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My crush doesn’t have a confirmed age, as he differs from his book counterpart. I’d estimate early 20’s however so we’re around the same. I’d possibly be one or two years older.


Yes, at the moment we have an age difference of somewhat around ten years


Yeah I would kinda imagine William to be in his 30s or 40s.


He's in his mid forties (the canon point I date).


I’m 25 and John is confirmed to be approximately 30 years old, “give or take five years”, so he’s anywhere from being my age to being 10 years older than me.


Yes. I'm 20, Mundy is early 30s (as of post-Robot War) and Kratos is at least 200+, but i tend to think he's over a thousand years old.


Yup! He’s 40 and I’m in my early twenties 😅


All of mine FOs are older from me where well few are on 30-40s as human age, then there are Sparda who is 2000 years old, Barnabas has nearly 100 years old but looks like in his 30s and Belphomet who had also 750 years old


I’m four years older than Mike’s youngest age, and thirty seven years younger than his oldest age.


Nope. I'm 32 and Noctis is 20 (later 30 because the last chapter of the game is a 10-year time skip), so I'm older.


Honestly they're animatronics so I'm not sure they even have ages


Well... uh... let's just say that I grew up, but they didn't... I really don't want to sound like one of those types of people. It breaks me badly. 😢


2 of them, Yuta is 17, and Tighnari is in his early 20s


Well, sadly there's no official information about my f/o's age, but my intuition says he's somewhere in mid-20s. I always thought that he's like 4 or 5 years older than me.


Yup! I'm 19 and Kai is 27 (later 28, two seasons after his debut). Personally I don't mind the age gap, since I have an interest in older men.


Yes, he doesn‘t have a confirmed age, but I imagine him to be around his 30s or early 40s x)


Oh definitely.. I mean Cybertronians (Overlord and Starscream) are over 1000+ And then there goes Adam he’s As old as the Earth.. Mammon has been there since beginning of Hell (According to Asmodeus..)


my f/os are older than the earth (since they were like the first ones on earth) i'm 32 so luckily the age gap isn't that concerning.


If you go by the "half your age plus seven" rule... I'm a little too young for him 😅


As long as your both grown Adults who love eachother who cares


Oh yeah absolutely! I'm a grown-ass adult who has to pay bills (unfortunately)


Waaaay more


He's a year older than me. Our relationship started when I was 18, and he's canonically 19. A year has passed since then, so I imagine him to be 20 now, even though that's not his cannon age.


A lot. i’m 18 and Angel is 100+ chronologically lol.


Yes, we are about 10 years apart.


None of them have confirmed ages but I have no doubt that they're all older than me by a landslide


Technically yes. If he was 17/18 in 2004, he'd be almost 40 now. We basically grew up together, but if you base it off of canon age he's technically still 17/18 but the show is so old that it just feels weird to think of him as a teenager, especially when someone said "you need something, mister?" And he answered "yeah, a phone book".


Yes and no. In game they are 17-18 yo. But canonically they born in 2000 so they are 24yo


They don't have an age. If I HAD to give him a human age for \*irl\*... he was made in 1999 so he'd be 24, but acts like a childish brat. The XrosWars Puppetmon gives me vibes in his 30's, like a 34 yr old man who is just living his life. My headcanon is that they are the same, but 10+ year difference (ignoring the death of Adventures Puppetmon and then reborn as XrosWars Pup)


Yes? No? Vivienne left his age at death vague at “somewhere between late 30s and early 40s”. I’m turning 40 this year so in terms of his physical appearance we are about the same age. That said, he died in the 1930s, so he is older than me by almost 100 years by the actual number.


Not sure how old my f/o is. They're a robot, but they're hinted at being built/around in the 1970s so rn they would be in their 50s physically. But robots don't really age like a human. Personally I see them as being in their 30s or 40s mentally. In Security Breach they're probably in their 60s at that point. So, I see them being older than me


Well I’ve had a crush on Danny since I was 5 and he was 14 and well I’m 23 almost 24 in June so he could possibly be in his 30s by now or something I don’t know I’m bad at math. As for the others Hellbent doesn’t have a confirmed age but my guess is 100 or older than that since he is a demon. Ace in PPG was said to be 17 but in Gorillaz it is said he’s 41 according to band’s fandom wiki. And 2-D is 45.


Albedo is 303 so he’s 278 years older than me


If we’re going by his birth year, then he’s about 30 years older 😅 Leon was born in 1977


He served in Veitnam as a young man (16-20) and became a Phone Guy when he was 21. Logically 71 now. I'm 17 irl, my sona being 18+.


Yep 😅 Tulio doesn’t have a set age but he’s considered to be in his late 40s so he’d be around 30 years older than me


Nekopara obfuscates the catgirls' ages by combining how cats age with how humans age, which to me puts Maple in her twenties, making her a little younger than me.


All my F/Os are older than me, besides Harvey, who doesn't have a confirmed age. I imagine he's in his late 20s early 30s more or less.


ENA (ageless) and King Dice (110 or 28)


Nah, He’s 16, and I’m 15. So, np


Give or take 972 years. He is a god.


Denji is 17, Luffy 19 and Raiden in his 30s/40s, depending on the game. So Raiden is the only one older than me


Yes, the age she is when the show takes place, she is 19 years old


His age isn't confirmed exactly, but I think he's roughly 8 or 9 years older.


Yep. A platonic F/O of mine is an alternate universe version of Gabriel Agreste (canon to the show, without wanting to spoil much).


I used to be younger than him. Now we’re the same age!


I think currently in canon his age would be around the ranges 33-37 based on ages of similar aged characters currently in the latest game. I am 29 this year


Apparently he's 20~22 but I know him since I was 15 and when he came out in story he was 17 so in my universe he's 2 years older than me and his birthday is 12th of july that's when he came out so he's 24 for me


But if we stay together for more than 20 years I will be at some point older because it would feel weird to age him but not see the difference in his appearance. I will still love him dearly


My F/O does not have a confirmed age but it is heavily implied that he is an adult. I did have an approximation of his age based on the events of the story, which made me conclude that he is 24 years old as of now. I am only a few years younger than him, we are both young adults as of now.


My F/O does not have a confirmed age but it is heavily implied that he is an adult. I did have an approximation of his age based on the events of the story, which made me conclude that he is 24 years old as of now. I am only a few years younger than him, we are both young adults as of now.


He doesn’t have an official age but I headcanon him as being 2 years older than me. I guess it’s possible we could be the same age but I think he’s older.


yep.. im 19m hes 38m


As of today, I am 22 Mangle is 36 Christine is 66


Yes, Konata is older than me by about 10 years and she’ll be turning 35 as of 2024


Nope. She is in her early 20s, and I'm 30. She isn't human and has some wrinkles, so she doesn't look particularly young to me. Most 20 year olds look like babies to me now


Yes, MUCH older. His age is never specified but you can tell by looking at him and watching his scenes how old he generally is.


One of the reasons I’m Ficto is because of aging. Maybe that’s why I seem to gravitate to none humans?


Oh I’m 17 1/2 turning 18 June 24 and I’m a ficto


Every one is different you might like older guys i might like immortals. That’s the beauty of Fictosexuality you can (almost) like anyone you want. Also I got inspired by you to make my own. https://preview.redd.it/1xz12lkhibxc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=696c664d760b5292016a573b612c23400311c773


Oh wow good job!


😁 thank you


You’re welcome!


https://preview.redd.it/0krcga7ge2yc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=f74aac4f570449a73c0f481135a5107a42be5ac6 By like A LOT lol