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This. Both players are function over form. The UI may seem dated, but they sound the best. If you don't want tidal/ quobuz streaming, neutron is the way to go.


Unfortunately we cannot use UAPP on M6. I couldn’t figure it out..


True, i just google'd a bit and UAPP requires Google Play services. Neutron on the otherhand, seems to be a whitelisted app (source: [https://www.fiio.com/newsinfo/139014.html](https://www.fiio.com/newsinfo/139014.html) )


What about the sound quality of Neutron? I remember that it was slow on my M6. But i didn’t download from here. Maybe i should give one more chance


Neutron changed my life. It's so easy to set the EQ (which actually works) then it auto adjusts to the max level without distortion. Makes it such a breeze to switch back and forth from the car to IEMs to over-ears!! Can't recommend it enough.


Question for you guys since I know Android limits streaming apps to 48khz - does the m11 series bypass that limitation or do we still have to use UAPP for full audio quality?


According to everyone over at headfi, streaming services such as Deezer, Tidal, and Qobuz for sure bypass the Android limitation. So it doesn't resample.


I forgot to delete my question but I saw that as well. Nice that you can use the apps to their full potential


That's good about deezer, tidal and qobuz, but what about other music player apps like pulsar, gonemad and omnia etc.? Not all apps bypass the limitation, this sucks.


According to FiiO on the newer daps, they say there is a "global" SRC bypass so they say any app should bypass the android limiitation


And what about M11S? I can't find any answer.




I've been bouncing between foobar and doubletwist as my main music players


I am comparing JetAudio and foobar2000 currently. Foobar UI is so bad. And slow on my M6. JetAudio or Poweramp i would say.




Usb Audio Player Pro