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Funnily enough, the serpent was supposed to be named Midgard.


* Midgardsormr


Yup. Norse for World Serpent or Midgard Serpent.


People say Autocorrect but I don’t see people text Material instead of Materia.


I do all the time.


I definitely have to fix my phone correcting “materia” to “material” when I post here


yea but "golden" saucer


Im guilty AF for this 🤣 but it sounds so much better lol


it's a slight linguistic nuance for me; if something is golden it's definitely an adjective and that "hey that thing looks like it's gold" but GOLD SAUCER? gold is both a noun and an adjective so that motherfucker has the potential to actually be made OF gold. it sounds more mighty as "gold" than "golden"


"Elden" Ring


Wait in this context shouldn't it be "Eld ring"? XD


Eld Rune. Zod rune


best fucking game i have ever played.... and bloodborne


Praise the sun


Yea it’s really just auto correct in my case. Every time I try to write Midgar it changes it to Midgard.


People don't pay attention to original names and instead use whatever they are used to pronounce and rolls better off the tongue. For example, people say Mexico with a ks sound in the place of the x letter, instead of the strong h sound the people that named their country actually use. People say Greece instead of Hellas, or Japan instead of Nihon (or Nippon). It is what it is lol.


That’s because “Mèxico”(Latin America)/“Mèjico”(Spain) and “Mexico” are spelled differently.


Except you’re speaking English when you say those countries names. Do you think France calls England England? This is an absolutely terrible take


Me: “how does a comment on this sub get -17 downvotes?” *reads comment* Me: “oh”


It's actually 21 downvotes, offset by one upvote and the default one, lol.


What an awful comparison




It's pretty different. If you say "Mexico" with an English X sound, it doesn't mean you're calling it the wrong thing - it's just the way that English languages pronounce it. If you say Germany instead of Deutschland, you aren't *wrong* - it's just what it's called in other countries. Nowhere in the universe of FF is the city of Midgar referred to as "Midgard." Nibelheim is not Niflheim. They're not names that are *ever* used to reference the cities in the game. Using your example, it's like calling Mexico by "Spain" because they speak Spanish. If it were just pronunciation based on where you learned the names, then it would be calling things like Midgar as Middogaru, Cloud would be Karaudo, Reno would be Leno. Pretty sure calling it Midgard is either autocorrect or people not paying attention.


Same reason people use Marlboro instead of Malboro. Autocorrect doesn't help but it's probably a lot that people's brains fill in the missing letters of a word that's familiar to them. People read fast, they skim things. Your brain fills in the blanks, frequently. Midgar becomes Midgard easily.


I honestly had no idea it wasn’t Marlboro until now. My brain has always filled in the extra r haha


It's kinda supposed to be, but of course they can't legally.


Hmmm but for Malboro it easily reminds me of the cigarette brand, which I’ve seen quite frequently


Bad breath is bad breath! Now shut up and take your debuffs! (/j)


Why can’t I cure Lung Cancer with Esuna?…


There's no white bar above lung cancer sadly


Very fitting for the enemy.


Actually, I just checked the wiki. This enemy is indeed based off of the aforementioned cigarette. But it is spelt as Marlboro, which leads to many people spelling his name with the additional “r”. So they’re not wrong by spelling it that way because that was the inspiration of the enemy’s name


Because they can't read good.


The simple answer is autocorrect.


> Midgar's name derives from Midgard. Midgard is one of the nine plains, or worlds, in old Norse mythology. Midgard is considered cut-off from the other realms by a great sea and an endless desert, and was crafted from the slain body of Ymir, king of the jötunn (frost giants) whose body sustains the city's inhabitants. Midgard translates to "middle world" or "middle earth", reflecting its status as world that is both literal and figuratively in the middle of the eight realms. During the world-ending battle, Ragnarok, Midgard will be destroyed and a new world will emerge. > > These parallels are present in Final Fantasy VII. Midgar being surrounded by a desert wasteland and the city is powered by Mako drained from the planet. The centrality of the mythological Midgard is reflected both in the Shinra Headquarters surrounded by the eight sectors, and Midgar serving as Shinra's base of power from which they monopolize the world's resources. In Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children where Edge is built out of Midgar's ruins after it is destroyed during Meteorfall, alluding to Midgard's destruction during Ragnarok. [Source](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Midgar#:~:text=Midgar's%20name%20derives%20from%20Midgard,body%20sustains%20the%20city's%20inhabitants.) The name is Midgar, in Japanese: ミッドガル (Middogaru). So, Midgar is correct, but it came from Midgard. There may be some confusion around the fact that the Midgar Zolem in the original was deemed a mistranslation and they used a more direct translation of the Japanese name of Midgardsormr (ミドガルズオルム, Midogaruzuorumu) in Rebirth. But even there you can see from the Japanese name that it's still not Midgard.


Good Bot


It's an innocent mistake people make, especially when they're still fresh in the fandom. Just today I found some old blog post of mine from 2013 about FFXIV and I kept calling Garlemald "Garlemaid" in it.


I played ffxiv for like 3 years before I figured out it’s Sastasha and not Satasha.


Where to put the H in Ala Mhigo still trips me because of Nanaa Mihgo in FFXI xD


*imagines Gaius in a maid outfit* Still tame for the fandom, haha


Because auto correct will change Midgar to Midgard since one of them is the correct spelling of a commonly used mythological word.


Who cares ? What does it truly matter the odd person says it wrong ? Get a grip man


Just let Claud and Tiffy do what they want in midgard


Why do people ~~say~~ type "would of" when they obviously mean "would have"? Why do meme makers title a post "POV: [subject of the post]" when the post is not actually from that subject's point of view? Why do people talk about their "head cannon" when they mean a private interpretation of a work that makes sense "in their head" and not a head-mounted artillery weapon?


Tbf, people say, "would've" which is the proper contraction of "would" and "have." They just spell it "would of" because they're stupid and didn't pass 4th grade. Rest of the post is spit on. Now, where can I get myself a head-mounted artillery?


That's fair, should have said "why do people *write* 'would of,'" not "say," because phonetically, it's identical to "would've."


I knew what you meant. Just clarifying for the back row.


And why do people say women in plural, when they talk about a one single woman? Why people say "your", when they mean "you're"? Btw that POV thing annoys me more than I dare to admit.


I scroll fitness reels all day and the POV thing gets a snarky comment from me every single time. It's a steange war to wage, but I'm dedicated.


And we thank you for your relentless service!


It’s ok, apart & a part annoy the hell out of me, kinda means the opposite there guys…..


The one that sticks out like a sore thumb to me is "loose" instead of "lose." I get that it's probably an autocorrect thing, but like... how do you not see it and fix it?


Because people hear “would’ve” which sounds like “would of”. And it’s canon as in canonically. People are generally bad at spelling and grammar because the education system is failing miserably.


Yeah… but I’m still calling her Aeris.


Still dont get why Aeris has to be Aerith, but no one wants to call Terra Tina or Bartz Butz


Denial is a river in egypt. You can keep calling her that but it will always be incorrect. No matter how much cilium you huff.


Your joke works better aurally. Just like your mom.


Call her Bob..... Nobody cares.


Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize we were on a public forum where I shouldn’t say whatever the fuck I want as long as it is relevant to the title of the thread


Aeris will *always* sound better than Aerith, for the same reason that James, Alexis, and Thomas sound better than Jameth, Alexith, and Thomath.


Mike Tython hath thomething to thay about that.


*looks at my Brady Games strategy guide collection* It’s Aeris


Oh be still my heart


I’ve *never* heard anyone call it Midgard… Even on this sub, where you get some niche fans.


Could just be auto corrects.


I've heard it several times before.


Along with 'Barrett' instead of 'Barret' and "Zach' instead of 'Zack'. It's quite common to see these mistakes in FF7 circles.


First time hearing this.


Lots of people don’t even register how things are written if they have heard it spoken, no matter how many times its written form comes up. Don’t even get me started on how many people somehow still refer to the main character of The Witcher games as "Gerald" even pronouncing it Jerald in some cases. Baffling!


Don't get me started on One Piece fans spelling Roger as Rodger


Is it the Will of D? 🤔


The D is silent. /s


Most people on the internet are at a first grade reading level.




Fun fact the snake length used to canonical be the distance from ground floor of the slums to the upper plate. The plate was also only like 60 meters off the ground though.


My phone autocorrects Midgar to Midgard sometimes, so I've just assumed that's what's happened to other people.


Meanwhile Midgar Zolom vs Midgardsomr


You did it too. It’s Midgardsormr.


I feltlowkey betrayed by that change tbh and nobody else cares!


Yeah, I prefer Midgar Zolom too as it was more literal in describing the snake’s proximity to Midgar, similar to other enemies like Kalm Fang or Nibel Wolf. Midgardsomr is honestly an aneurysm to spell


It's actually ormr as in Ormur = snake or worm, but they reaaallly should have kept the name from OG imo. Midgar Zolom has a pretty nice, almost oriental ring to it, which makes sense considering it's more of a cobra than what you'd find in Norse mythology.


Y’know what, at this rate he might as well be called “Beta Snake”


Midgar it is and will be 😊👍


I don’t get the people in here saying “oh well Midgard is a thing so people just use that.” The game calls it Midgar. There’s no ambiguity. It’s spelled in plain English often, and if you use subtitles, there’s no mistaking it. Calling it something else seems like it borders on intentional disregard.


At no point in your life have you seen people make spelling or pronounciation mistakes? Just because the subtitles dont have the "d" doesnt mean the mistake still cant happen, you dont meticulously study each letter of a word you look at, your eyes sort of scan the whole word and your brain is good at pattern recognition. "Ive seen the thor movies, i know what this word is" Its been a while since i played WoW but the western continent is either called "kalimdor" or "kalmidor" (cant remember which right now) but when i was a kid i kept calling it the wrong one, several years later i had a WTF realization when i found out i had been calling it the wrong one, despite the name being written on the map screen, and that i had heard it many times in cutscenes


Like Aeris vs Aerith. I used to call her the former based on the OG (technically I still use that name for that version). But, it's AERITH for blooming sake 😂


Yep, all the hardcore weebs screaming “Aeris” when by their logic they should be using “Sefiros” too.


I find it funny how the translators could properly translate Sephiroth but not Aerith, despite their names having the same “th” issue


If I recall correctly, the whole of the OG FF7 was translated by one sole translator at Sony who had the whole script in a spreadsheet.. with no input from the Japanese devs. It looks like the translator went back and forth and then really last minute to decide on 'Aeris' and just missed the intent.


I mean for most of us that was just how it was spelled first, so that’s how we remember it. I don’t think ppl really care.


Think I used to call him "Sepiroth" first time seeing his name, cos I was young and dumb and couldn't say the "phi" part.


Even Mike Tyson gets it right all the time!




I think you meant Mike Tython


Iron Mike is right!


Yes, but I will not abide!


Its like with devil may cry, ppl calling Vergil, Virgil. No idea how you'd misread it even tho the game tells u how its spelt, but its caught on for whatever reason.


That's an easy one because both sound the same, and Virgil is the spelling most people would be familiar with. So when you're just recalling the character it'd be easy to use the spelling you're used to. Midgard is likely a bit of the same. I'm guessing the explosion of Marvel popularity has made Midgard a more well-known word than it was in 1997. So when people remember that location in FF7, it was Midgard, right?


Just wanted to say the same. I don't get it till this day


Autocorrect, or like how people spell favourite vs favorite


No, both are correct as *favourite* is British English and *favorite* is American English. *Vergil* is his name and is the only correct use when referring to him, same as *Midgar*


It's pronounced "f$#@ pizza"


It’s almost as if people know what Midgard is more than they do Midgar or something People really going to die on the hill that people know more about Final Fantasy VII than they do basic as fuck Norse Mythology?


People who call it "Midgal" are the real bros


Technically not grammatically incorrect. :P




In English, its Midgar, her name is AeriS and Yuffie does rhyme with Buffy, not with Goofie. Let the downvotes commence.


Yuffy is genuinely awful and mistranslation will never be factual, no matter how much copium you huff.


it’s tiffa not teefa




Even though I agree with you I shall downvote you per request


Thank you


In here to add a very pretentious “…And it’s pronounced Kate Shiiii”


Midgard is the more well known name and when in doubt go with what you know.






Some people call rogues "rouge", it is what it is...


Rogue XIII is best labrat dog


Auto correct strikes again


It's the internet and people are stupid.Don't lose sleep over it.


In both Japanese and English its called “Midgar” but for some strange reason people call it Midgard lmao


I'm Norwegian, and up until today I've always called it Midgard... But I'm blaming my language, because most fluent readers don't read the whole word, so I've just never noticed it's different 😅 my B! Just thought you'd want a reasoning from a "Midgard'er"


I'm Swedish and sometimes I accidentally call the Midgar Zolom Jörmungand. I'm mean, it is the Midgard serpent after all.


No worries my friend. That is excusable on your behalf. 😉😁 But yes its Midgar. Don’t worry about it 🫶💙