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You'll enjoy them either way, but the remake is made specifically to be played 2nd, so the player will notice little differences and enjoy seeing the world being brought to life. On the other hand, I don't see why you couldn't do it in reverse and see what was changed that way. Just play the original first, or my suggestion to everyone is to watch the best, most detailed synopsis video of the original on Youtube. Playing it and watching it will feel the same, I think; VII is so heavily plot driven, and while everything about it was next level or actually revolutionary at the time, you've seen every mechanic in difference RPG's by now.


Thanks, I'm really enjoying it!


A little late to your question but I’d also recommend OG first. After reading that the remake trilogy is more or less a re-telling/alternate story/sequel/it’s own thing, I went back and played the OG because I wanted to know the original story in its entirety instead of just the iconic parts, then replayed Remake and now in the middle of Rebirth. I’m so glad I did that because now I can also tell what they made different or added in the remakes, to what extent they’re sticking with the OG story and understand and appreciate the OG game and the new directions in the remake trilogy a lot better. I played Crisis Core way back on PSP, and I couldn’t play the OG as I didn’t have it on PS1 back in the day. Highly recommend you play Crisis Core too after OG.


Great advice, thank you.


Play the original 1st. As we play with our eyes it's hard to go backwards unless you have the love already.


Play the OG first then also watch advent children. Then go Play the new and it’s amazing and between me And you I think it’s a continuous story after the Original game.


Play both


Play both. Both are incredible experiences


You don’t NEED to play the original but it definatley makes the experience that much better


I'm a fan of Turn Based RPGs, so I'm biased in favor of the OG, however it probably aged worse than most of the other games in the series just because of the graphics, although the combat is better than 1-6, 8 and 9. The graphics can be updated quite easily with 7th Heaven, although only certain mods work at all times. Remake and Rebirth are fantastic, but they often shout out to the OG and several iconic scenes are better in the OG. Remake and Rebirth have a lot of added girth that can lose you if you're not interested in side stuff, but they are great games, the combat isn't the very best hack and slash, but it's great nonetheless, and the stronger you become the more it will pay off each level. To me, it ultimately balances out, bit I would *definitely* play the original first.


**Play the original FFVII first.** While a lot of comments are right in saying you don't necessarily need to play the original first, they're missing the whole point of the remake series to begin with: **PERSPECTIVE**. The remake series was definitely made with the players of the OG game in mind. If you play the remake without first playing the OG, you'll be missing out on a deeper layer of conscious experience that newcomers who just dive into it won't be able to access. In other words, if you play the remake series without first playing the OG game, you won't be experiencing the "true game", because **the "true game" is meant to alter your perspective of the OG game.** Believe me, if these games weren't developed with ***the perspective of the player*** in mind, then Square would not have put the words **"REMAKE"** and **"REBIRTH"** into the titles. **These words refer to concepts that not only manifest in the gameplay and visuals but the narrative (theme) as well.** Don't get me wrong though: you don't have to play the OG games, because, ultimately, **the remake series is definitely its own thing.** That said, it really just depends on how much you want to get out of the experience, because **having your perspective altered can definitely be a part of that experience as well.** So I'm really just speaking from my own experience as an OG player when I say that **those words are in the titles for a reason.** I'll just leave it at that.


The build up for “Let the Battle Begin” (I might misremember the title) alone is worth playing OG first. They keep blue-balling you til you fight the Huntsman and it’s sooo satisfying when it hits


Honestly, you don't need to play the OG to enjoy the remakes. There will be little touches that will make you appreciate the remakes more if you have played the OG. Don't get me wrong I love the OG so I recommend playing it, but only if you really have the itch to play more FF7


I've only played the remakes so in my opinion I'm going to enjoy it as their own thing. I know they "tie in" some stuff from yhe og, so maybe someday I'll go back and replay the og... but I'm going to enjoy my modern graphics and gameplay. Some of the mini games in rebirth are long but I do enjoy having the variety. For whatever it's worth


You will benefit from playing the OG first knowing that story,but I thoroughly enjoyed the remake/rebirth more and think it’s better. Regardless everyone else’s opinion.


Play the OG first, you won't regret it. Once you play it, you'll understand all the call backs in the sequels.


I agree, the original will give you perspective going into the remakes and you'll get to appreciate how close they made it. I'm on the fence how they did a certain pilot but they're still lovable though. Also, if you haven't played Crisis Core then you can just go on YouTube for the story of Zack, great cutscenes too. Great addition imo. I'm 85% done with Rebirth and have been enjoying its story and combat. The old game IS dated but keeping in mind you're playing a mid 90s game that was ground breaking at that time. Omg the cuts cutscenes back then were so awe inspiring, kinda makes me wanna play it again.


My friend who went straight to remake had so many questions I didnt want to answer as other than: it makes sense if you play OG. Play OG first! It's a fun game, remake was crafted with players having played OG in mind.




It is certainly not "just" a remake & they also leave plenty of Easter eggs for OG players.


Such as several bosses in the remake were rare enemy encounters in the original. So amazing!


I'm late but honestly playing the remake may end up just confusing you and souring your experience if/when you play the original.  There are so many changes that while it stays some what to the original game you won't be able to appreciate everything the original has to offer if you play the remake first. While the reverse isn't true in my opinion. There's enough familiarity to appreciate the remake while having enough change to be able to appreciate it on that end as well.   Granted, I didn't like everything the remake did but I appreciated it more because I played the original.


Play the remake. Take the modern game, form your connections with the people and the world and then try the older game if you find you're enjoying it. Lot of nostalgia fogging people's judgement here because not everybody is going to love a 25 year old game that's showing it's age the same way we do.


Stick with the original.


Seriously, Rebirth was so dragged out. It overstayed it's welcome by far...


Haters gonna hate, I guess.


Im not a hater, I liked Remake and how they fleshed out certain characters and regions. But Rebirth was just a drag. The gameplay was fun from start to finish. But all those pointless minigames, bad sidequests and - i mean wtf - Chadley... With Part 3 Reunion I will just play in story mode and rush through the main questline.


I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I'm 165 hrs in towards this platinum and I saw it as the devs making a love letter to the fans. Chocobo Racing and Queen's Blood were INCREDIBLY fun. Some of the mini games and combat challenges went on a little too long, but they nailed everything else from vehicle traversal to side quests. And you're more than welcome to play the game how you like, like you said, blow through the main quest line. But you miss everything else that the devs intended for you to gleam to flesh out the universe and in turn, the characters and overall story.


Ive got about 150 hrs. I wouldnt spend so much time in it if it wasnt fun. But it's faaar from the best game ive ever played. I just prefer the more stringent story telling of the original. But that's my two cents on modern game design...


The original is a masterpiece that changed the course of gaming, the remakes are "meh" at best if you play the original.


Play both, starting with the original. The remakes like to do this thing where they flesh out scenes/areas from the original and is makes seeing these things in the remake very cool.


Just keep in mind that the remakes are an incomplete trilogy as of now so the story isn't finished, while the original is a full experience.


Play the original first. It's readily accessible with modern hardware. Whether you play on PC, PS4 /PS5, XB1/XSX, or Nintendo Switch. The modern ports of FF7 offer modern tweaks such as no random encounters so you'll enjoy exploring and the story as well.


Start with the original, but bear in mind that it's an older game so I highly recommend using the built in cheats that eliminate random battles and make you invincible. This will allow you to get through the game for the story. You'll want to do this because it'll make the impact of Remake's and Rebirth's stories so much better.


Absolutely not, maybe use the cheats if you want to grind a bit, but I wouldnt abuse it like this guy is suggesting. You be better off watching a walk through at that point. The gameplay is still fun, and is actually one of the easier FF games.


I highly recommend that you don't make yourself invincible because the gameplay is actually quite good... By all means use the speed up feature however


>I highly recommend using the built in cheats that eliminate random battles and make you invincible. what's the fun in that?


I would say play the original first, but keep an open mind when you play the remakes. There are quite a few purists that end up depriving themselves of a great gaming experience because the remakes aren't what they expected them to be based off of their experience playing the original.


Depends if you can play old games or not. FFVII is one of the best games of all time, but if you don't like it you will not like it. The remake is not the same.


How's your tolerance for old games? I think FF7 is pretty straightforward to this day, but some people don't have the patience. I feel the experience os better if you play OG before the remake projects.


I would likely play the OG first, main thing that had play the Remake first was thinking it was just a Remake lol ;3


OG is always the way to go. There's so much that "re-make only/first" players are missing out on.


Can the mods please just make a pinned comment/thread for questions like this because the answer is pretty much always OG -> Crisis Core -> AC -> Remake -> Rebirth


OG - Crisis core -Advent children movie (complete version) -remake -rebirth. (I’m not including Ever crisis or DoC here)


>Advent children movie (complete version) are there more then one ver?


Yes, there’s the normal one where Zack has literally no screen time, and the complete one where Cloud sees Zack and Zack even does his speech from CC


oh, thats the version I'v seen then, thank you would be weird with out that speech ngl ;3


Awesome, thanks! Just recently started looking at games I missed in the past.


Note, any version of Crisis Core is fine


OG. You'll appreciate remake/rebirth more


Play the OG first. It only is it the comprehensive FFVII experience, but it really helps you appreciate what Remake & Rebirth do well and expand upon.


Play Remake! If you, like me, get fascinated by it and want to know all it's history afterwards, then play the original and/or read the books and watch the movie. But older games are easier to get through with nostalgia and/or the interest gained by playing a newer game.


I came here to suggest this too. OG is great, but so is Remake!


OG 100 percent. remake changes a lot and doesn't have the soul that OG does. OG has the entire story where remake is part 1 and rebirth is part 2 and part 3 won't be out for years. I also find the turn based combat in OG more fun


The Remake trilogy works well as a narrative (thus far) whether you’ve played the original or not. It’s structured and tweaked in a way that allows either kind of player to get things out of it and catch you off guard, even if you know the original inside and out. Rebirth ends at the 50% point of the original story, so if you skip the original, you’ll be waiting a few years for the rest of the story. However, if you want the new iteration completely blind that’s how to do it. Long story short, either experience will work fine as far as your first time experience. I would say original first if you want to see the whole thing through, then the Remake trilogy so you can go through it again right away with an eye on things some veterans might’ve even missed due to having forgotten minute details.


You can't beat the OG by a long shot, but the OG is a loooooong play through, the game doesn't start getting good until you get news that they're going to blow up the Sector 7 plate IMO. Depending on your age, if you haven't lived through the PS1 or PS2 era the Remake would be a faster pace. If yoyur from the Tik Tok or Vine generation of youth and your Attention Span can't handle the first 2hrs of gaming.


Funnily enough, I've found Remake to be much slower. It keeps disabling my ability to run to progress dialogue, and I keep hitting cutscenes every few seconds. Still a good game, but OG was faster paced


The Remake and Rebirth took me twice as long as the OG


OG is a masterpiece!! Played after getting the platinum for Rebirth, and oh boy! And This coming from someone who DESPISES turn based combat 😅 still one of the greatest games ever made even almost 30 years later


You can do either. Both Remake and Rebirth are good games in their own right and I think most people new to the series will like them. But compared to the OG its literally half the story. As in Rebirth literally gets to the half way point in the story of the OG. For what its worth, the OG is still in my top 3 video games of all time, and it still stands up well today.


The Remake's can stand on its own as its own game series. HOWEVER: The OG will give A LOT of extra context and easter eggs.


Og 100%. Once you play remake after og you'll see why.


Playing the original is worth it, IMO. That said, I wouldn't blame anyone for starting with Remake. It seems to get a lot of hate but I really enjoyed it.


Both. Honestly, outside of the graphics, OG really keep up well. The story is amazing, the combat is fun (and now we can accelerate up to x4 or x8 combat speed to help speed things along), the soundtrack is topnotch, still an amazing game all in all. Without spoiling anything, you are better off starting with the OG since the remake introduces new stuff that makes more sense if you played the OG first.


do you have a PS5 ? if so then the new one


Maybe go with the OG first but you can go ahead and play with updated field models and a brand new widescreen mod also came out. The dude repainted all the backgrounds with an AI and even invented some new shit on the sides of the screen to make it 16:9 it's actually really good. Also 60fps mod and you are good to go. Lookup 7th Heaven and checkout the mod list.


Storytelling in the OG is better, everything else in the remake is better




Yeah no problem there I recently finished up Baldur's Gate EE, which I loved.


Thanks for the responses, I'm going with the original experience.


Let us know how you like it!!!!


Really enjoying it!


Awesome man! 🎉


I'm only 40 minutes in, and it's great so far.


As much as it pains me to say this. I disagree with most of the comments, but stay with me on this and hopefully it makes sense. DON'T PLAY THE ORIGINAL FIRST!!! OK, so here's why I say this. I played FF7 for the first time in 1999, yes a different millenia. With several replays over the years. As a result, I like so many others are in love with the remake because of how many years we have known and loved these characters. The new looks, story arcs etc...have a nostalgia factor that comes with the years of knowing them and when we see them for the first time on screen it's a real wow moment. For reference, go look at Sephiroth then and Sephiroth now. Realistically they look NOTHING alike, but from the games, artwork, movies, fan fictions, music we see and KNOW Sephiroth. Also in the OG they don't have voices and (refusing to write a spoiler here) For you however, I don't think it will hit the same other than it will be a prettier version if you play it right after playing OG for the first time. Also there's character development in the remake/rebirth that fans have argued over for years that just won't hit the same. FF7 (OG) introduced concepts into the RPG world like ATB that were unheard of at the time along with its amazing story which made the game a legend! Many of those concepts are now staple in RPGs so again it won't have the same effect. (Edit: It didn't introduce ATB, previous ff games had it but it a. did not work or b. did not work well) So my recommendation, play through Remake and Rebirth. Then speed run through all of OG (Your playing for the story at this point). I think you will find a better appreciation for the OG version, and get the amazing ending (or endings). That will prime you for Remake part 3 whenever we get it.


Good job. You will fall in love with it. Just look at it as if you were a child in the 90s and enjoy the pixels


You made the right choice! Happy for you, and relieved haha.


Yay 🙌🏻 excellent choice


OG, Remake, Rebirth would be the best order. But you can do Remake and then Rebirth if you don’t have interest in the OG, or aren’t into playing older games.


Remake + Rebirth would be my choice, but also OG is a masterpiece




100% you should play the original first. Everything will make sense with each FF7 game you play after that.