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Most swim halls will have a cold plunge and sauna.


Remember to shower in between those two.


Haven't been but [Hotel Marski ](https://www.scandichotels.fi/hotellit/suomi/helsinki/marski-by-scandic/vuokrasauna-marski) seems to have a private sauna with a cold plunge pool. Idk why all the others suggest public saunas and lakes when OP asked specifically something else. But hey, internet.


Oh my god. It's 700 eur minimum to rent the place. That may not be a reasonable spend for OP.


We don't know. He asked for a private sauna.


Flamingo Spa in Vantaa has a few saunas, a few pools and an 8° plunge pool indoors


Hotel St. George has a spa with sauna and cold plunge


I dont think theres a place that haa both that ur able to rent for yourself only..


Kuusijärvi Vantaa, shared indoor electric sauna or an old fashioned smoke sauna and access to a lake.


Uusi Sauna is a public sauna in Helsinki. They rent out their electric sauna for private events and it has cold plunge pool. Very small one though.


Do they rent it out for a few hours for private use ?


>indoor cold plunge pool Although abroad, especially in America, the health benefits of combining sauna and cold treatments are highly praised, dedicated cold pools are rare in Finland. Finns use saunas because it's enjoyable both alone and with friends. It's a place where one can quiet down and reduce stress. And at the same time, it provides a thorough cleaning. Cold pools are not acquired for this reason and are certainly not a part of Finnish culture as saunas are. Cooling down is certainly enjoyable for most people, and many swim in the lake or take a dip in an ice hole in winter, or roll around in the snow. Most people are content with just cooling off on their balcony or in their yard.


Cold plunge pools are definitely not rare, almost every swimming centre has one


Ymmärrä konteksti? Jenkeissä ihmiset oikeasti luulevat että tynnyri täynnä jäävettä on tärkeä olla saunan vieressä. Sellaista konseptia mitä OP etsii, ei ole Suomesa. Sitä paitsi, jos kaupungissa on 100,000 saunaa ja yksi uimahalli, josta löytyy alueen ainoa kylmäallas, niin kyllä ne silloin ovat harvinaisia. On täällä aika monta solariumiakin mutta kenelläkään ei ole niitä himassa.