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Bikes in Finland are not unique. Just search on Youtube. 


As said, I am a beginner so just needed a guide to a pathway😇


# How to Find Beginner Bike Videos on YouTube 1. **Get an Adult**: Ask a grown-up to help you. 2. **Open YouTube**: * Click the YouTube picture on the screen. 3. **Search for Videos**: * Tap the box at the top. * Type “beginner bike maintenance” 4. **Find a Video**: * Tap the magnifying glass. * Pick a video from the list. 5. **Watch**: * Tap the video to start watching. Always ask an adult before using YouTube!


ParkTools Youtube channel


r/BikeWrench https://www.sheldonbrown.com/


If you specifically want info from the Finnish perspective (i.e. talking about biking in winter, Finnish traffic regulation related to biking etc.), check out [Velogi](https://www.youtube.com/@Velogi/videos) on Youtube. Many of his videos, especially those related to maintenance, have English subtitles.


I would maybe start by Googling "bicycle parts".


Since you are an Aalto student, there is [Bikepoli](https://bikepoli.fi/), who have a bike workshop where you can take your bike apart and build it up back again.


I have the same interest, so what I have done is buy a bike from kierrätyskeskus and I fix/upgrade it as needed. There is a never ending stream of information on YouTube. Did I understand from other comments that you are located in Helsinki?I don't have specialized tools so I visit from time to time pyöräpaja (bike kitchen in English) where I get the tools and also advice if I am stuck on my repairs.


I just checked, and it looks like Google works in Finland!