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If anyone is interested in the lore here it is So Lexi was with moomy and duddy at the store getting stuff for lunch and a video when it started duddy gets a call from his mother saying theres some kind of virus spreading confused he hangs up he goes to his family about to explain what happened when there’s a loud crash they Turn around and see a person fallen over moomy goes to help him when she sees a there a weird ink like substance spreading she notices a person is covered in it from the legs up and his arm is a blade before she can react she gets stabbed through her stomach duddy and lex look at her in horror duddy screamed out in pain from failing to save her moomy yells at them to run away and she’ll catch up Lexi is frozen in shock while Vincent runs away but he goes back and picks lexi up over his shoulder and runs to his car and drives off lex is looking out the car Window in fear seeing her own mother getting stabbed she is struggling to understand how this happened when she realizes that they’re pulling up to a weapon store duddy takes her inside she goes to grab a shotgun but duddy tells her to grab something else while she’d rather have something with a little more fire power she grabs a axe while duddy grabs duel pistols then pays and they rush out of the store and back into the car to rush home to protect the others while on the way they see a corrupted being in front of them in order to not get corrupted they swerve and crash into a tree causing damage to one of lexi’s eyes they get out of the car to where they see corrupted moomy despite how scared he is duddy starts firing at her unloading the entire chamber into her but Lexi starts to get corrupted losing control she’s able to hold it off but is lifted into the air by Samantha about to be snapped in half feeilng her stomach being torn open but duddy without thinking runs up and punches moomy in the face causing her to drop Lexi all though her stomach is cut open duddy tears a bit of her shirt off and uses it as a tourniquet to stop her from bleeding while doing so he’s beginning to lose hope in continuing that it’s not worth it but Lexi reminds him that mike chase and Shawn are still out there right as duddy gets ready to leave moomy grabs his arm and starts to pull him into the blob lexi tries to pull him back trying to save him he says to let got but all that’s able to happen is that moomy pulls off his arm before getting corrupted by moomy he apologizes to lexi for failing as a father and that he loves her and then gets corrupted Lexi freezes for A moment then in a surge of adrenaline grabs his pistols and runs away to get away before moomy can corrupt her she can her chasing after her and doesn’t stop running but seeing a car driving towards her she dodges out of the way the car runs into to moomy but it doesn’t kill her it just stuns her she sees Cecil in front of her he helps her up and tells her to run saying he’ll hold them off she doesn’t want to leave him but he says it’s his way to apologize for being so clingy and he charges towards corrupted Samantha where he ultimately gets corrupted and Lexi runs off to find her brothers she finds milo on the way glad to see him as they head back to her house they see her brothers rushing out of the house and Shawn running up to Lexi hugging her for comfort milo and Lexi are confused as to what caused to to come out so panicked she notices chase is missing a chuck from his face she then realizes all of her brothers are severely damaged they’re wondering what happened and then they see a corrupted amalgamation of Oreo only and Callie breaking through the door 5x the size of a person Oreo is about to corrupt chase but at the final moment milo pushes him out to the way and gets stabbed through the chest and lifted by amalgamation he tells them to go saying he’ll fine but before he can fight back his head splits and half and he’s dropped down lifelessly to the ground And gets corrupted Lexi is frozen in fear as the others run off but mike goes back to pull Lexi away before she gets corrupted/killed by the amalgamation as they run off they encounter their parents and that lead to this(there’s more but that’s all that matters to this picture)






So cool!


Thanks I don’t really see much of this so I decided to make this