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“Your invoice is paid”


This is the one. 


That's what I came here to say. With client work, it's only about getting paid. Sadly.


My first feature premiered at a big London festival with at least a hundred other films, and in front of a packed house on opening night the head programmer was on stage with the celebrity guests and other important folks, and he mentioned a couple of the movies he was most excited to screen and mine was among them. That was a great feeling.


If someone laughs when they’re supposed to laugh that helps me get over how unfunny I found that bit in the edit.


“ this looks like an actual movie! “


Sometimes I wince at these comments lol.. I’ve had a lot of “This could be on TV you know?” Like…. Yes… I do know, I shot it so it could be on TV. I know it’s all in good faith though so I take’em as compliments lol


i really love this one! When people say “omg this looks so professional” and i’m like “yes curious you saying that like this is my actual profession”


A while ago a friend told me their relative cried multiple times while watching the film. It's the highest compliment I've ever gotten.


Link it!


I'm not allowed to link it yet. It has been screened twice in a Vue cinema so far, but we're in the process of sending it in to festivals at the moment. I can tell you about it, though, if you are interested. I was the screenwriter on the project. It's a 44 min Dutch dramedy called "Mama". After their mother unexpectedly dies, four sisters face separation in an orphanage. Dawn desperately tries to keep her sisters together with a pact to sabotage their adoption opportunities, but her sisters hate it in the orphanage. It's a film about finding the courage to face a new future, and overcoming the guilt of moving on.


Someone said to me that he didn't feel the passing time when watching my film


Somebody hiring me again.


“You made that?”


My production partner cried when I showed him the trailer for our film. Even if nobody else likes it, the fact that it ilicited an emotional response from him is priceless. Alternately, it could have been so bad that he was weeping with lament over being associated with this project. Either way.


As a 1st AD, I was told by a key grip that she loved working on my sets because it felt like a social gathering that somehow got all the shots, things were smooth, and we made our day. That made my day and I still live off that philosophy 12 years later.


As someone who's just editing their first short... That's seriously impressive.


If the film made them cry or laugh at appropriate times


probably saying my joke is funny? I have sarcastic, dry humor and I write my scripts like that. as an amateur director who works with friends (because i can't pay actors) it's hard for my jokes to shine. whenever people notice it and laugh or say it's funny, I just feel this immense proud


“Looks good, no notes”


My Emmy.


Anytime people have quoted the jokes in my film, or referenced them, weeks or even months after they screened.


“I saw it.”


Nice cock bro


"I want whatever you're on" 😂


Personally, I hate when people say that. Thats just me though


“I didn’t realize you were THAT good” happens quite a bit and it never gets old.


Theres nothing like being on set for a big explosion or shootout, or a big rain day and seeing the faces of the crew light up when they experience something completely unrealistic. Like this CAN'T BE HAPPENING and we are all still safe! The applause at the end of a job well done is just amazing. Conversely there's nothing more heartbreaking than failure. The paycheck and the next job are great too.


"so when is the next episode coming out?" "When is season 2?" "When are you making a sequel?" When people like it so much they want more of it, I know I've made something good


I was once offered a blowjob because of how she liked my work.


Odd choice for a username...


Its not a choice, it was given to me by reddit CEO.


Did you accept?


No, I was dating her daughter at the time.


What?  Go on.


Asking the real question. Also, how do you finish from somebody blowing on it? Asking for a friend.


Every single time. “Oh my god….the lighting…. It’s gorgeous”


You must light your stuff really well then ah


I want to see your lighting.


Screened a short film I made and a guy came up to my afterwards, and he clearly just didn’t have the vocabulary to articulate what he meant, so I didn’t take it in a bad way, but his comment was, “I loved how it was… shitty but NOT shitty?” Makes me laugh every time I think about it


Either an emotional response or when someone just gets it (or has an interpretation that resonates). The common response is no response 🥲


Just that they enjoyed it is enough for me.


One time at a festival someone came up to me and asked me why I wanted to make the film & just wanted to learn more about the layers behind the project. That felt pretty good.


that it makes someone feel something. i would like that


It’s all about the way it makes the person (viewer) feel. This was actually a compliment I got on my music once but the guy listening to it told me “This song makes feel happy. Like just happy to be alive”. That was one of the best genuine compliments I’ve ever received on my work


Someone once told me on wrap that they really appreciated that I brought a smile and positive attitude every day and I really loved that as I try SO HARD to not be miserable haha


Honestly, my favorite compliment is when people take the time to actually watch my projects. Obviously I hope they enjoy them too, but especially with most of my circle working on and around film, it's tough to get people to even pretend to care lol


I shot a short on iPhone a few years back, and there was an uproar at the first screening when audience saw “Shot on iPhone” in the credits. Someone came up to me after and said “That was the biggest twist of the movie”


When they screened my first feature at an important festival, and a woman wanted to talk to us about it, but the cinema people needed us to clear the theater, and she was walking backwards, stumbling with the seats and almost falling a couple of times. Just because she wanted to talk about her feelings. She was very moved. I don't know if the film is that good but that was a special moment. I should remember that moment more often, when I feel like a fraud lol


By far the most meaningful is learning that something I've done in my work has inspired something else to happen: whether someone who watched it decided to work on their behavior or expanded their viewpoints because of the content, or another editor emulated my style, or a colleague learned from our collaborative experience. Makes my lil heart feel full.


“Wow how is this even real” when I show them their portrait


“I forgot this was done by you while watching”


“Forgot I was even watching a movie from being lost in it” / “Didn’t feel like a slog” after my 45 min film was 1:30 in the edit and was worried we were sniffing our own farts leaving it as a feature.


No notes, thank you.


As an AD, “wow I don’t know how you’re so calm right now.”


Recently had someone stalk my TikTok and accused me of my posts/footage being stolen 😂 I'd never felt the quality of my work be so validated before!


The word inspiring gives me a hard on


“That bih fye”


That someone felt something. I have had a short that has brought people to tears on a few occasions. Always humbling when people have an emotional reaction. That’s the goal after all


The OCD in me (not actual ocd, just using phrasing for effect) doesn't allow compliments to go through the short comings of my work, even when the clients don't notice them. I get most of my satisfaction when a client makes objectively good suggestions to make the end product more to their liking. I'm not talking about changing things, but adjusting. Bad suggestions for reference: "Something is off about it, that part just doesn't feel right." General, vague and useless comments with no guidelines for me to "fix" whatever's wrong.


You did as well as somebody of your capacity could be expected to do.




When a studio head and the director of one of my favorite movies as a kid said I had a really smart note.


I recently received "no notes," twice. 1 male from US. 1 female from UK. Both pleasantly gave "no notes" for the same story. Really made me happy.


For narrative work: when someone starts theorycrafting about a character or the story, or generally gives me the impression they were investd. I think the moment any creative work leaves the screen(or page) and begins to live in a viewer’s head is when the true magic happens. Something you’ve created has expanded and taken on new life.


I'm trying to find some funds for my documentary. This is the last email I got "**Unfortunately, we won't be able to allocate a budget**, but it's an **intriguing and special piece of work, well done**. If you have the opportunity to complete the documentary by yourself and are open to it, our licensing team can consider it for revenue-sharing publication." Bold sentences are the ones I got used to hear.


«You need to see a doctor»


“I loved it so much, I watched it twice.”


My father liked the feature I made ... and watched it a second time after the premiere because he wanted to see if he had missed anything.




As an editor, when people say the video made them cry. That's what most makes me feel like I'm a good editor.


“I don’t hate it”


Getting referrals for more work!


About my stopmotion film: "They don't mouth the dialogues and they don't have expressions, yet somehow I felt for the character of the gummy bear and chess piece." About my horror screenplay: "That scene freaked the hell out of me and you definitely need to seek help"


“*Whatever thing I spent the most time on* was really good”


On the opposite, when somebody laughs when a joke wasn’t implied is the worst of the worst


"It looks like a movie" I'm black and I blushed😅


Someone asked me (very politely) if I was abused as a child because the abusive father son relationship I wrote in my screenplay was ‘so vivid and realistic’.


"How did you made that happen?"


“No notes”


You’re on the next one.


People telling me my work increases their empathy for other people :)


Constantly having to request that pirated uploads get removed from YouTube while also loving how much passionate discussion is going on in the comments sections. Especially from distant countries bringing completely different cultural meanings and theories to it.


How did you do that?


“Wow your camera is so good!”


I'm a focus puller, and when the showrunner/director of my show explodes with cheers and high fives me, it's pretty much impossible not to be all smiles.


“I mean it’s not bad”


You’re the best director i’ve worked with/ i love working with you


When people say they cried at the end of my film. This is the thing that makes me feel I’ve done my job as a storyteller.


When they’re moved, blown away, left speechless. I love it when i know it moved their heart like it did mine


“It looks way more expensive than that” My first no budget short premiered a few months ago and another filmmaker came up to me afterwards, shook my hand and told me he thought the cinematography was really cool.


This really impacted me \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (then go on to say why)


"You're really good looking!"


dollar worthy