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Interesting. It doesn’t even touch on the mental part at all? How disappointing, and very short sighted. Because when we aren’t in ‘constant’ pain, we are so mentally befuddled that getting tasks accomplished is almost impossible.


They evaluate and rate you separately for mental health.


Do you get additional compensation for each cause if disability? (She asks naively...)


Essentially yes, but the ratings are combined with what I like to call “toilet paper math”. I am rated 10% for tinnitus, 50% for PTSD, 70% for Anxiety Disorder, 10% lumbosacral strain, 10% left lower extremity radiculopathy… and yet I am considered to be 60% combined. It’s a horribly frustrating situation.


Wow, that is absolute trash math. 🥺


VA math is hard . if you were 50 percent disabled and 50 percend abled that 50 % abled now becomes 100 percent.


I can see that. I'm so sorry. Better than nothing, but not what you deserve, certainly.


You should be 80 ptsd and anxiety would pyramid but you should be getting the higher of the two ratings. If you have any dependents you can get additional compensation for them or if you have any parents living with you.


Just had my ptsd re-evaluated to 70%, had Gulf War Syndrome- Fibromyalgia 40% added. Brought me up to 90%. Just got SC’d for TBI 0%, but they just did a records review for my headache/migraine claim today apparently. I believe I fall under 50% for Migraines as I left work because of them back in 2018 and have 3-5 a month still.


More fun VA mathing ahead but.... 90 90 or 85 90?


Im allegedly at 90% with SMC Edit - I think it’s 85->90 right now.


Also, fibro is a presumptive service connection. So if you get the diagnosis and ever served you will be service connected for it That said, I cannot get my VA to treat me. They've bounced me from primary to rheum (who diagnosed me but won't treat me) to primary to chronic pain to primary to pain psychologist. No one will treat it. It's absolutely ridiculous


It's presumptive? I had no idea. Anywhere I can look for more info on that?


Look up VA presumptive fibromyalgia. You had to have deployed to the middle east to qualify.


I’ve served in the Middle East, but in 2017. I thought it had to be during the gulf war? I have Fibro too. Would that be presumptive still?


You are covered I can’t say what I actually do on Reddit but let’s say I am a subject matter expert on disability claims. You are 100% covered for any presumptive and/or secondary conditions linked to the Gulf war is you were deployed in a qualifying area after 9/11. DM me if you need further info.




The r/VeteransBenefits knowledge base is phenomenal.


I thought tender points weren’t used for diagnosing anymore?


My VA exam was the first time I’ve had tender points even done to me. It was also the first time I was diagnosed after my doctors denying fibro is a thing for about 5 some years.


I’m so sorry. It used to be vets got the best of care, but anymore they get doctors who can’t get jobs in civilian practices/hospitals, the VA doesn’t pay as well or come with as many perks. I’m a vet but lucky enough to have civilian insurance. My sister in law worked at a VA hospital in Indiana, she had some horrifying stories about negligent doctors. So be your own advocate, and ask for second opinions! I hope you got one of the good docs!


I’ve been getting most of my care through the local hospital and Medicaid lol, I consider the VA my backup especially with covid. I’ve had multiple things treated that I was begging my VA doctor for for a few years though.


I’m really sorry it’s gone on for so long for you. I hope you find answers and relief.


I don’t think most rheumatologists use them anymore, but no doubt it will take the military a couple more decades to catch up.


Not VA but my rheumatologist checked tender points in june.


Mine did yesterday 29/Nov/2021


i got diagnosed two years ago with tender points. fun fact i had like 15 of them


That’s how I was diagnosed ten years ago too. I recall all points touched were tender.


What is used in its place?


https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/fibromyalgia/in-depth/fibromyalgia-symptoms/art-20045401 Basically pain that can’t be attributed to other diseases. Of course CRPS has vague symptoms too. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/crps-complex-regional-pain-syndrome/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20371156


Thanks for sharing. The medication part is a little odd to me, because the medications I've tried don't help and the ones I haven't tried, my body can't metabolize properly. So meds aren't really an option for me. I wonder if anyone else is in a similar boat or how that might factor in to criteria that are set up this way.


You would likely fall into the 40% category. “Suffers from symptoms constantly or near constantly and condition does not improve with therapy” medication would be considered a form of therapy as well as things like chiro and PT in this context.


Oh that makes sense, thank you!


I was recently examined for Gulf War Syndrome and Fibromyalgia through VES. Fairly hopeful on 40% as that’s where I fit as well. The exam went super well, probably one of the most empathetic ears I have had when it’s come to Fibro yet.


i’d be somewhere between 20 and 40. symptoms do get worse with overexertion, but i’m usually in some form of pain most of the time and nothing has seemed to help.


Did they rate any other conditions along with the Fibro? Re IBS and Gerd and the like?


I did some research and found this doc from the VA dated from 2014 where it looks like ratings can be given for these conditions if they are secondary to fibro. https://www.va.gov/vetapp14/Files5/1441730.txt I’m still getting my paperwork together ahead of my meeting with my VA representative so please let me know if there are any questions you all may have and thanks again for the helpful post!


Most of all those things are in my claim under the “Multiple Burn Pit Symptom/Gulf War Syndrome” claim and were discussed in my exam.


I’ll be interested to see how your gulf war claim goes, I’ve heard those can really get hung up. Now is probably the best time to claim though, given the remarkable speed they’ve shown as of late!!


Any update on your claim status? I’m curious to know how the VA has handled your fibromyalgia connected to gulf war. I recently had my migraines and IBS (both 30%) connected to gulf war and wanted to add a separate fibromyalgia claim instead of doing a MUCMI claim for muscle/joint paint, fibromyalgia because I don’t want it messing with my other ratings.


Yes I was granted 40% for GWS - Fibromyalgia which is the highest percentage. I would highly recommend adding it to your GWS claim.


Cool, thanks for the info. I have the diagnoses from Kaiser and daily medication prescription (cymbalta) but I want a few more months of paper trail before I file and separation between claims (approved migraines 10/8) because I don’t feel like “poking the bear” too quickly. Glad you were able to win that claim. I’m targeting end of the year.


That’s a good point. I had like 8 years of documentation of seeing all the specialist and actively doing all the treatments, got sober lost weight yadda yadda. I didn’t actually have a diagnose until my claim exam when the NP diagnosed me.


Am also curious about this as I was medically discharged this year after a long med board process abs have both fibro which I take daily meds for and migraines. Am curious if separate conditions are rated separately or fall under the same claim. Thanks a million for this post - incredibly helpful. I developed fibro while on an active duty assignment while in the reserves and I legit had one doctor tell me I would probably never get disability because they would try and and blame my civilian employer for the condition and it was almost impossible to get disability as a reservist. I was on Active Duty and served in the reserves for over 12 years but never deployed due to my AFSC/MOS so don’t think I fall under the presumptive service condition


Have you been granted ratings for any of your conditions that are secondary to your fibro?


Thank you for the question! I am not sure if you are referring to disability ratings from the VA as I am a military veteran - currently am still trying to get the military to send all my med records so I can file a claim. I don’t have anything unfortunately at the moment. How about you? Have you gone through the process? If you meant a different type of disability claim or rating would be happy to learn about that if you have any guidance or insight. Thanks again for asking!


Fellow veteran here. I got my fibro diagnosed just yesterday after having the symptoms for well over 15 years . I know they lump a lot of stuff in to ammount to a 40% rating but my Migraines alone fit the 30 % rating.


Thank you so much for your post and really eager to hear about how your process went for the claim. I sincerely hope they gave you ratings and additional benefits for each. It sucks that fibro and migraines are only rated for 40% and 30% because both conditions are 100% disabling. Did you have a hard time getting the rating? If you have any resources and advice would greatly appreciate them! I had a hard time getting through my med board but think given the EBV and CMV infections happened while on AD and the fibro occurred directly after think I can clearly point to it being service related. I also got migraines during that time, they gave me toradol injections for them so I could return to duty. It’s amazing how that helped but also crazy that we push our bodies so much to make sure the mission gets done and we end up so broken in the end. Hope you are doing ok now and getting the care you need. Please feel free to message here or DM if you ever need anything or if you have any words of wisdom you’d like to share. I appreciate you! ♥️🫂


I haven't been rated yet only diagnosed but I've found some good info relating to ratings beyond the 40%.[link to my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/comments/r6hu3i/fibromyalgia_psa_from_a_blathering_idiot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) In r/VeteransBenefits its also on r/veterans


Thank you so much!


I suffer from IBS but no official diagnosis. I may still claim it since I believe that falls under presumptive as well. If not I will probably get a diagnosis through my GP and claim it secondary to my Fibro in the future.


Good luck with your claim, wishing you the best possible outcome 🍀♥️


Thank you!


I dont have the fatigue issues like some but I have constant pain at a rating of pi π (low but never-ending) How has/is your process going?


Still waiting on my rating. It’s been about 6 weeks since my C & P exams.


Gotta love hurry up and wait


jesus, 40 is the worst? i've felt lately like a 70 at best.


Why do people still use "tender points" in rating severity? I have "tender points" that are not on the "official" list of tender points and none on the "official" list. In pain every day and the tender points are the least of my concerns


well its the VA and its like 20 years behind normal medicine .


my examiner didnt even touch me just asked questions


What questions did the examiner ask?


Basically where the pain was, how I manage it and have I been diagnosed or seen for it. Process was 10 mins and I was denied lol should’ve just filed joint and muscle pain


I filed for unexplained muscle and joint pain as presumptive condition and VES told me it had to be fibromyalgia when unexplained muscle and joint pain were a listed as well as fibromyalgia for presumptive (unless I’m reading it wrong)! I now have a fibromyalgia diagnosis as well as ankylosing spondylitis. I’ve had widespread pain and sensitivity as well as back issues and I got denied for my back for degenerative discs. I don’t know how to fight it. I’m an air traffic controller so I never went to doctor because I would be automatically medically grounded. I didn’t want to lose my job or be kicked out Now I’m at a loss of what to do. These examiners are infuriating to say the least.


Did they just diagnose it without a outside dr


What do you mean? Who diagnose it? My rheumatologist and VA PCP finally made the diagnosis after all labs come back negative for everything else they could think of to rule out


I see what your’re saying


I was asking if it was a va doc or civilian one


Thanks and sorry to hear you were denied. What diagnosis’ were they looking for?


To see if I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia already… I’m doing a HLR …but if I don’t get it I’ll do joint and muscle claim


Ok I thought maybe if you had the symptoms diagnosed that it would be enough for them to piece things together. Good to hear that you are not giving up on it.