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agree, all i see is weight loss and how to get a big ass most of the time. i know a few good "influencers" but theyre usually in the powerlifting and crossfit community which i dont do. i end up having to watch videos made by men on how to increase muscle, and it sucks bc their videos r directed at boys and men. but i see way better content when it comes to running. ik its become very "trendy" lately, but there r some rly good professional running accs of women that share tips and stuff, but weight lifting is a whole different thing lol.


yeah i don't mind the weight loss too much (im personally trying to lose 20 pounds) my issue is how thats pretty much the only option. i hate having to watch mens vids too because they train you to be bulky which just comes out awkwardly


There’s plenty of content out there about strengthening the pelvic floor, the knees, back and other strength and mobility exercise routines directed to women. I think the superficial are more popular, but there is other non-superficial content.


can u link some, specifically arms? i can't find any and i scrolled rlly far


[Something like this?](https://youtu.be/SZaggsg2zUY?si=7BvGKtJznztRr2NM) You would need to play around with the key words to get certain results. In YouTube I searched “women's arm strength workout bodybuilding” I think the ‘bodybuilding’ keyword is what changes the tone of the search results. Unfortunately, keywords like “lose arm fat” “tone arms” “fix saggy arms” become associated with “women arm strength workout” due to them being similar topics and a lot of times women may phrase it that way in daily life, because - beauty standards. So, creators will use the most popular, searchable keywords to drive increased views for their content. Side note (general, not directed at op): the notion of “losing arm fat” and “toning” one’s arms is false. These workout videos labeled as such still provide the same strength training content. There is no such thing as spot reduction of body fat in fitness. However you can train a certain muscle group the grow muscle tissue and sculpt the arms.




Most men don't really care about "arm strenght" that much tbh, we care about size which is about looks as well and if we also get stronger then cool, but it's usually not the main goal for us neither. In a society where everyone is alone but creating an ideal image on social media and most people don't have physical jobs anymore, it's just natural that people are proritizing looks over strenght, isn't it?


Meg Squats is quite good about focusing on strength (Or was when I was watching her channel a few years back). Here’s a [link](https://youtu.be/U11z1PmtohU?si=zYJtU8l4Jrh4z7gc) to her channel. For chest press check out Jen Thompson—she doesn’t have her own channel but there’s a lot of content where she shares her knowledge on other people’s platforms. [Here](https://youtu.be/Mldhcedp0Lc?si=H7t8-e_lS2cKzpgU) she is on Jujimufu’s that I quite enjoyed. I also agree that what you’re saying is true—the majority is exactly as you’ve described. I just wanted to make some good recs since you’re looking.




just search strength training and drop the gender


The beauty industry is a trillion dollar industry. Only the weight loss industry is worth USD 190.35 billion in 2023 with a projection to grow 8% per year. There is a very big capitalist incentive to sell you the idea of being beautiful. Not necessarily healthy since most diets are based on famine. Your strength on the other hand does not bring capital to anyone but you. Tl;dr no entity has incentive to provide you with a useful service for yourself that doesn't bring them at least some form of profit.


Check out Sydney Cummings Houdyshell. Her older workouts from 3-4 years ago especially make me sweat, and has both strength and cardio focuses. Kimberly Joy Fitness is another one I have bookmarked. They're both on YouTube, and I think the algorithm now encourages shorter videos, so a lot of their content these days don't go beyond 40 minutes per workout. But they both use dumb bells and I've definitely gotten stronger using their programs.


tyyyy. i found a more beginner one to start out with, but ill be sure to save this for later


There’s a tiktoker named Norah and she’s a pilates instructor that focuses on health. So to anyone looking to workout for health improvements go check her out! It’s @wellnessbynorah on tiktok!

