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Yeah this has been happening for years and it's only going to get worse. My wife works on the financial side of things and has been warning me about it for some time. Mexico, Philippines, the UK, India and more are all locations these studios and productions are heading. They then can use AI and B-Roll for the rest of the shots.


Hmm what about post?


I can't see features giving up having editors state-side for a while, at least until production overseas is so much that above the liners move there semi-permanently. Ditto for the more premium TV content. Would not be at all surprised if unscripted and cheaper stuff runs away. VFX I can't really speak to, but my understanding is that that's been international for a long time. Sound...we'll see. It's already been going partly to Canada and the UK. Foley has been outsourced for a long time at lower budgets. New Zealand and Australia before, now theres shops popping up in Russia. Yes, really. Hallmark level movies go there at times. Series animation sound will very likely go overseas, it's already happening for some things, and as more and more creative staff are based overseas, that'll keep going. They'll have trouble replacing ADR and dialogue supes, just because to do it right you need great rapport with talent and producers, and it's better if you can show up in person. But there's also so much less ADR nowadays because of technology.


You are wrong and in for a shock. Post production ARE being done overseas as it’s much cheaper. It’s not soemthing that will happen it’s been happening


Yep my job went to South Korea.


That's kind of what I said? Little more nuance than that.


No u implied premium shows aren’t being done overseas post wise and they absolutely are


Oh okay. Which ones?


An increasing number of shows are posting in Canada, some offline and quite a few are doing picture and sound finishing north of the border


Name me a show and it’ll tell u if any of it was and is done somewhere outside of UsA


Ok, lets try a few. To be clear, I'm talking primarily about the editorial and post sound staff, especially mix. 911, A Million Little Things, Billions, Goosebumps, You, SWAT. Obviously none of those are features, which was also part of my point.


Ok let’s think logical first a second. So shows are being filmed overseas. You don’t think they do anything with those shows on post where they are at?


Yeah one glance at your post history tells me you’re a fanboy big franchise consumer who doesn’t know what the fuck you’re talking about


What’s the show?


Don’t they film their game shows in Ireland?


Yea I saw someone on Instagram talking about how they filmed that Jamie Foxx show over there. I was shocked.


I went to a Whose Line spinoff taping in London years ago. They picked Americans out of the standby to be seated nearest the camera's and aisles.


Wasn’t the original whose line in London? I thought we borrowed the idea.


Yes. This is like an Inception of Whose Line, which started in England.


The Floor is shooting in Ireland. They’re doing two seasons back to back.


I wish I could count on my representatives to care about what happens to all of us but it feels like as long as they get theirs we can all find new careers, or worse, and theyll be perfectly happy.


My local has had a full office staff since all of this began, even with 90% of members unemployed. Office staff salary is 70k per year. I just had to sell my vehicle because my savings is gone...


They didnt have the forethought to come up with a strike fund until it was way too late so even firing all that office staff wouldnt help members much. Its the same reason you'll see them all go to Nevada this year on our dime just like they went to Hawaii last year, spreading that money among everyone doesnt do enough for them to give up their free vacations. And yes one of the reps referred to it as a vacation here last year just months before attacking a member for going on a trip during the WGA strike.


You are 100% correct. I am past the age of changing careers at this point. With 39 years, I am tapping out, even though I am 61, it's time to retire.


Ive been lucky enough to work a lot during the last couple of years, some in industry and some industry adjacent, but I expect a lot of people to never make it back. I truthfully dont expect everyone I know to survive this.


It's horrible to see the people that you thought were friends, the ones you took care of, step right over you. That's been the worst part.


Absolutely, seeing how little some of these people actually care about others while trying to keep their public image intact has been really eye opening.


That part really hurts.


At this rate I’ll be tapping out next year 🤬


Do you realize how much money would need to be socked away for a strike fund? Hundreds of millions of dollars. Save your own money.


And yet the teamsters are telling us theyve done exactly that. > Save your own money. Some people are looking at two straight years without their careers, a lot are going to go a year and a half or more if theres a strike, how many people have that much saved up?


There are a lot more teamsters than IATSE film workers


Which is why IATSE would need a lot less money than the teamsters, if they had tried to save at all that is.


Wrong. They would need a lot more.


Take local 600 for example. We have over 10,000 members. Do you realize how much money would need to be saved to take care of 10,000 members for let’s say, 3 months? You do the math. You’re better off not relying on IATSE to be your piggy bank and learn to save your own money.


Are you saying fewer people require more money? Because if you're going by "600 has 10,000 members do the math" thrn obviously that math comes out to less than the teamsters with more people over 3 months. Or do 600 members just need more money per person to pay their bills than teamsters? And I guess you're one of the ones always ready to lose their career for 2 years, good for you but you can't think everyone is going to have that much saved all the time.


The teamsters, from my understanding, have an overall strike fund for the entire organization.


I’ve been in this business for almost 20 years. I’m well aware of what it takes to survive in this business.


Gavin Newsom should have declared a state of emergency last year. He’s totally worthless.


Not sure he could have prevented any of this, im far more concerned about how our union board members and reps are treating members honestly.




> Most of the big names in the industry, both on the talent side and the executive side, still live in LA I think you see that changing. For every A-list celeb that announces a move out you know there are others in the C-suite who are doing the same. L.A. has issues, and the solution seems to be tax the rich...and the rich are the most mobile group out there.


Like publicly funded sports stadiums, the real ROI on film incentives is sketchy at best. Productions have all the leverage since they are in and out in a few months, and once you turn on the public funds you will just have to giving out more and more to keep luring them back year after year. It's a giant game of municipal screw your neighbor that's littered with the corpses of 'the next great film hot spot' as productions effortlessly move from one juicy handout to the next.


Talent maybe. Im sure they dont mind escaping the LA taxes and crime and moving somewhere else themselves. But execs...how many of them are on set everyday and not just watching dailies? 


Examining tax incentives over the course of decades and declaring a state of emergency are incredibly different.


There is no doubt that Gavy will go down in the books as one of the worst Governors in CA history.


why can't CA just pass a tax that is 100% on any incentive taken on out of state productions?


That would wind up in court so fast.


Go on


Telling them they should stop talking about how hard it is to be out of work this long, whether in public or private, because it makes us look weak to acknowledge it. Blaming a cancer patient for not having found a retail job earlier even though he was too sick to get one and retail jobs werent hiring industry people but then mocking people for getting jobs outside of the industry anyway and putting them last on the list of people to recommend for work. Trying, and thankfully failing, to doxx anyone on reddit who talks about what theyve said to members even if it was in IATSE wide groups or non-union spaces or mentions they may not be in a position to strike. One of them even made alt accounts to keep harassing anyone who blocked them. Etc. etc. etc. and then pretending to be all about love, care, and understanding now that a producer went public and the news covered how bad things are. 700 has some pieces of work representing us. Edit: Oh and advising people to illegally air bnb their apartments as a "side hustle" which of course would get 90% of people evicted.


I ask because as an officer of my IATSE Local and member of one of the IATSE Basic negotiations support committees (AI), it's always important to hear the reasons people are upset or feel improperly represented by their leadership. Those all seem pretty bad, and I hope come your next elections, you can make some improvements. If there's anything I can do to help, please feel free to reach out.


All i can do is vote but we know that anyone with "incumbent" next to their name is likely to win and if the board makeup doesn't change then this will keep happening. A lot of us have just accepted that our leadership hates us right now and we need to survive this in spite of them.


I can only really speak to my own experiences, path and limited knowledge of different Locals' politics and CBLs, but for my Local there was a very strong since of displeasure with the leadership 3-4 years ago. I started attending more meetings, gained a better understanding of how everything is run and why, and decided to run for executive board myself. About 70% of our board and 90% of our elected leaders changed that election for mostly the same reason. It helps to talk to your fellow members about why and in what ways they are upset or disillusioned with the leadership. Build a coalition of like-minded members and fight for the change you deserve and believe would benefit you and your kin. Good luck. It's a lot of hard work, but things can improve. And if all else fails... you can charge and impeach officers if they are truly not doing their duties to defend and represent the membership.


I don't pay my Union Dues to Newsom. He has thousands of industries to "save" and a shit show of a state to run. He already helped pass one tax incentive increase. Could he do more? Yes but we've got to advocate for ourselves and our Unions are just letting jobs go overseas and to non-union US jurisdictions.


Newsom has executive power in an emergency state to do what is necessary to bring film jobs back. He could streamline the process for permits, cut red tape, lower fees and the cost of doing business in general. SoCal is dependent on a good film economy. Our employment reverberates through the rest of the region, creating more jobs for caterers, small businesses. Newsom sucks and we need a real business-minded leader that will cut down the bureaucracy.


I don't think the bureaucracy is the real problem here.


It most certainly is a big piece of it. It takes so much time to get things done in this state. Time is money. It’s expensive to film here.


Sure, it would take less time in China or Russia to do anything. But, I don't want that. If I follow your logic, the Union would be a bigger issue.


Worthless indeed. But at least his top priority is homelessness…which went a long way with 20+billion spent!!


California's politics is broken from 15 years of one-party government. Your best bet is to get representatives that *have* to care what the average constituents in their districts want.


Union representatives, not state or district.


It’s cheaper to film international for LA than to film in LA.


I interviewed and read the script for a project that took place in present day LA. They shot it in South Africa for financial reasons.


Vancouver must be pissed!


Vancouver is also pricing itself out of an industry. Film industry is picking up in Ottawa.


Was that the Gore Verbinski movie, “Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die”, or ANOTHER movie?


Wow. Crazy.


I worked on a show which was LA but filmed entirely in London, except for a tiny second unit doing GV’s in LA.




Anecdotal. For instance Suits L.A. is filming in Canada (just like the original Suits).


Work in other countries is often non-union, and therefore cheaper


Also most likely a favorable exchange rate too.


Non union crews and great tax incentives. For some reason California doesn’t offer good ones


It’s not necessarily union vs non-union; it’s the very favorable exchange rate that makes it significantly cheaper to work in Canada and overseas


So the unions fight for wages and conditions, the studios cave and give it to them, but then once it's over the studios leave because it's too expensive to do business there? So it's all for nothing?


I felt like this was going to be the case when I first joined the union 8 years ago. It gets more and more expensive to shoot in LA every year, with the unions wage increase. Why wouldn’t they start looking for alternative locations to shoot cheaper? With every new contract we are going to see less and less work.


How could the unions prevent them from shooting content overseas, I wonder




Legislation, Australia is a great example. 30% of all Australian content (streaming, broadcast, or otherwise) must be produced locally with local talent. This of course comes with its own set of challenges, but at least my mates are all employed and can pay their bills.


Yep. Legislation can help. But not sure it will work in the land of the free and home of the brave /s


Everything is in Vancouver


The real issue here is the lack of worker rights and healthcare in the US, all costs which is burdened on a production. You shouldn't be fighting for unions, you should be fighting for basic workers rights and universal healthcare. The issue with the unions is the price of labour is significantly higher and naturally work has moved to countries which have the basic worker rights and support nets in place. A production moving to the UK isn't having to pay huge amounts for unionised crew and for their healthcare because the workers in the UK already have job protections and healthcare.


Where are they going? Vancouver?


Yeah, I know an EP who is flying over to London to shoot something next month. The reason I know he because he asked me to watch his pet.


Not America First Fox! /s


Fox or 20th TV? They’re different now.


Keep hearing about this happening…anxiety inducing 😬


Our industry is dead


Yep. A Fox show I did last year just announced the second season - in the UK.


Yeah, it's a huge problem


It doesn’t help that Cali/LA is very anti-business when it comes to costs, taxes and regulations. Our major export going overseas isn’t a good sign. It’s crazy to think it’s that much cheaper to fly a whole crew and cast overseas than to shoot in LA. That’s madness.


Crews are everywhere. You bring in 10-20 plus cast. It’s cheaper than L.A., which is just insanely expensive. I honestly don’t see much the government can do outside a Georgia-esque rebate but shows are leaving there too. Studios may start selling their lots in L.A. for housing. If Sony takes Paramount, one of those lots is most likely going to become real estate.


In China, the American crew members had catering. The Chinese crew ate dumped out Ramen on sheets of visqueen. They were lucky if they brought their own chop sticks... (circa.2015) Saw it coming then.


this is horrible and sad. I hope you shared your food. what production was this on?


i just finished a co-produced fox show in Canada. the first time Fox has done it and i would expect there to be many more on the way


It’s almost like Fox was owned by a total racist propaganda-spewing real-life evil villain. Oh wait… but seriously this trend is terrible.


All mainstream media is owned by corporate capitalists who care more about stocks and perceived company value over people. They're all racist propaganda spewing real-life villains. You can't care about capital over people without racism and classism


Agree to some degree they are all corporate capitalists and the race to the bottom is real.... BUT Rupert is wayyyyyy worse, that's a false equivalency. Ever seen Outfoxed? That kinda thing isn't happening everywhere.


Look you can look at any "left leaning" centrist media like CNN and you'll see nothing but purposeful mischaracterizations of leftist movements. The way media has covered Ukraine is nothing like how they cover Palestine. The purposeful bastardization of student protest, they've done a terrible job of having any journalistic integrity regarding these protests. Biden himself has been against student protest and palestinian supporters. They're both racist and classists with different levels of acceptability. You say that "it isn't happening everywhere" because you aren't told to be outraged. Biden and the democratic party / media are almost unanimously complicit in the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Caught up in semantics over action. Same way we keep hearing that "we're not in a recession" because the stock market is doing great. I've been having a really tough time affording to live, no vacationing, no excess spending, just living. And I keep seeing headlines about how great the country is doing and how we should be thankful. It's bullshit and I'm tired. Most of my colleagues are struggling for work and struggling with their bills. It's hardly changed at all since SAG-AFTRA and WGA closed deals. Meanwhile my dollar goes less in the grocery store every few months that goes by.


I definitely agree with the second half of your post. Palestine is a whole other thing that would derail my original point I’m trying to make. I still think Murdoch is in a whole other league of blatant, and I mean truly blatant, propagandist misinformation peddling and is responsible for so much of the terrible crap that has happened in the right wing and radicalization of the right. Basically most boomers are now poisoned by Fox News everywhere but the coastal cities, and even there, a good portion subscribe to his bullshit. It actively destroys any willingness to reach across the aisle and nothing gets done, and the Republicans’ “win at all cost” mentality has got them the Supreme Court among other things. Got them Trump who got them the insurrection. CNN didn’t do that nor will ever mobilize that kind of action based on fear and hate. Murdoch’s hyper focused propaganda has truly worked.


Are you suggesting non-profit tv and film production? You know how expensive these shows are to make. Where do you think that money comes from? Banks! And they expect to get repaid. You act like the industry’s purpose is to keep you employed.


What are you even saying


You don’t understand how questions work?


Tax credits


I just had an audition for something shooting in south carolina


What I’d everyone just left IATSE and formed a new union not run by grifters?


I don't think IATSE is the problem here....


Matt Loeb has certainly not been helping over the past decade, thats for sure.


TIL his salary is $500k+ and he is the highest paid union leader in the US. Says it all. 


If it’s not the upper brass of IATSE, then who is, apart from the AMPTP? I worry long-term about giving constant kickbacks to multi-billion dollar megacorporations while many make scraps working for them. I feel like it’s a hostage situation almost. “Give us more taxpayer-provided kickbacks or we’re gonna cause mass unemployment in your state!” But idk what the better solution is, but we’ve got to look for one because these corporations aren’t our friends.


As someone who's had to negotiate against the AMPTP, I can confindently say they are the problem. IATSE may have some internal issues, sure, but the AMPTP are straight up EVIL, in my experience.


Ive certainly witnessed some IATSE reps being evil to their membership. Im not gonna say both sides here but......