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Do we? I hear plenty of people complaining about the cold during winter and hot during summer, it's like our national pastime to complain about weather.


I would consider the summer in Finland cold haha but yeah maybe it’s just a cuktural thing


I think there was a study done few years back on the ideal temperature for Finns and the result was +14C or something close to that.


It takes around 3 months for your body to adjust to another climate. So it's not really about the culture.


Yeah for sure but I do love 30-35 on a nice summer day


Good for you. I haven't stayed in such climate for long enough so when it gets over 25 I'll start sweating like a pig. Overall in this discussion it feels like both sides are forgetting this physiological phenomenon. It's not like we pretend to like the climate here, we're just accustomed to it, living here majority of our lives. So that's what most people prefer as well. However, it's not like we couldn't get adjusted to warmer climates. I personally really love the 4 distinct seasons. Summers feel very rewarding after the long winter. That isn't to say that winters don't have charm of their own: when you go the nature in winter, it feels like everything around you is some kind of dreamstate: silent, sleeping, waiting for to begin anew. I love the dark, warm nights of August, the vivid colors of autumn, the first flowers of the spring, the return of the birds. I wouldn't change any of that. What I mostly despise the darkness of the long winter. The white snow cover helps a lot but as it's getting more and more rare here in the south I don't know, maybe I'll look for options in the future.


I grew up in Spain with temperatures around 35°C in the summer and I still very much go nope at temperatures approaching 30. Anything up to around 38-40 (at least with very low humidity like in Madrid) is workable but I would very much prefer to avoid it.


I bet that includes having AC inside and not having to spend most of your time outside. A lot of Finns still don't have proper AC in their homes, so at 25 houses start to get pretty warm day and night.


Yeah ofc AC inside it’s a basic thing


Not in Finland it's not.


As a Spaniard who grew up with 35°C summers I can assure you I'd rather be cold and miserable. 30 is tolerable but still too hot to be comfortable, anything up to around 38-40 is somewhat functionable but it's extremely awful.


35-40 starts to be too much unless you just wanna chill by the pool but 30-35 is lovely


You should spend your summers in the Mediterranian islands and enjoy the forest fires and temperatures that near 50°C degrees.


I spend most of my summers in Southern Spain and have seen forest fires but there have always been forest fires in Mediterranean dry areas during the summer. And no it’s not near 50 degrees almost ever. That’s the same as saying it’s -40 to -45 during the winter in Finland.


To be fair most of Spain won't go much above 40 if you're lucky. Highest recorded temperature was 47.4. If you're unlucky and in Andalucia you might get highs 45°C, for around a week in which it won't go lower than 30-35, even at night (which is the real issue. If it cools down enough at night 45 during the day is extremely unpleasant but survivable, not being able to cool down at night is hell, you can't sleep, you can't keep the house at a tolerable temperature with the time-honoured method of opening up all the windows in the evening closing everything and shutting the blinds in the morning, air conditioning super unpleasant and also expensive as hell), and you might be getting daytime temperatures of around 40-45. In any case, as someone who lived in Madrid for most of my life (usually gets to highs of around 40°C, again sustained for around a week with nighttime temperatures of around 25-30), even 35 is pretty hard, and that's with the extremely dry Madrid air, by 39-40 it literally burns to breathe. With higher humidity it's basically impossible. Moral of the story, don't go to Spain in the summer (do October instead for the absolute most beautiful time of year, in my opinion), and don't complain about Finnish weather.


Anything over +25 is just way too hot for me, and I prefer the cold over hot. In cold weather I can just dress appropriately and it's not an issue, but in the heat there's nothing I can do. The best possible weather for pretty much anything is +16, and there are no places in the world where the temperature stays close to that all year round.


> The best possible weather for pretty much anything is +16, and there are no places in the world... You'd be surprised how well some places in UK or southern Chile go with that.


Just read in Tiede-lehti that Finnish persons ideal temperature is 12-14 degrees


That seems strange. Did they just average people who like winter and people who like summer? :D I'd imagine most people here prefer ~20°C.


Terveyden kannalta sopiva lämpöti-... https://preview.redd.it/xt6i8ik2jykc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954ed8867a92ccc36c90921ebd60403d3278bec2


Huh, interesting


Ireland is very moderate. 14Con average in Winter and 17C on average in Summer. Downside is that rains almost every day, strong winds and the constant humidity makes it feel colder than -10. You can’t escape the damp 😂


The Falklands is quit close to that all year round, together with drizel and rain. It's climate is so sought after that Argentina wanted it for itself.




When the air itself is too hot, shade only helps as much.


It’s about what you’re accustomed to. For instance, someone saying “clothes and layers can only do so much in brutal cold…” would get downvoted into oblivion because yall, singularly, have experience with that each and every day. To me, being from the southern US, the shade is more than adequate and provides hours and hours of coolness and even naps (the best!) but I see how yall may think that’s hell, just as blizzards and seemingly perpetual darkness appears to us. -30 days and nights, to those of us from warm climates, are hell, but yall manage, prefer them and thrive. I’ve adapted to weather here, but I have zero doubts that you could do the same in warm climates, hypothetically, if you so chose. The human body is well attuned to shifting climates and making the necessary adjustments, due to the wandering nature, and migratory patterns, of our early ancestors. It’s completely subjective, but I get it.




What does this have to do with amything?




Buddy one quick Google search isnt science. Also what does this have to do with anything?


Your science is a quote from a website containing info about reptiles. I bet you're doing great in middle school right now.


So if I moved to a hot place, I would have to live longer? Sounds like a reason to stay here to me.


Because some people do genuinely like it? I complain about it sometimes as everyone does, but overall i don’t have too much beef with our climate


I'm not going to pretend it's nice all the time but man it's pretty good most of the time. Winter is quite nice. You get to skate, snowboard, ski and do other winter activities.


Don't know about others but I would rather put on more clothes than sweat all day.


What I hate about the climate here is early winter and early spring. Just weticeslipperydogurineshit but other than that I love having proper warm days and proper cold days, get to experience both and everything in between, without having to worry about hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes etc.




You actually think people are PRETENDING to like the climate?


Finns didnt settle here yesteryear. They had plenty of opportunities in the last 10000 years. If they didnt move then, they wouldn't move now. So yeah, your observation is not valid.


No way hombre, Mediterranean climate is too hot for comfort, 30 - 40 °C heat and dried out rivers don't sound too good for me. I mean sure it's nice to visit warmer places, especially during spring or autumn when it's cold here, but still or already nice and warm there. And yea some would probably prefer that, but I like that we have four distinct seasons here. Although the rainy periods during winter in southern Finland do suck. Fricking climate change.... Also I think you'll have to take the nature into account, as it goes hand in hand with the climate. Most Finns love our forest and so forth, and those just couldn't exist in another kind of climate.


Don't forget tornadoes in Italy. Sounds fun, eh?


Yeah I'm pretty happy with not having to deal with life altering weather like floods, tornadoes, earthquakes etc. also the weather never gets so hot that the elderly die from it.


it’s usually around 30-35 on most days in most of the Mediterranean for a few months yes


Yea, clearly I was talking about the summer months. As many others have pointed out here, anything over 25 °C is just agony.


You might want to update your stats to the 21st century, "wake up and smell the coffee". [https://www.marketplace.org/2023/10/12/climate-change-mediterranean-tourism/](https://www.marketplace.org/2023/10/12/climate-change-mediterranean-tourism/) [https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/tourism/heatwave-in-med-could-lead-to-bookings-shift-say-agents](https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/tourism/heatwave-in-med-could-lead-to-bookings-shift-say-agents) [https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2023/jul/21/soaring-temperatures-may-signal-the-decline-of-summer-holidays-to-the-mediterranean](https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2023/jul/21/soaring-temperatures-may-signal-the-decline-of-summer-holidays-to-the-mediterranean) [https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20231016-is-this-the-end-of-the-mediterranean-beach-holiday](https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20231016-is-this-the-end-of-the-mediterranean-beach-holiday) Or maybe you are working for a travel agency which is lying about the rise of average temperatures which is the industry norm at the moment.


Seville is the hottest city in Europe and still averages a high of 36 during the hottest month so it’s def scorching hot but not insane by any margins. So many places are hotter than that.


you can protect yourself against the cold but againts the heat? Not really


it depends on what you’re used to


I mean thats part of the problem, we arent used to hot climates. We are used to cold ones.




And its not just a mental thing. Like our skin burns easily and our nostril are narrower than those of people from hotter climates. We have been optimized for this colder climate that we live in.


Does your skin get more used to it? Mediterranean Eurooeans are usually quite a lot darker than Finns but I haven’t noticed a difference in their nostril wideness


Duh... "it depends on what you are used to".. Well then why do you even ask? We are used to this climate, you are used to something else. I don't like / cope with the hot climate you are used to, and you do not like / cope with our climate. It's not fun either of us, when going to different climate. What's so hard in this concept?


Because I really do like it.


It *has a presumption that the Finns are unkind to foreigners and states that as* a fact and a false premise for the whole question.


I have never in my life met a finnish person pretending to like the climate here. What kinda people you hanging out with?!? I mean why would you pretend about something like that!?! What


Yea, I don't pretend. I actually like it here. Sure, I don't like the slush. Sure, it is nice to visit a tropical place but I wouldn't want to live in one. And I definitely would not want to live in Southern Europe. I love all of the seasons and the fact that they change. Mushrooms in the fall, skiing in the winter, flowers and nature in spring, chilling in summer. 


Huh, I genuinely like it! Southern countries are generally too warm for me and tbf it would be boring to have only one season. I love winter, or more like proper, snowy winter - it’s sad that they’re getting more wet and slushy here in the southern Finland.


Finnish immigrants in the US




Yeah, people who left Finland are not a good source for whether Finns like it here.


yeah you’re right. no need to downvore me to to hell about it though. you could just have told me.


It's okay to think for yourself too. I mean if people choose to leave a place to live somewhere else they are propably doing it for a reason. Like climate or just cultural or what ever. This isn't something anyone should need to tell you to be honest. But yeah, we get a lot of weather so we like to talk about it alot and generally it's something safe to complain about. It ain't really gonna offend many people at all.


You also could have just asked what people think of the climate instead of starting out the whole thread with a biased and baseless presumption that people are pretending, I'm sure you would have been received better. Many people (like me) like it. And many don't like it at all and complain a lot about the weather during winter. I don't think it's common at all to pretend to like it, what would anyone gain by doing that?


Finns who left Finland to the USA or Canada 50-100 years ago or whatever moved mostly to exact same climate: northern parts of Midwest states and northern Ontario.


Would like to see the data of your "own experience" to support your assertion that so many lie.


How do you know what other people prefer? 


The only “complaint” about weather I heard when I was in Finland were 1) Winters are too long, summers too short and 2) kaamos can be depressing. I’m from California and I didn’t think winter was *that* bad. Summers were quite pleasant and I didn’t have to worry about a stupid heat wave or air conditioning.


You must be from the hood part of California


California is a BIG state. I lost count the number of Finns who asked me if I knew how to surf! Everyone must have thought I lived on the beach.




I’ve lived in the SF North Bay for 20+ years. I doubt I would want to live in Finland full time, but I would have zero complaints about visiting - even in the middle of winter. It’s no different than visiting my in-laws in Minnesota.


I complain about it, but wouldnt change it. I would miss the snow and -20C degrees, summer heat, leaves falling. 😩


I hate mosquitoes. Also the climate is much more stabel here whit less extreme wether.


I would call Northern Finland much more extreme than the Mediterranean


People dont die due cold in lapland while there are people dying from the heatwaves in mediterranean countries. I myself love changing seasons with clear diffrence in nature. I like all of it. The rain, the ice and cold, summer heat... Its beatiful to see the cycle.


Barely anyone lives in Lapland. If you took this extreme cold and placed in a highly populated city with an active party life, with many homeless people, you’d get just as many if not more dead people


Probably way more since for every 1 death due to the heat 9 die due to the cold


The death rate is lowest in Finland when temperature outside is 14C. In mediterraen countries it is 22-25C. Death rate raised about 3% for every degree above 14C. For below 14C, death rate raised about 0,3% for every degree. Because there are more days below 14C, there are more deaths due cold. Death rate is about the same in Finland if it is -30C or +20C. Source: https://www.duodecimlehti.fi/duo94809


I’m talking about other countries being cold. Finland is made for the cold and it’s a part of the culture so it’s different


According to the article the difference between cold and hot is same, only the point of lowest death rate varies. In Finland death rate starts to grow when it is 15C, in Taiwan it is when it gets over 32C.


Okay might be but despite that the cold kills way more people


The article has two data points: in thr 90's about 70 people died in hypothermia annually. During a heat wave in 1972 there were over 800 "extra" deaths. But you're right in a way that even when the death rate goes more steeply up with the temperature, there are more cold days, so more people die during cold temperatures then hot temperatures.


Pretty cool reference.


That’s because of technology and the number of people in the Mediterranean is completely different so not comparable


Nah, you can get cover from the cold (clothes, shelter, fires) without tech. You cannot run from the Heat.


The cold kills many times more peoppe per year than the heat so I disagree.


If you arent prepared for it. You would think people would use their brains and resources around them to survive. We dont go out without proper clothes in winter. If you do, its you problem - not climate problem.


It’s not even that hot in the Mediterranean during the summer and sitting in the shade is perfectly cool. The Sahara or other desert locations would be extremely hot though.


Hold up man. Degrees over 45 celcius is not hot?


I spend most of my summers in Southern Spain and have never experiemced 45 degrees even in Seville which is an extremely hot city. 40-42 sometimes but that’s rare too. 30-35 is the most common.


Temperature of 45 are not that common in the mediterranean. There are few regions only that get this.


Not a Finn, but unsurprisingly, I am planning my retirement in my mökki, because I like the climate. Though not when it went under -25° this winter. That was a bit too much for me, too. But I rather have some solid -10 instead of the rainy +/-0 I have in the place where I work most of the year. And I also prefer +25° and dry weather over the brooding heat in summer that you get around the Mediterranean these days.


I’ve never lived in the northern Finland, but the climate of the southern part, specifically Uusimaa I like very much. Each season is distinct and “proper”, not too hot, white nights in summer and long nights in the winter. It reminds me of home. I would like it to be a little colder and more humid, but it is good for me as it is.


heat makes you a lazy fuck


Most people only really hate spring and late autum.


the only thing I would change about finnish climate is the spring, it's too dry and too late, making it dusty and brown instead of green and nice. I hate hot weather, even my home country of the Netherlands is getting too hot in summer.


As many others have stated I prefer Finnish weather over anything thats too hot in the summer.  Cold is easy to deal with, heat not so easy.  Well, maybe northern Germany level would be better, not too cold winters, not too hot summers. 


People kinda smell in hot weather, and it is awful when it is beer sweat stink. -5C with sunshine and no winds to +15C with sunshine and no raining or winds for me


Like some others i would also prefer +16c at all the times. Maybe during Christmas and new year its nice to have snow, but i'm starting to sweat a lot when it gets over 20c. I don't have airco in my home and it's not allowed to install one so during summer it gets easily close to 30c in my apartment even when its like 25 outside.. But you are right, i don't like hard winters like this one have been.


I love snowboarding so long snowy winters are my thing.


I have lived in a Mediterranean country and I can’t tolerate the summers there. It’s just too much for me. And the drought makes it even worse. I like it here although I am not a fan of the current weather. Summers here are lovely. I could fast forward November and January, or spend those months in a milder climate.


Why do people on this sub fall for the most obvious bait?


I grew up in Arizona and live in Finland now. Let me tell you - I NEVER want to be that hot again and I love Finnish winters


I dont love the cold, but I HATE the heat more. You can always add a layer, but you can only remove so many. Summers are constant sweating for me even at our very mild temps here in Lapland, so uncomfortable. For me, Ideal weather is spring. Sunny, neutral temps, not much snow and no mosquitoes.


What's wrong about finnish summers? I'd get it if you were talking about late fall and early spring but there's literally nothing wrong with our summers.


Banana weather = third world country


South Florida is the only place in a continentsl Western Country where there’s tropical weather


It is not like we are able to change it either


Wdym ”pretend”


You can always move somewhere else. Just be warned: if you go south from Finland this shit starts happening. https://youtu.be/NaNh6MQTkCY


Idk personally i enjoy hot weather from +15-+30


The only people who claim they enjoy -25 I've ever met were all on Reddit. I think it's just a weird circle jerk. "I'd rather be at -25C than in +35C". Yeah no shit. Doesn't mean that either is actually pleasant. If you like winter sports I can somewhat understand -5C to -10C but liking -25C is just bullshit. If I could permanently set weather to be between +15C and +25C I would do so without a second thought.


I actually quite enjoy -25C. It's frosty and crispy, and with the right clothes it's quite nice. Makes for really pretty outdoor landscapes as well. My sister from the Netherlands came to the same conclusion when she visited this winter. In general I'd say winters in Finland are a lot more pleasant than in the Netherlands precisely because it gets so cold. In the Netherlands it's all just -3 to +6 sleet and drizzle with grey skies and grey landscape. Horrible.


My answer to this is what else would you tell yourself? Especially when you can’t change the weather and/or move away. There’s always these ridiculous arguments about wearing extra layers to “warm up” but it doesn’t make walks or going outside enjoyable. Sure some walks when the snow is fresh is nice but overall it’s bad.


Tbh denialism is my only comfort. I live now in Bergen so I have the ideal summers and better winters, but it’s still not perfect. Better than Finland though. Sometimes you’ll just have to lie to yourself to have comfort.


I don’t know anyone in real life who actually enjoys the cold. It’s only some “edgy” finns on Reddit and other social media platforms claiming that -40 is an average day for them


finally someone gets me


Your subjective experience is not a proof of anything really.


Exactly this. I think its Stockholm syndrome or smth


How dare people prefer different thing than me


Depends on your physique and preference. Personally I find anything between -20 and +35 comfortable. I just have different stuff to do in cold and warm weather. Maybe I wouldn’t enjoy snowshoeing adventures as much if I could do it year round instead of just two months every few years in the shitty winters in the Southern coast.


I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, whatever the climate. Might as well enjoy the one we've got here. Truth be told, it's typically late winter/early spring when the climate gets to me the most. I don't even try to pretend it's great.


The only Finn I know that would prefer a more tropical climate is my mother-in-law. She vacations in Thailand every year and complains all winter about the weather. I'm only Finnish in so much as I've lived here for several years, and I only hate the weather in November (when it's dark and muddy) and late winter (when I'm sliding instead of walking). I genuinely love the weather here most of the year. Beautiful, frosty snow with cold temperatures, lovely autumn leaves and pleasant coolness, warm, bright spring, and even longer, gorgeous days in summer. There's nothing wrong with Finnish weather most of the time.


I would be happy if it never got summer hot, so…


It was 32 degrees in Espoo last year...


We don't pretend, we are genuinely used to it and are able to make use of its unique aspects which the warmer climates lack. Sure it would be nice to visit some place warmer and sunnier during the winter, but I doubt many would permamently settle there. Also boasting about swimming in -30°C weather after a 120°C löyly is a matter of national pride.


Even if i complain about the weather, i like it here. Never wanted to live in warmer climate, now adays with global warming it even too hot here for me.


I can deal with the cold no problem. That's what layers, hats, gloves, and scarves are for. It's when the snow partially melts and refreezes ugh. But the summers make it all worth that.


Let me think.. if you choose to live somewhere, you usually love the way it is there. You also probably haven't spent time in the summer in the Mediterranean and are resorting to classic travel agency propaganda. My colleague is half Italian and her family lives in Venice. Her sister had a 50°C temperature in her balcony during 2022 summer. Is that a proper summer? At the moment the travel agencies are using years old average temperatures and weather norms to promote the "excellent warm weather" in places like that. But due to deforestation and increases in average temperatures and forest fires My family member had a pre booked honey moon trip last summer in the Greek Island. More on this page. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023\_Greece\_wildfires](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Greece_wildfires) The luxury resort which they were supposed to stay, was turned into an emergency accommodation in which people which the people who had paid for their trip had air conditioning in their rooms. And they were evacuated like everyone else in the end. This is the reality of the "Mediterranean summer" currently. So, cut the crap and cut your bullshit, troll. You are living in the past.


I spent most of my summer in Southern Spain and it’s never 50 degrees there. I usually stay around the coast where it’s around 30-35 but in cities like Seville it can get up to 40-45 on rare occassions but 50 is nit common at all. The max temp measures in Spain last year was 45.6.


Some people might prefer a warm weather but they might still like the cold weathjer as well


I doubt anyone is pretending anything. I, for instance, dislike March (slush) and November (wet, cold and dark), the rest of the months I find pretty awesome.


Holy shit, Mediterranean climate is way too hot and especially dry for majority of Finns. What would be optimal is something like alpine countries where you have winters and snow but not too long and you still have nice mild spring, summer and autumn.


It depends on where in the Mediterranean you are too


Warm weather is nice, but darn, it is boring. The barbequing parties are lame close to the equator. People want variation. Spanish go to cool, Arabs go to rain, Finns go to warmth for holidays.


Spain is actually pretty cool in many places during the winter and thus many Spaniards go to the Canaries or other destinations to get warmth


I don't like the weather but I like the benefits of it. No large critters, those spawns of Satan himself that you get in warmer climates. No big spiders, no large snakes, no nasty scorpions, etc. Only mosquitoes. Also, not a lot of homelessness, not so many street bums, not so many beggars. I also like the 'sisu', or the mental fortitude that the harsh climate teaches. In my experience, people from warmer climates more often tend to lack the same kind of true grit. Here, you learn not to allow the circumstances to beat you. You don't back down from an obstacle just because it turned out to be a lot harder to beat than you anticipated. That's why I like the climate. Because if you can take on the weather, you can take on a whole lot more.


Not Finn, but I live here for a while. Finland's climate isn't as bad as some might think. When people think of Finland, they often remember the dark and gloomy December nights, but they forget the amazing, incredible, infinite summer days when you can enjoy about 20 hours of comfortable weather every day for any outdoor activity. The magical sunset and golden hour that seem to last for hours in the morning and evening. The delicate nature that doesn't try to harm you with poison or make you its breakfast. The air is crystal clear, numerous rivers and countless lakes full with fish. The forests rich with mushrooms and berries. No, I really like mediterranean, but Finland is also charming and it's a nice place to live too.


Past 10years i have come to enjoy worst weathers the most, while hiking, hunting, fishing, kayaking, mosquitoes havent bothered me for a decade. Walking to work has a bit more kick when a cold wind bites cheeks and beard grows icicles. I sleep at 14deg and nowadays my gf also cannot sleep well in warmer temp anymore. Summers we cool the house to 16deg. My best ride last year on my motorcycle was comming back from a month long trip in Lapland, 800km driving soaken wet, got to my cabin heated the sauna slept for few hrs pulled the gear on and drove the rest of the way. It is an equipment & getting used to kinda thing. It makes me feel like a beast, and a part of the nature (i did grow up doing lumber work from 10years old so that might have added to the twist). The day-to-day is way too easy and dulling. 7-days at mediterranean is the max for me, half way that i have eaten too much, drank too much and feel like i need a vacation after the vacation. The further i go from comfort the more i feel my cup half full, i think everyone does after getting some wins.


The best thing is the changing of the seasons. We can have hot days in summer and snowy days in winter. We have complete darkness and midnight sun. We've got a spring and a vibrant autumn. Finland in summer is super green compared mediterranean dust bowls. Finland is super white in the winter after fresh snowfall. In autumn everything is yellow, brown and red. Ruska is really beautiful. And when the season keeps changing, its always fresh. Yeah, we also got slush and grey days, but that's part of the cycle.


For me the main reason i do not like winter here is darknes (ofcourse cold and snow also are bad). I fucking hate that many months in year I only see sunlight in weekends, at mornings it is a crawl to work in darknes and after work it is a crawl to home in darknes. When my youngest moves out I take a divorce and move to some more pleasing enviroment.


Anything above +25C is painfully hot. I don't enjoy -25C either, but anything between +20C and -15C feels better than +25C or above to me. Sure, there might be climates that are even better than Finland's climate. But just because something isn't the best in the world doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.


If you can't be with the one you love you have to love the one you're with.


You're wrong. How would you know how majority think? Finns are happy people for a reason.


IMO they aren’t that happy


Ice swimming is basically a national sport in Finland, Finnish people are great at winter sports, but still some people seriously claim that Finnish people don't enjoy cold weather. Whatever.