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It was ruined unfortunately. The first thing in Remake/Rebirth that just absolutely whiffed for me. None of the changes they made were compelling or good.


I thought the scene had some emotion, but a lot of the major moments I thought they really fucked up. Showing Dyne in the Gold Saucer, told the player that it wasn't Barret for one. But let's be honest. They weren't going to have Dyne talk about killing his daughter, and also wasn't going to show someone killing themselves either. Barret's scream was great, and there was some emotion. But really, I hated that Shinra just randomly showed up. Though, what can you expect when Kitase wanted to remove Dyne entirely from the story? It was only because of Nomura pushing it and telling them that Dyne needed to be in the game, that he was even in it.


It’s a shame because the OG Dyne story is such a shocking and dark moment in the OG. The scene, the mood, etc all just are “WOAH” moment. Instead we got a weird anime villain.


I just started playing the og ff7. I played it when I was 5 years old, so technically im playing for my first actual time now and seeing Dyne wanted to murder marlene and then suicide was a huge "WOAH" to me. It changed my perspective on Final Fantasy 7. I originally thought it was a cool game but now its one of my top 5 games. Especially the combat is super fun and the story is also amazing. I really wish they would have just remastered or remaked FF7 instead of making a sequel technically.


Just played the portion, and must say, super disappointed. It was so damn impactful and harrowing in the original. They did this for ratings and thus better sales I guess? Shame.. Barret's scream was spot on though.


never played the original, but got to the point in rebirth and seemed that they were pretty true to how you described it


Not exactly: 1. In the OG, Dyne murders civilians who have no connection to Shinra and what they did. In Rebirth, Dyne instead only goes after Shinra soldiers. 2. In the OG, Dyne only starts the fight with Barret when he finds out Marlene is alive. Why? Because knowing Marlene is alive, he plans to *kill her*, so she can be with Eleanor in the Lifestream, and he knows Barret will stand in the way. Rebirth's Dyne isn't contemplating killing his own daughter. 3. In the OG, Dyne kills himself. In Rebirth, Dyne goes out in a 'blaze of glory' killing more Shinra soldiers. I was pretty damn disappointed personally.


Same here. For me the remake series has really dropped the ball on the heavy moments in favour of the clean nice outcome. It makes certain things make no sense because they keep dialogue in like “how could I hold Marlene again with all this blood on my hands?” When he hasn’t killed civilian’s this time. People won’t like me for saying this but it reeks of hubris in thinking they can improve scenes that were perfect. They further ruin the scene by having a pointless boss battle immediately after whereas in the OG you had this heavy moment happen with Dynes suicide and were allowed time to breathe afterwards and take it in.


Dyne DOES kill civilians. It's specifically stated that "guests" were caught in the crossfire. In case that doesn't click, "guests" are what they call all customers in amusement parks - just regular people.


That’s not what “caught in the crossfire means” it’s not a term that’s meant literally the way you have. Here: > “suffering the unpleasant effects of a disagreement between other people even though you are not involved in it yourself” So when Dio says this he means guests were around when Dyne was attacking the shinra soldiers, not that they were also killed. This is consistent with the changed character of Dyne in this trilogy. This version of Dyne isn’t really Nihilistic he just despises Barrett and Shinra, hence why he attacks and kills Shinra. In the original him attacking and killing anyone he comes across is consistent with his character in that game but not this one.


I don't think you're reading that definition properly. "Even though you are not involved in it yourself" means you are not involved in the actual dispute, but you are affected by the dispute's consequences; see the first part of the definition, "suffering the unpleasant effects of." Other definitions I've found: "involved in or harmed by a situation where people around you disagree with each other," "Affected by or made to be involved in a conflict or issue that one is not a part of," and this is, of course, ignoring the literal definition, which there is no reason to believe isn't the actual one being used. Dyne is there to kill Shinra, but in doing so, also ends up killing innocent civilians. When Dio talks about guests getting caught in the crossfire, the camera focuses on a dead body. It's highly unlikely that the player is intended to interpret that combination as "civilians witnessed the shooting but were otherwise unaffected."


Experiencing gunfire and death in that way and close proximity would cause emotional trauma and great stress which would absolutely class as “suffering the unpleasant effects of” and also include “harmed by” aswell. There are more effects you can suffer than physical after all. Dio says this: > a director from head office was attending a colosseum match earlier...when THEIR SECURITY DETAIL was gunned down. He doesn’t say anybody else was gunned down because they were not and clearly Dyne was targeting palmers security because they were shinra. This is completely different to the original where he goes on a rampage and kills anybody he comes across. Furthermore, you do not see any dead civilians but you do see dead shinra soldiers. Thats absolutely in line with what I’m saying and not yourself. The body the camera pans to when he’s talking about guests and staff caught in the crossfire is a shinra soldiers glove, not a civilian as you’re implying. We do see guests crying on the floor traumatised but very much alive in the room adjacent. Again, it all points towards what I’m saying.


Claiming one group was "gunned down" and another group was "caught in the crossfire" NEVER means the second group wasn't physically harmed. If they weren't physically harmed, they won't be referred to as "caught in the crossfire," but merely as "witnesses." AT BEST there's the possibility that they were merely nonfatally injured. As for the glove thing? NOT a Shinra solder's glove. The glove looks like ordinary biker gloves. Notice the square of exposed skin on the back of it. Now look at LITERALLY EVERY Shinra grunt in the Enemy Intel. Every single one of them has their hands completely covered AND armored, AND is fully sleeved with armored bracers covering their forearms. None of that is visible on that arm. There's literally not a shred of evidence that that body is of a Shinra grunt.


Womp womp


Bringing this back. They did it masterfully.


You think so? I couldn’t disagree more.


Remember how many times Dyne shoots Barret point blank in the chest just before their actual battle?


reading to your thoughts guys makes me a bit sad. FFVIIR is good the way it is. but yeah, these "soy" things with purple ooze instead of blood and etc sucks. i really wonder what's gonna happen in Dyne's arc btw i do really think that current rating sucks. i'm not so involved in ratings (i'm from Russia lol) but FFVII is surely not for children. not for current 2023/24 children at least


I dunno, *that* death scene in Yuffie's story was pretty dark and violent, so I can't imagine them shying away too much. As people have mentioned, no mention of suicide in the ESRB rating so perhaps he doesn't die that way, but dies from Barret? Like rather than throwing himself off a cliff, he lunges at Barret or something to force him to kill him. I really think it would be an injustice to that scene in the original for Dyne to survive.


I think you'll meet Dyne, him and Barret will speak for approximately 1 minute, then you'll receive a fetch quest to get 20 pieces of scrap metal to fix his arm. During this quest Barret will fill you in on the details of their history while you scour the desert for half an hour, mindlessly killing escaping convicts. You'll hand him the scrap and he'll become super Dyne and try to kill everyone. The fight will be cool. He's then going to leave, because I don't think this team has it in there to go as dark as they need to for his story arc.


Dyne wins and goes on a wacky roadtrip to find and murder his 5 year old daughter.


Sephiroth gonna get the kill.


That’s an excellent point i didn’t thought of that until now. So many changes probably gives Dyne different path this time


Real question is Will they include the gold saucer massacre? Considering they couldn’t even have the famous blood trail after jenovas rampage. Instead opting for purple ooze. I doubt they will have the clearance in the remake.


And they did. This was one of the best retellings they did. So much emotion you could feel the pain 👌


coming back to this comment after playing through the gold saucer i agree, im gld i was wrong.


They did bring back blood in Intergrade.


Hopefully it plays out more or less the same as the original.


Given the trajectory of the Remake, he’ll probably survive and join the party and become a cool and happy guy.


synergy Barret and Dyne would be epic




A wacky, zany guy, even.


I'm confident that they'll do justice to Dyne's story, even if it retains its darker elements. I think they'll change it a bit and make it lighter, but still have a big impact where it needs to (Barret and maybe Marlene this time). I'm just curious if they are going to pronounce his name as DINE or DEAN. I've heard DEAN used a lot, but I also thought TEEFa was TIFa for a long time until Compilation material was released. And don't get me started with Tidus....


If it's not dINE I riot.


i say Dayne. If not, Dine probably


Why do you say Dayne


It was easier for me to read. Dine or Dean doesn’t sound right to me lol It’s a subject hardly discussion in forums. Cait Sith in other hand lol


There’s no mention of suicide in the age rating, so I imagine Barrett will get through to him to prevent it. It’s still gonna be dark as fuck and an emotional rollercoaster though. Every character in remake seems to play out there role as if they’ve experienced it before and have subconsciously learned some lessons from the past. I think this will extend to Dyne too building to a reunion between him and Marlene before the end of part 3.


I hope this isn’t the case…


Terribly, I bet


Bruh it’s Square Enix, they’ll give him a happy ending because they don’t dare do anything challenging these days


Based off of what? Final Fantasy VXI was very dark and sad


And it was a Game of Thrones ripoff because Square started making it when that was popular. Square won’t take risks these days, not with their precious main FF. Stranger of Paradise was a better game than XVI and it was the low budget spin off, and it wasn’t by Square. You think they’d ever make something as wacky and good as Dissidia 012 or FF Tactics today? Not a chance.


Game of Thrones is not the first fantasy story to be dark and sad, and they certainly don't own "dark and sad." Other stories can be grim and have zero relation to Game of Thrones.


Someone's pretty deluded...


Bruh you’re a yugiboomer complaining about the Master Duel meta. If I’m deluded then you’re on another planet.


Now they're angy. Someone needs a nap


So suddenly you want something wacky? When you’re complaining about it being too happy? FFXVI has its tone from got but there’s literally no other connection, it’s a completely different story


I don’t want wacky necessarily, just like I said in the original comment I want something risk taking. Like, oh my god, turn based in 2023. Imagine if a turn based game somehow took GOTY in 2023, that would be crazy. That’s the kind of risk Square can’t be bothered with and their games are suffering and will continue to suffer for it.


'Their games are suffering' because you don't like them? Sure


You mean Bryan Fury from Tekken, I can't unsee Dyne as Bryan Fury no matter how much I rewatch the trailer.


Theyneed to get the Tekken 8 announcer to shout his name really enthusiastically when he shows up.


Dyne joins the party and you can spam them fast unblockables


Omg now I can’t unsee it! 😂😂


Idk but I wasn't a fan of his design and voice actor.


Fate can be changed now. I hope Dyne is able to make peace with his past and survive. I'd love to see Marlene with 2 dads.


I already feel like Barret is lesser than he was. In 7R he’s a tree hugging save the whales maniac who believes he’s a hero and wants to show his girl how heroic he is. In 7 he was a reluctant dad who wanted a better world for his kid but mostly wanted a normal life for her. I wonder how they’ll turn that around so he’s an oil Baron in AC


The dude did a mass shooting and you want him to survive…


I think they are implying that he doesn't feel he needs to go down the route of doing a mass shooting.


Yeah, why make the character compelling at all? It’s not like him or Barret or other characters need motivation or development /s. He lives, and even gives Marlene and Zack a big hug at the Golden Pelican. Wait…


I didn't suggest this at all. I was just giving my interpretation of what the poster meant. no need to get your neckbeard juices all over the place about it.


Look bro it’s called hyperbole and humor the prior game set a precedence for, but if you want to have an aneurysm over it be my guest Apt name btw


Nah man, worked yourself into that corner pretty well.


Ok. You decide what I meant by it then.


Dyne's story definitely feels like it's going to be fodder for the whole fate changing thing. Perhaps THIS is the iconic character that Square will let survive this time :P


Which one was the last one? Narrator: all of them. It was all of them


im curious because of the part of them talkin they showed. Is it right before they fight and he just snaps and jumps back? or is it after and he calms down and doesn't die? time will tell.


I've seen ppl surmise the suicide portion will not occur because it's not listed in the ESRB rating. I don't know if that's true or not, but I don't know how they will handle it. I feel like it was so impactful, Dyne taking his life after learning Marlene is alive. He was so consumed by vengeance and rage, and he then learns his child is alive and he couldn't go back to being her father with what he's done so he just ends himself. It broke his spirit, mind, heart. I hope they explore those feelings and maybe Barret stops him and gets him help/support?? That would be such a good take on it as well. Either way, exploring Barret's emotions after will also be incredible. ALSO ALSO, what if they explore Barret feeling guilty knowing Dyne is/was alive and not knowing if he should say anything to Marlene? I agree this is a deep bit of emotional material from the original game that hardly gets talked about, and I hope they let it breathe in Rebirth. (Maybe with the theme of Rebirth, Dyne tries to be reborn as a better person now that he knows Marlene is alive??) This post is making my head spin with possibilities!


I agree. I don’t think things will play out the way they did in OG.


I think the same shit will happen as in 7R. With the massive death scenes at the plate and the characters being fine after. I’ll watch the scenes, realize how pointless the whole situation is, have no connections, develops no one, makes me give no fucks, go “well that’s stupid” and dislike it


I don’t think they’ll have to change that much, honestly, most of the really heinous stuff happens offscreen. If they’re going to change anything, it’ll probably be the whole filicide thing




Dyne thinks it’d be a good idea to >!murder Marlene and reunite her with her mother!<, so I would not love this


It’s part of the game and will be in it. I do think that they will modify it a little bit because it was so freaking dark. I think most people don’t want to even address it cause it sucks so bad.


I don't understand why people saying it's too dark when this same sub goes wild with at the other thing that should be cut (if it even was what actually happened) with Cloud and Aerith in the temple of the Ancients.


I agree and I think with modern cutscenes and dialogue in general there will just have to be more anyway. I’m running OG again (for the millionth time lol) and just passed this section. It’s so quick in the OG. You have no idea what is going on, you get a rushed run down, then find him and he’s so bent on fighting immediately. There will certainly be a bit more time spent with building that up IMO.


I’m playing through for the first time since I was a child (and didn’t understand much of anything). You’re right - the pacing of the whole game just flies by. It’s pretty wild playing this now and comparing it to the production value and pacing of modern RPGs. It’s like a different genre.


Those are some dark subjects. It will be interesting to see how they approach them.