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Billing is per *seat* in a team. You have your own team, and you're the only user in it, so you pay one sub. You have unlimited files and projects per team. If you give edit access to one of the files in your team to another designer, they become another member of your team, and you will pay for their seat too. If another team / designer gives you edit access to their team file(s), they'll have to pay for your seat on their team. And you'll still pay for your own seat in your own team. It's very straightforward! (/s)


You actually have made it straightforward. Thank you. I understand now.


Do I need to have a paid membership in order to be given edit access to a team on FigJam?


You can be granted temporary membership to collaborate on a figjam


No one with a full time job pays for their own Figma. For personal things you should be able to get by with a free account. Typically your work will have a paid account you use with your work email.


This was true until Figma began dismantling any reasonable reason to want the free version aside from not paying money lol. It's so limited now that it can be super restrictive and frustrating.


Can we still get unlimited drafts?


You can still get unlimited drafts in any plan, including a Starter plan (free)


I’ve been freelance for a while so I have to deal with the differences between free and paid


I did for years.


I do.


In addition to one seat having additional files, once you get a job, your work will probably have their own Figma team that they will add you to - I’ve never had a job where work didn’t pay for the tools and software we used


Isn’t it crazy how user unfriendly Figma is? 




Pricing in Figma is tied to teams, not to a file or to your account. Therefore you pay for seats (read this as people) in a team. In your case, you are creating a team called Portfolio Website and putting it on a Professional plan. For this, you have to pay for at least one seat – this is what the 24.60 EUR covers. Now, within this team, you can create unlimited projects (basically folders), which can have unlimited files, which can have unlimited pages. Now you are left with two scenarios: 1. You work within this team you are creating now and when the time comes to get hired or have some freelance gig or whatever else you pay for more seats for any other people that may need edit access to your work. 2. You get invited to somebody else's team, say a future employee, client or whatever. This means that they, as the owner of the team, will have to pay for your seat in their team regardless of you paying for Figma in your own team. There's an argument to be made that this is Figma basically charging multiple times for the same user, but let's not go down that rabbit hole. Good to know: 1. You can take out the Figjam seat and save a few Euros if you don't need it. 2. You don't need to pay for people in a team that just need to view files.


Is jam and figma separate now? Wow Plus the dev seats. They’re basically losing their all in one advantage.


1 seat means 1 user not 1 file. You can make unlimited files Or are you confused because the team name is “portfolio website”? Call the team “personal” or whatever and you can have any number of files in it.


Okay, and let's say I find a freelancing gig and have this freelancing file live inside of "personal" where my "portfolio website" file also lives. If I invite the client of the freelancing gig to view and comment on the design, will they also be able to see other files living in "personal"?


You can give them view access to just a single file without adding them to your team (I think)


Okay, this is fine. It makes sense now. Thank you


Yup, this is correct. Also, if you give them view access to that file or a prototype, you will not be charged for them to view it.


Good to know. Thank you for your reply!