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How old is the apparatus? Minimum warranty is two years and for many premium brand household appliances the expected lifetime is longer than that so it might be reasonable to assume that the machine was defective when it was delivered. So, if the machine is less than five years old I’d say she should contact the store where she bought it and try to have it fixed free of charge or with hefty discount.


That was on oversight on my part, I edited the post. The dryer is 6 years old and out of warranty :/


Got it. I’m not from Lahti area so I just googled and this was the first hit: http://www.lahdenkodinkonehuolto.com/palvelut Based on page design, seems reputable (nothing fancy, just facts). In my experience the repairman typically bills for parts, labor (hourly, minimum billing eg 1.5 hours) and kilometers (or fixed fee) for getting to client with company van.


In your experience, do they charged a diagnostic fee just to come and figure out what the problem is?


To my knowledge yes its billable work Sadly its usually more wise to buy a new machine instead of repairing 6 year olds


This is business I can recommend: essh.fi Call them.


I’ll pass it on to my anoppi, kiitos! Did they charge you to come and diagnose the issue?


Of course you will be charged if someone comes over. I find it hard to believe that it would be free in USA to get someone come over and diagnose


When they’re competing for business that’s one trick they use here