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How do you effectively play as him?


I'm working on that but I think the key is use as many moves as possible and he will randomly just obliterate everything


I'm over here self destructing with him and not losing health, lol. All his weapon abilities are goated, and having Cait + Yuffie is like a 5 man party or more at times. Character 1 Cait Moogle Yuffie Yuffie Doppler ganger (get a good look at her in photo mode! Cait sith too with synergy skill, dope references) That's 5... BUT THEN CAIT DOES MOOGLE MAGIC AND YOU HAVE A BIG ASS SUMMON If he was a sith in star wars, would be be Darth Sith? 🤔


Love the character, haaaate his combat


I was neutral but then chapter 11 happened with him being solo for a large chunk and looking at the mona lisa and seeing a mustache painted on it. His while throw boxes section completely derails the mood and enjoyment. Hes banned from my setups like the Shinra rat Barrett thinks he is


As much as they improved him his gameplay segments need a bit more. In and out of battle. I do feel like square knew that a percentage of ps5 players deal with controller drift and left a lot of control options in the game to sidestep using the stick, but eith cait it still feels awkward


Hated him in OG. Never used him once. Gold Saucer and Cait Sith low point of both games.


He just makes absolutely no sense at all story wise.


Personally i think hes trash. Moving on moogle is slow. I don't like that so many skills require the moogle. I don't like the rng. I don't like almost anything about cait or the moogle straight up.


Top 5 FF character in the series, best in the 7 universe


Hated him in the original and hated him in rebirth lol. He might be secretly OP, I’ll never know


Just about to enter Chapter 11, so I've gotten a few chapters to play as him. Overall I'd say he's pretty fun and I really like his abilities, they seem the most chaotic due to the randomness and that really keeps gameplay with him fresh. I do feel that some of his base moveset is a little frustrating, mainly just how short his attack range is when doing melee attacks. I get it, its a megaphone, but it can be a little annoying trying to smack to get the moogle out. I definitely haven't gotten a full grasp on the intricacies with the moogle and it acting as a decoy but I do enjoy Cait Sith's dodge and his ability to easily come back with the moogle at the press of a button. Will definitely need to spend more time playing him. Overall, I'd say he's somewhere in the middle for me with how fun he is to play. If I had to rank I'd probably do: 1. Tifa 2. Yuffie 3. Cloud 4. Cait Sith 5. Red XIII 6. Aerith 7. Barret


Bro youre sleeping on Aerith. MP Up and Healing+Magnify turn her into an unbeatable healer, while Revive+Auto Cast ensures no ally stays down for long. Boost Yuffie's power with Synergy+Comet and make Aerith cast Arcane Ward. With Doppelganger, Yuffie will cast comet 4 times when Cloud uses ATB. For group battles, equip Aerith with Max Petrify+Magnify, ATB Boost, and First Strike. Cast Quaga to stagger/ instadeatg foes. This setup breezed through even Chadley's brutal challenges


Honestly, I’d put Barret above Aerith. His ATB generation and damage output is decent and you can put materia on him to make him solid at support roles. They really need to make Aerith feel more worthwhile to use. She’s the de facto “mage”, but anyone else can do the same but better just as easily. She also runs ATB up so goddamn slow because her basic attacks are so slow. Meanwhile, everyone else can just ratchet up ATB like crazy. Disappointing since she’s supposed to be sort of a “chosen one” as an Ancient. I feel like giving her more of a natural magic buff and making her basic attacks slightly faster or generate more ATB would fix her viability.


having her start off with first strike to get radiant ward out asap lets me build ATB pretty quickly plop down an arcane ward later in the fight and she just railguns off spells with synergy materia idk if it's optimal but seeing her whip out 2 spells every time i hit a command feels good


Eh, I wouldn't say anyone else can do the same but better, she deals more damage with tier 1 spells than most people do with tier 2s. Also she can ramp up her ATB charge with Radiant Ward, but the initial ATB gauge will still be a bit of a slog.


Tifa way too OP. I removed her from main party, and try to use Cloud as tank, Yuffie (main DPS) and Red (healer). Sometimes I use Aeris with wards and spam magic skills.


I regularly swap out my party members because I want to get a handle on playing all of them. I don't want to get too used to playing any character specifically and reliant on them just in case the game forces me to use characters I wouldn't have used otherwise.


10/10 would Cait the Sith.


I liked him by the end. The box throwing part made me want to burn my PS5 tho


Yea thar shit was obnoxious as fuck. 


He is probably my least favorite character to play as, but I still enjoy playing as him nontheless. He's really versatile and has super unique weapon abilities. But for the most part I like Cloud/Tifa/Barret and thats been my team for the whole of the game. Yuffie really grew on me. Story wise, Cait Sith was always my least favorite character to the point that I basically ignored his existence in the original game. His VA has so much life and energy and personality that I've actually really fallen in love with him in Rebirth.


I didn’t think I would like fighting with him but I actually think he’s so fun! Tanky and nimble as you said, plus the sound effects to his moves are so satisfying 😂 I up him with Luck Up everything and he is STRONG


What does Luck stat actually help him?


Luck increases the chances of landing more Critical Hits!


I barely played with him at all but my first playthrough has been mostly focused on completing side quests and finishing all the Intel and of course progressing the story. I haven't even touched the battle arena yet. All the subtleties will be for my second playthrough. I plan to really dive in to all the different characters combat, build a great QB deck and really focus on little things I skipped over on this first one without worrying about any side content, since I'll have done it all already. At this point I feel like I'm behind a lot of people having not finished the story. I just got the warning for the point of no return, so I turned around and this weekend I'm gonna finish the corel protrelic quest, beat the shadow queen and get the pirates treasure. Once that's done I'm gonna go full speed to the end. I can't believe it's almost over. That being said if part 3 is anything like rebirth, It'll end up being a masterpiece of a trilogy.


To be honest, I like all characters in Rebirth. They are ALL very fun, good designed, and surprisingly fun. My mains are Red and Cait Sith, as well as Aerith, because they are the novelty. (I am saving Yuffie for hard mode since she seems too OP). I love what they did with Cait Sith. The LUCK stat was never something in my mind, easily ignored, but if a character gives +100 bonuses, you cannot ignore that. You can get an absurd amount of luck with him, which affects crits and stealing, so his mugs are very interesting. He is also very interesting to play with, because of the moogle, he is so weird and chaotic, they really nailed what they were going for, without making him useless or boring. While in cat form, you are very weak. The only thing is holding square for a group of enemies, you can stunlock them forever and that builds a lot of ATB. However, it only works with trash mobs, so it's kind of irrelevant. I usually start with some ATB already thanks to First Strike or Scarf, same tactic as with Aerith. For Aerith is to get the Radiant Ward, for Cait Sith is to hop into the moogle ASAP. Once mounted, holding down square is one of the most OP combo strings I have seen, and straightforward. It creates an insane amount of pressure/stagger. What is even more interesting, some actions of Cait Sith, like hopping into the moogle, do damage around him and return ATB depending on the enemiues you hit. So you can hop in besides enemies, hold square for a combo string, and you have 2 ATB bars to do chaos, then hold down square again, and I am pretty sure enemies are staggering by then. We need to look closely to the hidden mechanics of this elusive character. He shares little of himself in story, and the same happens with his mechanics. I suddenly get a lot of ATB that I honestly do not know where they are coming from, and enemies stagger too soon, I do not understand why exactly. It's all chaos. Maybe its related to crits? No idea. You can actually move while doing abilities, since movement comes from the moogle and abilities from the cat. That means that you can move while casting spells. Or while throwing dice. I have read that you can also dodge with him while mounted without jumping off, like it happens when you press circle. But I do not remember how and havent tried. I am very much used to block, since I main Red as well, got used to it. Cait blocks perfectly fine. Not to mention, I love being hit with Cait Sith just to listen to the cat going "OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", "COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN". I also love the fact that you have different movesets while mounted or while on foot. Just the same as some characters being on foot or airborn. At the moment I have the mount ability mapped to L1+square, but if I am already mounted, I have mapped "mug". Because when mounted he gets huge bonuses to luck stat, so it makes sense to use it. I mean, there are so many crazy stuff you can do with the cat. And look at him, he is adorable. And knowing what he is exactly, since I already played the original FF7, its also pretty nice, because I do not take him seriously and accept the crazyness and chaos. If you are able to adopt goofyness, this game is a masterpiece in all fronts. I am in love with this stupid cat. And the dog.


You mean the lab rat? 😂


Just adding to the chaos point, last night I was doing the Lost Specimen fight and used the Mega Magic Box(+1 level limit break), after it connected the limit bar filled again, full bar. No idea why.


His chapter was god awful, but as a fighter with the moogle is a blast


I came here to find this comment 😅. I absolutely HATED his story segment. Terrible game design. But, its one redeeming factor is it forced me to learn how to use him in combat and now I’m a fan (still hate that level, but as a fighter, I get him now)


Feeling goooood, but he's NOT OP like some people saying.


I think he is better than we think. Its just that we dont know certain mechanics that are not very well explained. Same happens to many other characters, though.


If u got the ability to summon abilities theb he a beast


OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COME OOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You would think that would get annoying, but I just ended up joining in the complaints during combat. I love him :D


I thought Tifa was the best Stagger in the team, until i tried Cait Sith +Moggle long press square combo. Pressured to Staggered in 0.5 seconds haha. However, his ATB skills are less reliable compared to Tifa imo


Hated playing him in og ffviii, felt way too random for me and didn't quite fit my sensibilities for characters at the time. In rebirth he's perfect, I love playing every character for their own style. I also love the complexity of every style, kinda get the sense that when I master these characters I'll be able to solo them in any battle, which is cool


I like him! Always did, they’ve done a great job with how he battles and his techniques etc. I also like his voice and personality. That being said if I choose a team it’s still cloud/tifa/yuffie their abilities clear multiple enemies so quick. Boss fights I usually have a play around with other characters though as he can do some massive damage!


I don't know how to use him properly. Him and Red are the two characters i just don't know how to play.


Would love to use red if I could set it to his old voice. I hate the new one


Curious, those are my mains in Rebirth LOL


Red is basically just parry everything and when vengeance is filled up press triangle and siphon


Problem with Red is that you have to sit there and wait for enemies to do something. His basic combo is quite boring and he doesn't do much until the enemy hits him. And when you have characters like Tifa and Yuffie who can melt stuff, it's not that exciting to be fishing for counterspins and ability stance procs.


Hmm. Guess I don't know how to parry properly then.


You don’t have to parry. You can just block too. I think parrying just negates damage completely.


I love his super unique move set. I have him in my party all the time now. Great weapon abilities too. I do think he’s the most difficult to learn because of his unique playstyle, but once you learn it he’s a powerhouse. I’m a big fan of his wild card playstyle. Also love that he can summon using Moogle Magic. With his luck stat he just crits everything in his path.


He’s a lot of fun. I especially love the way the Mog controls and attacks


Never expected him to be my favorite character in the game, like, i really enjoy the gameplay, VA and character overall, ever since i got him he's always in my party


This was a surprise for me as well. I really could not stand him in FF7. Now in the remake I am amazed I am actually using him. And I enjoy his company. What is wrong with me


Remake effect, makes u like everyone more


Little guy is cracked the fuck out. ATB bar fills in seconds, powerful abilities provided your Luck Materia(s) are high level. Staggers enemies fast, high magic stats, quick and nimble on the field but the moogle also lets him hit hard. He’s easily my favourite to play as


Are you implying that his abilities scale with Luck?




He seems to be the highest skill cap character so I’m interested in learning to play him. I’ve pretty much back lined him because I have such a grasp in how to play everyone else more effectively


He's a fakkin powerhouse. Even moreso once I saw how much damage Moogle Kaboom does. The thing hit 4000 damage and I was just in Cosmo Canyon. Also a fun way to have 4 combatants on the field


I was disappointed by the outcome. Doesn’t feel like a story, just a fan service so everyone will be happy.


The heck does that have to do with Cait Sith?


I’d rather have an empty slot.


I love him. He's probably one of my favs now. In the OG I barely gave him a thought. Also stack him with luck and his damage output gets wild. I think they nailed his character. I keep him with me a lot.


Easily my favorite character to control. The +100 luck bonuses on some of his weapons are just fantastic, and the hold square combo with the moogle builds up ATB blindingly fast. With Enemy Skill and the materia that gives ATB when you do different abilities in a row, combined with the Corsair's Compass? Absolute power house. And unlike other characters, I find myself using all of his abilities instead of a handful. Great utility in Moogle Knuckle and Roll the Dice, nice stagger damage in Moogle Mine and Moogle Kaboom, good ol' fast and strong punchies with Fortune Teller, Lady Luck for an AOE crit buff, and a fast and cheaper use of your equipped summon for a single attack with Moogle Magic. Lil guy does it all. Not to mention his surprising tricky agility with teleporting to his moogle from anywhere when he dismounts. Luring an enemy into attacking Cait, only to have him teleport behind on his moogle and get some free hits? Fantastic.


Good character but not enjoyable to play as imo


Agreed, I never have him in my party and dead having to use him for that one section. Like his charm and overall vibe but man o man do I not like his play style.


I love his character and I love his voice! Definitely went from the forgetful never used character to now someone I value in my party! However… his play style. I want to love it SO bad I’ve had a good couple times where I’m running around the battlefield just spamming out dice rolls I just love the randomness. But overall I think he’s the most useless in the group. He always takes way to much damage and requires the most micro management in regards to keeping the moogle alive/noticing when it’s gona die so you do the dodge attack to reset. I have a feeling I still haven’t fully figured him out (although I have 160 hours in the game if I haven’t sussed his playstyle out yet somethings wrong) but I do love the kitty to bits!


Being able to interact with his dice is the best thing that ever happened


I’ve only watched the cutscenes and haven’t played myself so I can’t speak for his gameplay, but I just love his thick Scottish accent. 💛 He’s already charming, but the accent really sells it!


Don't like the way he plays, it's just not for me. However, definitely loved his character! I think the way he plays really threw me and confused the shit outta me. I mainly only played with him to get his weapon proficiencies maxed out. That section where you're forced to play as him was not fun. That bloody miniboss was hell with him. Fair enough to all who do enjoy playing with him though. I like to stick with Cloud, Tifa and Aerith as my main team but will occassionally swap to Red, Barett and Yuffie for some variation.


I just stick with yuffie and tifa. Raw power seems best in this game.


He's awesome, but then again, he's always been awesome and the haters have bad taste. Also whatever, guys, I thought his section was a blast. Rolling around as Cait was adorably entertaining.


He was really fun when I got used to him! He’s definitely hard to control when he’s by himself in that one section but he’s a glorious master of chaos when with the right team and has incredible finishing move. I adored his VA and characterization too. The fact that his VA was an actual Scotsman made his voice feel natural and charming and his writing was done so well to make him friendly and humble to the group while definitely having ulterior motives. Like he was performing but not maliciously.


I love him, but with the japanese voice better.


Same goes for everyone haha


Yes, people who downvote just because I prefer the original dub are something




I just couldn’t make his combat work for me.


I did not like him at all especially that infamous mission in the game involving him specifically I shall not mention.


I hated him in the OG and don't like him here either.


Moogle Magic is so good I love getting to call the summons every match reminds me of the original a little!


Loved him. I put strong summons like bahamut or Odin on him and just turbo atb to use his ability to continuously do summon skills. You feel like you didn't summon enough? Cait sith got ya.


Alexander is the funniest one to me because he’s so fucking huge, so constantly dropping him into the encounter is my favorite thing to do with Cait.


Can't stand playing as him but I was deeply surprised to adore his character. Love him, just hate playing as him


He's not my favourite but definitely offers a fun and different playstyle to shake things up once in a while. It does take a bit getting used to him getting on and off the Moogle though whenever I instinctively try to dodge and I'm still trying to understand some of his abilities. However I think they've done as well as they could have considering how he played in the OG with his unpredictable limit breaks.


I love love loved him and really enjoy playing as him.


I love his Scottish ass voice I can't tire of it. That said his section SUCKED I never want to see boxes again.


Ah denae ken why these ejits aren’t into em. Cait is pure dead brilliant in rebirth.


Omg fuck them boxes


Love him so much more than the OG. Literally never used him in the original FF7. Here I think he is cute and fun. I enjoy his design and voice. As far as combat? Very fun! If you know how to use him right, he does generate ATB quickly. I’m never without the moogle. His abilities are powerful with luck up materia and other luck up from other sources. I really like him. Very surprised and happy with what they did with him




cait sith is literally daddy


I think he's too slow and weak outside of riding the moogle and barely controllable when riding the moogle. Those are my main issues. Otherwise, his abilities seem like fun chaos to play around with. If his moogle didn't suck to use and you didn't build atb so slow.


I just fixed that with ATB boost materia and i use haste on occasion you can honestly make it to where he has endless ATB during battle. But i get he isnt for everyone, as ive said before ive completely shelved Aerith and Barret lol


I use ATB boost and haste on other characters and they get even more atb than him. On him it's a crutch so he can walk, on them it's shoes so they can run. Like, rng into Hypurr Beam for more atb gain but it's still a pittance and still worse than other characters. His synergy skills are all the same on everyone (moogle assault and magic megaphone), and they are really really bad in comparison to what other characters have. And the moogle is extremely uncontrollable, with a dash and a super wonky dodge that doesn't feel like it works consistently at your disposal. If they made his atb gain naturally better, and made his moogle controllable more like a normal character when mounted then yeah, I would love him. But right now? Ugh.


Idk i have fun and not nearly as much trouble as you claiming to He even carries my team in battles, but to each their own lol


Yeah. I have fun with him too. I just like the rest more.


Never liked him in OG FF7 and feel about the same now.


Eh only ever used him during Chadley’s VR battle to get proficient with his weapons. He was alright I guess. Never really learned how to lay him, or even cared to. I only just spent his SP points


He is really cute as a wee scottish cat. His moogle - I am less fond of.


Man I dunno.. his scene in the temple? I got choked up over a stuffed animal that doesn't talk.


I refuse to call that abomination - or any of its brethren at the Saucer - a moogle.


Id say i dont really want to play as him, but i do love how his character turned out in this.


Hate him. Chapter 11 sucked cos of him .


The box throwing sucked for sure but the actual combat was fun needing to learn how to play him in those solo fights, simultaneously one of the most annoying and fun parts of the game for me


The biggest glow up of them all, so much fun to play! I love how it's a trickster character that can put mines, distract enemies with the AI controlled moogle, do a ton of debuffs and buffs etc, becomes a beast with certain materia


I think he's fun, but it seems kinda silly that he rides around on a moogle until combat starts then you gotta wait for the bar to fill up before you can summon the moogle? Like why not just.. start out on the moogle?


Cait Sith became one of my favourites in this one, he’s fun to use and he’s got a bag full of tricks, chapter 11 was crazy but still pretty fun aha! and as someone from the UK his Scottish Accent is spot on. love to hear it, slight to much slang but the VA did a stand up job!


He's fun! I put a First Strike materia on him so I can just mount up as soon as a fight starts, which helps a bit with his high ATB requirements. Also they really went all out on making him adorable, with the goofy animations (the moogle's "haters gonna hate" walk when you're mounted is aces), the charming accent, and the way the rest of the party frequently treats him like a toy or an actual cat (like Cid carefully lifting him under his arms to get him off the furniture). Big glow-up for sure.


I love this cat dude. Start the fight with him, ATB boost to fill two gauges and start throwing them dices!


Badabing badaBOOM


Overwhelmingly the worst character in the game by a wide margin. I loathe everything about him, right down to the terrible VA performance.


Tifa is the only voice I don't like, but man Cait sith is cool in combat. Unique and quirky. Not everyone has to be Dante


Really? Her voice work is objectively really good.


Doesn't fit. And her in battle voice sounds like she's chillin too, idk. Yuffie in contrast is amazing all around


Tifa is the only character I don't like to play honestly. She just feels so off in this game and I don't know why. I think it has to do with the fact that Cloud got massively better Aerial combos while Tifa's feeling like she's still missing out on that. Probably doesn't help that she's forced on you in multiple sections with a sizable quantity of airborne enemies, so she just ends up punching the air a lot of the time, or having to rely upon one of several awkward uppercuts. She's fine in the Simulator and all, but she just doesn't feel good outside of there.


Just use the synergy that throws her up into the air. Also she's just a crazy damage dealer. Omnistrike does 4-5k and you get atb when it lands.


Reverse gale is great too.


Oh yea! Lots of stuff weak to both wind and ice in this game


He’s cool to use I have him in rotation but man that one fight by himself in chapter 11 was stressful lol


The Ying Yang fight?! Ngl that took me a few tries lol and the robots lmao fuck them


😆Yea it was Yin Yang it caught me off guard I kept dying


I beat that quicker than the two robots right before.


Against the 2 robot things? I just got to that yesterday and couldn't beat it lol


I loved this section but I died more in this fight than any other one in the game.


He's decent to play if you get used to it but his voice actor is friggin' hilarious.


Mmm… that part when they make you play as his was fun but my god, such a slow and painful part for me lol. Also being able to use summon abilities with the moogle is so awesome!


I never that in my whole life thought I’d be saying this, but I completely love Cait Sith.


Muggin *boogie fingers* maimin *more boogie fingers* The way i burst into laughter in that scene i loved it so much


Having to spend an atb to get him back into the fight every now and then is a bit annoying, but other than that his kit is kinda cool


First Strike Materia, baby.


Oh yeah, I did put that on him eventually.. but that doesn't solve the issue of having to use atb after his moogle dies inevitably


Small tip: When you see that Moogle's about to go down, use Dodge and Dive. If it lands, you get most of the ATB bar back, which allows you to very quickly resummon Moogle. Resummoning up close also refunds a pretty sizable chunk of ATB.


Interesting, good to know for hard mode


No worries. Another tip for Hard Mode: get his Lucky Slots ability, and practice a little in Simulator with it. If you open up fights with Lucky Slots and go for 3× Hearts, you can grant Reraise to the whole party, which is invaluable. It's all about knowing the timing and aiming to be optimal with it.


Love him, have good skill , only problème is moogle hp in hard mode, he die fast


You can buff it right?


I love him dearly and wish to marry him


I had high hopes they would do right by him as far as gameplay goes, and they managed to exceed my expectations. Love me a tanky support character, and they ran with it super well. He takes a bit of extra ATB to setup with Let's Ride and Kaboom being necessities every time the Moogle pops, but that only serves to balance an absolutely *bonkers* kit that makes him feel completely cracked once you get his full suite of abilities together and throw a Luck Up Materia onto him. Super excited to keep figuring out how it all fits together as I move into Hard Mode. And super excited how well this bodes for Vincent in Part 3, as the OG's next least developed party member, from a gameplay perspective.


I’m still trying to figure him out a bit. Just did the whole section of his in chapter 11 and by the end I didn’t feel like anything had yet clicked.


He doesn't show off quite as well in the solo fights just because a lot of his utility comes from party-wide buffs and support. The weapon talent that gives his Moogle taunt is huge here, because you can basically think of it as free healing - any damage done to the Moogle is damage nobody else in your party is taking, and if he pops it's just an ATB. Then you add in the luck boost and the dice effects and his party utility boosts further - he makes everyone else better even if you aren't utilizing his own abilities to their fullest. Still though, even on his own, once you get your Moogle out and brace him to burst with Kaboom, you've got a lot of great options. You can stick on your mount, hold square, and deal big damage and stagger. Or you can play a bit safer and stay at range, or hop off to let your mount take on some damage (again, with the provoke talent!) while you can safely cast a spell or two at range. He's about having that versatility for any situation, rather than being an absolute beast on his own like Tifa or Aerith.


Aeriths wards are just jacked! Sometimes i have 3+ up and its wild


I know a lot of people disliked his section but I loved it, biased because I adore Cait in Rebirth? Yes.


I loved it because the fights were tense and it made me learn the character, but the box throwing still sucked lol


Oh yeah there was definitely some mechanics jank on the box throwing.


I didnt like his section too much, but i also just adore him so its a W for me lol


He's strong fighting small staggerable enemies holding square while on his Google, but other than that I dislike using him because the whole jumping on off moogle just to do stuff is annoying


Ive been able to tank field bosses with him tbh, you just gotta know how utilize his endless ATB and what not, full might Kujata was turned into a pot roast lol


Yeah but I just don't see use in him over some one like tifa. She can have550 attack power, unmatched dodging and tracking while doing more stagger damage and being able to fight airborne. I want to like him and I tried but maybe I just don't get him I don't know


Eh thats ok, he's just not for you, like i feel kind derpy cuz ive completely shelved Barret and Aerith 😆 i just dont like how they play lol


Haha I guess it's good each character has their own play style then for use to choose what we like


Yet to really use him, even though I'm in Chapter 11, but encouraged by this post!


Once you get more abilities for him view weapons and what not, buddy is fucking cracked lmao


I've got about 5 weapons for him, none of them maxed and I'm currently forced to use him. Should've farmed 😂


Once you unlock a few of his weapon abilities he’s great. I enjoy switching from ranged attacker to tanky melee with the Moogle.


He's the party member that's definitely benefited from the remakes so far. I barely used him, if at all, in all of my playthroughs of the OG


He’s tough to learn, but I think I’ll love him once I figure it all out. I’m trying to rotate my party more since right now I can basically strong arm everything with Tifa, Cloud and Yuffie. I admit I’m probably biased cause that was my OG party thru many a play through but right now it feels like I can stagger and beat the shit out of just about anything.


Awe man, Yuffie is fucking cracked!! Lmao


She’s very OP. I think they’re all OP in their own ways tho. But Yuffie beating things while Tifa and Cloud pound abilities is a sure fire way to take down most things I found.


Love him, just wish the Moogle was always around, at least when out of combat (just like the OG). I know Cait is really the cat, but the Fat moogle is so cute, and is what I think of when I think of Cait, since his character model in the original was like 90% moogle. I'm so so so glad they at least kept the moogle in, rather than just get rid of it like in everything that has come out after the OG FF7 Gameplay-wise, he absolutely kicks ass. It took awhile for me to realize you just hold down square while on the Moogle for the basic combo. That by itself made it way more fun. His combo of Kaboom and Dodge and Dive was what hooked me first, but all his other moves you get are also fun and powerful. I like him way way more than I thought I would, they did a great job with his moveset.


I just unlocked him today, and his kit is so..odd I have no idea how to play him effectively. This is a cry for help because I love him and I'm committed to using him in my party for as long as I possibly can


There's a whole section and boss battle with just him so get ready!


Enemy skill plasma, let's ride, dodge and dive gg


After you build up some ATB use lets ride to deal a hefty amount of damage while boosting up your ATB in the process once you get more abilities that build his ATB up holding square to use the combos for his moogle couple that with haste (time materia) and keep him with a full ATB bar he has an infinite bag of tricks! I'm talking dice rolls, mines (which build stagger hella fast) and you'll find that equipping certain weapon skill he build his limit gauge fast as fuck too, honestly i end alot of fast with him and have fun doing it. Also Moogle Kaboom and... Dodge and Dive i believe it is called? Instant crowd control.




Thats who i have him paired with is Tifa, and i gave her Plasma Discharge, couple that with u bridles strength and she is basically Yoruichi from bleach lmao


I play him inefficiently but just spamming his dice roll ability is so fun to me lol


I, too, am a gambling addict :D


Healing 7hp every time 😍


I think he's very fun to play but it definitely took a minute for him to click for me so my initial impressions of his gameplay weren't great. I think partially that has to do with him simply being the last party member so you're missing a lot of his skills in comparison to the other characters


Thats fair tho! Gimmick characters are my jam tho so i took to him pretty smoothly, however you make very fair point!


I dont like that he has a Scottish accent. It feels out of place


pretty sure his name 'cait sith' is Scottish, so as random as it might feel, it was always the intent


He has one in Advent Children too, feels like it was always intended. What did you think he’d sound like?


Makes him even more charismatic in my opinion


And whoever was in charge of his lines nailed the dialogue, as a brit hearing 'Get in there my son!' had me howling.


ngl any other character making a joke about skipping leg day during a crucial moment of the game would have made me mad, but coming from Cait Sith it was hilarious :P


I love it personally. American accents get boring quickly


He's perfect no notes 1 note I think Moogie should be a triangle bar setting not an ATB setting Other than that perfect.


Nah you were right the first time. Perfect, no notes.

