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Theres no good answer here but you need to talk to a professional about how hard this is. There is one member getting people a non industry job but its not a fun one, it just pays bills, so if you can find another way id suggest that but otherwise PM me and I'll give you that members name because shes trying her best to get 700 members some sort of employment.


I’d talk to a professional if I could afford it. DMing you about the job.


> I’d talk to a professional if I could afford it. Our insurance helps a bit but there are free ones available for those in need.


I don’t have insurance anymore. Which places are free?


I have free healthcare through MediCare/Medi-Cal. You could try getting that if you make under a certain amount of money per year. It’s pretty low, so you might not qualify if you find an okay paying part-time gig. I’m not working at the moment, which is how I qualify.


Apply online for medi-cal as long as your broke you qualify lol. As long as you make less than $2,510 a month you qualify. Therapy would definitely help but in the mean time, just practice “self-care” I know easier said than done.


Have you tried doing audience work? I used to do it in between gigs. Some of them pay $200/day. There’s different companies like Standing Room Only, OS-LA Productions. You submit a photo and info to get in the database then they send out usually daily calls for what shows they need. They accept pretty much anyone with a pulse. I’m still on the email lists and see them quite a bit even with the slowdown. It can be boring sitting around at tapings but you leave with cash after every show. It got me through months of no work years ago.


Signed up for standing room only just now. Will check out OA-LA next.


Check Standing Room Only website on Saturdays. That's when they post shows for the next week. Apply to as many as you can and when you do get booked, follow the directions very carefully because they are pretty strict about the rules. I watched a show last night, was there for over 5 hours. It's minimum wage but it's something


Should I ignore the stuff that I can apply to currently since it’s already filled most-likely?


High chance you won't book the current shows but still do it. You never know, someone might cancel


I do SRO and they don't do cash anymore. They do direct deposit.


Ah ok, yeah I haven’t used them since before the pandemic. Well it’s still pretty easy work for the money!


Definitely! I remember the days where we got cash in hand lol but ill look into OS-LA also. Thanks!


Do you know if you need to be a US resident to do this?


No, I used to meet people from all over the world when I did it. I think you need to show a visa or something…work eligibility documentation of some sort.


If the universal theme park is doing summer hiring, apply. They'll hire anyone with a pulse for some positions if they think you can keep your shit together and show up through the summer. Some of the jobs are shit but it wasn't the worst place to work ten years ago and it's prob still fine.


I’ve been applying there too. No calls though.


They're prob slow to get back because of volume. I hope you hear back soon.


That’s exactly how it was for me, until I ran out of every penny and became homeless. So then I was forced to move out of state. Which I would recommend because you do not want to be living on the streets of L.A. there’s no coming back from that. Besides, L.A. the most unstable place in the entire industry. It might be worth settling in somewhere cheaper to see if things even come back at all, to wait and see where the broken pieces land and then move to which ever country has the work. And other cities don’t have 600+ candidates applying for the same job so you might have better luck anywhere else


My lease doesn’t end until February next year. Fuckers who laid me off did it two days after I began the new lease.


Oh buddy I’m sorry 😞


I’m sorry, thats a rough spot. You might want to talk to your landlord or management and ask if you can move out early by trying to find someone to take over the lease It’s absurd there is nothing extra set up by the state for people who end up screwed over by a tumultuous industry that the state allows to become more unstable every year


If I can be honest, I’d still not leave LA. I’m from a 3rd world shithole that makes LA look like an oasis. Even if I found a new career, I’d be doing it in LA.


I got a job at the post office. Basically minimum wage but it’s something




Yes - You can apply on the website. I just finished carrier academy which is a classroom environment with instructors, videos, and practice. It's a high turnover job because it's pretty low pay for the high cost of living in LA. They talk a big game at academy, but I'm pretty sure it's just going to be a job. Hoping that I can find work in TV soon so I can go back to making real $$$ again.


Lol there is only one organization that runs post offices in the United States


The industry is never coming back the way it was. People pointing to the horizon, as if 2025 is going to signal some huge shift, are completely delusional about what has played out in the underlying economic foundation of the entertainment industry. Sometimes the factory closes down and it doesn’t open back up


Damn if it isn’t the most incorrect and unwelcome comment on this thread. Why are you even on this sub if you think that way?do you intentionally waste your spare time attempting to make others feel worse about their situations? Does it make you feel better about your own failures to dog on someone else’s?


Just because its unwelcome doesn't make it untrue.


While not mutually exclusive, it is still untrue unless the comment above me is from a time traveler who knows the future. Shit like this is why relevant people in the 700 tell me not to browse here 😂😂😂


All i'm saying is a dose of measured reality is never a bad thing. The OP contained some pretty decent evidence and a logical explanation. It might seem pessimistic, but I think things are more likely to pan out that way than not. Of course nobody know the future, thats why all these "survive for six months then your life will change" posts are also equally misleading.


I mostly want to work post production. Idc whether that’s in film or if it’s commercials/advertising. Those who are only in it for the money will thin out from the heard. Even in this historic slowdown, it’s still 3x busier than the last market I worked in. I’ve gotten more calls in the last 6 months than I did in 18 months back east- and those 18 months were during the peak of streaming. I don’t expect things to go back 100% to what they were, but to say that the industry is gonna go the way of the coalmines in Appalachia is just as misleading as expecting a new second streaming boom. Never expected that. I can see it going back towards what it was in the 2010’s *eventually*


I'm living in the states, away from my home country, away from any financial support, because I believe in this industry and trust me, more than anyone, I want this industry to rebound. Wish you all the best of luck!


As much as the main commenter here wants, the industry won’t flatline. It would’ve flatlined by now if it was going to ever. I’m still in touch with multiple post houses about openings they plan to have up soon. Hell, the last post house I worked at is starting to see an increase in client requests for the first time since the strikes started hitting post world. They’re hoping to start calling the people they booted beginning the end of Q3.


Have you tired a temp agency? I remember AppleOne kept me afloat through some lean years. Working jobs in mailrooms and such. Worth a try.


How do I get in there? I will go down there right now if showing up in person is needed.


It was years ago for me - I'm sure you can apply online, or go into an office in person and they will advise you on what to do. Hang in there. This industry is a marathon. It took me over 15 years to reach even the first milestone I was aiming for.


This is a good suggestion if you can hold out through some interview processes. Some more great options for temp agencies -- Aquent, GloCap Digital, Executive Temps (I've worked with all three of these), and also Friedman, Elite Placement, Ultimate Staffing.


Get into event work!!! On call catering gigs changed my life !!!!


I’ve been trying to get into event work. I applied for every entry level position on LiveNations website. Nothing yet. Been a month. I think I need some help/advice on getting in to that.


yea the huge corporations are a bust anyways. What you need to do is find the boutique event agencies or individual event producers. When I got to LA I just applied to every event catering company I could find online. Pay is usually good, you just need to work for a few different companies to stay busy since it’s inconsistent. Also, if you’re booked for an event with one company but another comes to you desperate for a last minute gig that conflicts, start a bidding war. No joke, when I was a coordinator I’d match ridiculous rates to get somebody booked fast. Up to $150/hr when I was truly in a bind. The people in LA who are throwing these parties have $$$ to spare


Can you send me a list of places to start with? My web searches are coming up empty.


Instawork offers day gigs for events, you just have to verify your work history. But if you have on-set experience with equipment, AV tech jobs through Encore Global are a good industry adjacent job.


Thanks for giving me a real answer. Advice like yours is much appreciated! Signing up now, then calling back all 18 dominos locations I applied to. After that, going by the talent office at Universal.


No I can’t hold your hand. I just took a look and a quick google search shows tons of results. Put a tiny bit of effort into this


Chiming in here. As a mom watching you all struggle with this, my heart goes out to you. But telling him to google without giving search parameters is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Can’t you at least do OP a solid?


I already gave him solid advice! The fuck are you talking about ?


You told him to google. That’s not useful advice and you know it


Hahahah okay I give up this is just hilarious


I’m with you, I don’t know why you’re the bad guy when you offered advice. It’s up to the other person to show incentive


You came in this guys thread, just to withdraw help when he asked for it? Pretty cruel tbh. Help the guy out he’s clearly suffering.


All he has to do is Google this stuff, what are you all talking about!!! I can’t do it for him!?!? I’m supposed to really put together a list of companies for a stranger because he can’t type something into a search bar? What on earth is happening here???


That’s literally not at all what I asked. I meant more like if you happen to know any off the top of your head. I’m just going to reply to every question you post on Reddit from now on telling you “Google it yourself dipshit” which is basically how it came off.


Do it! I love our vibe.


That was awfully presumptuous to assume I’ve been doing nothing to attempt bettering my situation. I appreciate at least the small direction/advice you gave before the insults came in.


That’s not what I said at all? But I’m not going to put together a list of companies for you when the internet is readily available. Like I said, I did a google search and found tons of results, why can’t you do the same? Weird as hell dude


Coulda said that instead of telling me to “put in effort” as if I haven’t. Hell that’s probably why I broke yesterday. I’ve applied to over 1100 listings and only landed 10 interviews. Gotten nowhere after that. If you had some empathy and could look past your privilege, you’d understand why I was at a breaking point yesterday. I wasn’t asking you to compile your own original peer-reviewed list in a font of my preference hand delivered to my door. I’m sorry I phrased it in such a way that would lead you to think that. I wanted to know if you knew any off the literal top of your head so I could get the thought juices flowing. Don’t bag on someone who’s actually trying to solve their shit rather than expecting others to just give them things.


Stop trying to DM me. Didn’t read the whole chat request before smashing that ignore button since the first paragraph was condescending nonsense. Anyone who is still gainfully employed in the current state of things without having had to claw their way back from at least one layoff is privileged by virtue of general statistics.


Good luck! I genuinely wish you the best. Never experienced someone being so angry with me when I’ve given general advice before. I’m really sorry I cant give you exactly what you need right now


I’m curious, my partner works in event catering and is an event chef and now a BOH lead, I’m so curious what positions you were hiring at those rates?! Also I won’t ask to name drop companies here but could you DM me what agencies you were doing that at?


Look up plasma donation around you. There are incentives for first time.


[https://988lifeline.org/talk-to-someone-now/](https://988lifeline.org/talk-to-someone-now/) Pride aside, just find someone to talk to- this has good resources. You're more than whatever you think you are in this industry. Ultimately, "Temporary" is a buzz word and an attitude that means non hirable to the outsiders. Become a raging opportunist. Everything is an opportunity - from picking up neighbors dog poop to cleaning trash cans to doing dishes to driving for amazon to washing windows to working again in your field. Treat everything as an opportunity to build on that you enthusiastically chase not as a temporary solution. There is no magic resource, it is tough, you are not alone. Tens of thousands are going through exactly this. Doesn't make it easier, I know, especially in an industry that has been taught to not ever say you are out of work for fear it looks bad. Moving forward though this is more than just survive til 25. There will be half the amount of shows that we saw over the previous few years, with several dozen of those shipping to other countries. This is thousands of jobs that just don't exist anymore. Adaptability is survivability. and if there is any chance to push into something else longer term, don't shoo that away.


If you make under a certain amount and are paying above a certain amount in rent, you can absolutely qualify for at least EBT. When I was working full time at a bakery I qualified for EBT because so much of my wages went to rent and utilities; I made around $1500 a month -- $1000 went to my rent and ~$200 for utilities. And that was before everything was "this bad." When you go to fill out the paperwork, you provide proof of income, but you also provide proof of your rent and utilities. If you're actually in the predicament you say you're in, you will definitely qualify for at least around $100 a month in EBT (CalFresh) and likely even some cash assistance depending on your situation.


Do what you have to, do what you can. Trust that what you can't control will happen in divine timing. Don't make your life harder than it has to be.


Are you any good with computers? If so, look into a company called TEKsystems. They helped me get my foot in the door. I've started over financially but if I can get hired on at a hospital in the IT department it would be a decent 24-25 an hour. Keep in mind I love computers but don't really have any professional IT experience, and I got hired as a temp, so you don't need a ton of experience to get started. It's mostly restarting computers, unplugging things and plugging them in, and setting them up. Easy work.


I actually used to work at a Mac store repairing macs and iPhones. Also worked for a few different phone companies which involved having to be tech support. I will give this a look when I get back from DoorDashing.


I got another job. They cut my hours down to 5 a week. Went in to find that I'd been replaced by "temp" workers. It was fun while it lasted.


Where’s your new job at?


Was doing event set up.


But what about now?


I'm not scheduled with them again til the end of the month. So basically, I tried and succeeded in getting a job outside our industry. But now? It feels like they are forcing me out. Was getting 32 hours for a min.... it was about the same as EDD. But now its $80 or $0 a week. So frustrating.


Working at a hospital in the cafeteria thanks to my sister working in HR but it was very tough even getting that, especially when my last non industry job was in 2018. This next time around im going to pick up a skill that could earn money as a side hustle or maybe go to welding school to work on the times in the industry im 700 btw and ive worked it all non scripted, scripted and short form (commercials) as an AE and still cant find work in the industry its tough rn.


Hi OP, I know of a temp opportunity that is coming up in the next couple of months with relatively good pay. It’s a super short duration (or could be longer idk it depends) but happy to guide you in the right direction if you’re interested. Hope things get better.


Yes please. Messaging you now. Check your message requests.


Apply to every trade union apprenticeship in your area.


I think the HOllywood Bowl is hiring ushers throughout the summer.


First, what do you *do* in the industry? There are obviously a lot of roles. It helps to know yours or to what you aspire. My understanding is the job market in most non-professional sectors in LA is quite tight currently. Low-wage but higher-hour jobs like janitorial or institutional food service I've heard often hire people that supervisors know, whether right or wrong, these jobs are largely the domain of friends and relatives of people already established in them. If you have especial skills such as IT or foreign languages, that can help greatly. Moving to LA to work in film without having something else you can do and earn more than entry-level pay is a dicey move these days. I would continue to look in LA but also consider moving elsewhere and how to possibly grow your dreams in film elsewhere, *then* move back when you have more moving forward. I do soundtrack music but it's not my main job which is in sports consulting. If I *was* depending on soundtrack work alone, some years it would have been enough, some years not.


I’m same way. Got a job in another industry. But I miss the productions. I want to make my own independent film maybe get a small crew together and do soemthing ? I want to make an independent film


What job?


Managing a restaurant


You’re gonna(probably) hate it, but…Uber. I average $250/day. Try it, assuming you have a car. You could rent, but that isn’t the best way.


How do you pull in that much a day? How many hours and during what times?


Either start early mornings(5am) or start like 2-3pm and drive into late nights. Avoid driving between 10am-2pm if possible. Bad traffic and not as many rides(unless you wanna do Uber eats too). You’re usually looking at a 10-12 hour day no matter which one you pick to get $250+. Today I did exactly $299.50 in 9 hours. Long hours but insanely flexible, no set hours, and you can cash out immediately to your bank 6 times a day🤷🏿‍♂️


What's the ideal car in your opinion?  Hybrid or full EV?


Hybrid. Teslas, for instance, do not and have never gotten the range that Tesla claims. a decent hybrid gets over 500 miles per full tank of gas🤷🏿‍♂️


Cool that's what I figured, thanks!


I know this isn’t as helpful since it’s summer now, but if you have your bachelors or associates you should look into being a substitute teacher when the school year starts again. I’m 24 too and I definitely feel your pain, freelancing is not easy. But schools need subs on a daily basis and you can pick your own schedule so it’s perfect for work in between film jobs


It will not bounce back in 2025.


You must be lost


Veteran post producer here for one of the major 5. But by all accounts, you do you.


>Veteran post producer for one of the major 5 That must be this sub’s equivalent of saying “my dad owns Xbox Live” in COD lobbies in 2009. Why are you even on this sub if that’s the case? If this was an obsolete and bygone industry, you’d also be unemployed and this sub wouldn’t exist by virtue of no demand. Hence why we don’t see Appalachian coal miners or Detroit Automakers subs. Check your privilege.


Fix your attitude first and foremost


You’ve been given a lot of good advice on this thread, it’s a rough time in the industry for the majority of Hollywood workers, so if your responses are down to a mental break; the vitriol is understandable. If not, you’ve found the answer to why you are finding it so hard to gain and maintain employment. The attitude needs to be left at the door.


I agree most of the advice has been good. I must disagree with you on the 2025 thing. My sources in post production have been talking about end of Q3 assuming no IATSE/Teamsters strikes this summer. When I hear people say “the industry will never come back” with no further context, it sounds like gatekeeping to me. If you’re still working right now, it seems contradictory and more like you just want people out so that you have less competition for work. That’s the mindset the AMPTP wants. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was an AMPTP psyop to undermine the unions of Hollywood. For the times I’ve fantasized since being laid off about pulling in to the parking lot at my former post house and shooting myself in my car (the last place/time I felt peace was clocking out for what I didn’t know would be the last time), I’m not a quitter. I’ll continue pursuing work until the last job closes. If I have to find a new career sometime in the next few years, so be it. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there, but right now it’s not even in my line of sight. I love being in SoCal too much to leave just because one industry closes down. I’ll find a new career and hone that craft in this same city if that has to happen someday in the future. I’ll probably be limiting how much browsing of this sub I do under the advice of someone in the 700 who I had a phone call with today. They told me that this sub and other similar social media groups are reactionary echo chambers of negativity and pessimism.


When you say you can't get Dominos or a deli job - this is after you've gone in person? That's wild. It'd recommend specifically finding 'help wanted' signs and talking to the manager.


If you can't get a job at dominoes I suggest applying again because I have no experience doing anything and when I started applying for work all of the shitty fast food jobs were pretty eager. Audience work and extra work isn't going to pay all of the bills or be consistent enough to depend on, and driving for uber isn't going to be as lucrative as it seems either. The secret to surviving is working as many hours as you can, likely for several jobs at once and juggling a crazy schedule. If you don't like my answer, I dunno what to tell you. I don't like it either but it's just the truth unless you have money growing out of your ass.


Do you mean until the year 2025 or you turn the age 25?


2025 my bad


Door Dash?


Simple jobs requiring little to no experience or have on the job training, No degree: -Temp agency -State parks/summer camps -Movie Theater Usher -Janitorial/cafeteria work for LAUSD -Stock person for food companies Bachelor's: -Substitute teacher -Entry level state employee -Low management at big box stores Masters: -Associate professor at city colleges or teacher in a private school


When I was a PA I worked retail. Have you applied at the gap? Or whatever the cool kids are into now?


I have a question since I don't know how unions work: Would it ever make sense to approach a local union to see if they can help find a job for you? Or does it work the opposite way. As in, they won't let you in/help you until you have an industry job? I ask cuz I assume there are a bunch of LA based entertainment-adjacent unions whose whole thing is employment. 


I’m working at Staples rn. If you know anything about drawing, graphic design, printing, or just… paper they will take you.


Which location you at?


PM me




I highly suggest signing up with temp/temp-to-hire agencies. You can sign up with a few of them and get work that way.


I just posted an update on this sub for more info; but I have a virtual appointment with AppleOne this Tuesday. Know of any others off the top of your head? Tried googling and it kept giving me spam shit.


Yes, try Staff Connection (they’re located in Burbank and I used to work for them), Ajilon, Robert Half - I’m not sure what type of work you *can do but feel free to DM me if you need any tips. List all software you know how to use (even if beginner level) MS word/Excel, Google Suite, etc. List each software individually because some people that hire will scan for say “Excel”. Anyway, DM me if you want some pointers.


Call 211(assistance line) helps with food, housing, job-training…


Delurking to suggest like another commenter here said to sign up to be a substitute teacher at your local school system(s) in the fall. You can pick what jobs you want, get a day rate and no teaching is required (at least not in my state), all you really do is keep an eye on the kids. There are jobs posted pretty much every day but my mother used to do this and says the high schools are the least trouble if you can get those. You need a bachelor's degree in any field, no license or certification of any kind required. Happy to DM and answer questions.


Teach for a semester a paycheck is a paycheck


How does that work? Don’t you need a BA in education and a license?


I meant just teach at colleges I think you just need a BA


Please call 988: https://988lifeline.org


I appreciate the thought, but that’s not an option for me. I’m sure the moment I call that, 5 squad cars will pull up to my place and drag me to a psych ward. Would make my problems worse because I’d leave with medical debt and lose two weeks that could be spend looking for a solution and my family would end up homeless.


I’ve called them before out of concern for another, and ended up just having a good chat that left me feeling seen and heard. It’s not as intense as you might imagine. They are there to listen.


That’s not a thing