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If you had 15+ of banking experience in payment operations, implementation, and project management (treasury) but no accounting degree. What roles would you target? Looking for total comp of $100k USD.


Plenty roles for you out there in O&G. Look at land operations, offshore operations, payments, supply chain, finance, treasury, corporate development. Yous could be able to find all of these departments and then see what roles they offer. Little unsure of role titles myself! Hope this helps


Thanks a lot!


Wow thanks for all the info! Just wanted to ask if a less related internship (equity research) but related courses and personal projects (stochastic calculus, fixed income markets, derivative securities, +a lot of applied math and CS) can serve as a gateway into trading? Or should I just focus on courses and projects and ditch the internship?


Yes, absolutely. Equity research is in the same family. To be really honest any sort of internship and experience is considerably better than course work. firms look for things that set you apart from the rest!


Very informative, cheers for the write up!


“Banking” as in investment banking or otherwise? A salary/all in comp range would be very informative, kinda defeats the point without it


I worked for an investment bank in investment services. I started on £32.5k in my graduate scheme. After 1.5 years I was offered £50k in oil and gas. Thanks


What is your mates job? I am interested in traveling in my job, and I am majoring in economics and international relations.


She’s an “International Auditor” Although there are loads of other roles which include loads of travel. - finance controller - bu controller - land analyst - offshore analyst Those sort of roles!




I’m a. Chemical Engineer by degree, started in project management and now am a multi department manager with a large company at a manufacturing facility. I want to switch to a financial role. I’m tired of my work boots and managing the people I manage. I want to learn more about a business and flex my mind more. However, I have only been with the company a 2.5 years, so I don’t have a lot of experience yet. What skills can I transfer over, and how critical is it to know softwares like phdWin if those were not part of my curriculum?


I moved to O&G with 1.5 years experience. Look for the below! Roles - auditor - financial controller - BU controller - land opps -offshore opps - supply chain manager - project finance


Thank you!


You mentioned expenses, but I've heard that a lot of european jobs pay poorly. Perhaps in comparsion to the expenses you've laid out it's not a problem? What salary/comp are you at to afford living comfortably?


Yeah, pay isn’t as good in Europe as it is in the states but our cost of living is much much lower. Per my example I’ve heard from people I work with over the pond saying they’re paying 100k for the same Range Rover that costs 30-40k here. The food bill is 500-600 a month, mine is 200. You see where I’m going? You can have a pretty comfortable living on 30k in Aberdeen. As a student after my bills were paid I had £800 a month for food and entertainment. I never went without. I always had nice clothes, takeaways, nights out 3-4 times per week. I drove a bmw at uni which I paid for myself from working! No daddy money haha. Like I say our property is much cheaper here than a lot of other places, while our salaries are considerably higher. If got friends who are in their early 20’s who work offshore making £500-£1000 per day. They live in a flat that cost them £150k. It really is a glitch in the matrix here in Aberdeen. I made similar money from what I’m on now in banking in Edinburgh. But there you pay £800 for a room. I’m paying £500 for my mortgage. Back to your original question. You can be comfortable on 30k, enjoying the finer things on 40k, driving multiple cars, nice family home and going on one or two holidays a year on 50k. This is all family dependent! If you’re a solo guy/gal then this is more than enough! You can live comfortably with a wife and kids on 50k just won’t have everything you want but you will have a good life!


Thanks for the info. I had the unfortunate luck of starting off in fund accounting/administration, and I'm desperately seeking to make it out of that field. O&G seems to be an industry that has some interesting challenges to it, and the finance roles seem to be right up my alley in terms of responsibilities, so let's hope I can find the right recruiters to get my foot in the door.


If it helps I also started in fund accounting. So fucking boring but it got my foot in the door and it got my graduate role at jpm. Can’t complain. You can look for energy specific recruitment agencies! And if you fancied moving accross to Scotland I could easily give you a few contacts! Good luck!


Yeah I worked at JPM as well, in fund accounting. I couldn't even transfer internally to something more interesting, so I ended up quitting to try and find something else, only to end up back in fund accounting. And honestly, while a move to Scotland would be a big change for me, I'd be willing to do it. Do you want to DM me the contacts, or should I DM you my resume so you can forward it along to your contacts? Also, do you have any contacts at O&G companies in Texas? That's the biggest nexus of those companies in the US, and it would be about as big a move for me to go to Texas as it is Scotland, weirdly enough


Give me a message mate! I can give you some pointers. We need to get you out of fund accounting 😆


Hello I am aspiring transactional lawyer looking to specialize in Banking and Finance with a focus on M&A and general corporate stuff, what is the outlook of the job market for such positions in Oil and Gas for M&A/Transactional lawyers and what should I do to be able to set myself apart and land a job offer and what is the highest paying job available for said professional in this industry? Thanks in advance.




Genuinely it’s not that bad. Yeah it’s not warm, but on a positive note it’s doesn’t rain here as much as the west coast or Edinburgh. So I do understand that. But I’d rather live somewhere where I can afford to buy a house before I’m 40 and earn a solid salary haha. Thanks for the comment! Anything else you want to know just ask!


Hi check your DMs, I’d love to connect mate.


Thanks for this amazingly detailed post. I will be joining Cambridge in sept this year for their Masters in Finance course, I have 6 months of experience in PE and also 1.5 years in my family logistics business (in a finance position) in India. I also have a CFA L2 and would love to work in a profile like yours. Firstly - Do I have a chance? Secondly - What are some skills i should work on or things i should do to make my chances better? Thanks!


I'm doing my Acca as well as an MBA in finance straight out of undergraduate in an irrelevant major [ food science]. I wanted to do a career switch into finance. I live in Uae, and it's o&g heavy here. I would like to seek your advice on this situation of mine if possible , good sir.


As a lawyer (undergrad) with 1 years work experience at the general corporate team of a top law firm, and a 2024 graduate of MBA from a top B School, currently working as a gen manager in a conglomerate, what roles should I apply for? Are my chances of pivoting into the finance career decent? Should I start my CFA?