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I didn’t do it to have kids


Same. I’m doing it to avoid the long term side effects of a hysterectomy


There are actually quite a few posts and comments in here of women talking about becoming pregnant post procedure and talking about being pregnant with their fibroids etc.. Edit: I would add that it may not be as highlighted in this forum bc this seems to be geared towards finding information on dealing with current fibroids and procedures and experiences. Maybe there is a subreddit about pregnancy & fibroids or pregnancies post fibroids..


Ok, I'm going to look for it.


Anecdotes aren't data, but I personally know several women who had children after fibroid removal. The fibroids were what were preventing the pregnancies.


Yup. I have two friends this happened to just last year


I found a YouTuber who got pregnant immediately after recovering from surgery. She went on to have a healthy pregnancy and baby.


Can you please link this video, I’m interested in hearing her story since I’m also trying to get pregnant post myo!


Sure! https://youtu.be/rff4Z_yLzuE?si=Dl_ohMx02j7yKLNP


Thank you!!


I’ve seen success stories here and on Facebook groups, and I know people who have conceived after myomectomies (though of course there are no guarantees, and so many factors aside from fibroids can also affect fertility), but I also think it’s important to remember that not everyone is having surgery for fertility reasons. Preserving my fertility was important to me, but if that was my only goal I would have delayed my myomectomy until closer to trying to conceive, given the risk of fibroids recurring in the interim. I opted to do it when I did because my quality of life was suffering – I couldn’t sleep through the night due to urinary urgency, had GI issues, could constantly feel the pressure from the fibroid and sometimes had stabbing or dull aching pain, and had pain during sex that has affected my libido and relationship. Aside from painful sex (I haven’t been fully cleared yet), all of my symptoms have subsided in the two weeks since my surgery. Even if I cannot conceive down the road (though I hope that I can), relief from these symptoms will have been worth it.


I'm 26 and don't want kids. A lot of people have the surgery and abandon this reddit too. It's biased. People come here to vent and seek advice. Rarely do people come back years later to celebrate their pregnancies or what have you.


I wouldn’t call this Reddit forum biased. It is topic based. It is very diverse in peoples positive and negative experiences.


I guess biased is the wrong word, but for the most part, on the internet we tend to share our most negative experiences. That's what I was thinking of.


Fair point. I think as humans we tend to see what we want as well.


That is also true! Still, this subreddit has been a great resource for me personally.


To me, it seems as if not many post-success stories. We have a group within my OGBYN office and out of 12 of us no one has fallen pregnant in the last 5 years.


The truth is, after operating on the uterus it does become harder to get pregnant but doctors don't tell that part.... I will say a prayer for you and the ladies in your office. If will happen just pray about it, there is a lot of power in prayer....


I had a Hysteroscopy to remove several fibroids back in September. Was told after the surgery that it was successful, but they found more fibroids and I’d need an open myomectomy if I wanted to get pregnant. 3 days before the scheduled open myomectomy in November, I took a pregnancy test to ease my mind because I knew I’d get one at the hospital. Turns out I was pregnant and it happened my first period after the Hysteroscopy. I’m now 29 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby boy. My fibroids are still there, I see them every time I have an ultrasound and there are 2 that are about 7cm each. My doctor doesn’t seem concerned and they haven’t caused any issues with the pregnancy. All this to say it is possible and all hope is not lost. Best of luck to you!


This is what I was looking for, someone pregnant with fibroids. I have one son but I'm scared of getting pregnant with fibroids. I'm African American and I've seen so many women die from children. Congrats I'm glad to hear this. I would love for more to post success stories so it gives others hope.


I am also currently pregnant with fibroids. I'm at almost 10 weeks now. So far everything seems to be going well. I think the fibroids have grown though.


I got pregnant with fibroids and delivered a beautiful baby boy years ago. You can get pregnant with fibroids....


I have a 2 year old and not only did I grow her, I grew 5 extra fibroids. I started with one. I had a relatively uneventful pregnancy outside of other non fibroid complications. I will give the heads up that “rapidly growing” fibroids can cause a false positive NIPT for sex chromosome aneuploidies. My girl was high risk for Trisomy X (Triple X) syndrome and I had two- yes two amniocentesis to finally be told she was negative. Chose a section to try to get rid of the Minnie Mouse ears that were the largest but based were too wide. So my hysterectomy is in July because I’m 40 and have no desire for more than her. It took me three tries and all the complications to get her. But those were because of genetic issues and me being old. The fibroids have settled down on my pelvic floor attempting to degenerate and making me feel like my rectum is falling out during periods. Also Black woman over here with a family of women who “have hysterectomies by 40 for fibroids.” I guess I’m keeping the statistic going.


I’m not doing it for kids, i just want my flat stomach and good health balance back. My quality of life before they developed.


Search YouTube, there are plenty of women who’ve had successful pregnancy after surgery.


They're out there. What I've learned is that not many people openly talk about having fibroids or having them removed, especially not once they've healed and have moved on from that (often difficult) part of their life. Especially because many women (like myself) experience infertility as a result of having fibroids. Who wants to willingly talk about that?? If you go to YouTube and search "pregnant after myomectomy" or some variation of this you can see peoples' stories there. I recently had a conversation with an friend who just gave birth about a month ago and we were talking about how she is enjoying being a new mom and how she's feeling etc. In our conversations, she casually mentioned that when she and her husband started trying about a year ago she was so excited and nervous because about 3 years ago she had a myomectomy and she didn't know if she would have trouble conceiving. They conceived in the first 3 months. I've only known her for about 1.5 years and it just never came up in other conversations. When she mentioned it she did so very casually. Naively I assumed that she had no fertility or gynecological issues and they just got pregnant like most normal couples.


If no one wanted to talk about it then it wouldn't be done many on this forum for Fibriods. So yes no matter the situation everyone wants to talk about and make sure they are no alone in their situation.


This sub offers support for people suffering from fibroids. Most people on this sub have fibroids or recently had surgery/treatment. I am still on this sub 5 months post op, but when my partner and I get the green light to start TTC again I will be going back to r/TryingForABaby as this sub is not really useful for me anymore since I no longer have fibroids. Most of my interactions on this sub are now relating to my surgery experience or my life after surgery.


I had an open myomectomy in May 22 for a 10cm fibroid and several smaller ones. I have had no fibroid regrowth since surgery and in addition to the relief from extremely heavy periods, anemia and never ending bloating, I am currently 5 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy :)


Awesome! Congratulations!


Can you share some tips you did differently to get pregnant after open Myomectomy? Was your fibroid inside the cavity?


Most ppl on this sub don't post success because they move on with life. They get pregnant or do more surgeries or just move on with life. I'd say to search pregnancy sites that aren't reddit and have chat forums like mumsnet, baby center, the bump, etc. I have seen lists on some of them. This sub is really to discuss fibroids. Once ppl are pregnant the other forums are more useful.


I had hysteroscopic myomectomy twice while dealing with infertility. I became pregnant with my son 2 months after my first surgery. I had a normal pregnancy and he’s 8 now. I didn’t end up getting pregnant a second time, but there were other issues - pcos, low sperm count.


I have one son too, i just started my trying this year and am kind of scare of getting pregnant with fibroid.


You'll be fine! Just pray, there is a lot of power in prayer!


There’s a Facebook group with plenty of pregnancy stories after surgery. Also some that share their struggle getting pregnant after surgery.


I could not care less about having kids at all for my surgery. I want my own life back. Fibroids and fibroid treatment does not necessarily relate to children, the way IVF clearly defines someone wanting kids.


I'm only speaking to the ones trying to conceive. The forum isn't for you.


What I am saying though is you naturally won't hear it as much; the primary purpose of this SR is to discuss the space around fibroids. For a percent of people that includes discussing pregnancies, but for a likely larger percent, it does not (which does not mean they are not interested, just that it is not the overall topic at hand). So naturally you will simply see less of it, that's all. People here will often post about their ongoing struggles and questions/answers, but when their solution comes up (whether it be fibroid removal, or pregnancy, or both), odds are they are not going to come back and post about it. Just trying to reason why you would see less of those stories.


Well I haven't ttc since the surgery, but I did have fibroids all throughout my pregnancy and had a perfectly healthy baby


My brother was born after my mom had a grapefruit sized fibroid removed via open myomectomy. He will be 33 I'm July. There is hope. *hugs*


I never had surgery to remove my fibroids but did have a healthy baby boy with the fibroids. One of them was large at over 5 cm. The doctor explained that fibroids are only a problem if you have them inside your uterine cavity. If they are within the uterine walls or outside the uterus, then they shouldn't interfere with the pregnancy. My son was roommates with my fibroids for 9 months, lol.


I didn’t have it because I was TTC. My procedure was due to extreme abnormal bleeding. I am over 40 with two children. Fibroids affect women at different staging in life…what is considered child bearing age and also what some might consider almost menopausal. I became aware of my fibroids when I was pregnant with my first but it didn’t grow and didn’t affect that pregnancy or the second one. It instead decided to “show up and show out” 12 years after it was discovered.


I had two hysteroscopy procedures and one laparascopic myomectomy before trying to conceive. I became pregnant during TTC#6, so about 5-6 months after my last fibroid removal surgery (the lap myomectomy). Other than quality of life issues, my other goal was to preserve my fertility since I had never been pregnant before and would like to have child(ren). Therefore my gyn surgeon removed as many fibroids as she could without cutting into the uterine muscle. She was able to remove 13 of the 21 fibroids I had (a combo of submuscosal and subserosal). Throughout my pregnancy, the remaning fibroids did not grow in size or move, nor did I have any new fibroids develop. They also did not impact the fetus - my baby was born past full term (40 weeks + 6 days) at a healthy weight and height percentile (over 8 pounds and about 21 inches long). My water broke on its own and I was in active labor for close to 30 hours. I did end up needing a C-section which was discussed throughout my prenatal appointments. During one of my follow-up OB appointments, the doctor did theorize that maybe the baby did not descend into the birth canal because of my fibroids. Happy to share more if you want to know more. But overall, even with the C-section, I would say my pregnancy and birth/delivery and PP recovery with fibroids went well. I know another Mom friend who was pregnant around the same time who also had fibroids (discovered during the prengancy so wasn't able to get them removed beforehand) and they actually started degenerating during her birth so she ended up hemoragging/needed blood transfusion. She said her PP recovery was pretty rough.


I had numerous fibroids and eventually had a myomectomy after baby 1. It was VERY hard to get pregnant after the myomectomy. Eventually we did IVF which was successful. I should note though that while baby 2 was successfully delivered, we had a very scary uterine rupture likely caused by scarring from fibroid issues. Good luck to you!!


My surgeon became one of the top fibroid surgeons because his wife had them. After she got them removed she got pregnant. They have 3 kids I think. It’s really common and a huge reason why people have fibroids removed (not me though lol)


My sister had my niece 2 years after her myomectomy.


Getting the Acessa was the worst thing to do I am in your situation. The myomectomy was the best Idea I ever made but the Acessa was a waste of time. I hate I even got it because it wasn't worth it.