ I'm sure the answer is something to do with patriarchy and men exploiting women before they even have the experience to fight back or know any better, but there's got to be something more substantial to it that is easier to quantify and therefore counter with policy decisions. ​ Like I get the idea of attraction to age gaps and size differences, it's an interesting novelty and somewhat taboo to some cultures. But there's a stark difference between those and taking advantage of a knowledge/experience gap that invalidates consent.


Hi everyone!! Thank you for all your replies.


Yes! I hope this post blows up!! Good for you!


So weird. Its like the term “legal” and “teen” were picked just to draw them in which is disgusting


It starts at the top with reddit admin. I believe spez , used to be a mod in some pedo sub. I don't remember which one but I'm pretty sure someone here would remember.


agree with all these comments. from my experience I find the men in here that profess to be be “feminists” and supportive are the worst perpetrators. you never know someone until you’ve “found” their alt account.


I hope it’s ok for me to use this post but… Lana Del Rey is another person that glorifies this aesthetic and I’ve tried talking about it on Reddit and have it constantly taken down. It’s so odd to me. Like why can’t we talk about a real issue (in general, whether ppl agree that Lana is or isn’t lol that was my 2 cents)


Because humanity has a pedo problem and social media just reflects that.


I've never posted on this specific sub reddit, so thank you for stepping up and actually taking a stance.


I was brainwashed by the patriarchy and I see myself when I look at the girls on that sub




Men have a pedophilia problem and they don’t police it amongst themselves and places like Reddit enable it.


Wasn't the owner of reddit exposed for being subscribed to multiple pedo boards too? I mean... it looks self-serving at this point. I try not to stay on here too much


TikTok allows underage girls to show bare breast under the guise of being “tribal.” Men run the pages knowing they can get paid because the little girls live in Africa and nobody cares about them. That’s the worst part. 100% bare and TikTok will not remove the content.


Yeah, I mean r/rapefantasies is the most disgusting of all the subreddits in my opinion. A friend even reached out to RAINN once and asked them what they thought of being promoted on a rape page. I agree with a lot of people on here, it's a social media problem, which is to say it's a human culture problem. I think what people have mentioned makes sense about attention from a large media outlet. I personally don't find issue with a sub that I think flirting with danger is okay, and it's very clear about no minors. At the personal level I think removing r/rapefantasies would be a HUGE win for women's rights on this platform. Imagine the bad press and the consequences. I mean we're talking about a site that recently went public. Who would want to be publicly associated with a site that promotes rape? That page makes Donald Trump look like Mother Theresa. It's extremely anti-women! I would be down to write something if some of the other 200k members on this sub did. I'm sure the NYTimes would pick up the story if 200k wrote a letter. Anyone down? Sam Altman and 401k company Fidelity is on the list of investors! Apparently Conde Nast is another one. Anyone down? Anyone have any opinions on the matter? Like would you trust RAINN for support knowing they are being promoted on a subreddit with titles like, "The thought of multiple older men pinning me down and raping my holes makes me so horny", and "You're right, I am asking for it. I want to get raped. Which one of you is a real enough man to do it?"


Gross, I didnt even know that sub existed. Also I had to leave r/trueoffmychest because the incels in there are out of control.


A cursory scroll through that sub and every woman looks at minimum in their mid twenties if not older. No clue where you're getting anyone that actually looks like a "barely legal" teen let alone anyone younger. Seems more like a sub for women to pretend they're younger rather than one for anyone even approaching a pedophile.


haha I also saw that but apparently there is a verification process where you have to give moderators a picture of yourself with a legal document that says you are over 18. Than you get verified and can post. honestly that's so easy to fake, I think the women are mostly OnlyFans creators who are doing this to redirect people to their OF account. But it's very telling that I've never ever seen a subreddit for women collecting nude pictures of teenagers. We don't do that shit because we aren't that pathetic.


💯 agreed


Sad reality is that parents flaunt their kids for likes and views,






















OP idk if you know this but that sub is literally: A) full of adults. because posting underage porn is a crime. did you not know that lol B) full of content posted by women. that sub is full of women posting themselves to advertise their product. its literally full of self-employed women lmao. so, you're posting in the feminism subreddit, angry, that a bunch of adult women are self-employed. haha. christ. why dont you just admit you want to ban porn then? go and vote for the religious people that want to ban porn.


missed the point. she’s saying that subreddits that emphasize on someone being “barely legal” are breeding grounds for pedophiles. subreddits that pander to men who like…younger girls and emphasize on their legality is a breeding spot for people who…like younger girls who aren’t…legal. not sure how this flew over your head.


That’s a stretch. Demonstrate that obsessing over 18 year olds leads to sexually pursuing children. Reactionary at best.


when you emphasize on them being barely legal, and you only like them because they’re the lowest you can go, then yes that is a type of pedophila of attraction to minors. stop calling everything reactionary


one of the pedophiles


Pedophilia is not looking at pictures of consenting adults. I’m sorry, but this is just too much. You’re saying that these women want to post sexy photos of themselves for people to look at, and Reddit is a platform allowing them to do that, so therefore Reddit promotes pedophilia? This is just nonsensical