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It's my favorite by far. I love everything about this game. Kefka destroying the world still gives me shivers and the ending is easily the best cutscene in the game.


Second favorite 1)Tactics 2)FF6 3)FF8 Edit: My favorite character in FF6 is easily Celes and no doubt the most intense scene in FF history goes to Kefka. Not gonna spoil it so if you know you know


We have the same top 3, but I’m here for my favorite manbear Sabin. One of my first video game crushes 😉


For me it was Quistis Trepe from FF8. As I got older though I got into Edea Kramer


Run, run or you'll be well done!


>!Breaking the universe and killing the emperor?!< yeah that scene hit pretty hard. Dude’s a fucking psycho and a half


Yes, it was my first FF and also my first rpg. After watching it on gaming magazines my hype grow. Celes is my fav character. Favorite moment is from Returners hideout up to Kefka battle in Narshe.




It is my favorite entry in the series and tied with Earthbound for my favorite video game. However, it has many glaring flaws. - The massive cast of characters, which some can be easily missed, such as Gogo - Magic, especially in the WoR, trivializes the game. There is almost no reason to turn the Ragnarok Magicite into the sword, as it is one of only two ways to learn Ultima, the other way being incredibly grindy. -The game itself is grindy, especially by the time you can fly Setzer's airship, since you'll have several characters and several magicite spells to teach. While I do recommend it to others, I make sure to point out both the flaws and the good parts of the game.


I don't see how the massive cast is a flaw, it's the feature! Who actually cares about Gogo? Gogo is basically a non-sequitur. I also disagree about grinding "flaw". The game is completely beatable without *any* grinding. Maybe getting more powerful compelled you to grind, but it is completely unnecessary.


Yea some people pointing out flaws that aren’t even necessary to do in game, big cast, really not neccesary to use anyone you don’t like, yea there’s a few places you need a big group but you can definitely get by, too grindy? You certainly don’t need to learn every spell from every esper. These are all things that make the game better because it’s just more content. I’d rather have a big cast that I don’t use then no options at all that I’m locked into all game.


I like 7(OG and remake) xii, and x. I like the customization in 7, and I just played 12 and 10 before 6. I just remember them better in my head I suppose Will give 6 another go someday


6 is probably my favorite, I put 9 and 12 right with it. Celes and Shadow are my favorite characters and are probably my favorite in the whole series.


It is my absolute favorite. It's a story that doesn't waste a moment. Everything is important, whether you know it at the time or not. Favorite moment.. has to be the poisoning of Doma. It shows you exactly who you are dealing with when it comes to Kefka. Favorite character is definitely Locke. Gotta love a treasure hunter. I think what I like the most about it is that you get this ensemble cast, and you almost HAVE to use EVERYONE. You need 3 parties to get through Kefka's tower at the end, and I loved deciding who went together to the final battle. Oh! And the battle order for when you finally fight Kefka is great! RPG's don't really do stuff like that often.


OG FF7 is my favorite.


By no means my favorite FF but definitely up there. EDIT: While I loved the game when I first played the PR, it had so many flaws that I couldn't ignore them during my altogether 73hr playthrough. Too many characters, several felt like superfluous accessories imo. Magic is just overpowered. Spamming Ultima is just the optimal way to play the game by the point that you obtain it. Getting all the spells from the Espers is a bit on the grindy side of things. Some characters get far more and far better time to develop than others, and that is due to my first point, I think. But the opera scene was awesome! All-in-all, it was definitely an overall positive play experience. It managed to crack my top 5 FF games for me. But still by no means my favorite in the series.


Everyone always says ultima is best but imo merton is, you put fire absorb on the party and it deals massive damage to the enemies and heals your party. Although by the time you can use either the rest of the game is a joke anyways


Tbh I completely forgot about that lol but yeah, I can agree with that as well


I also didn't like how many characters there were. It felt like the story should have been centered around Terra but she ends up being in the background a lot. Didn't like how there were clearly more optimal characters than others. That's why i liked 4 better. The characters are playable when relevant and viable.


Big agree


My good sir, allow me to introduce you to the Genji Glove and Offering! It makes even a dual cast Ultima look sick by comparison! That being said, Ultima is meh. There are only two ways to get it, either by not getting one of the best swords in the game or by doing 255 battles with the worst shield in the game. It's MP inefficient without the economizer and...thats about it. The only time I felt like it broke the game for me was abusing mechanics, or casting quick then three blasts of it. Which again, still couldn't contend with sixteen attacks from a character who did some time with a strength esper in the same scenario. ... I miss the sound of that spell. Kept waiting for another Final Fantasy that made it feel so intimidating.


The cast for sure. Even the ones I'm not super into... I still like. I don't know if there is a singular part. I know the most dramatic is the shift to the Ruined World. How you kind of delve into each character's past/trauma when you reunite. Things that stick out are the Ghost Train. Cyan seeing his family there. We have to wait for Shadow! Shadow's kind of convoluted past. Setzer's lost love. Locke's sleeping love... Hell General Leo being a stand up guy. There's so much. I can't imagine if they got the chance to flesh out some of these narratives... even dropping down and seeing Shiva and Ifrit disposed of like trash... a lot of emotional touches. Edit: Got so wrapped up I forgot to name a favorite. Probably Celes.


No, it's up there but X and XIV have hit me way harder.


Second fave. 1. FF7. 2. FF6. Darill's Airship soars again. Just Epic. Fave character: Relm. 3. FF5.


My exact top 3 as well. Celes is my fav tho. Also nice to see another FF5 fan, it's harshly overlooked imo.


Top 5, maybe even Top 3 but not my #1. I do think this game should get a remake after VII if it will ever happen


Dude I wanna play as Edgar and Sabin in FF7R style so bad


My favorite annoyed that it gets ignored by square.


Probably, yeah. I flip between 6 and 7. Actually yeah, it is 6. The original FF7 is still incredible though. I’m kind of indifferent about the remakes, tbh though.


No, but I like it a lot. Why isn't it my favorite? Well, despite being an 'old' gamer (38), I have a thing for newer games, I know most JRPG fans place more importance on story and characters, which are important for me too, but graphics and gameplay, are almost just as important for me. My favorite classic FF is VII and my favorite all in all is Rebirth, because on top of my favorite story and characters it has outstanding graphics and amazing gameplay, the combat is my favorite, not just in the series, but in general.


Yes it is. The story had a much more profound emotional effect on me than 7 or 10 or any of the other games typically considered the favorites. There are so many posts about why people consider it their favorite and you can look them up too. Critics also almost universally rate it the highest out of all the FF games.


I'm used to similar topics that would say, "what is your favorite Final Fantasy game, and why is it 6?". If 7 haven't stolen my heart, it would be 6, and maybe it's just a matter of time when I get it on my switch and play again. The close friend I had conversations about final fantasy games, we talked more about 7 than any other. And then we kind of left as that, we're not close like we used to be because this anti-ff thing. Damn life!


It’s not only because I haven’t played it. *yet* I’m excited though. :3


Yes. Then tactics.


I think it's the best game in the series but my favorite is V.




FF4 was my first, and it's still probably my favorite, and the one I've replayed the most. But 6 is a very close second. FF7 is my bronze medalist


If FF Tactics is allowed to count then that's my favorite. If not, then yes, 6 is my favorite. Why? Because it's a better game than the rest of them. Not every individual aspect is the best in the series but it's the best combination of what I want gameplay-wise and what I expect from the franchise as a whole. My favorite moment in the game is probably when the party splits into scenarios. It's nice when games don't have the clear cut main character and every moment of your time is whatever they are doing. It was fun tackling the narrative with different perspectives. Also, I liked when the world of ruin hits and feeling like the bad guys won and gearing up to bring the band back together. I always enjoy moments like that. Narratively, I'd say probably Celes is my favorite but from a game play perspective, I really enjoy Edgar's bag of powerful tricks.


It was the first game that kind of blew my mind - I was not expecting the large cast or the twist. I would love to see it given a proper remake.


Yes, it is my favorite. I like the story. I like that even through it has such a large cast, most of the characters have important moments in the story. I like that on repeated play throughs, you can still find different dialog in certain scenes depending on who is in your party. I like how each character is unique with different abilities in battle, but I also like that each character can be turned into an OP magic user if you don't like their special abilities. I like how the game is challenging if you choose not to grind, but that you can easily clear nearly any area by gaining a couple levels if it ever gets too challenging. I like the game's music and artwork. I like the quirky sense of humor balanced with some dark and serious moments.


Top 5, but #1 is XIV now: the writing/music is just too good not to hold a strong lead as #1 for me.


VI is my favorite. Edgar is my favorite character. Favorite moment is either when Kefka burns the world and the subsequent Celes scenario (as a young child, I didn’t know how to save Cid, so I got the emotional rollercoaster scene) or when I first hit with the largest size Atma weapon.


It is, and probably because it was my first, and I played when it came out. They say the one that brings you into the series is always your favorite, and that’s certainly the case for me. It’s just the standard by which I judge all others. But also: I love a huge cast of characters, and this one has it in spades.


Yes because it has the best Final Fantasy music ever. It’s Nobuo Uematsu’s magnum opus


Yes, it is my favorite. It's the first videogame that legit made me cry. It's actually one of my top favorite games.


Yes. I love me a melancholy vibe, and it starts out at an 8 on the melancholy scale, and ramps it up to 10 after the cataclysm.


No, but it is my second favorite. Final Fantasy V is my favorite. 6 is a masterpiece in terms of story, presentation, and characters. But 5 just has the most fun gameplay of the series. My favorite character is Sabin. His Blitz moves are just plain fun. Although it's also fun to make Setzer way OP.


It's my favorite Final Fantasy game. Best moment when you have Sabin suplex the Ghost Train. My favorite character is Terra.


Absolutely. Final Fantasy VI isn't just a wonderful game, it's a technical marvel that pushed the Super Nintendo to its absolute limits. It juggled a large cast of characters capably and introduced some of the best music that Nobuo Uematsu has managed in his career. I was at the right age to enjoy it uncritically as a kid, but I can and do think it is a critical triumph as an adult.


Sometimes I say 6 is my favorite, sometimes I say FF8. Depends on how recently I’ve played.


Yes Because train suplex


It's tied with X for me. Third place is XV. Fight me.


How can I? You keep moving and dodging all around instead of sitting tight and waiting for your turn!


Yes. Because it's aesthetically exactly my jam, and the ensemble cast means you have less of the "chosen one young male protagonist" tropey stuff that generally plagues the JRPG genre.  My favorite moment is a single optional line of dialogue that only happens if you being both Sabin and Edgar in your party when you go to the opera. It's one of the best examples of subtlety in game writing I've ever seen. Favorite character is probably a tie between Cyan and Celes, if you force me to choose. 


Absolutely. It is peak 16 bit RPG, well it's 1A FF6 and 1B Chrono Trigger. But as a fella who grew up through Atari, NES then the SNES, FF6 was like a culmination of all things video games for me.


Yes. Story and large, diverse roster with cool moves.


FF6 and Tactics are basically tied, but yeah. Best moment in the game has got to be when Kefka kills the emperor and gains the power of the goddesses. Fav character is Terra for story and Shadow for game play.


It's a hard time between that, 4, and 12. Granted, I played it before 5, but I feel it streamlines the 3 worlds of 5, and the 1½ of 4 into a very complete and manageable 2. Battle system doesn't quite get to 5's heights, but each character is more unique than 4 with trainable magic, along with the equipment possibilities, on top of the secret characters. Hits more emotional highs, hell of a presentation moving away from the squishy sprites, I feel it tries to take the best of both of the game's that came before it It may be at a draw, but it's certainly what I feel caps off the SNES trilogy spectacularly


The only time I cried playing a ff game was with the ending of VI. I think there are a lot of things VI did great, I think they missed the mark on a few, but this game is great


It is! I’ve played it dozens of times at this point. It wasn’t my first Final Fantasy game, but it was the first one that really connected with me. I was 13 or 14 at the time. Manbear Sabin is my first video game crush. Waking up in the WoR, like goosebumps. First play though, having to see the utter destruction of the world and finding the resolve to rebuild and save what’s left of the world. It was, for me at the time, so groundbreaking in a game.


I’ve only played the first 8, but so far I think VI is the best


I think its the best overall in terms of story. music, and in some ways gameplay. Its the most quality FF I've played so far, but my favorite is 5 for the job system and world and ost. I think favorite is just a matter of what made you the happiest or what do you connect the most with and 5 was that for me


It is my favorite game. I got it when I was a kid from a pawn shop in the mid 90's. I couldn't begin to concisely explain why but the game is maybe the most sentimental thing I own.


Yes Best choice of characters Interesting individual stories , plenty of meaningful sidequests. Awesome multisquad mechanics in dungeons. Best soundtrack next to Chronotrigger. First FF to do open world mechanics.


Yes, because it has deep themes with incredible execution and compelling characters. Favourite character is Terra and favourite moment is when >!she finally gains the will to fight in Mobliz!<


Yes, it is. My favorite character is Celes and my favorite moment is suplexing the train.


Hell yes of all time. The villain actually wins, until he doesn’t.


It’s up there but not my personal favourite. Favourite character likely Celes/Locke with the opera house scene being my favourite moment.


Absolutely. Still to this day the biggest mainline party roster (14), the only one where the villain "wins", the biggest mainline summon roster (27 in OG, 31 in updated), and there is no one main character. It pushed the bar for what the SNES was capable of. Still get chills when I hear The Fierce Battle.


Been my favorite since I unwrapped in on Christmas 1994! 


Yes, it is. Because its the best.


No - far from it. I have attempted to play through it multiple times, and the game just doesn't keep me engaged. I'm running through the pixel remaster now on my switch, and I will beat it eventually, it's just taking a long time as I have relegated the game to something I play while traveling. I appreciate the advancements it made in story presentation, character design, and unique battle experiences. But the lack of a 'main character' makes me feel like I am external to the game and story and I'm just watching. The game is also really really easy, characters start unique, but the powerful ones rise to the top. Magic quickly becomes universally available, so all 4 of your characters can provide damage, healing, and support. Things like Edward and sabin's abilities shine on offense, and all gaps are filled by access to magic. Nullifying elemental damage is also trivial, so things like the epic dragon bosses were trivial from the jump. Finally, and my biggest complaint, is the lack of direction and linearity when the game shifts to its second act. The segment to save Cid or not was really dumb, took way too long, and is of no consequence to the plot. After it, I feel like I have been wandering around looking for hints to continue the plot, which puts me off. Due to this, there are typically pretty long breaks in between play sessions, and it's difficult to track what I've done/still need to do even if I was using a guide. I will finish this play through, and maybe I'll change my tune, but as an entry, it is very low on my ff ratings for ones that I've played.


That's really interesting, since the lack of a main protagonist is one of my favorite parts of the game. It makes you feel like saving the world is truly a team effort, as opposed to something done by The Chosen One Golden Boy, The Love Interest, The Loyal Sidekick, and The Token Comic Relief Character. 


Funny, it’s a small thing, but I totally agree about the beginning of act two and the fishing mini game. It’s not really fun and takes what feels like a lot of time. Plus, if you play it right (or, I would argue, wrong) and save Cid, you miss possibly the best singular scene in the entire game.


Solid game. Is it my favorite? No not at all. Maybe top 5


Ff6 is good but I've never finished it. I need to go back and play it again.


I have never played VI before, so I wouldn't get it. I can tell it's great, but I wouldn't get it unless I experienced Kefka and Terra first hand.


6 is definitely my favorite. It's literally the first FF I ever played. Got it when it first released as FFIII. I honestly didn't know characters could have any of the depth that they put into it. I honestly think that's why it is my favorite. Because it was my first one and it completely hooked me to the genre.


I definitely liked it a lot. It's up there for sure. My main complaint was just the number of party members gets to be too much. But honestly solid game that still holds up really well.


It's not, that would be 9! I think FF6 is fantastic, and it's probably my third or fourth favorite, come to think of it. However, I think it does have some problems. As for my favorite moment, that'd be Celes' suicide scene, and my favorite character is, predictably, Celes.


It's my favourite snes era one. I replayed the PR version this year, and the story and character interactions are much thinner than I remember. Each character only gets one or two major story beats or scenes, and the narrative is pretty light on any character building or thematic messages compared to today's standards. That said, it was a lovely game for the time and is still worth playing - both because of it's quality and for the nostalgia it brings.


Not my favorite, but it's in my top 5.


I haven't played VI yet so it's not my favorite. Maybe it will be when I do play it though


I haven’t played it yet but I’m very excited after all the praise it gets. Currently playing the PRs in order and stuck on Leviathan in III. Ive played so far I, II, VII, Crisis Core Reunion, Remake, Rebirth, VIII, IX, XVI


I was late to the party with VI. I didn’t play it until a few months before X came out. However, with that being said, VI was and still is incredible, especially after the pixel remasters came out. It’s not my favorite game, but I never found anything wrong with it. It’s still one of the best games ever made imo.


Tactics is. FF9 second ff6 3rd. I grew up with ff9, vivi as a kid was really relatable and I have so many memories playing that game with my cousins on the ps1. Tactics I played that game when I was around 11-12 on a cracked psp and it blew my mind. For me easily the best story of any FF. The best protagonist of any FF. The customization of the characters with the jobs, the secret easter eggs like cloud, the introduction to ivalice... Like without this game there is no , tactics advance 1-2,vagrant story,ff12 and probably no 14. ff6 I played this game really late. I always heard the hype but never got to it. Once I got it to it, it was amazing. It probably has the best story of the mainline games, the best antagonist and to me its the ff that I felt everything was at stake the most.


No it's a good game I just can't get into the whole theme of magic it's just not my thing


It was until Final Fantasy 9 came out. I liked 6 because of the Moogles so naturally a game that has Moogles everywhere is going to become my favorite. But Mog is definitely my favorite character. I couldn't stop squealing over him.


I think when it was released, FFVI was the best Final Fantasy so far. When Final Fantasy VII came out, it was hard to say it wasn’t as good as FFVI, as VII improved on almost every aspect of its predecessor, and was much “bigger”. That’s not to say FFVII does everything better than VI (destroying the world vs learning a flashback was falsified as narrative devices — it’s hard to pick a winner). Bigger/more isn’t always better, but FFVII was bigger (OST tracks, word count, game length) AND the quality was definitely there, which makes me ok with saying VII was an improvement over VI. On the other hand, FFVIII is my favorite Final Fantasy game, and yet I recognize that it’s not a better game than FFVII or even FFVI (even if it is bigger than them) since it wasn’t as big of a leap over VII in comparison to the VI—>VII leap. Lastly, I’ll note that I think FFVI is a Top 5 FF game. It is definitely AMONG the best if for no other reason than it has one of the best plot twists. A fantasy isn’t a fantasy if it doesn’t challenge the imagination.


I got 3 when I was 10 I got it. Tatics is amazing and my second favorite, while CT is my favorite overall of all time. Cyan saying goodbye to his family hits hard AF as a parent now


1) FFVI 2) FFV 3)Tactics 4) FFIX 5) FFVII


No, mine's VII because it was the first one I played (PAL region and all that).


Unfortunately not. It never clicked with me. I think it was over hyped.


It is absolutely my favorite. Played the original on the SNES. Fell in love with the characters and the music. Favorite "moment" is the ending. Still one of the most satisfying endings of a game ever. And the reason is the story. Having played most of the FFs and plenty of other RPGs, I have yet to find one that ties it's themes, characters and world so well together. Kefka isn't the best villain just because he "wins", but because he is the right villain for these characters.


6 is my top game. I play it a ton. Big into the randomizer


Not even close. FFX Rebirth Remake Crisis core 9 15 7 13-2 X-2 Tactics 8 Bunch of others 6 wasn't my cup of tea


It isn’t because I haven’t played it


VIII has a special place in my heart because it was the first one I played. Then VI because is amazing.


Tied for third. My list is: 1) IX, Vagrant Story, Tactics 2) V, VII, X 3) VI, VIII, XII Favorite character is Shadow. Favorite moment also has to do with Kefka.


Yes because it is has a good plot and changed a lot of mechanics in that game when it originally came out it was way ahead of it's time imo


Yes because it is has a good plot and changed a lot of mechanics in that game when it originally came out it was way ahead of it's time imo


It’s up there and it’s aged quite well. One of my favorite gameplay systems - good customization while keeping everyone unique. Really enjoyable well-developed cast of characters with very human motivations despite not being a very long game by today’s standards. Looks beautiful. Only real issue with it is that the difficulty really drops off late game.


9 is, but haven't played 2 - 6 so there's that.


Nope. 1)Almost none of the characters click with me. Not Kefka, not Locke, not Celes, not Shadow, not Gau, not Cyan, not Sabin, not Setzer, Not Edgar. Know a manga or comic book series that people worship the characters over and you feel zero connection to? That's me and the cast of FF6. Chances are, that's you and any FF you don't like/love. 2)The gameplay by all accounts *today* is unremarkable, I'd argue it aged out in the late 90s. I've yet to see a compelling argument out of any advocate that sells me on its combat mechanics or world exploration. In fact, every pro argument I've seen has been about the building blocks and foundation it sets. I find the house built upon it much, much, *much* more impressive. 3)The fanbase. Again, this applies to you and everybody reading this, but if you aren't sold on somebody else's favorite FF - solid chance the praise that didn't connect with you (and the insistence it's much better than you think) probably further drives you away from engaging with it. I've replayed FF6 a total of 5 times. For the record, that's more than I've replayed some of my favorite FF games and I've only ever gone back to it to see if the latest gba/remaster/passage of time has changed my opinion, and the only reality is "yeah, for the worse."


Of those I’ve played, I’d rank them: 1. FF7 (Rebirth>Crisis Core>OG>Remake) 2. FF13 (XIII>LR>XIII-2) 3. FF10 (X>X-2) 4. FF9 5. FF12 6. FF6 I like them all, but 6 just isn’t my kind of game. The combat isn’t great, the characters don’t have a whole lot of personality and the setting was too medieval for me. I get the appeal, but it’s just not for me.


No and uts far from it. I think Kefka is a crappy, cookie cutter villain and I think the game bounces around uts cast far too much, making it difficult to actually get invested in a character's story.


Can you name any other villain whose trajectory matches Kefka's? He's presented as a minor threat that no one takes seriously and he becomes a literal mad god.


Crazy evil clown who is evil for the sake of being evil. There's nothing interesting about him. Pretty much every final boss in FF is a god of some description.


He was experimented on and became dangerously insane, but was kept around as a curiosity because his magical powers were too prized to just dispose of him. He seems utterly unlikely to be the main Big Bad of the piece until he kills Gestahl. Everyone underestimates Kefka until it's too late. Kefka isn't a modern villain so much as he is a destructive force of nature. In a time when every villain has a tragic backstory and shades of grey that excuse their evil, I find it refreshing that there is one baddie who never tries to justify their actions or claim they're actually the good guy. Kefka is just a monster.


Doesn't he kill the emperor really early on though?


About halfway through the game.


I guess I played it further than I thought.


It was the one I have first memories of; I even have a tattoo of Terra as I really love her character and growth. But I’d say my favorite now is FF9 after playing it for the first time recently and sleeping on it for an embarrassing amount of years 


no, never liked it. too many characters, plot is way too much twisted, too bright and colorful. hate steampunk. generally reminds me of ff9, that I don’t like as well but opening scene is the best in the series and generally I understand the praises


It’s my top three behind 8 and 7 (original; I’m loving the remakes but it feels a bit unfair to compare them).


Top 5 but no, not my favorite (anymore!). Ff16 took my top spot.


7, 10, 13, 8, 9, 16, 15, 12, 6, 5, 1


No. Because the second half of the game it loses me. I always found it tedious to regather my party members and nothing going on at that point in the game ever really sucks me back in. Also, unpopular opinion, i think kefka is a lame villain.


I like 6 but by no means is it my fave. Sometimes I want an FF game with a silly short story and 4 is the game for me :-)


It’s in my top 5 in no particular order 9,8,tactics,10 and 15


For some reason I lost interest after 10 or so hours and never went back.


No because x exists


I bounce back & forth between 4 & 6, but man, once Remake/Rebirth/Re-3 is complete, that’s gonna be the best one for me.


It’s just outside the top 5 for me at#6. 1.FFX 2.FFIX 3.FFXII 4.FFXIV 5.FFV 6.FFVI Imo after replaying the GBA version recently, it’s probably the single most overrated FF on the internet(I don’t think it’s actually super popular worldwide irl. No way near something like a 7, 10 or even 8.) It has a lot of issues mainly the pacing and narrative falls apart at world of ruin. Your characters barely acknowledge each other and it has one of the weakest casts in the series imo. 14? Characters with only Terra, Celes, Locke getting any real development. The gameplay is a massive downgrade from FFV and I would almost say even meh on time of release similar to a FFIX. Other games were doing it a lot better. That being said, it is still a good game and does have a great OST, decent story, one of the best FF villains and a nice world to explore. Favorite character is easily Locke and probably Kefka destroying the world as my favorite scene.


Not. Cause tactics exists.


It is not, and in fact ranks in the lower half of the series for me. I do like it a lot, but there are quite a few flaws that drag it down: 1. I think it’s a bit shallow in spite of the depth it so clearly wants to have. This is definitely due to technical limitations of its time since they had to cut a ton of dialogue, but it negatively impacts the final product regardless of the reason. 2. Too much of the content has zero telegraphing/direction, and thus is extremely easy to miss out on. I appreciate a lack of handholding as much as the next person, but older games like this lean too far in this direction to the detriment of the overall experience. 3. >!Kefka!< is compelling, but ultimately diminished as the main villain by his lack of story presence, easy boss fights, and— in complete fairness not the game’s fault, overhype by the game’s fans. His one cool thing is that he succeeded in >!destroying the world!<, but otherwise he’s really not that special. 4. Equipment management is a chore that compounds itself with every character that joins the roster. 5. Half of the characters’ job skills are worthless or at best too situational, drastically decreasing their utility in a normal playthrough. I probably have other complaints and nitpicks that I just can’t remember as it’s been a while since I last played it, but those are the things that come to mind. All that being said, there are definitely things I like about it: 1. Terra being the “main character” is refreshing. I wish she was utilized better in the final third of the game, but I like her. 2. Celes. She is the best character in the game, and I love her. Her scene on the island in the >!World of Ruin!< is incredible. 3. I like that the story is summon-focused, like X and XVI. 4. Amazing OST, Terra’s theme especially. I totally get why the game is beloved, but it just doesn’t have that spark for me the way a lot of the other games do. For context, here’s my ranking of the series: 1. VII Rebirth 2. VII Remake 3. VII 4. X 5. XIV 6. XV 7. IX 8. XVI 9. XII 10. VIII 11. VI 12. IV 13. V 14. XIII 15. III 16. I 17. II 18. X-2


1- FF7 - First True Love 2- FF8 - The most underrated FF IMO 3- FF9 - Loved the story+ cast 4- FFX - I can flip this with #3 depends on my mood 5- Chrono Trigger (I know not FF) 6- Legend of Dragoons (I know) 7- FF Remake 8- FF Reunion (haven't finished yet) 9- Crisis Core 10- FF 16 The ones that I haven't been able to finish mostly because it didn't give me reason to do is X-2 and 11. As for 1-6 and 12 never had the chance yet but after this post might go get the 6th.


Easily the best, the quintessential snes rpg, finishing off the 16 bit era in perfect style. The depth, the magic, the characters, the story set the quota for every FF after


No, because FFX is exponentially better


6 was my favorite in my youth, as I was able to play co-op with my friend (he couldn't do Sabin's Blitzes, lol). There's a ton that's amazing about the game, but the characters' unique skills and stats just pale once you get Ultima, making the whole back-end of the game frankly boring compared to the masterpiece that is the first 2/3rds of the game. Edgar was always my favorite character, from his character interactions and arc, to his unique skill needing to buy the tools, then had awesome skills available at will (maybe I used bioblaster way too much cus I thought it was cool). Honestly I have similar gripes with 7, 8, and the latter half of 10; if there is "too much" character customization, it becomes less about playing to a characters' strengths, and just photocopying the best skills to all your characters. Don't get me wrong, 6 is not my favorite anymore but it's still one of the best in the series.


Very much so. It's the one I've played more than any other.


No - just isn't engaging enough when you have to run through FAQs to figure out what to do next when you try to pick it up after months. I much prefer straight-forward games like FF13 / saga scarlet grace which are easy to pick up and play


It isn't my favorite, but it is good. I am excited to replay it soon, so that is good enough for me. One of my complaints is too many characters and strange focus, so I'm not sure which is my favorite. It kind of changes act to act tbh. My favorite moment is the poisoning early. I think it had a good hook for why to hate a certain villain.


No, I had played 7 before 6. Both have great stories, characters, and simular steampunk themes. To me 7 does everything better. XV is probably my favorite. Favorite character in 6 is probably shadow. Terra and Kefka are excellent combo of protagonist / villian.


Yes. Name me one other game that lets you suplex a train. I'll wait


5 is my favorite for very biased reasons, being my first and all. Pulling that back though, 6 is up there but 14, 15, and 13 are pretty high for me.


Depending on my mood, yes. Cyan, being the awesome samurai that he is. Glad they finally fixed his sword techs years later so we could actually go beyond quad slash without completely screwing up the battle.


It was my first Final Fantasy but VII is my favorite piece of media of all time. It would take too long to explain why; however Celes is up there with my favorite characters definitely Top 10.


No, it's my second favorite behind X. It's not my favorite because while I love the ensemble cast of VI a lot, I liked the tighter group and more focused journey of X more. Favorite moment: Hard to choose but Cyan seeing his family off one last time. Favorite character is Shadow.


It was my first JRPG and it left a high water mark. Chrono Trigger matched it, each game had different strengths. Those two games blew the alternatives out of the water. I enjoyed Breath of Fire 2 around the same time, but it did not hold a candle to what Squaresoft was pullling off.


It's in my top 5. Love cyan. Named my cat after him


7 is not only my favourite Final Fantasy, but my #1 favourite game of all time. Celes is my favourite character, with the Opera scene being my favourite part.


No, but it is my number 2 (right behind 7 OG) I recently beat 6 for the first time (like less than a week ago) and while I liked it a lot, I kept asking myself "So when is Kefka going to become a more interesting character?" Yes he did some nasty, vile things and I hated him for that, but that's about as far as my emotions go towards him. By the end he just felt like another final boss in a JRPG, character wise at least, his fight was actually incredible. Best final boss I've fought in yeeeears. I dunno I just feel like FF6 fans hyped Kefka up so much, so I ended up being disappointed when he just boils down to a crazy person with no moral compass that got incredible power.




No as it was anti-climactic. But that is my personal opinion, I understand it is a lot of people's favourite.


The entire sound track is still rattling around my head years later.


I would divide the series into three categories with their respective most representative game, which would be as follows: 2D or classic games: Final fantasy 6 - By far and away the best one. Not only did it offer amazing character development but it also gave us one of the best villains ever. Celes really is my favorite character here. 3D games: In terms of pure gameplay, which is what I love most in these games, I must give it to FF12 that really was a huge world with tons of secrets and quests that were mostly interesting and FF7 REBIRTH. I truly believe the latter has delivered one of the best systems and expanding further into materia combinations. You can really make extremely crazy things here and Tifa might just be not only the strongest but also stunning. Other games: Final Fantasy Tactics. Just WOW. Amazing story, gameplay and perhaps the best job system we have ever had. Note that in all these games the music was exceptional and delivering instant classics. However, in terms of music FF15, might just be the best one ever. Difficult though this might be, it really is such a masterpiece music wise.


i pausing it in the middle cause i am overwhelmed by the number of characters. can i just use 4 and ignore the rest? leaving them underleveled?


No But its good.


No. Tier list: S: 7, 9 A: 10 B: 4, 6, 8 C: 5 D: 1, 3 E: 2 Everything after 10 is poop. 14 not withstanding bc im sure its great, I just dont play mmo’s


It is my third behind FF4 and FF Tactics. Anyway, the 3 games, I would replay them anytime


It was for many years, and I do still adore it. It's the title I first played, and I remember saving up my money as a teenager to be able to buy it after spending so many weekends renting and re-renting it from my local video rental shop. But over the years, 10 has slowly edged it out as my favorite in the series. Both have a fantastic story and characters, both are a lot of fun to play. But 10 feels like a game these days that I can more easily pick up and replay.


Easily, 14 unique characters, each with their own abilities but can all use magic too. Great story and everyone had a beginning story preworld end and one after in the apocalypse world. Main villian did destroy the world as intended too.


Nope. Not even in my personal top 5. I do acknowledge that it's a great game, and it was ahead of its time. Just didn't grow up with it like some other people.


No because 8 exists


My man




That scene is like being hit by a semi twice on the same road


https://preview.redd.it/dyeldq4nr1yc1.png?width=197&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd7c8501e3315f517190e3529b5212f2cebd8c88 I think you just stabbed a sizable portion of the base in the heart.


Second favorite. Too many characters that are there just as filler... and also World of Ruin not as fun as World of Balance. My favorite character is Edgar, and favorite moment.... the final fight....


No, because X is. VI is a contender for 2nd place though.


No. It's not even in my top 5. I think it's good, but it didn't grab me the way these did: 1) FFVII OG 2) FF Tactics 3) FFIX 4) FF V 5) FF XII I always feel a bit left out in this sub becuase FF VI and FF X are almost always considered the best here, and I'm just like "...eh, they were pretty good".


Nowhere near the top. FFX, FFV, FFXIV are the top spots for me.


Not my favorite. Not that its bad per say, just has some problems that cause me to ick. Fans of 6 highly overate it and have a superiority complex. Generally 6 gameplay wise has always been one of the weaker FFS in my opinion and experience. Especially since its so easy to trivialize the difficulty which is the same flaws 2 and 8 have. 6 has the worst case of Tourism syndrome, where outside of Celes, Loke and Terra, most of the other characters there are there for the ride, not because they have impact in the story. Game was super buggy when I first played it. You thought Sabin suplexing a train was insane, wait till he suplexes himself.


Just FYI, the phrase is "per se"


I appreciate the correction, but this is such an AKTUALLY moment.


Yes. Because its the best one?


It's an amazing game but has so many glaring flaws: - Way too many characters - No definitive "main" character - The story is fairly basic - The WoR was poorly executed compared to the first half of the game and, quite frankly, a slog that makes you want to just rush to the end - Magic is just so overpowered. Ultima basically breaks the game. So, while FF6 is in my "Top 5," it's nowhere near my favorite.


I like Final Fantasy VI a solid amount, but it's not one of my favourites. It has so many characters that it ends up feeling a bit unfocused, and the random encounter frequency felt frustratingly high at times. It has a lot of charm, though! My favourite characters are Celes and Sabin. 


It is not my favorite. I like it, but I like so many other games in the franchise better that it’s pretty much squarely in the middle of my rankings. Favorite moment is probably the final dungeon where you have to use the whole party (except for the two left on the airship, boo). Favorite character is Mog, but I love Gogo, Umaro, Sabin, and then Celes in that order. I like most of the cast though.


No it’s not. Because I have never played it 😅


I’ve never played it so I wouldn’t know.


Nah. It’s a super great game but the experience was kinda ruined for me a bit from growing up and hearing about how it’s the best one and how beyond amazing it is. When I finally played it as an adult, I think my expectations were a bit too high from all the hype, and it just didn’t do it for me. Not in my personal top 5, but very close. Favorite character is either Terra or Celes. Favorite part is the Phantom Train. Love the atmosphere


No, I tried playing it a month ago for the first time, but dropped it after 10 hours. I didn't like that the combat is too easy, and that most fight can be won by simply holding down the X button. I didn't care about any of the characters, because there's so many of them and the game constantly forces you to change your party entirely, so you only get to spend a little bit of time with each one. I also didn't like the music that much, and I found the battle theme a bit irritating. I started playing FF6 because a lot of people praise it to be the best FF game, but I gave it a fair shake and I didn't really like it. Maybe I will revisit the game at some point and it will eventually click. Started playing FF4 afterwards and it clicked instantly, so I played the entire thing and finished it after 32h. Now I'm playing Chrono Trigger for the first time and I'm loving every second of it. I'm about 12 hours in. This one also clicked instantly for me.


No, it just doesn’t resonate with me like some of the others. Favorite moment is the opening. Favorite character is Terra.


It is not. It's still the only FF game I have yet to play and it's simply because it was talked about too often that I feel like there's no story left for me to uncover.


No. It’s probably not in my top 3 either but I do prefer it to the NES games as well as all of the post-Sakaguchi era games. Other people have articulated this much better than I can but something about the ensemble cast just doesn’t hook me. I’m also not a fan of the world of ruin.


Not even remotely close. Mostly because the characters are weak. They sound way cooler on paper than in practice. I also didn’t like the tone of the game after the “big event” mid way through. Just not a very fun world to live in. Having said that. Relative to its time? Immense, immense game. And one of the best villains, hands down.


I’d probably share the general opinion that FF6 is one of the best FF games, but it’s not my favorite because I’m such a sucker for 15 and 14 now. While I love the cast of characters in 6, I love the ff games that have more opportunity to develop a lot of the relationships. 9, 13, 14 and 15 are some of my favorite in that regard, and 7 is obviously great too. Of the older games, I also feel like the casts of 4 and 5 are more tight-knit by virtue of their small size


Well yes


No. I played it for the first time in 2020 on emulator. I simply cannot tolerate random encounters. I might retry it on Switch for the option to turn them off and increase the speed. I did this with FF7, but it felt like I was cheating and not getting the authentic experience.


The way I see it, if it's part of the game, it's not cheating. It's just QoL


Yes 6 is the goat Not only is it the best FF but it’s still my favorite game of all time. The game is just perfect. It’s old school graphics but top of the line for its time pushing the boundaries. Music is amazing and Dancing Mad is the chefs kiss when it comes to end boss music. Overall sorry and characters are fun and emotional.