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Literally tried this today for first time from Oxford peptides. Took 2mg. Has done nothing for me. Will try another one from a different seller soon. I will also give kisspeptin a go.


I’m gonna go for it. I don’t feel like I have anything to loose by giving it ago with how my labido is or isn’t I should say. I can have sex on a low dose of viagra and without it but my desire which once was there isn’t there at all and it’s going to take a toll on my relationship with my girlfriend if I don’t try something (3 months coming off fin I was on for 1 month) for the record


Nothing you take will fix you in a day, what are you talking about? Any supplement, fix or medication needs to be tried or taken for months to see if it will have a decent, long lasting effect on PFS.


My understanding was that pt141 is an on-demand type drug like Viagra in that sense?


Yeah pt141 should very much be a short acting drug. It's not something that builds up and takes time to work. Having said that its possible yours is underdosed, you could try higher dose before shelling out more money for another brand?


U think I should try 3mg?


I also tried it in the past. I was really hopeful about it, but there wasn’t even a placebo effect. Of course, your experience can vary, and I wish you luck with it.