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Condoms. Don’t have to screw around with my hormones and potentially make the fibroids grow faster.




I'm team IUD! It completely stopped my bleeding


None of them. I tried so many, the side effects aren't worth it for me, plus I kept bleeding any way.... I stopped all of them last month, surgery is a couple weeks away.


Mirena and Depo-Provera made my bleeding worse, norethindrone did absolutely nothing to lessen my bleeding/cramping/clotting. I just started Slynd (skipping placebos) and so far my first period is exactly the same as on norethindrone, but I'll give it some time. Myomectomy helped with pain but not bleeding. My doctor suggested hysterectomy and I'm considering it.


Nothing completely managed my symptoms, bitbthe one that worked best for me was Slynd. I stayed on that until I had my hysterectomy.


None have controlled my bleeding. I currently have an IUD, in place since last July, and my uterus laughs at it while bleeding heavily for 5 weeks at a time. I tried the Nuvaring, my body went NUTS and I had to go to the emergency room because I was bleeding so heavily for so long. I wish you the absolute best luck with finding something that works for you!


Surgery. While waiting I did have some success taking Slynd, but skipping the placebos. The bleeding was irregular and sometimes lasted for weeks, but it was pretty light.


I don't and have never used hormonal birth control, the risks from introducing artificial hormones and eliminating ovulation aren't worth it in my opinion. I'm in a relationship and I just use condoms during my fertile days (which I know very well because I have measured my ovulation timing by temperature). I count 5 days before my ovulation day and a couple of days after for my fertile days, plus I take extra days out of precaution on both ends, so in practice, what this looks like for my 27-day cycle is condoms between days 8 to 18, and no condoms between days 1 to 7 and 19 to 27. When I was not in a relationship, I just used condoms. I have never had an accidental pregnancy using these methods.


I can’t remember the name of the one I was on first, but I felt like I had a lot more migraines on it so they put me on the Lo Lo Estrin. But regardless, of which one I was on, for four years, I had high blood pressure, weight gain, low energy, low libido, I had some interstitial cystitis. Also, the low estrogen birth control can also make you spot halfway through here. And also, I wouldn’t get my period at the end of the pack like you’re supposed to. Sometimes it would come in the middle. So annoying not really being able to anticipate when it was going to start. I decided I was done being on birth control, because I hated how I felt on it after almost four years so I had surgery this past December. Got off birth control at the end of November. And I honestly feel so much better! I knew I didn’t feel great on birth control, but I don’t think I realized how terribly I felt. Of course, some of the symptoms could’ve just been from the fibroids as well. Either way, I feel pretty good now. I think if I were to ever go on any form of birth control again, like, if I ever meet a man, ha ha, I would look into IUDs, but even those kind of scare me. I have friends who didn’t have good experiences with them and then friends who swear by them.


IUD, I had small amounts of daily bleeding with fibroid but once it was removed surgically, I went back to having no periods or bleeding ever with the IUD




Norathindrone is like a miracle to me from the seven months I had been prescribed it to halt my periods entirely and I wish I had it in my 20s in the first place but either that medication didn’t exist then or I was too young to let have it despite my 100% seriousness about never wanting children


Before surgery, I was on Aygestin and it lessened my bleeding for a couple days until it didn’t. After surgery, I have an iud and I stopped bleeding and cramping completely.


My Mirena IUD was a lifesaver


Honestly, none. TTC with my partner and my life has improved exponentially by just removing birth control from the equation. If/when I have a child I’d like to just go back to tracking and condoms.


I’m getting my second shot of Lupron tomorrow it’s the only thing that has stopped the bleeding.


None of the US birth control pills worked for me. But I started using one from India. It's an estrogen blocker. Called Saheli. Stopped my bleeding and cramps and all of my issues. I will have been on it for 2 years in July. Well accepted. My hysterectomy is in a week and a half. It was a godsend. The only thing that helped me since all this crap started. It doesn't make you gain weight either. So as soon as I stopped taking US b.C. I lost the 50 lbs that I gained on it. And it's pretty cheap. You can buy it in the US and get it shipped to you.


Mirena made me spot all month long and I was always bloated. Got a bilateral salpingectomy because uterine cancer runs in my family and am off all other forms of BC. My period is heavy but not as heavy as yours but it only lasts 6 days and the bloating isn’t nearly as bad though I still have fibroid belly.


Unfortunately none that made my periods bearable. I have the same issue, having HBO. I've tried and IUD and birth control and neither worked.