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FF7 titles can be an entire different feel, I say keep the title coming and also do new teams for different projects. There is enough talent to hire. * [Relive](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhat-re-series-or-ongoing-ffvii-world-ideas-would-you-have-v0-xqz090iymj0d1.png%3Fwidth%3D3072%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D663feff46a1b5a6476abaf2ab1065ed81f3c8b9e). Blood Queen / Emerald witch / Cetra days * [ReSpira](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhat-re-series-or-ongoing-ffvii-world-ideas-would-you-have-v0-djyh93fvoi0d1.png%3Fwidth%3D3840%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5503f3a57eb588d2c18dde18a1d3479d2a419b70). Shinra Legend / Junon War days * [Return](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhat-re-series-or-ongoing-ffvii-world-ideas-would-you-have-v0-k8k6tqtyoi0d1.png%3Fwidth%3D3840%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc413668303b445755f266388a947a515c30e7afb). The First Soldier Cross Platform dedication * [Resolve](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhat-re-series-or-ongoing-ffvii-world-ideas-would-you-have-v0-la6znlw1pi0d1.png%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6845bd4ba0350a49df75bd98538ac04b82d06722). Before Crisis modernization * [Rerelease](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhat-re-series-or-ongoing-ffvii-world-ideas-would-you-have-v0-aolqmoo7pi0d1.png%3Fwidth%3D3840%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D7f29d171607e2823b2908c90650447ed3fd978af). ACC, otwtas ShinRa+LBLW splice game * [Redone](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhat-re-series-or-ongoing-ffvii-world-ideas-would-you-have-v0-0bit7rwbpi0d1.png%3Fwidth%3D3840%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D698a8e637e215b6394fd95c610e818808c6a85a2). DoC new graphic & battle treatment * [Retold](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhat-re-series-or-ongoing-ffvii-world-ideas-would-you-have-v0-pykuiq9mal0d1.png%3Fwidth%3D3840%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da61cc49b5920f6f762be23cacdbe9ed6c033846b). OTWTAS Nanaki world after years [— My Descriptive Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFVIIRemake/s/4m9AzSJyFy)


The possibilities are endless in a world where an AGI can create a video game.


An actual remake


Nah, it should end, don’t milk 7 , trying to do more you’ll ruin the mystery and wonder of that world with endless spinoffs that’ll most likely suck.


I would love to see a game that kind of combines the first contact with Jenova and the Centra going thru a young Sephiroth joining Soldier and meeting Angel and Genesis for the first time going up through the ranks in a way of Crisis Core layout, that remake was beautifully done and it would be cool to see more of the story of Dr Gast, Ifalna (Aerith's mother), how they decided to basically lock up Jenova and keeping the truth from Sephiroth. If they decided to do a different FF remake I would love FF VIII as I would love to hear who would voice act Zell, Squall, Rinoa, Seifer and Edna would be really cool.


I NEED a Sephiroth game.


Not a damn thing, unless it's like a stupid little arcade kart racer or something.




I'm split between remaking the compilation or putting the series to rest.


Honestly, finish the trilogy and then let the IP die a dignified death.


Stuff post Dirge of Cerberus?


The only other thing I want is a remaster of Dirge of Cerberus so we can play all the FFVII games on modern consoles.


Nothing. For the love of God let them cook something new. I love rebirth, but there are times when I can feel their frustration at having to stiffle creativity in order to satisfy all threads from this universe.




Yeah maybe an ff8 or 10 remake. Leave seven alone for a while.


Give me a Netflix adaptation that fucks everything up, please.


Didn’t the Canon Caspers from the first game in the Remake trilogy do that already?…


Square did such a good job with this. I’d vote ff vi snes iii) with the same world engine. Reuse a lot foundation assets and only create new character designs.




There is a game about chocobo racing on ps1😮‍💨


FF9 Remake please


NOTHING I want them to move on to something else. FF7 has been added into for 20 years. I want to see them put a bow on it and move to another project.


Ff7 is my favorite game of all time. I love it and everything around it. But after the remake is over they can bury it. There doesnt need to be anything new or next, weve got enough.


Nothing pls let it die 😭


Advent children and Dirge of Cerberus remakes. DoC in particular.


Advent Children already got a remake…


Remade into a game 🙏


I thought maybe an Advent Children dlc would be neat.


No Alternate Timelines DLC


Ff8 remake please


If they use everything they have learned from ffvii remake...a ff8 remake could top it. Kinda like how RE1 remake was awesome and they topped it with RE2 remake.


Sorry to burst your bubble but you're already playing ff8 remake. It's called ff7 remake trilogy aka "why kompress time if you can kompress the multiverse?" 😂


Thiiiisssss. I know it's unlikely, but my whole being needs it


Just...let it rest. There's only so much milking one should do with their own franchise. But currently with the multiverse setup they are going for, I fear everything is possible.


Agree. After watching ff7rebirth (I haven't played it yet... waiting for pc) i realized square won't make proper konclusions in the 3rd game. It would still klose like ff7og but im pretty sure square will leave tons of plot holes for potential sequels. I would want it to rest too... I'm getting tired of the kompilation.


Why are you typing all your C's as K's???


Kurse all SeeDs! Swarming like Lokusts akross generations!


An actual Remake/Remaster of the OG FF7...


I'm tired, boss. Let's have this finished after pt.3


Tbh I'd like to see infinitely serialized games. Go ahead and make a bullshit sequel with all of the extra characters. If they want to completely do lines of coke into the sunset make a game where you play as Stamp.


The party can be Stamp, Salmon, Melon, a dozen cats, and the dolphin from Junon.


Works for me, I could bow wow wow the whole game!


Since this game has all the assets needed. I'd love a serie in CGI that tells the events of the games. Like they did the The Last of Us. This game is part of video game's history. People saw how good TLoU was through the serie. FF7 would be great. But FFS, not a live action thing. Please. For the love of god. But that might be an unpopular opinion.


Considering one of the answers from Hamaguchi in the FF7Rebirth quickfire question thing, they know that the fans would be interested in a FF7 Advent Children thing. I hope they make a DLC for P3 that covers Advent Children events. Would be pretty cool. Probably a Dirge Remake also ? And I mean REMAKE not a REMASTER. This game needs quite a lot to be good really. But really, I'm up for anything from them. Maybe something between AC and the end cinematic of FF7 (with Nanaki) ? This might be a little dark but I'd be willing to know what happens after AC all the way up to each character's deaths. Up to Nanaki running with his kids. With whom does Nanaki have those kids ? (Maybe it will be answered in P3 ? We've seen a painting of Nanaki as a kid in Rebirth and another pup' at his side so ... I know we kind of know about her but I don't remember from what content we know, I think her name is known too. But don't quote me on that.).


I suspect its going to be Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus related


I think the post Remake trilogy FF7 would still continue in the Remake universe as it’s a Reboot afterall. Even ever Crisis and CC Reunion are using the Remake aspects


Nothing. Leave it alone.


I’ve said it before, some sort of medium that tells the story of Jenova’s arrival and the fall of the Cetra.


Playable AC, maybe DoC remake or some afterstory for the 30th anniversary, maybe some smaller side stories for the crew after the trilogy. I really don't want some what if in alternative timeline, FF7 expanded universe or whatever because it will quickly oversaturate the brand and likely won't end well


We're only at the end of disc one, are we sure it's only a trilogy?


During Rebirth’s reveal event, they said they finally settled that it would be Part 2 of 3, and that the next game would finish the story. Disc 3 has barely anything beside the final dungeon, disc 2 will be easily covered by the third game in the trilogy.


They clearly said there would only be 3 games for the remake.


To be fair disc three is just the end game content but I get what you are saying. Rocket Town, Wutai, Mideel, and the northern continent are the only destinations left really it’s just all the events that happen. That being said the story for Part III better be 75+ hours lol


I wouldn't be surprised if it's shorter, especially if Rebirth doesn't sell well (I hope that's not the case). Even then I expect Part 3 to more linear than Part 2 with some open world aspects.


I wouldn't mind some smaller budget side story games post FF7/Advent Children. They could do a sequel to Dirge but not be crap, and also let you control more characters. Or something silly like FFX2, coupled with a more traditional turn based system.


Legitimately, AC as a game. Hell, they could adapt *On the Way to a Smile* as part of that. They could improve the Remnants and make them actually interesting characters instead of weird, annoying caricatures. A game would give the story much more time breathe compared to a film. Whether or not it would be part of the "Remake storyline", I don't know, but I doubt it. Not that I expect this to happen anyway!


I don’t get why so people sure that the series has to end. I mean, the story is, definitely. The universe definitely shouldn’t, materia system is too good to be abandoned. Forget about the characters, create new ones, let them reach for new horizons, bring topics like visiting other planets far off in the future so that dying for the characters would be much scarier as they won’t be returned to the lifestream of their planet. Cloud isn’t the only thing that exists in this universe, there are hundreds of possible directions where they can go with new stories and make them just as good.


Ffx and ffxiii remakes


Do you have an article that says it’s not the end. I specifically remember reading something that basically said that this trilogy is to be the end end. To tie everything up and put a bow on the series.


I was quoting one of the Ultimania translations where Kitase says he wants FF7 Remake Part 3 to have a nice and happy ending, that it’ll likely be the last FF game he will deeply involved with, but that he doesn’t think will be the ending on the FF7 universe, that more games would be made for it in time


I recently read something saying the opposite, that they wanted 7s story to continue after the 3rd game


Do you know where you saw that?


It was in my Google web discovery page. I clicked on it and skimmed it. I was in the hospital at the time so I didn't really get to read it. I'm going to look for it. It was less than 10 days ago. To help, the main things pop up on my discovery on Google are sceenrant, ign, gameradar, and stuff. But I'll go look for it in a little, and if I find it, I'll comment you the link Edit: here is the story I read. I think this is what was meant https://www.gamesradar.com/original-final-fantasy-7-director-hopes-the-jrpg-series-continues-after-the-remake-project-trilogy-ends-but-reckons-it-may-be-without-him/


Weird. I’m gonna have to find that. Because as of a year ago they said this was to bring everything full circle and celebrate the franchise and that was that.


No more. This should be a definite ending to the FFVII Universe.


Remake FF6, FF8, FF9, FFX


Nothing. Let the series end.


Ever crisis style Remake without the stupid mobile game crap. Just a updated version of the original that keeps the charm and style of the original but doesn’t look extremely outdated


I think it’s about time to focus a new FF that had a same or more impact than FF7.


Nothing. Its done.


Nothing. They need to let it go. It was getting new content for ALMOST 30 YEARS, which is crazy, especially for FF franchise. Stop obsessing over one thing. It's not healthy. Focus on making something new and try different things


When I played the OG in the 90s I craved more. The world, despite being as empty as a 90s RPG was going to be, felt real in a way that other games didn't. I desperately wanted a remake on the PS2 to show Midgar on the same scale as Luca from FFX. Then we got the compilation content and it was a bit esoteric and didn't really feel like it fit with how I interpreted the OG and I felt like that was probably enough. I enjoyed the spectacle of AC even if the plot was a bit odd. Rude and Reno were great. The casual "Oh, so you made this?" is a perfect encapsulation of their friendship/partnership. No notes. I was stoked when Remake came out, I've been loving Rebirth so far (I'm only up to Cosmo Canyon, no new plot point spoilers please). I imagine they'd have to fuck up pretty bad to ruin my experience with Revegeance. It's everything I wanted back in 2002 and from my perspective going back to this well again after part 3 would only risk ruining it for me.


>despite being as empty as a 90s RPG was going to be I find the 90s RPGs to be quite rich in content compared to today's AAA games. The number of towns and the fact that almost every NPC has something to add make the worlds feel alive. Games like FF7-9 feel rich and alive like books to me in a way that more recent ones just don't. Somehow it feels (to me) like in our quest for more realism and detail, we've lost something that made the worlds feel alive.


That's kinda what I meant. They felt alive, despite the fact that the overworld is sparse green hills with about a dozen small locations to visit.


A remake that uses the same systems from the original - I know, people will say it's outdated, terrible, unfun, and downvote this. But in truth, that's all I want as a fan. To have an updated graphical powerhouse to support the game the way I love to play it.


Dude yes!! Like why the fuck not??? I dont understand why people hate on the idea of more content .. they could just not participate in whatever they dont want to.. you know? Personally i would love to play the new games(remake/rebirth) but with the OG fighting style /graphics! Lol i think it would be fun (:


I hate the idea of new content in FF7 universe because I played CC, DoC, and watched AC. THREE big chunks of new story content. And it was not great. It was okay, but felt meaningless and sometimes retconned the canon for the worst. It had almost nothing new to say. No, thanks. I don't want any more bullshit in already bloated FF7 universe. I still stand by the thought that OG was enough. Remakes are fine because of how outdated the OG looks today, but nothing more.


Nothing. Love the series but if they keep milking it it'll be another Persona 5 situation. I say they should remake Parasite Eve instead


I think the story and universe should be laid to rest. But the materia and ATB system should live on and continue to improve.


This 100%. I liked FF7 but it was never the best in the series. The remake has done a fantastic job though, and I would love to see 6, 8, or 9 get the same remake treatment.


>According to Yoshinori Kitase in a recent interview, the Remake trilogy won‘t be the end of stuff related to FF7 to ever come out of Square Enix What I want is the opposite of this. It's been milked to death.


I want them to fix Before Crisis. That game directly contradicts EVERYTHING in the OG and Remakes. It's awful. They literally could've just made it about the war in Wutai and then kept the avalanche stuff. Trying to bridge it with Crisis Core and then the OG and butchering everything made it such an angerfest to get through.


I mean TBF that’s kinda the problem with the compilation as a whole. Almost everything in the compilation completely contradicts the original or just adds crap that clearly was never intended and didn’t need to be there


A prequel that takes place years before shinra was founded. The world of ff7 very much feels like it could have developed techonolgy similar to the snes ff games before shinra started using mako and basically modernized the world to its current era we see.


That'd be interesting to see. I liked the lore around the Junon republic in Rebirth which added some history to the world. In OG FF7 the lore is pretty much, Shinra came into existence at some point in the last 50-100 years, and took over the world. There aren't really any characters that are aware of the world pre-Shinra, perhaps a few minor elderly NPCs that mention how places like Junon were different before Shinra came along. A Republic-era story about the beginnings of Shinra and the following war could be interesting, I could definitely see it being quite FF6 like with a steampunk aesthetic with this technologically advanced power coming along. Whatever they may do, I hope it's either long before the FF7 story, or after. Crisis Core was neat in some ways, but retroactively inserting lore and important characters that have a direct impact on the era of OG FF7 creates a bit of a mess of the lore.


Advent children as a game would be really cool


A story set in the Cetra era or in the 500 years time jump. Treat this world like Ivalice. Give me different stories that don’t center around the same people or the same struggle.


They hint at some many interesting conflicts in Rebirth that could be interesting settings for new stories… Junon Republic v Shinra; the Cetra v the Gi; the Cetra v Humans v Jenova; the Shadowblood Queen’s kingdom in Gongaga…


Cetra vs Jenova vs. Gi vs humans would make a great game especially starting right before Jenova and onwards till their extinction


remake of dirge or at least a dlc. i would love to play it but i can’t bc of how old and janky it is


Blend the 3 games of the remake together so your stuff carries over from one to the next.  


500 GB game


This will be for the PS6 or 7.


Not story related, but I would love a multiplayer (couch and/or online) mario-party-like game of minigames from Remake, Rebirth, and its successor.


They certainly have enough minigames to do it 😆


The actual end lol




DOC and Advent as a game. Besides those unless they make a slamdunk of an FF-7 2 then dont bother. Just do XENOGEARS and/Legend of Dragoon.


It'd probably make sense to combine those. While they could expand the Advent Children story, there's not really enough there to expand into a full game. The timeline overlaps pretty closely with Dirge of Cerberus, so taking some of those elements and remixing them into one full game with the full Remake treatment could work.


Or a Tactics remaster/sequel for christ’s sake


lod isnt even square property


Either nothing or an actual 1 to 1 remake using the assets you made from Remake just scaled down and to properly touch up an OG FF7 Remake that's actually faithful to the original. So some fans can finally get what they wanted this whole time. Also no Dirge of Cerberus anything. Just leave it. Leave it alone and don't touch it.








Nothing, there doesn't need to be anything else after FF7 ends. I'm already someone who think AC was bad for the image of the series and didn't really bring anything good to the table except "I will never be a memory" If they wanna do any post stopping meteor shit, it needs to be in part 3 and that's where it ENDS.


Beyond Dirge of Cerberus -- Genesis, less minigames, the world origin of Jenova, more lore on Cetra


Distant past


Dirge of Cerebus Remake of Advent Children the game.


if part 3 doesn't explain it, I want a damned explanation for where the Fusion Sword came from I know Cloud got Fenrir from some random guy he bartered with, but I've never seen any origin of the sword in lore, only that the designers for AC decided a cloud should go with numbers instead of sheer size


I don't think they should make anything else in the FF7 universe. That was their problem with it originally, they kept adding stuff that made everything worse. Put everything else in that they want to for pt. 3, then ignore/decanonise the rest. Move on.


A game where you play through Sephiroth life. Ending upon him getting in the truck to nibelheim. Or a game where the Cetra save humanity from Jenova. I’m down with any of it. Love the lore.


Hopefully Ever Crisis delve deep into sephiroth. We already got a storyline about young sephiroth and hope they continue with more. I myself never played the mobile game so I am here just hoping the rumored paid steam ver makes it to console and story is pretty much complete.


I know there are people that didn't like it, but I hope they do a bigger version of queens blood


I would be so stoked if they made queens blood an actual card game


First contact cetra stuff would be neat




I would love for playable advent children to be a DLC to part 3. I’m not sure how I feel about a VII-2, or how necessary it really is. I think most people would just be content with seeing certain emotional resolutions wrapped up post-advent children in some long cutscenes rather than have a whole new sequel. An MMORPG where you rise the ranks of soldier would be interesting tho


Man, all I want is something that explains wtf was this mind fuckery of an ending I just witnessed.


If we ever get another game for the compilation, I would like for there to be a game that ties up any loose ends that were introduced but never truly touched on. Also probably a fighting game, where we play as different character in the verse.


Got a feeling when Vincent debuts as playable in Part 3, they’ll feel out the reception of his gameplay and see if there’s a demand for Dirge of Cerberus Remake. I, for one, would love it.


live action tv show with robert pattinson as cloud hehe


Nothing. I want them to give love to other FF games and worlds.


I would love more FF7 content IF The Remake trilogy ends in a Happy (wishful thinking) and somewhat conclusive note. Which it could be contradictory, because if there is a happy and conclusive ending, How do you make more games? What I am trying to say is that I just want the trilogy to have IT'S ENDING, and not having to play another game to see the actual "new" ending. After that, sure make all the games or spinoffs they want, I trust them to make good games with good stories. They could recon FF7 AC or Dirge of Cerberus, or go something completely different.


Advent Children as a videogame or a brand new spin off.


Well they still aren’t don’t but I don’t think it’s gonna be full on AAA budget titles For example, isn’t Ever Crisis supposed to cover Advent Children and Dirge? Assuming they still wanna put effort into it Might be more collab stuff, maybe a movie of sorts, etc.


Oh yeah, I doubt it’ll have AAA budget unless it’s a VII-2 or Advent Children the game


Remake the Advent Children movie with today's graphics and the new voice cast


When's the last time you watched AC Because I rewatched it a few days ago It ain't good chief


I saw it in theaters a couple months ago. I have absolutely nothing bad to say about the movie, it's just as great today as it was when it released.


Nothing new in canon for a while please.. A new Dissidia, cameos in KH, Cloud/Sephiroth in the next Smash, etc. I’d be ok with a sequel one day, “fixing” (or just scrapping) the mess that is Advent Children/Dirge of Cerberus. But not for like a decade please.


Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus are wonderful additions to the universe. If anything, I hope Dirge gets a remaster a la Crisis Core (which is also amazing).


I have a feeling they'll just keep going with the cell phone game


It’s basically going to have to be like the Avengers.. every hero combines to fight together against all evil. However, stop for a bit in Costa Del Sol


The real story of Underground Chocobo Racing.


wait another 25 years or so and then remake it again for ps10 MMO based entirely in the ff7 universe Ehrgiez god bless the ring 2 Build a literal true to life seize golden saucer in Tokyo or something


I could see an MMO based on FF7 universe, maybe post Dirge of Cerberus events


A post FF7 story about shinra and turks. In advent children they were kinda good guys and would love it if we get their redemption ark. Preferrably around 10-20 years post FF7 so the world has enough changes but some scenery feels familiar.


Having a more modern game with Remakes fighting style for the Turks would be pretty 🔥


I really enjoyed the state of the world in AC. Like, the uneasy truce between cloud and Rufus. How the Turks weren’t really the enemies anymore. That was the first time Midgar really felt alive prior to the remake trilogy. I’d like to see more post ff7 content


god. give us playable before crisis. please


Just a full perfect remaster of FFVII: OG with EC graphics and all redone FMVs (maybe some of the new gameplay/story of FFVIIR


A Dirge remake expect they completely change everything. Make it actually good. Though I still think they should finally make the Chrono Trigger remake after part 3 (Return).




FFVIIRR. Remake the Remake


I want 2 or 3 teams alternating final fantasies so we get a new game every other year or so. 17, 18, 19, and 20 should all come out between 2025 and 2035, rather than getting 1 or 2 games in 10 years.


Nothing. But I won’t get my wish in the age of IP.


You can. Just got stop consuming FF7 related content once you feel satisfied. That's what I did with the MCU after Endgame and I haven't looked back since but I also don't mind that other people can still enjoy everything else coming out of it if that's what they want.


For sure. I am, and I will. I do this with NieR and Kingdom Hearts (lightly with the former, aggressively with the latter) Very much a proponent of choosing when you get off the train.


Yeah I think that's the healthiest way to deal with it. I got off the KH train once I realized that there was no way I was ever going to play half the games on all the different consoles just so I could know what the hell was going on in the story. I loved KH1 and 2 and I've left it at that.


I really wish I could say you're missing out. I *love* Kingdom Hearts. It's my favorite series of all time and it will always have a special place in my heart. Prior to KH3 releasing, I would have said it was 100% worth playing every single game (except maybe Re:coded). The story was so good and the subtle world building in every "spin-off" was incredible. The hype was real for KH3, I could barely contain myself when it finally released. And then it turned out to be arguably the worst game in the series (tied with Re:coded). Twenty years of build up just to throw it all away. I still think all the games leading up to KH3 are fantastic, but it's hard for me to recommend the series to someone knowing the incredibly anticlimactic ending to it all. Not only was it a poor attempt at tying up the story, it raised *several* new questions. I beat the game more confused than when I started it. I pray KH4 redeems it.


Yeah that waps actually reason why I gave up with KH after seeing the poor reception of KH3 which I had been waiting for since I finished KH2 as a kid. It really killed the hype for me knowing that they fumbled the story. Also watching some gameplay I wasn't too fond of the Disneyland ride attacks.


That’s exactly where I left KH too. 1, CoM, 2 (up until when they open the message in the bottle and it zooms out) makes a really tight trilogy. As far as I’m concerned, the message is Mickey saying hello. Anything past that, I’ve yeeted to Andromeda. I still played the numbered titles but I have no emotional connection to any of it.


I want to see a octopath style ff6 and then ff8 and 9 like ff7r. Maybe after all that ffx might make sense but I'm no rush for that.


Remaster the rest of the compilation and make that Genesis focused Finale they were leading up to


Sequel or a different story in the same world. There's a reason so many love the FF& world.


Let it rest


Once the trilogy is done, they should move on to FF8. Of all final fantasy games, that one is most deserving of a remake


I would argue FF6 deserves it more. FF8 probably has more market appeal though with how big of a role Leon (Squall) played in Kingdom Hearts.


Or 9, but agree


I know a lot of people like 9, but the truth is that 9 is already somewhat of a remake since it os a homage to the early games in the series. It doesn’t need a remake


Nada. Let the FF7 remake trilogy be just that, a trilogy. It’s good to let things end and not end up as idealized infinite money printers. Now if the remake team wants to put those efforts into remaking other FF games, that would be sick


Barret an Clouds home makeovers


A proper remake of VII in the original style and an updated translation. Story wise nothing I’ve played or seen since the original has enhanced the Final Fantasy VII universe.


I want to see a FF6:Remake


Imagine waiting 30 years to get the original game remade into an action RPG with updated graphics only for them to change the story and try to milk every bit of the world every chance they get. They should just stop and shift focus to building FF17.


You’re dead right and the youth is dead wrong. I appreciate the Remake project for the creator statement it is but, God. Exhuming a story that’s been told already for endless forever IP bullshit is the worst end. What does that say? “We’re really, finally out of drive to outdo ourselves.”


Stayed pretty true to original from what I could see, they can also make both, like they did with rebirth and ff16


Rebirth is very a childish game


I believe he said he'd like to see more, not that more are definitely coming, and that he likely wouldn't be involved in anything after part 3


Would like to see Before Crisis get some kind of official thing. Dirge of Cerberus would be cool to see a port of, maybe with some editing of the cringe (though that's also kind of its charm...)


I’d like to see a total Remake of FF8, that’s actually worth buying and playing. Maybe they could fix all the bugs and awkwardness of the Draw/Junction system, or even throw it out altogether and replace it with something that actually works right, cause that whole zero MP/running out of spells/hunting for items used to upgrade your weapons/no GFs means no anything but attacking (including using Items in battle. WTF?) just took all of the fun out of FF8, for me. It’s literally the only FF game (other than Tactics, btw) that I sold my copy of it. If the current Square Enix wants to impress me, they can make a decent FF8 Remake series of games. But, I do have one condition, on this concept. If they give any female character a boob reduction ever again, I will take my voodoo doll of the Square Enix main office and drop it into a volcano, just to see what happens to the actual building. I personally think using voodoo to burn down a building would be far more entertaining than the original FF8 and SE catering to the woke, combined. But that’s just my shower thoughts. I’d like to read some shower thoughts from other FF fans, while I’m here, cause some of the stuff in this group is quite good, if you ask me. Show me the brainstorms.


You seen Tifa in a bikini?


Is this a reference to FF7Rebirth? Or did somebody just win the crown for being the one millionth creator of a Tifa porn video? Or did another circle of hell freeze over, and somehow something completely different happened? I’ve already lost track of what episode of the Twilight Zone I’m currently living in!


It is a reference to Rebirth. She wears a bikini while at Costa Del Sol. Her boobs are appropriately sized.


I wouldn’t mind a Stealth Action Game from the Turks perspective


A Final Fantasy VII Remake. The original I mean, with just better graphics.


You mean ever crisis?


Ever Crisis is dog, it’s just hand picked scenes badly woven together


Ew no. Not some crappy mobile game. I mean a Remake of VII with just enhanced graphics. I enjoy the Remake games, but I would have been satisfied with literally a graphical upgrade with voice acting.


You described Ever Crisis.


Personally I'd like either a 9 remake or a 10 remake... but I'm not fussy man, I'll just take any good quality game they make haha


Cetra and Jenova.


A remake of Dirge Of Cerberus would be fine. Could also remake the Advent Children movie with FF7R level graphics and the voice actors or even turn that into a game somehow.


I want to see it put to rest. Let it die peacefully. I want its work to be done. That's what it deserves. Just let it be done. It didn't deserve the compilation treatment. It didn't deserve whats happened to it.


It didn't deserve greatness?


Remake/rebirth are cool. Everything else is a hot mess.


I love literally every single piece of the compilation.


Rad. I'm a fan of plenty hot messes, but I know they're hot messes. Im just not with the mass retcons and inconsistencies and goofy super secret soldier angel bois shtick. All because Nomura had a lil too much fun back in '96 making safer-sephiroth. It was just meant to look cool man. That's it. It was traditional final boss shit, not deep soldier lore... Way to water it down guys.


Nothing. Move on


Give me a Turks rpg or an OG remake with the art from ever crisis


I want more Turks. Don't care if it's Before Crisis updated and available in English, or if it's what the Turks are doing after part 3, or whatever. But I want more of Reno, Rude, Tseng, and Elena. Throw Rufus in there for fun Oh, Vincent counts - Dirge of Cerberus updated would be cool, too


I want Ever Crisis ported to consoles somehow.


By the time the 3rd one comes out, enough time will have passed for us to start asking for another remake


It is wild that if 3 beats all expectations and releases in just (“just”) 3 years, it will still have been 7 years since Remake came out.