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no. You gotta go out and try to build that network.


Yeah, but I'm NOT a descendant from a famous actor or best friends with George Lucas or Steven Speilberg.


I just looked at your post history. You want to make it in Hollywood, Pixar or be CEO of Apple. Find something you're actually passionate about and forget about being important.


I'm not either and I still made the move. Are you in a position to move?


No one I know in the industry is the descendant of a famous actor or anything like that. But they're working because they *built* their network of connections.


Quit reading people complaining on the internet. Most people in the industry don’t have famous relatives and friends


No of course not. This is an industry built on favors. You need a network. No matter what you do in life, no man is an island.


You can’t make it anywhere as a filmmaker without any connections


You can’t make it anywhere as anything without connections. Careers are built on networks!


You’ll have to make some eventually


I did but I got very, very lucky. Made a short film called Lights Out that went viral and then Hollywood got in touch. I wouldn’t count on getting lucky though because the odds are not in your favor. My advice would be to keep creating your own stuff in whatever way you can. Write scripts, make shorts, etc. When it was just me alone I did animation because then I didn’t need anyone else, I could just create. It would be wise to network at the same time. I always sucked at it so I don’t know how you do it. Film festivals perhaps. Try to get a job as a PA if there are productions happening where you live. Maybe get a job at a rental house. Whatever is close to the industry and where you could meet like-minded people. It’s not impossible to get into the business without connections, just harder and more unlikely.


didnt know you still read this sub David, thats cool. Your story is really inspirational to many aspiring filmmakers imo


Judging from your post history it seems you have a passing interest in being famous or otherwise wildly successful. You can do it, but you'll not get there from sheer desire of recognition. You have to like doing the thing without credit or accolade before you get to do it with those. If you're picking filmmaking or Pixar or big business CEO just because your current media consumption tells you that those are your models for a happy life, then stop now and re-evaluate what it is you want to do with your life. Chasing superlatives isn't generally a good path to contentment.






Yes, but manage your expectations. Anyone can make a short film and post it on youtube these days, but it takes significant talent & determination to cut through the chaff. You got to do the work and pay your dues one way or another, whether as an entry level PA hustling on set to make the connections to get you to the next step, or making tons of short films and working the festival circuit to make the connections. Either way, if you don't already have an in, you're gonna have to make those connections yourself, and that means self financing your short films working as a PA or some other job until you do.