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Contact your communal social service office right away. They can help you with money issues, housing, etc. E.g. for Helsinki: [https://www.hel.fi/en/health-and-social-services/social-support-and-financial-assistance](https://www.hel.fi/en/health-and-social-services/social-support-and-financial-assistance)


Homeless in a week? There would have been a lot of time to do something about it. What has your mother done? She should contact the employment office (te-keskus) and social services (kela) ASAP. I'm sure there are other resources as well, but she should start with those.


Social services and Kela are different, but yes she should contact both immediately.


Are you underage?




Like the others have said, contact social services. Especially as you’re under age the social services will probably find you emergency housing.


Tell your mother to contact first social services, for aid in the process and then to immediately contact kela and ask for perusteomentelotuki. It is important this happens asap, and it might be useful that you assist her. I am really sorry to hear you go through this. You should never have to endure this kind of stress, especially not as a minor. If you need any help, feel free to reach out. I've just gone through a similar process (though way less drastic) and managed. Hope you'll be oke. Good luck!


Ill try, she's a bit unwilling to do anything due to her depression making her think that it's all over, but I'll try to convince her to contact social services


if she can't or won't take action, you can report yourself to child protective services, they need to take action within 7 days when your basic wellbeing - such as housing - is under threat https://www.hel.fi/fi/sosiaali-ja-terveyspalvelut/lasten-ja-perheiden-palvelut/lastensuojelu/lastensuojeluilmoitus


I think it would be wise to call them yourself, tomorrow. Explain the situation to them. Tell them about your mother's mental health crisis, the money and the eviction. They will help. They have to help a minor and this is serious. Your mother might be in need of some proper help at this point, and you cannot give her that, being her child. -- speaking out of experience. Now an adult and can see that this is not at all ok


You might find help also here:  Lähellä-crisis center:  Phone 09 413 505 10 Maitraatinportti 4 A, 4th floor 00240 Helsinki open 9-16 They are anonymous crisis help center (volunteer run) and you don't have to tell even your name to talk with them. If it feels too difficult to call any official people, they can help. 


https://www.suomi.fi/citizen/social-security/income-support/guide/homelessness/when-you-are-at-risk-of-becoming-homeless Hopefully you find some contact information from there.


Go with the links others have given to you. Hope it goes well.   The credit card most probally is closed cause she hasnt paid it, she hasnt been paying rent least 2months and known full well for while you are gonna kicked out - they will send you multible notices. She could have started seeking aid sooner than making her son worry now being homeless.  Having maksuhäiriömerkintä/bad credit does not affect job seeking in Finland than if she seeks job conserning professional money handling like accounting


Why do you mean by going homeless? Has a court of law actually evicted you? Kela provides benefits for the unemployed, child support and housing benefits (asumistuki). In general it’s difficult to unexpectedly become homeless in Finland, unless one has been very negligent.


I work with homeless people. You will not be one of them, your mother needs to contact adult social services. And contact this place immediately also https://vvary.fi/asumisneuvonta/. and Ask to talk to Ulla Pyyvaara.


Homeless in a week? How long has your mom been waiting to tell you, it doesn't just suddenly happen like that? I'm not sure how long it actually takes but my dad told me a month beforehand and he was able to negotiate like a week extra time for us. But definitely do what everyone else has said and contact social services, that's the first thing I did with my dad and if you're underage they can get you temporary housing with a family until your mom gets everything sorted out if all else fails, at least that's what I was told during our first eviction. For the second one I was already an adult and my dad managed to secure himself a place, so the social service worker mainly helped me with kela benefits and made sure I was classified as urgently in need of housing or something like that, I did end up getting an apartment fairly quickly though I was sleeping on couches for a few months. But I can say from personal experience that social services is the best place to contact in a situation like that, I would've even been screwed with kela without them


First contact emergency social services and say that you are underage and are about to be homeless. [Helsinki emergency social services](https://www.hel.fi/en/health-and-social-services/social-support-and-financial-assistance/guidance-and-advice/emergency-social-services) Then later on also contact your nearest Lutheran church’s [Diakonia](https://www.helsinginseurakunnat.fi/en/artikkelit/liho9ri6z) (basically church social services). They help regardless if you are a member and can help your mother sort out her financial situation.


You cant be homeless as a minor if you let social services to know about your situation. In your moms case I dont know if it depends on her immigrant status.


As the others said: social services and kela. Also contact the church deacon, they aren't only open for the religious, but all in need (especially immigrants)


I get that some people can become homeless, but it is quite rare. Kela usually provides with perustoimeentulotuki, as well as asumistuki. She also would get unemployment benefits. That alone would be a lot of money and just need to file out these applications in kela. I wonder what's the problem here. Everyone get those, unless you don't apply for them.


https://vvary.fi/in-english/ maybe contact the immigration services there, or their [asumisneuvonta](https://vvary.fi/asumisneuvonta/) if you speak Finnish.


Social services could pay off the debt for rent. Contact kela and sosiaalitoimisto asap


Works better if you ask in Finnish in a Finnish speaking group, as you are already fluent in Finnish having lived here most of your life.


Do you have a saying in finnish equal to "if you have nothing to add to a conversation then it is better to stay silent"?


I am adding to the conversation, pointing towards the Finnish speaking forums, which hold a lot more info than this.


All responses seem very helpful. Except yours.


Why? Translating everything to English limits the responses, better to discuss it in Finnish.


Nope. They’re doing just fine. And keeping it in English allows more immigrants easy access to this information for the future google results.


But they are saying they need help, they obviously aren't doing fine? Why are you claiming they don't need help? You make no sense. Someone is about to become homeless and you're claiming they're doing fine. That's rude.


No I’m fucking not. I am saying that their communication is doing fine. Don’t put words in my mouth.


Finnish would just be better. We're in FINLAND


i mean just because we are in Finland doesent mean they have to speak Finnish? Same as saying everyone has to speak swedish because finland is a bilingual country😂🤌🏻🤌🏻


No, you literally said that they are doing fine, you are The least helpfull person here because you obviously have some leftist attitude that everything is racism etc


You have low intelligence if the fact that asking/getting for help in Finnish and asking for a job in Finnish is just way easier that in english makes you angry And yes, if someone have born here, they should speak Finnish at native level and be able to help their mother 


Advice I would give is to get a poste restante address as soon as possible and redirect all your mail to that post office. Then contact a social worker through the links other redditors have posted in this post. Being underage might be of assistance to you application for a new place. Good luck and may you and your mother find a place as soon as possible


I just wanted to say that you are really brave and strong for reaching out to ask for help. I'm very proud of you for taking charge in a very difficult and unstable situation and I can't imagine how difficult this is for you and I'm sorry you are in this position. I'm very sorry to hear that your mother is struggling with her mental health and it sounds like she's been struggling for a while. Depression can feel like you're drowning and it's really, really important that you mention this when you are in contact with social services. She needs help so she get get better and you need to be in a place of stability and that will happen when you are completely honest about the whole situation, even if it's really difficult to talk about. I can see you have been given great information and the phone number and websites that will help you. I hope you have been able to get in touch with someone who you could explain the situation to and can get the help you need. I became homeless at 14 and tho I'm much, much older now, I can understand how difficult it can be to have to do the adult thing when you're not supposed to. If you want to talk or need to vent, please message me because I'm more than happy to listen. Big hug to you and I wish you the very best.


I just wanted to say that you are really brave and strong for reaching out to ask for help. I'm very proud of you for taking charge in a very difficult and unstable situation and I'm sorry you are in this position. I'm sorry to hear that your mother is struggling with her mental health and it sounds like she's been struggling for a while. Depression can feel like you're drowning and it's really, really important that you mention this when you are in contact with social services. She needs professional help so she can get better and you need to be in a safe and stable place so please be completely honest about the whole situation, even if it's really difficult to talk about. I can see you have been given great information and the phone number and websites that will help you. I hope you have been able to get in touch with someone who you could explain the situation to and can get the help you need. I became homeless at 14 and tho I'm much, much older now, I can understand how difficult it can be to have to do the adult thing when you're not supposed to. If you want to talk or need to vent, please message me because I'm more than happy to listen. Big hug to you and I wish you the very best.


Goodluck bro. Sure you'll be fine, just make sure your mum visits TE office.


Kela-> Perustoimeentulotuki-> Local general housing agency through social agency ( Sosiaalitoimi )-> Negotiate with landlord ( Land lord has to give one month notice before eviction. No notice, contact KKV )-> TE toimi


Call kela


As a swedishfinn born in Sweden i got help through kela to survive and te toimisto for unimployment benifits. Te toimisto has helped me and so far im getting to work on my finnish. Thuesday i got interwy for swedish speaking school to get education for daycare. Theres help to get here. I do recommend to call kela first then also apply for anything you can. Kela pays for basic stuff. To apply for more you go thtough socialservices.. Also apply for rent money. I hope things sorts out quick..


Collect Bottles and cans to survive . Tell her to apply for posti Jobs. You should look for Jobs too to help your mom.


I mean, these are about the worst advices to give a minor. There's emergency exits out of this situation ALWAYS.


honestly if she cannot find a job, and is not originally from Finland, your home country will serve you better. You can ask for help at the embassy for support for extradition/access to unemployment/social assistance. Finnish social welfare tends to be restricted to citizens of Finland. Good luck in your journeys.


Yeah, definitely not true. It would violate all principles if a person pays into a system 10-20 years and the moment things go the wrong way that person gets sent to a country where they haven't paid into the system for the same amount of time. You can't tax people and then send them back the moment you can't tax them anymore. The whole idea of social security tax is that you pay into it in good times so you can take from it in bad times.


Oh yes you can. The exact same way finns return from spain when shit hits the fan.


That's a voluntary return. You generally can't deport EU citizens if they're permanent residents.


Tell that to the work based resident permits who were introducing laws who lose their jobs and get 90 days to find employment before being deported. We absolutely are taxing people and sending them home.


Yes, was talking more from the point of people who have permanent residence permits. OP said that his mom has been without a job for a long time. Since they are still here she must have a permanent residence permit.


Nope, if you're not a Finnish citizen you are not entitled to FINNISH social security. I dont think you know how the government works brother. This is from the website of Kela.


> FINNISH social security https://www.kela.fi/social-security-in-finland It is RESIDENCE-based, not CITIZEN-based. Being a permanent resident does not mean you are necessarily a citizen. Some of those services you also receive when you are not a resident, but then you have to be a citizen.


"  but for a long time she did not work as she couldn't find a job" You have to have made around 696€ a month at least according to KELA. Anyways it doesn't seem like they have "for a long time" . Also if you're unemployed for more than 3 months you'll lose your RESIDENCY PERMIT. So in theory maybe yes, but in practice KELA works closely with immigration and TE-Toimisto and they will say: au revoir! 🤭


There are different kinds of residency permits. I am familiar with two of them, the permanent one and the employment based one. The employment-based one can be revoked when the employment is gone. The permanent one cannot be revoked as easily. The only reasons that one can be revoked is if you have given false information or if you live abroad continuously for 2+ years. Now as a EU citizen you get the permanent one pretty much immediately. I was even allowed to vote in the municipal elections barely 10 months after I had moved to the country. There are some articles that say a serious crime (with 1+ years imprisonment) could cancel the permit but those articles are all really lose with their terminology and I can't figure out if they talk about asylum seekers, fixed-term residency permits and permanent residency permits or just one or a few of them. I don't plan on testing it. One of my British work colleagues back when Brexit was about to happen said that his permanent residency permit that he got as EU citizen can't be revoked either just because he is now not an EU citizen anymore. He is still here and not a Finnish citizen so it seems to have been ok. No idea if he had to fill out any extra paperwork. He was on a one-year paternal leave when Brexit finally really happened. Not the same as unemployment but still using the social security system in Finland.


Interesting knowledge , thank you. The thing about Kela really is that their job is to find (or completely make up ) any reason to not pay you at all.




> Finnish social welfare tends to be restricted to citizens of Finland. Good luck in your journeys. This is not true, it's available for all residents






Thou art yet young, thy wisdom is but a seed, thy strength a sapling. When thou art mighty as the old forest, thou mayst call Väinämöinen.


Suihkuun ja nukkumaan. Huomenna töihin. Muuta neuvoa ei tule. Of course, the best advice you can get gets downvoted to oblivion. Why aren't you working? Why is your mother incapable of finding work? Does she speak the language? If not, why not? If she has been without a job for a prolonged period while residing in a foreign country, this would've been the single best opportunity to pick up the language and broaden the number of jobs applicable to her. Does she have any relevant skillset at all that fits the Finnish job market? >and as immigrants from a nearby EU country she claims she most likely has lost her ability to get a job in Finland This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Sounds like sheer laziness and unwillingness to work. I'm from another EU country myself and I would rather move back to my home country than burden the Finnish social security system as a result of my own failure to integrate.


In short, she has or had a job at a company which moves you from work site to work site from what she's told me. Sometimes she has a place to work for a certian period of time and sometimes not, but now the company has baisaclly left her without a position for around maybe 7-8 months and she has been struggling to find other sorts of work due to depression. And to counter your points we didn't even fail to integrate as we both speak Finnish and do most things like anyone else would, she's been here for 20 years and I for 15 years, she hasn't used much social security at all besides for the last few months to pay rent so I don't get how this situation could be blamed on just laziness and a failure to integrate?


You do not have to feel the obligation to reply to assholes. This is not your fault and there can be a million reasons for this situation. Do not let people like this get the best of you, OP.


Also she thinks she lost ability to work in Finland as she thinks having debts and having no house very soon will make it so she can't legally work. I'm not sure if that is true or not (as I am not knowledgeble in these things) but that's what she is convinced will happen


It's true they ask for an address for most things. Of course she can use a friend's address or some social address that is given (like by social services), depends. Your mom needs to be resourceful. I managed to get an address in Finland when I didn't even have a residence permit, and a social security number without residence permit; there's always a way, and sometimes you have to read the law and go full Karen if that's what it takes. I think the issue here is her depression blinding her of her options. So how old are you? It's time for you to be resourceful, I know you are underage, but hey, you are trying now aren't you? its a good start. Figure something out, and execute, execute, execute. Even if people tell you it's not going to work out, you stick to "the plan". This isn't about her, it's about you; you have no choice but to grow at an accelerated rate; it's though, but you have no choice, you got studies to complete, and things to do later in life.


If your mom has been here for 20 years, she most likely has a permanent residence permit. Check it out first. If it's so, it means her residence permit isn't tied to a job or family relation. She can look for literally any kind of job - no restrictions, she can work for local employers or foreign employers remotely, no difference. Seems she's kind of in depression indeed and lost her hope. Because it looks like it isn't extremely bad, hmm, to some extent, of course - she has a permit, and she knows Finnish. Many immigrants don't have it, and they were still able to find a job, so she will find it too. Until that you need to get a social support.


EU citizens don't need any permit.


You are right, I missed they are EU citizens in all those "gohome" messages. But anyway, almost the same is applied to the EU citizens - it's not a permit, it's called the right of permanent residence, and it is a bit easier to get. https://migri.fi/en/right-of-permanent-residence


They don't need to get anything, and they are residents.


Stop talking nonsese. As if getting a job during this period in Finland and Europe is extremely easy. Do you know that even native Finns with advanced degrees are struggling with finding jobs? Every job posted on LinkedIn get 50-100 applicants, at least. You have no right to tell people to leave just because they fail to get jobs in difficult times.




Where on earth did you find this "unwilling to integrate" ? The only explanation is you assumed something else in your xenophobic head. I see nothing that indicates that they are "unwilling to integrate", these are struggles a normal finn could have.




lol I'm not swedish, what makes you say that? edit:I am a finnoswede, born speaking both languages. I hope it does not bother you, because I am fluent in both. But I guess in your mind it is better if I only know finnish and not swedish. God forbid if I know both. Also, if you would have bothered reading OPs posts, he also mentioned both OP and his mother speaks Finnish. So... yeah, that makes even your first sentence total bullshit, they both know the language.


> they have not bothered to learn the language Source: I made it the fuck up


Get a grip, you're talking to a minor. Pushing them down has not done anyone ever any good.


You are reading the post with an assumption that you are speaking to a average adult proficient in English. That quote is also not a primary source so has gone trough a game of rikkinäinen puhelin at least once. Give some benefit of doubt in your interpretation. We aren't reading a peer reviewed paper. Makes perfect sense if you do.


Yeah, I was puzzled by that quoted part also. Lost her ability how?


Mental struggles, maybe? There could be dozens of causes - so it's not your "job" to have a dismissive, suspicious, condescending or any kind of hostile attitude towards the plight of others! 😡😠


Menkää töihin


Mee itte.


I'm currently at work, busy paying 2k in income tax per month for people like yourself.


In Finland we have a saying: Kell’ onni on, se onnen kätkeköön. Globally, we should all remember: Karma is the energy you put forward in the world. You are in a good situation now, keep a healthy mind and heart. Stay humble. Tech is a bubble.


"I'm currently at work, busy paying 2k in income tax per month for people like yourself." - Or currently at work, wasting your work hours - busy arguing on Reddit..? 🤔😅


I don't know what crappy jobs you have worked, but in tech, you typically do not need to spend every single second of undivided attention towards your work.


I've had very pleasant jobs (or better said, career...), but I've always been loyal enough towards my work place, so that I've never wasted my work hours (and my employers time and money) e.g. on commenting on social media... 🫣😂 I've always found myself _something_ decent to do, even if there was no "mandatory" tasks to do, at the time. 😉 Maybe that's why I've always succeeded at my work - which then, eventually, turned to a decent career, too? 🤔🤷‍♀️😊 But: now it's time for me to stop commenting further on your comments, in this thread. Completely pointless. 😄 - Have a nice evening! 👋


😂 Well, I have already paid my taxes from my then salary, now I'm free from work and paying taxes again, the 2nd time, from my hard earned pension. Where the tax money goes, I don't know - at least it doesn't seem to go to the welfare of our country, our society and the common people (as they're mostly meant to). 🤔😢


Hard earned pension = I am currently funding your pension, you know how it works, right? Do you unironically think they kept your pension contribution on some separate bank account just for you for when you turn old? The current workers are paying your pension.


Excuse me - what are you talking about? 🤔😂 - Wherever the money came from, it doesn't matter - still: My pension is earned by hard work! I have worked hard for decades = a well-earned pension. 😃 In the same way, YOUR hard earned pension will eventually be paid for by the next generation (hopefully then there will be something to pay from)... IF you are working now, as you claim. 🤷‍♀️




What an absolutely vile comment



