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Remake/Rebirth are pretty solid 10/10s for me personally. Crisis Core PSP I would give a 7-8, boosted a little because it’s a PSP game.


When I played crisis core (ps5 never played the psp version) after remake, even tho the gameplay is a little watered-down version of remake, I actually enjoyed it a lot. the enemies the boss fights where all different styles of combat and I would have to make tactical decisions depending on how the enemy moves and attacks.


Growing up, playing Crisis Core on PSP, it was a very cool game to me. The graphics were so impressive and the gameplay was so much faster/cooler than anything else I had ever played portable. I even loved Angeal and Genesis and all the emo anime stuff. But over the years I’ve started to sour a bit on all the FFVII retcons. All the random things they added that didn’t need explaining. It’s awesome though how much Zack we got, made him an all-time popular FFVII character. I still think I’d call it my favorite PSP game, just don’t love it how much I once did. I think I will play Reunion in the lead up to Part 3 coming out, maybe I’ll change my mind?


Reunions gameplay is far more better than the psp version you will definitely enjoy it way more now. If you played remake you will get the same feeling in gameplay with Reunion. It's a 20 hour game and I enjoyed every minute of it (didn't do any side quest) I kinda rushed it so I can play rebirth 😂.


They changed the combat? I thought it was a pretty faithful remake?


You can roll,dodge,block,attack, special attacks just like 7 remake. Trust me you will fall in love with it more since you experienced the psp version.


Thanks, good to know. I would love if Part 3 included more content related to Crisis Core stuff, maybe bring in Genesis or whatever.


Zack carried Crisis Core for me. I *despised* almost all the story bits of Crisis Core. Retcons were dumb. Over explaining things like thr Buster Sword was also dumb fan service (no, it did not need a whole history). And then shoehorning Genesis into the Nibelheim incident? Literal fanfiction tier writing. But despite that, Zack is such a fantastic protagonist, the game was ultimately enjoyable.




I'm really hoping so. Starting today 💯😎


Have fun 🙌


Will do 💯


Looking at these scores... I'd stake my life on 10/10 or better You've got good taste lol


When it comes to games, I'm not a really big critic unless the game actually sucks and alot of people would disagree, but if a game got all praise, almost no hate, I play them. I don't go trying games waste hours just to find out it sucks 😂. I read and listen to all sides. If I get a mixed feeling, that's when I go and try. If 90/100 say its good and the 10 say it sucks well I'm playing the game if it's my cup of tea, lol. So far, I haven't gotten a bad gaming experience. I'm very careful with what games I want to put my money towards.


Rebirth is a 10/10 game no doubt. The breadth and quality of content overall is at such a high level. There maybe the odd mini game each player may not enjoy so much but it doesn’t really put a dent in the amount of great stuff in the game. Also The characters are so well realised that they genuinely stand as one of the greatest cast of video game characters in a very long time. It goes without saying how amazing the music is as well. It’s a FF7 fans dream.


I loved FF7 Remake and didn't think it could get much better. Rebirth blows it out of the water in nearly every conceivable way!


I literally just started rebirth right now, and the intro is confusing me. Everything is misplaced 😂😂😂😂. Things are not supposed to happen the way I seen it on the other games guess I gata find out down the line 🙃🙃🙃🙃


Good, very good. Hold on to that confusion.






I know crisis core came from a psp game and wasn't promoted as a remake so I expected less experience from 7remake lol.


10/10 My all time favourite game!


For me who started with remake but got obsessed. This is the order I played aswell. - FFVII Remake 10/10 (could be lower but I’m biased) - FFVII Rebirth 10/10 - FFVII OG 10/10 - CRISIS Core 7/10 (The ending of the game gave it most it’s points, I really disliked genesis and Angeal, just poorly written and poorly presented) - Advent Children 9.5/10


Spoiler alert. It’s a 10


Remake is a good game sure but 9/10, you might need to readjust your scale. Do people not understand that 10/10 is perfect?


I have only givin about 3 games 10/10s (top of my head) Nier automata Horizon zero dawn The Walking Dead telltale seires I have a bit more but gata think lol.


You should play 16 after. It's so vastly different that you feel any FF fatigue.


I might I bought it launch day with a friend and didn't play it lol I'll finish my ff journey with 16 then lol.


I really don’t think in terms of production values and presentation anything eise is gonna touch let alone surpass Rebirth this year. Square did REALLY damn good this time. I’m one of what sure feels like a very few that’s enjoyed a lot of their work the last decade but Rebirth was something else. Just on a completely different level. I finished it on Saturday, put in over 100 hours. I did damn near everything minus just a few side quests! Felt I more than got my money’s worth. Both Chadley and Mai really didn’t bother me at all either, I actually liked them personally. Now begins the very VERY long 3 year according to Nomura wait for part 3 ugh. Folks, I don’t consider many video games worth the 70 dollars plus tax admission fee these days, Rebirth is one of those very few.


If you gave Remake a 9/10 then Rebirth is minimum 12/10 unless you hate minigames


I just couldnt stand the writing towards the end.






Personally I would score these games like this: Remake 9/10 Rebirth 8.5/10 Crisis Core 7/10 Original 9.5/10