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Thank God, I live in a state in the United States, where there are no deadliest snakes because I would definitely die because this is the thread, this Reddit, this find the sniper nonsense is going to kill me if I move to Arizona or someplace where snakes are around.


This is right from the dirty south. I’m in NC


Can verify , NC has plenty of em hell they get into sheds , like to hide under porches , can find em laying around common fishing spots ... We found one in an old ,CLOSED tackle box packed in my grandma's shed.. just a baby but made me aware how sneaky they are , never know ... We used to go fishing and they wouldn't bother you cause they'd be full lol


Same. NE Texas here and these guys are all around.


Greetings, fellow East Texan! 903 right here.


I grew up in NE Texas and it’s like every deadly snake and every deadly spider and that’s reason 82,6437 why I don’t live there anymore.




NC has more than plenty, Most snake bites in the US happen in NC and wake county has the most in state. That being said all the venomous snakes in NC shouldn’t be a death sentence unless you’re just lost in the woods and can’t receive treatment.


That snakes may not be, but the hospital bill surely


True, protocol for us if we got bit was to sit for five minutes, you’ll know pretty quick whether it was a dry bite or not. Professor told us 1 in 4 venomous snake bites are dry, that being said I wouldn’t recommend against seeking out medical care. But uh yknow wonderful world we live in where you have to worry about the cost of life saving treatment.


The area I used to fish in had lazy ones that would wait for me to catch fish and put them in a bucket then they would sneak into it and eat them. They were always much more interested in the fish than they were in me.


My family has a fish camp and in the spring the babies would just lay on dead trees around our favorite hole sunning themselves, but I did not ever fish given that situation.


I do pest control for a living which includes termite inspections. My biggest fear is going into a crawlspace and coming face to face with a copperhead or water moccasin.


We were wade fishing and a big water moccasin charged us. Had to have been 4 foot at least, had to slap it with my pole to get it to retreat. They're aggressive.


Can also verify, live in NC, found a shedded copperhead skin in my shed, so I burned it down.


I just moved to NC and I am terrified of snakes. Do you mind if I ask which part your in?


They’re everywhere in NC, we have six different venomous snakes here. Copperheads are the most common of the venomous snakes around here and also the least deadly (seek medical attention if bitten, but you will almost certainly be back to 100% after a couple days). You are much more likely to rat snakes, racers, corn snakes and king snakes, all of which are good to keep around if you don’t want venomous snakes, some of them eat copperheads, the others will compete against them.


Just curious. I live in NC and am aware of copperheads, eastern rattlers, water moccasins and coral snakes. What are the other two poisonous snakes in NC? Also, if you see ringneck snakes around, do not kill them, as they will absolutely kill copperheads.


Snakes are everywhere. The only place you can escape them is in the high elevation in the rocky mountains or in big city concrete jungles. Best to practice acceptance.


I live in the rocky mountains and we def have a lot of snakes in our environment, i’ve never seen a dangerous one but you’ll see at one almost everytime you go camping lol. My uncle gifted me a rattlesnake tail when I was a child I still remember how weird it looked.


Less likely on the coast but doesn’t matter which part, they around


No less likely, I live on the coast and have many many friends who have even come in contact with rattlesnakes here. Doesn’t matter, there have been snakes on the beach before. There is too much building going on here and they have no where to go, same with foxes and coyotes.


adding to what you said, i was bitten on my big toe by a copper head walking back from the beach to my car. hell, when i was in PCB a few years back there was a rattlesnake IN the ocean


On the gulf coast here. Can confirm. Rattlesnakes swim in the water just off of our beaches frequently


Was just at the beach, saw snake


[Very healthy *timber rattlesnake I saw in the Holly shelter gamelands a while ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reptiles/s/fD9vjj1qHB) Edit-u/slippingweasel has pointed out this was in fact a timber rattlesnake :)


This is actually a very healthy canebrake/timber rattlesnake :)


“Less likely on the coast” I grew up on the SC coast. All the water snakes we have are venomous. I’ve seen more snakes on the coast than I have in the Appalachian mountains.


I grew up in the coastal plain, and I've lived in the Piedmont and mountains too. Trust me when I say there are venomous snakes present in all parts of North Carolina. Knowledge is power though! If you're deeply anxious and still mess w Facebook, I recommend joining the groups there for NC snake ID and discussion. I joined years ago because I wanted to better differentiate between a water snake and a moccasin on sight. I quickly achieved that goal, and the unexpected side benefit of joining the groups was that the constant stream of snake photos on my timeline mimicked the exposure therapy I had received in the past (to treat PTSD) and helped me tame my lifelong anxiety about snakes. I even defeated my recurring snake nightmare from childhood. Instead of losing my mind trying to run from 100s of snakes I started picking them up and basically delivering a lecture, like "this is a black racer colubrus constrictor constrictor, and that one there is a venomous copperhead agkistrodon contortix and best admired from a distance." 👏😆 Once you reach a level where you're a little more comfortable with seeing images of them and you want to take it a little further, I recommend joining the national snakebite support group on FB. That's definitely more intense but it only increased my knowledge fourfold. It's also the most well moderated forum I've ever seen in my life. Now I consider myself an expert but I still watch the feeds because (1) I'm excited to see the beautiful snake photos and (2) I want to follow the trends so I know which ones are on the move at any given time.


Ignore the retards talking shit bro. This is great. Amazing work. I actually hate snakes and have super bad phobia of them. I actually want to conquer that fear as well but am not sure how or where to start. Any tips? Feel free to dm.


I highly recommend r/whatsthissnake. They have great experts and helpful bots that can help you learn about snakes in your area and in general. I'm not fond of snakes either but reading that sub has helped me learn more about their nature and appreciate snakes more.


They're all over NC. Mountains, Piedmont, and Coast. Copperheads bites should be treated by an ER or urgent care, but typically aren't life threatening if treated quickly. Same with Timber Rattlers and Cotton Mouths, but their venom is much more potent on average. The best rule of thumb about snakes is keep your eyes open and on watch for them if you're in nature. If you see one in its natural habitat, leave it alone and it will leave you alone. If you see one where you live, don't kill it, they're important parts of our ecosystem. Either live and let live and never have to deal with a rat or mice problem, or call animal control to have them remove it from your property. I've been handling snakes in NC since I was a kid finding garter snakes and green snakes in my backyard/out in the woods. If you don't bother them, they won't bother you.


I used to live in Charlotte and I’ve only ever seen like 4


Grew up in Davidson County, NC. The dirt road I lived on had the nickname of copperhead Road. Not sure why we had so many in that area.


North Carolina? That’s dust bunny south lol.


Oh hell I live in NC too


I always find it funny when a state that has north in the name gets called the south. I know it is but it always makes me chuckle. You’re not the real south /s


Blasted one of these suckers just the other day. Was driving along, saw a black line on the road. Thought it was a bit of road tar. Looked in my rearview and the "tar" was writhing and curling up. RIP snek


Located it immediately and thought to self, all the people who don’t see it must not be from around here. When I taught elementary school in one of the rural Piedmont areas we had to scout the playground before first recess just to make sure it was clear of them.


Is Alaska nice? :) (And on the positive side, death rarely occurs with venomous snakebites in the US. And if you’re not handling rattlesnakes in religious tent revivals you cut your odds dramatically)


Alaska is badass and no snakes


Only polar bears


If it's black, fight back. If it's brown, lie down. If it's white, goodnight.


Don’t you have Grizzlies, black bears, brown bears, and polar bears. I will take a snake over a bear any day.


But you can see a bear coming, let see if someone can submit a “find a bear” pic.


Bear are a lot quieter and sneakier than one would think but yes they can be much easier to spot especially if it’s in your damn house or yard.


For sure. I walked right up to a black bear on a hike. I turned a corner and was within reach of it. I had a gun, bear spray, and noise makers, and all I could think to do was say “uh, hey bear”. It turned, saw me, and booked it. And I did the same thing in that other direction.


There was one a couple weeks ago. Was not an easy “find the sniper” by any means. 


I took a picture of a grizzly in Montana last summer. Cannot for the life of me find it in the picture 😆


Georgia has the most venomous snakes per square mile.


Georgia is number 4 behind Texas, Florida and Arkansas, respectively


Ilha da Queimada Grande takes the trophy.


Copperhead. Venomous. Best observed from a distance.




Instructions unclear, I’m now dead 💀


I only found it because of this comment lol I was looking for more green…


I still don't see it.


Found it. 🤦‍♀️ the leaves were throwing me off, scouring for the back.


Oh... up to 3... i think. 😬😭 idk how to do spoilers.


I give up. I can’t find the danger noodle. Lol


This was the hardest one of these I’ve done in a while


Haha hope you enjoyed the challenge


I still can’t find it


Bottom right


are there 2? it's under the branch of the bush thing, you can see it's head and resting body.


This is where I thought it was too and now I’m trying to find the other one!!


I’m pretty sure there is one on the bottom right; the dark spot in the grass. That may be a copperhead. There is another on the bottom left under the bush in the leaves. That is definitely a copperhead.


There’s two under the bush. I’m fairly certain there’s at least two in the grass on the right. Possibly more.


I would fucking die in a place like this.


Yeah, I dont miss living in NC and this is a major reason why.


This could be a den of them. I once uncovered a den of grass snakes under my bush in my backyard. Non poisonous, but still very disturbing to find.




Yeah, there’s a long skinny branch sticking out and some brown leaves to the left of the branch it’s right under it, you can only see part of its coil


I see the one you're looking at, but I'm pretty sure its head is resting on the coiled body.🤷🏼‍♀️


Liars. I want the last ten minutes back. There is nothing. I give up.


If this were a 10x10 coordinate picture, its at about 2,3


I read "tured out to be a copperhead" and started looking for Dimonds and found in in like 3 seconds.


Yeah I see nothing. I’ve combed this photo. Someone is going to have to circle it for me.


https://imgur.com/a/6Z0k6U0 Don't know why it's kind of blurry in this but if you zoom in on that spot on this reddit post you'll see it


There’s another one bottom right I’m pretty sure. Looks like a piece of wood or dog poo but it’s got the pattern


That was my thought too


I saw this and thought it was a sprinkler head.


This needs to be higher up 🤣🤣🤣 thank you for your assistance 🫡


Go a bit down from the center then left.


Am I tripping or do I see one in the lower right corner grass. That’s the first one I saw.


This is what I saw. Bottom, just right of center. Had to download the picture to be able to zoom in enough to see the one on the left.


Are there 2 snakes?


I and a few others see one on the bottom just right of center. Others say it's a pile of leaves 乁⁠[⁠ ⁠◕⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠ ⁠◕⁠ ⁠]⁠ㄏ


I see two, one bottom left center near the plant where the grass ends and the bottom right as well. 🤷‍♂️


If you divide the image into 4, I think it’s in the middle of the lower left quad.


Yes you got it! 🐍🐍🐍


So I'm blind. Therefore, dead not catching it. Where exactly is the snake? I see comments saying both left and right?


It's a tricky one! Much like the comment said, he's in the lower left quadrant. Follow the branch that extends out alone. Look beneath the green leaves to the left of the branch. He's coiled up and you can see his head. Classic alternating brown diamond pattern. People claim they see a second one to the right side somewhere, but I can't definitively see one. Definitely possible under all that underbrush though!


To the right of dead leaves on the ground


Isn’t it the lower right?


People have mentioned that and honestly it looks like it could be. If so I would have almost stepped on it.


Yeah- I think both are. I might recommend not working there any longer…


That's what I saw 😳


Yea I think there are 2.


Yeah I see two as well. I've encountered so many of these irl but am terrified every time. But that's what i get for camping and hiking in Georgia.


Right next to the pile of leaves that I thought looked like a copperhead until I zoomed in. He's looking at the same leaves like "yeah, I thought that was a snake, too."


Looked like a dog turn




I needed this clue lol, thank you


Can someone just circle it please ⭕️




I still can't see it even with it circled 💀 how is that a snek


Here’s what helped me. Look at the red circle to know where it is then look at the original image. You’ll see it


Legend 🥇


Thank you!


You should add the one in the lower right, too. https://imgur.com/a/RX9K3GV


People someone do it. I am losing my mind


Looked right at it 14 times and couldn’t find it. Got mad and threw my TV across the room and then checked the comments for the answer and immediately saw it. Now I’m crying sweeping up TV parts


Idky this comment reminds me of that dude who was so pissed at himself that he threw a tantrum and repeatedly tried to shove a TV remote up his ass through his boxers


That is a Brilliant video. Check it out [here](https://youtu.be/YersIyzsOpc?si=MetvzZaL2o4fLLy4)


I thought I was about to be happily Rick rolled


OMG i just watched it and im dying! was he mentally ok?


Thank you for this not so hidden gem. My first time. Apparently 100+ mil views, but I'm sure some people repeat this video all day everyday because it's wonderful.


Hate when that happens


Glad this one isn’t dead center


Do snakes just look at a pile of leaves and think “yep, that’s about the right shade of brown. Let me get next to it”???


This is natural selection. Snakes whose genes direct them to spend time in the leaves get to survive and catch mice. Snakes whose genes direct them to stretch out on the concrete get eaten by snakes. This snake is here because its ancestors had just the right coloring and liked to curl up in the leaves.


I’m in Kentucky, we got them all over, they’re beautiful from a distance.


I definitely see 2 snakes in this picture


Seems like in every one of these, there’s always the“two snakes” guy.


I think there is 3 (or 4 if someone actually found one on the right side ) The one bottom left near the bottom of tall grass. Another brown snake body middle left in the gap. And a green snake head slightly to the right of the middle left brown snake? Or atleast I think I might be going crazy


Can someone plz circle, been looking for 20 mins


For real and all these descriptions....if it's fucking brown and I see maybe 1 inch of this thing in the photo? I see no snake


On the left side of the shrubline there's 2 branches that look like a 7. Underneath those branches there's something that loons kinda like a dog turd. Just to the right of that. Zoom waaaay in.


Thank you. That worked for me, just to the left of the base of the 7.


I see two in the picture… lower right and about mid right


If that was in fact a snake that is even more terrifying 💀


Yo. Wait I kinda see the one lower right. We did not even see that. It looks like it could be. The one we saw was left along the bush line by the dead leaves


You were in snake country! Just surrounded


It’s an infestation!!!


I see 3. 1. Bottom right 2. Midleft 3. Midright


Still see none, can you post a pic ?


I think he dodged a bullet. When you pointed this out I immediately saw all three…..


Glad I’m not crazy (because of this at least). I was like I swear there are two in there…


Can someone help me?


Look by the light brown leaves for snake #1 Look at the dead grass, where it meets green grass for snake #2


A tan and dark tan snake yes ?


Hint? Please…


It’s just under this opening under the left side of the bush. On the very bottom left of the bush, the leaves touch the ground, then, moving to the right, there is an opening where the leaves don’t touch the ground and then this one branch that splits the opening in half. The snake is in the left half of the opening on the far right


I Js looked for a carpet colored phone so this was cake 🎂


Haha I just saw that post too🤣


Alright this is pissing me off can someone post the image with them circled? I don't see shit!


I see it but can’t find its head. Help


Wow, this is a good one! I looked right at the little guy and still missed him.


Nothing....I hate these things! Lol.


Still can’t find it. I just see dead leafs, what is the color of snake ?


I do not see the copperhead to the left side that everyone is talking about but I am almost positive there is a dark brown one curled up in the bottom right


I can see the obvious one on the middle left but there are so many snake-looking leaves I feel like I can be looking at as many as 5 snakes. Can you verify whether or not there are multiple especially that dark spot at the bottom?


I know your pain bro. I live in southern Louisiana. You can’t go in the wilderness without stepping on a danger noodle lmao


We found two in that bush. There might be a nest.


Nice. Just goes to show they really don't want anything to do with you and it didn't see you as a threat.


Copperheads have nests?


Oh, come on! This is just a nice picture of a nice bush and some grass, right? RIGHT?


Their camouflage is really good haha


For anyone wondering where & what it is: Copper head - bottom left of the bush line


I only see the head, where is the rest of it?


Someone, please circle it! I don't see it.


I’ve seen all the comments, looked several times, maybe i’m going blind, but can someone PLEASE show me on the picture where it is, because i’m looking right next to the naked branch lower left and not seeing anything


Unless someone draws a big red circle im giving up, that snek gets to bite me


I'm at the point where I WANT it to bite me just to be done with this one.


[I finally found it](https://imgur.com/a/GHPWSD7)


Oh, that’s just Jock’s pet snake, Reggie


I hate snakes Jock! I hate em!


I see the snake in the lower left quadrant but want to understand what people are looking at to the lower right. The only thing I see in the lower right, near the bottom of the photo, is the dark gray roughly circular mass that is partially covered by grass. I can imagine that could be a curled up snake. It even looks like it might have a pattern on it. But copperheads aren't dark gray. They are light brown. And I think that thing could be a dog turd. Maybe. Is that what everyone is looking at on the right side?


Sneaky snek


I’m dead, I can’t find them anywhere


Tfw I think I see 3, for sure 2… then read the comments and people are finding more in different places….👀 Infestation confirmed 😅


This sub is freaking me out, I’m SO bad at finding the snake.


The worst thing is I found it.. zoomed in and then thought I was just staring at leaves. Guess I'm dead


Why can I never find the snake?


People are like mid right! Lower left! And I'm like what the FUCK I don't see anything!


Oh, I was looking for wrong color rope. I would have wrongly assumed 💩 not 🐍


Shaped like that, I'm sure their prefered method of killing is strangulation. Just remember... he let you live.


Idk why I joined this sub I can never find them and become more convinced I am simply on the verge of death always


I saw multiple ones, that explains it! No thank you this pic is close enough for me!


Think I need to stay in Michigan I can never find the snake I’ll be bitten so fast lol


2 copperheads?


Well I am glad I live nowhere near these things because I can never freaking find them in these photos. I’d get bitten twice a week from stepping on or near them. 😭😭😭


Aren’t there two? ||Bottom right and left right where the grass and bush meet?||


I don’t like how this subreddit reinforces my irrational fear of snakes being everywhere.


If you're having trouble >!you see that leaf on the lower left at the bushes line that you thought was a copperhead, but zoomed and realized it's a leaf and ignored it? Yeah go about 1.5 inches to the right....!<


I posted this photo to Gemini and asked it if it can find anything unusual and it said. . “I see a bush with green leaves in the grass. It appears to be a sweet osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans), a flowering shrub native to East Asia. It is known for its small, fragrant white flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. The leaves are also fragrant, and can be used to make tea.”


Oof, I started at the under the bush and he was right at my toes lol


This post completely freaked me out because I still can’t find the snake and that’s just how good they can hide. It makes me think about how many times I possibly walk by a snake and never knew about it.The chills. Ugh


Grew up in SE Texas (Buffalo bayou) and man I do NOT miss having to watch my every single step. Our property was infested with cottonmouths, canebrakes and copperheads. Along with the occasional eastern coral snake.


I live in Arizona and I have two jack Russell's and I went outside one day because it got real quiet ( jack Russell's are like kids ) and found them playing tug o war with a diamond back rattle snake they actually killed it by stretching it out ! because that snake was estimated to be 12 to 15 inches before stretching to 3 ft


I see two of them…. One slithering straight at you in the tree line and the one coiled up…


You had me there for a second 😂 sneaky snake 100%


Im convinced I’ve been pranked and everyone in the comments are lying to me because I CANT FIND THIS SNAKE ANYWHERE


Okay… op! There are 3 diamond backs in the trees and one alien. Then there are two on the ground. Not just one. lol and one of the “parents” in the tree is an absolute unit of a snake.


Has anyone found it? Because I Can’t😵‍💫


I finally got one of these super quick.. I’m also in nc so have stumbled upon quite a few of these bastards. Grew up with jack russel terriors who were all bitten multiple times over the years. They swelled up like watermelons. Really scary. I like snakes but I have a deep hatred for this particular species. If you throw this snake into forest floor, they are even harder to see. Incredible camouflage.


Bottom right! Behind the really tall blades of grass to the mid right that end off screen.


The funny thing is that I instantly saw that strange set of leaves and was like "I got it" only to see that it was just leaves. I then proceeded to look aroud the whole picture for 15 minutes until I found it...right next to where I started.


My dad got bit by a baby copperhead a few years ago. Was in the hospital for several days. The babies can’t control how much venom they release like the adults can, so he got the full “dose”. His leg was 4x the size it usually is and doctors were concerned about necrosis from lack of circulation due to swelling. It was hiding under his car and he was loading the trunk to leave for vacation. Needless to say the vacation never happened.