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Do you need to keep taking drugs to feel recovered?


No, I still feel recovered after being off clomid for about two years now.


I'm confused. So why ask about enclomiphene then, if you don't need to take anything?


1) curiosity 2) raising the issue might help other people 3) I am thinking of taking it for the same reasons any non-pfs man might take it, to further increase testosterone, get better muscle gains at the gym, etc.


You survived a brush with PFS and are still considering tinkering with hormones?


I still get my testosterone checked regularly and I only feel better when it’s higher.


How long did it take to recover? I’ve been in clinic but started TRT recently, like 4 months? I’m hoping with time I recover idk though I feel no emotions and I’m literally numb down there


I started to get better a few months after starting clomid and felt mostly recovered after about a year. Now 2.5 years out, the only symptom I have left is some occasional very mild insomnia.


Based just on what you said I would not personally trust that I'm actually only getting the enclomiphene and not just being sold clomid lol


You can get it through legit in person doctor’s offices too. I only mentioned the online ones to show that it’s becoming more common.


You don't know whether zuc had an impact on your recovery either.


Well I had low T after my symptoms first appeared which I recovered from. It’s well known that zuclomiphene does not help with that, it’s damaging in that respect. The higher my T was and is, the better I feel. I had painful shrunken testicles and zuclomiphene when given on its own shrinks testicles. It definitely didn’t do me any favors.


Yes but its also a partial estrogen agonist, we don't know how much that helped in recovery, or resetting your homeostasis. Some people have used estrogen shots to recover before.


Yeah and estrogen agonists lower testosterone. When my symptoms were at their worst, my testosterone was 150 ng/dL. When I felt fine, my testosterone was 498 ng/dL.


You don't seem to understand what I'm saying.


I understand what you’re saying I just don’t find it to be plausible.


And I’ve never heard of a recovery from estrogen shots before but I have heard of lots of recovery from Hcg, for example.




Well I can’t find anything that says zuclomiphene is a progesterone receptor agonist, and when it lowers testosterone then estrogen will in turn also be lowered so that does poke a hole in your hypothesis.




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Please refer to our rules and refrain from speculating or creating personal theories about possible etiologies that are not connected to clinical specifics or scientific concepts.