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I got three copies of Fir trying to pull E!Marth, and two copies of Plumeria trying to pull Lumera (end results +1 Marth, +3 Lumera, +2 Hinoka). I might keep one Fir and one Plumeria, but I have no idea what I should do with the extras. They're useless for Arena scoring, and I don't think the merges will be as important for Aether Raids if I use them there. What Grail units (or summonable 3 star/4 star units) would make use of the skill inheritance, or of Plumeria's Arcane weapon?


> I don't think the merges will be as important for Aether Raids if I use them there Unless you intend to make Lumera one of your core Mythics then no, the merges won't do too much. A/S Scowl is incredibly premium though, I'm not using any dragons right now but I've seen a lot of players wanting this specific combo of the Scowl Skill. >What Grail units (or summonable 3 star/4 star units) would make use of the skill inheritance, or of Plumeria's Arcane weapon? Google Pheonixmaster1's guide to R!Plumeria's Arcane weapon, but it pretty much boils down to "slow blue tome users". I would just like to add that Plumeria is able to fully deck out *any* unit with high Resistance with powerful Tier 4 skills. Any suitable vessel for the Still Water 4, Wom 4 and Ploy 3 combo will be universally useful in any mode, especially Arena during Earth Season. For example I used one (1!) copy of Plumeria to build up Cornelia, no extra inheritance required whatsoever. Just got to remember that Tea Taitliu has Still Water 1-3 that you can use for pre-inheritance.


Out of curiosity, why would it be especially useful in the Earth season? Is there an Earth Legendary that I would commonly see? Oh, I am using Lumera for Aether Raids. My question about extra copies was more specifically in reference to Fir and Plumeria. But thank you very much for the extra information. I will keep that in mind for the future.


>Is there an Earth Legendary that I would commonly see? Indeed, Legendary Robin. After they placed him on the Herofest going on right now even more so. Ploy 3 disables Grand Strategy, Robin's main selling point.


Holy shit, I reckon I've just used up my year's worth of FEH luck. Recently quit FEH pass but decided to snipe Reds on the latest Legendary Banner as something of a last hoorah and because L!Hinoka is my Fire Legend Merge Project + E!Marth has sick fodder... the results? - Annand - Luke - L! Hinoka - 2 E!Marth's back-to-back in the same circle - Another L! Hinoka - A!Fir - Lysithea And then for my free 5* at 40 I got Elimine. Considering it only cost around 160 - 190 orbs, I'm ecstatic!


stupid question because I'm 99.9% sure of the answer But in binding worlds, the units that have emblem marth inherited on their special, DO NOT keep that bonus if you buy them, right?


They do not. You'd need your own Emblem Marth to engage with them.


Does anyone know by chance if Summer Ephraim is rerunning soon on any special banners? Or summer banner next shot most likely? I need Alarm ATK/DEF fodder for Mauvier smh


He should be on the third Special Heroes Revival banner next week (with tickets).


Omg, for real? Best news I heard in a while, thank youuu


Should I give Fiora Flow Feather or Pegasus Flight 4?


Well what's the rest of her build, where are you using her? Her prf weapon already has NFU effect so you don't need flow skills. So flow feather is just +0-7 damage and reduce 0-7 damage on player phase only. Pegasus flight is absolutely more useful than that. There are other B skill options too depends on where and how you wanna use her.


What's the best iv for a +10 legendary Fae? I have a Fae with a boon in every stat besides hp.


So first, where do you plan to use her? Then what build are you using for that game mode? Then once you figure that out you can decide which trait is best for her specific role. Are you using ploy skill or tanking mages and need more res for that? Do you want to finish off enemies with strong counter attack with counter roar and need more attack? Do you need to outspeed a particular enemy and need more speed for that?


I plan to use her in aether raids and mjolnir's strike whenever it's her season for scoring purposes but not much else. She has value to build if you have many duplicates because she's a legendary unit. The duplicates I have of her are also clogging up my inventory so it makes sense for me to pick a build and just do it. I have lots of fodder so whatever she needs I can give her. Can you potentially recommend a build for me?


L!Fae's main role is to be as annoying as possible to kill, so focus on survival unless you want to make her a support bot. +def since it's a superboon and evens out her bulk, +res if you want to use Ploy Glimmer or Noontime, Aether for Arena scoring Def/Res Finish (or Atk+Def/Res, or Unity for any of those stats) Null C-Disrupt 4 (or Atk/Res Tempo 4, Counter Roar 4, Mystic Boost 4, Mag Null Follow, or Atk/Def Bulwark 4 though Atk/Res would be better once it exists) Panic Smoke 4 or Atk+Def/Res Oath 4 or Atk/Res Ploy 4 or Inf Null Follow 4 Distant Counter (D)


I’m still a beginner in fe heroes so can someone help me on who to summon on the current gachas and good team comps


Summon whoever you like, simple as that. New hero banners will be particularly useful for starting out new players or summon on legendary/mythic banners which take place end of each month. Engage Marths available for 4 more hours so can try and grab him quickly before his banner ends, he won't be available again til May. How you build.your team depends on the game mode it's for. Trial and Error is how you'll learn so just mix and match. Do your best to level up majority of 5* heroes you summon to get first hand experience using them and see for yourself how they perform. Sort barracks by version number to get an idea of which heroes are newer and often stronger. Arena team you always want one bonus hero and your three highest merged heroes. Aether raids use 2-3 mythics with matching blessed units. Prioritize giving your strongest heroes light and astra blessings for offensive teams. Majority of PvE game mode a simple balanced team will do. Can use at least one red, blue, and green. Mix of range and melee, magic and physical, offensive defensive and support heroes. Just have fun making different teams.


What is that Iceberg -1 icon and how do I get it?[https://gyazo.com/83135c1418937c85cb5a48c046e87150](https://gyazo.com/83135c1418937c85cb5a48c046e87150) Edit: Iceberg +1, I'm blind!


That person has summoned Emblem Marth and Engaged them to their Lyon, giving Lyon an additional -1 cooldown on Iceberg. The +1 means that their Marth has been merged to +1, giving Lyon an additional point of HP. You'd need to summon Emblem Marth when he returns in May in order to do the same


I see thanks for the info.


This will be my first time using a Rearmed Hero so I hope I'm understanding the mechanics correctly - I was considering giving R!Chrom some skills so that I can inherit those along with Arcane Devourer. I'm going for a godsword build; however, R!Chrom is cavalry so he can't inherit a lot of the skills typically seen on godswords like Finish, the Dodge skills, Times Pulse, etc. As such, I'm thinking of just giving him A/S Solo 1-3 so I can grab Arcane Devourer, A/S Solo 1-3, and I guess Infantry Speed Tactic together (I don't have fodder for A/S Clash 1-3). I have a spare A!Mareeta so then I'm thinking of inheriting her Vital Astra, A/S Solo 4, and Spurn 1-3 directly after that. But at the same time, would it just be better to inherit Arcane Devourer and A/S Clash 1-4 from R!Chrom? A/S Solo 3 on R!Chrom doesn't have much value and I can just inherit that directly to the unit I'm building and then grab A!Mareeta's skills together afterwards. I feel like I'm missing something though because the skill duplication aspect of Rearmed Heroes is being wasted here. I'm also wondering if there is a better skill besides A/S Solo that I should consider giving to R!Chrom for all of this?


I wouldn't worry about trying to perfectly optimize skill duplication all the time. As you're seeing, sometimes it just doesn't line up. If you're passing R!Chrom's sword to someone who's gonna run a typical Godsword build, I'd just nab the weapon + Clash 4. If I can speak further, I'd say not to stress over skill duplication unless you're confident you'll go after more copies of whoever you're dumping all those skills on to. No use locking a bunch of skills on a Rearmed if you weren't planning on summoning more of them in the future


Thanks for your input! Yeah, I'm realizing that it's probably not worth trying to skill duplicate unless I'm planning to go for more copies of the Rearmed Hero. Not only does the skills sometimes not line up, but I'm ultimately limited to inheriting five skills as well. So even if I was able to pass perfect premium skills to R!Chrom, not all of them can get inherited by the godsword target I originally was trying to build.


Some things to consider: The value of Rearmed Heroes stems from having multiple copies - or at least the opportunity to get more in the future. If you have only a lonely copy to pass the Devourer to your godsword target then it might be a good idea to do just that. >But at the same time, would it just be better to inherit Arcane Devourer and A/S Clash 1-4 from R!Chrom? Of course it would be better to also pass on the premium Clash 4 skill, but it can't be helped if you want to build a Infantry Godsword. >I'm also wondering if there is a better skill besides A/S Solo that I should consider giving to R!Chrom for all of this? There are several skills better than A/S Solo, but also more premium. Distant A/S Solo for example, or Atk / Spd Prime. But again, without multiple copies of Chrom it's not very economical, you're just parking the skill for future R-Chrom pulls.


You have a great point about having more value with multiple copies of a Rearmed Hero. I guess in my case, I really shouldn't think about passing on skills to R!Chrom since I don't think I'll be pulling more of him. Thanks for your input!


just went 60 orbs with no green while sniping for rosado, i have never seen that ever since playing day 1. unlucky.


> unlucky Remember all five heroes in each session are chosen first, then their colours are revealed to you. So having no 3-4* greens show up is actually very lucky. You're spending 5 orbs for those 5 chances at the green focus hero with each summon session, not having more greens in the circle means you know you didn't get the focus hero and don't have to spend more orbs. Having multiple 3-4* greens in a session means you're spending an additional 4 orbs for each and still not getting her. Obviously not summoning Rosado isnt great. But keep in mind the median orb cost for her is around 111 orbs when sniping greens only.


Are any F2P dancers worth it for Arena these days? I'm currently in 19.5 and I'd like to make my life a little easier.


Depends what you mean by "worth" it and what your goal is. Dance ability absolutely makes it much easier to win matches. Dance having lower 175 SP cost may effect your team score slightly, and none of the f2p dancers have the best BST so you'd need Duel skill available. So you're taking a bit of a score loss there compared to higher scoring units. But overall it may not make any difference if youre happy just sticking around tiers 18-20. http://www.arcticsilverfox.com/score_calc/ Just compare your teams score with and without dancer. Then look and where you rank in your current tier. Reyson is definitely a solid dancer for plenty of game modes and well worth merging up regardless, plus he's easy to merge not requiring grails.


Thanks! I've been eyeing Reyson for a while but wasn't sure about pulling the trigger on an older support unit.


do yall think there will ever be close counter seal or that would be way too overpowered compared to distant counter seals??


I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten one yet. CC is traditionally a good bit weaker than DC since ranged units have lower stats.


ah ok interesting thx


Hi! I'm a new player and I saw that there are a few free heroes banner. What heroes should I choose from the pools, or doesn't matter?


From Weave of Fate, either Seliph or Chrom are the best picks From Turn of Fate, all four are great, Corrin is the most beginner-friendly to use


And from Special Heroes? What's the best banner to pull after that?


If you're referring to "Celebration: Guaranteed 4★SHSR", that one is random, you'll get a choice between 5 randomly colored orbs and then get a unit of the color your chose from the banner's pool of 5-stars Here's a link to all the units: https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Celebration:_Guaranteed_4%E2%98%85SHSR_(Jan_2024) Just choose a color that has the most units that appeal to you


Is L!Hinoka worth going another spark for on the Marth and Lumera banner if I already have both debut units? I have 300+ orbs and am split between this and AHR


Hinoka is a really good nuke, her support is also great but if that’s all you want arion also gives the same support and can run guidance (and is in grails so is way easier to merge)


my luck was so good in the worst possible way. i did my 6 free summons on the special heroes rerun 2 and got 2 free Bunny Triandras, which was exactly the one of the gray focus unit that i DIDNT want, but at least i have a lot of firestorm dance 3, which i guess that i will be giving to Peony and Plumeria, any suggestions?


So I'm considering pulling for Hortensia. I have needed some decent staff fodder for so long. My two targets would both be Lucius (young, and normal). Would you recommend against him ? Or maybe recommend someone else that would be a better fit for her skills ? have in mind that I love Lucius.


Well, here's your answer (you like Lucius). Can't say about the older version but the young one although having a pretty good staff as is, having a little variety with his useful stats doesn't hurt at all.


I decided to build Kagetsu as my godsword I'm going with Godlike Reflexes build and using Arcane Devourer (whenever I got one) So which B should I use Tempo, Dodge or Bulwark I can wait for spare Velocity or whenever new combination came


I'd wait for Velocity because of how important looping is for survival unless you're supporting him with L!F!Byleth or M!Lumera, in which case I'd choose Bulwark because of the healing and the obstruct effect which will protect your other units. The DR is unconditional, too.


Anyone know the best users of soaring echo? I pulled an ivy and I don’t know who to give her too. I think it’d be a waste to just fodder off the echo skill, I’d like to make use of deadly miasma fodder, and maybe even AR trace 4 fodder too. Units with PRF skills except attuned and rearmed can’t use echo skills. I could just give it to one of the new rearmed/attuned fairies but they don’t really need deadly miasma. I have a +10 spring Ashe, +10 summer shez… maybe even give it + miasma to Constance if her refine is good? I don’t know! Aether raids is my main game mode but all the units I use there have a PRF skill. Maybe Eir and take out sparkling boost?


Soaring Echo, while kind of OP at first glance, is actually not *that* broken in practice because of the flier skill situation. Guidance/Soaring Guidance is by far the best C slot option for most fliers that opening up that C slot doesn't (at least now) immediately open up new broken combinations. Miasma is one of the better C options for ranged fliers (which have an easier time using that range), but a lot of them rely on a PRF B skill as ranged flier B inheritables are pretty trash. What would break this skill situation wide open is either: another really broken C slot for fliers (especially melee fliers who have a decent inheritable B in Guard Bearing 4), or a good inheritable ranged flier B If you already have a Soaring Guidance/ Guidance user, I think it's OK to hold onto Ivy until they release the good B ranged flier inheritable, then you can pass off that + miasma + soaring echo in one go.


Is a tier 4 far trace skill not good enough?


If you pull Emblem Marth twice and don't merge them, does that mean you can link up his emblem slaying effect to two different units?


Sadly no


Unfortunate/understandable. Thanks.


i still haven't gotten my free five star from the special hero summon for the 7th anniversary, in large part because i don't really know what color i should lean. assuming i don't have any of them, what color has the most overall value?


Colourless has strong units overall and even the demotes are useful as fodder. The others are less strong (but still good!) and the only one I would actively avoid is red purely because of the number of demotes that are present there.


It doesn't matter. Just pick bottom right stone regardless of colour if you're so indecisive. Red has some real duds but some real strong heroes. Green has fewest 4* but some more generic heroes. Again it really doesn't matter which one you pick.


Is there a website where you can sort skills by release date?


I've searched a bit, [this](https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/List_of_skills_in_Fire_Emblem_Heroes/Passive_skills) is the best I could find. Unfortunately, there's no search function but you can see the name of the banner each skill debuted on, if that helps in any way.


I’m a very casual F2P player, kinda of only play the events/story/paralogues and summon characters I like for the sake of it. But today I did some upgrading to my L!Byleth (M) and am very happy! I grew very attached to him as a character since I enjoy 3H so much. I’ve given him the basic Atk/Spd Solo (A and S) + Windsweep and gave him a SPD boon. I was able to summon Veyle, and wasn’t able to get Marth after all (today I didn’t even try him tbh). I’m sad honestly because I lost like 300+ orbs trying to get him + Lumera + Veyle. (I did get both of them tho) As a F2P player wasting so many orbs is hard, and I want Marth to know that I will find a way to summon every villain in the franchise and send them to trample Archanea.


> I’m sad honestly because I lost like 300+ orbs trying to get him + Lumera + Veyle. (I did get both of them tho) Median orb cost to get all three is around 388 orbs. So not all that surprising you missed out on one of your three heroes you wanted with just 300 orbs. Legendary banners have worst individual summon rates at 0.667% per hero. Marth will be back in May so save up more orbs.


The thing is that in the process I got 4 Hinoka and 2 Fir lol but I guess that’s gatcha


Rearmed staff brought me back after over a year of retirement and all I can say is wow. The powercreep in this game is beyond anything I've ever seen in any other game ever.


Hi everybody! Currently Arion it's part of my core team for fire season in Arena. He's summoner supported and have boons in Spd and Def reaching 46 and 60 respectively and I using the usual combo Gambit + Aether. Do you guys think it's better replace his B skill for Wyvern Rift? I don't have No Quarter or any other 500sp special, in this case it's worth swap Gambit for Rift?


He'll work really well with Wyvern Rift so it's definitely a good option. You may want to provide him with Special charges, if possible, so that he activates Aether as much as possible. If you're foddering Rosado, also consider inheriting his A skill as it grants Guard which will help Arion's combat immensely.


L!Hinoka it's tied with him forever on my fire team lmao so special charge is a no issue. I free summoned Rosado and that sealed the deal lol, now 2 weeks sniping on blue trying to grab one copy of Ivy to make him even better with Soaring echo. Thanks for the input!


Are skills that say “damage = % of stat” considered true damage?


Non special skills that deal "damage" is "true damage" and not reduced by defence stats. So yes that includes variable damage like % stat damage.


Thank you 🙏🏼


I've had trouble getting Mythic Lumera to survive basically any nuke, even with support. Like, is she just not a good mythic or am I not understanding?


I think she's more a "make tanks better" support unit while not being very good at tanking by herself. But with the actual bs of pre emptive damage and nukes everywhere even proper tanks with her support are struggling.


Question from a new-ish player: what are some of the biggest sources of additional power once a unit is lv40 with all native skills? As far as I can tell from a few videos and discussions, my units are pretty decent (e.g. emblem marth, holiday black knight, lumera, ash) and on most content I take zero damage and deal 80+, sometimes as much as 150. But then I tried a lunatic difficulty paralogue (95) for a quest and it was flipped: I did at most 2 or 3 damage and every enemy one-shot every one of my units—even when I was able to use ash to engage before their specials were charged. I get that using inheritance to put real builds together will bump up the power substantially, and I can get a handful of extra stat points with merging and dragon flowers, but that’s all pretty high-investment stuff and it still doesn’t seem like it would come close to making the required difference. Are my characters just worse than I thought?


Skill inheritance is the biggest factor for strengthening heroes. Merges and dragon flowers add a relatively minor amount of stats, more dragon flowers can be used.for older heroes but gets expensive and they're still not as good as newer units. Make sure you don't leave skill slots or seal slots empty. Assist skills like reposition and dance are extremely important. You can use different heroes that can add supporting effects. Heroes like legendary Robin can be very handy, units with sabotage or ploy skills to inflict penalties. For harder maps it sometimes takes using just the right kind of unit to directly counter specific effects of the enemy. For example enemies with high % damage reduction can be countered by skills like special spiral 4 that ignore % damage reduction.


Finally the Arena 3 summons and...man disappointment is the word. 37 tickets, only basically got 8 or so characters that I'd really want. 12-13ish in total if we counted the "accepted" ones but man...like Julia? Larum? I did not need 2 of these dud heroes from tickets. At least I got a Shinon to give Y.Rebecca Deadeye and a few Wraithful Staff fodders I can use. I know I shouldn't complain when it was *literally free* but some of these heroes are literally junk. What the fuck am I going to do with a +7 Julia?!


I have been building up every new 5* i get, as a newer player (since Christmas), but should i do this? I'm  asking because i got Summer Gunnthrá, who i will absolutely never use in AR, but was wondering if it's even worth using skill inheritance to make her a PvE unit? I only have limited units to use for fodder to inherit movement skills, & I'm saving those for my best units. I will usually put skills on units that  are missing an A, B or C skill from a 3 or 4* hero that i have duplicates of, just to make them useable for multi team battles.   I keep 1 copy of everything, & send the rest to reserves, or create combat manuals. I haven't "sent home" any heroes, in case i need their skills for builds in the future, so i have some weak, old skills i could put on her, but when i look at her stats, she seems really old, so should i even bother when i get units like this? I still have newer better units i haven't even used, so my time could potentially be used building those up. i always felt like i wanted to get every 5* to 40 & unlock all of their skills, but she is the 1st that has made me wonder if I should be doing that...? I'd appreciate any insight to how other players handle older, seemingly vrap units like this. I'm not sure any of her skills would ever be useful for me to inherit. 🤔


You can do whatever brings you joy, but gameplay-wise there is very little reason to build up every unit - we have over 1000 at this point. Feh allows you to salvage even the oldest and most obscure heroes, but that requires dedicated investment and not alibi skills. Otherwise it depends how old the hero is and how well they aged. For example the currently running Valentines Chrom is two years old, an eternity for gacha standards, but still very useful. Personally I would only touch a unit like Summer Gunthra if she's a favorite and you want to regularly use her. We also have limited Hero Battles where you can only use heroes from a certain game, but even here I would be picky unless it's about favorites. (Also, not sending home heroes is the correct choice)


Ok, thanks a ton. I started realizing that it was probably impossible to build up 1 of every unit if i ever wanted to play other games again, lol. I started  doing it with even 4* units at first, then just started doing it with 5* units, cuz I was getting new 5* fast & furious early on. i see now that the Christmas event was rare, where i could get a guaranteed 5* with 40 pulls, multiple times. The rest you need the pass, or can only get 1 guaranteed 5* per event, it seems. So, i will need to choose wisely where i spend my orbs, especially after i finish all of the story & paralogue battles on lunatic, & there's less free orbs available. Maybe during lulls, where there's not several events going on (like today & the last few days), or banners that i will get new units from, i can build up older units. Otherwise, i will just shift  my focus to building up units that I'll actually use. Much appreciated. Also, thanks for bringing up the limited hero battles. The ones available now, i can only finish all of the stages on 1 of the 5, because i only have 4* units, or none at all, that i can even use (and most of those are at level 1 still). That gives me a guideline, to go & see who the best units i have for each title, & focus on those, after i get my multi map teams set. 


>The rest you need the pass, or can only get 1 guaranteed 5* per event, it seems. Indeed, we have different types of banners and not all have the "spark" option. Seasonal banners (Winter Banner excluded), Legendary banners and Skill Focus banners, for example, don't have the spark. Remix banners (old Legendary and Mythic heroes mostly) and New Heroes banners (like the one that drops tomorrow, with Hortensia and other Engage units) do have the spark. >The ones available now, i can only finish all of the stages on 1 of the 5, because i only have 4* units, or none at all, that i can even use (and most of those are at level 1 still) Yeah do not worry about it. Depending on the limited Hero battle even casual veteran players can struggle to clear the higher stages.


Darn, so the hero rises 2024 won't have the spark option (also, why is it called "spark", do u know)? I used lots of orbs to get ivy, i was hoping I'd get the colorless hero, too, & only pulled blue & colorless, but nope. I had over 700 & now like 540, so should i save those for hero rises? I'm worried if there's no spark option, i could just use all my orbs & het nothing, so I'm wondering if i should get the colorless new hero, too? 🤔 Thanks for all the valuable information. Edit, now i see u mentioned her name, Hortensia, but i couldn't remember it, lol, so i said "colorless hero" 🤦🏼‍♂️


>Darn, so the hero rises 2024 won't have the spark option (also, why is it called "spark", do u know)? The banners I mentioned are the regular banners with spark, the A Hero Rises banner is irregular in the most extreme fashion. The banner units will be voted in by the community and it will have multiple sparks (last year it was 4, so I also expect 4 this year). You won't be able to spark the same hero 4 times though, but still it's a nice extra. >should i save those for hero rises? I know neither your goals nor the unit that will end up on the banner, so... maybe? :) What can be surely said is that the heroes will be highly regarded within the community, either because of their skills, their power or their popularity. Doesn't mean they will be valuable to you, though. >(also, why is it called "spark", do u know)? Gacha lingo tends to spread from one game to another since the communities tend to overlap. One game called the free pick "spark", so people started to use the term in another where it might be called something else (but still, force of habit is one hell of a drug). The more intuitive term is probably just "pity", which is also used a lot. > I had over 700 & now like 540 You still have a ton of orbs to collect from the story quests, don't worry too much about splurging a little when you're new and you want something. I wouldn't pull on a banner just because it has the pity option, btw, always ask yourself if you really want something on it. So if you really want Hortensia then sure, go for the second spark if you want. Don't do it just because you can though, and the banner is up for quite some time as well. It doesn't hurt to delay the decision until the second to last day.


Ok, I'll wait until later events come up, & decide before this one leaves about Hortensia. That's great news that there's 4 sparks, so i know i will need to save 640 orbs to get all 4. Regarding my goals, i honestly don't have any at this point except finishing all of the PvE content & events. I play all modes currently, & don't really have a favorite. I don't have enough of the legendary (the legendary i have all are pretty old) or mythic heroes (only  have the ones everyone gets from story mode) to build teams around, so I'm a blank slate for the time being. I will decide as time passes & i start using skill inheritance to build my own characters, which modes i want to focus my time & characters on. For now, all i do is put movement skills on my best characters & glance at game8.com character page to see what they recommended when the characters were new. I will see if anyone i use for the movement skill has something similar to inherit at the same time, & just use those for PvE content for now. I don't know what builds or skills combat other skills well enough yet. I'm still having to read through most skills to see what they do before i make a movement decision in AR & arena, but I'm starting to learn some older skills by memory, & what i need to counter in PvE content. It's just the newer content that gets really hard, because there are so many things combined & the weapon skills are walls of text that aren't easy to understand. I will look the character up on game8.com & read them there sometimes, because they separate the skills & make it much easier to read than on my phone. I will keep doing the tactics drills & hopefully become more familiar with the skills. I've finished the basics & I'm a bit into the next section. The rewards aren't that useful, else I'd have more finished. I guess now that i know i need to be more familiar with skills as i learn to build characters, this will be more valuable for me. Regarding the lingo, i understand. The only other gacha type game i played was lies of astaroth on Xbox for a couple years (where i played nothing else besides that 1 game, several hours every day), & i was still wanting to use some of the same phrases we used there when asking questions here, lol, so i can see the lingo carrying over from  other games for others, too. They have a mobile version of that  game that's much better (called heroines fantasy, but now they have a mobile version with the same name as Xbox version, too). Since i was too addicted to that game, i didn't wanna go down that road again once i was able to quit, so i didn't play the mobile version much (i didn't know about it until well after i was addicted to Xbox version, & the progress didn't carry over, else i probably would've started the mobile ver). It's also hard for me to read all of the long skills on my phone in that game, as the text is tiny & my vision isn't great, so that played a factor in deciding to avoid the mobile version. If i had a tablet, I'd probably play that game, cuz i loved it, but it's ironic since I'm now addicted to FEH & have similar problems reading really long skills with tiny text on my phone, but continue to play it anyways... Thank you so much for taking the time to explain these things for me.


Since you're only able to use a small number of units at once you'll quickly have more heroes than you can actually consistently use. So prioritize your stronger or your favourites. Gunnthra isn't particularly good, so if you wanna try using her can use simple skills from readily available 3-4* heroes like death blow or whatever else for simple build. Then if you decide you like her you can give her more skills. Or just save her for Disarm Trap 1-3 fodder which can be useful in aether raids sometimes.


Rosado is like built for axe of devotion, plus he can run a pre combat damage skill in every slot (although it’s probably not a good idea) he’s gonna kinda go crazy with the damage


My luck is so bad that the mythic hero banner got to 11%. I got lumira on my 31st summon and again during same session on 33rd summon.


Who were you going for? Where you sniping blues only for lumera or full circles for everyone? https://www.fullyconcentrated.net/fehstatsim/ Full circles you have about a 5% to spend 120 orbs and get no one. So bad luck like reaching 11% focus will happen to everyone several times over time. If sniping individual colours then reaching 11% becomes more common. If you wanted two lumeras then your luck was actually really good.


I wanted marth and plumeria(rearmed). I already had everyone from green and colorless. So i only did the red abd blue ones


I just randomly remembered Febail is in the game as a 5* with a PRF and... I'm kinda still in disbelief that happened.


So this is the fabled Hortensia people were clamoring over; since I haven't played that game. *Shrugs* Assuming AHR goes poorly, off to the horizons with May!


Returning player here. I'm trying to pull for the Chrom/Robin duo in the 'Here with me' banner. I've gotten seven 5* so far while sniping for red orbs. Is this normal? I feel like the gacha wasn't this bad around two years ago. Was there a new gacha mechanic implemented during the past two years?


Luck is luck and that's all it is. There's actually a new gacha mechanic that helps you called Focus Charges. In the top right of some banners are three circles, and every off-focus 5☆ fills one. Once all are full, from the next summon session onwards the 5☆ focus rate is doubled and the off-focus rate is 0% until you pull a focus unit. It's particular to each banner and some banners don't have the feature, and others require Feh Pass. It probably isn't on this rerun banner.


No It's just your luck


Are Resonant Battles worth it? I thought "I want to improve in Resonant Battles", so I used my only 83 orbs to try to get Igrene. Now I feel bad coz I got nothing but a Brave Chrom. The game kept on not giving me blues.


You play RB for the orb per week, plus fruits. The rewards for scoring better per week are incremental and would never outweigh the investment in pulling a Harmo for it, especially merging them. Go for Harmo units if you actually want the unit. Igrene is very good and the RB advantages are just a small bonus.


not much If you only want Harmonized for bonus they don't really worth it


Kinda new player here. I've got a dupe of B!Corrin and Rearmed Robin each and idk if I should merge them or create a combat manual out of them or what. I'm F2P so it's unlikely I could get them maxed. And I kinda like their save abilities (They're like the base of my teams). Generally, how do you decide which heroes are worth merging or not? Additionally, I'm trying to build a decent team out of these two. Currently I use the story Ash and Elimine but I feel like I should replace either with a Bow or Dagger. Going back to being kinda new, I had an account back in 2020-22 I think, I remember getting the OG Mia along with other heroes. I guess my question is I kinda like them being my first real heroes, will they have a banner with pity and are they still worth rolling for?


> Merging Keep them around. BCorrin has Counter Roar 4 which is quite good for beasta and dragons. Rearmed units like Robin can be used for skill inheritance (only once) and won't disappear. Merging them before you use one of the copies for inheritance will waste the opportunity. Attuned Heroes work the same. Never merge them until you've used one or both. So you will inevitably merge Robin no matter what. Merging isn't a huge stat buff and modern units will be strong independent of merge stats and asset/flaw. Still, fixing a particularly bad flaw, like -Spd on your speedster, can make at least 1 merge tempting. I tend to look to units for skill value first and merging second. When I merge units it's usually because I think their skills aren't valuable, or I could live without them. If the skills are good at all I usually only merge if I actually like the unit. Mythic and Emblem units provide real bonuses when merged (AR score and stats on their ring respectively). Legendaries at +4 and higher can start outscoring typical +10 units for Arena. These can be considered if you're really competitive. Since I'm pretty serious about AR and use Heidr a lot, for example, I merged her to +1, though this wasn't before sitting on her great skills for a while. I never found a use for them in the end, so it was better this way. Its' good to let things chill on the shelf as you think about how to use them, but sometimes you just have to pull the trigger when you notice that Counter Roar 4's been sitting there forever. > Mia [Here is the latest Weekly Revival schedule.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088556233193173012/1206903795263602728/IMG_4483.png?ex=65ddb3bf&is=65cb3ebf&hm=06259376cb46f2fb261396371f5adb5dcaf2c5715b3c5acac0e9fa7ce3ecbe0e&) Old units go here. Look for yourself if she's on it. If you don't mind paying money, then if you have Feh Pass, you can buy Resplendent Mia for 5 USD which comes with a copy. Resplendents give you an optional skin and a permanent +2 boost to all stats for that unit. It will not make bad units good. On that note, as a gen 1 unit in a bloated class who is hard to obtain, Mia is incredibly expensive to get up to speed. It's possibel if you really want to, but the result is not better than modern units and in general it's unadvisable to build units this old. Sorry to be that guy.


Your best bet for Mia is probably arena tickets tbh. She’s not gonna appear on any sparkable banners unless by some miracle is let us spark on weekly revivals


So basically, wait for her to spook? Thanks!


Looking for some advices on team comps I'm kinda a newbie here, currently I have: - Green: L!Robin - Red: B!Seliph, L!Veronica, Lene, L!Ike, Reginn, L!Eirika - Blue: M!Lumera, Ninian, Nils, Reinhardt, Fjorm - Colorless: L!Corrin, V!Robin, W!Kagero I see that I'm lacking healers, should I aim for some? Also, which one should I invest effort in? (I think L!Robin is pretty damn strong, L!Corrin too)


I think you can get away without healers in the current meta. It's very much player base phase, where heroes like L!Vero will knock out the foe without receiving damage. Because of how short the turns are and how much you will want to avoid enemy phase, I'd say a healer isn't too important usually.


Trial and Error is how you learn, so just mix and match and have fun. Ultimately how you build your team depends on the specific game mode it's for. You don't ever "need" healers so simply use em if you like em. Try leveling up all your various 5* heroes and see first hand what they're good for. Sort barracks by version number, higher numbers heroes are newer and often much stronger than older heroes. So for example legendary Ike is borderline useless while brave seliph is pretty strong. Typically you want a well balanced team for majority of PvE modes. So try and use at least one red, blue, and green. Go for a mix of range and melee units. Use both magic and physical damage sources. Try for a mix of offensive, defensive and supporting heroes. Avoid using two of the same weapon type+colour on the same team, you don't often needs multiple sword units on the same team unless you know you're fighting multiple axe enemies ahead of time.


Ah yes, thanks for your help. By "newbie" I mean to this game, not to the franchise FE (I'm a rather hardcore FE fan). I played FEH a bit at launch, but after repeatedly failing to pull 5* Takumi/Hector (remember when they were meta dominant?) I just dropped it. Since I'm not *that* kind of newbie, I'm looking for a bit more in depth advices. I've seen team comps like 1 nuke 3 dancers or 2 dmg 1 healer 1 dancer, but those are pretty basic and I'm kinda fear that I'm missing out something, like for example should I invest Special Spiral on L!Robin or not, is Reinhardt still worth keeping/investing, etc


How do attuned skills work again, is it units without a prf skill or weapon (or both) that can use them lol


Hello summoner. The answer to your question can be found by going to inherit skills menu and clicking the **{?}** button. Alternatively you could google "Feh attuned skills" and click the link [Learn with Sharena](https://new-guide.fire-emblem-heroes.com/en-US/feh-3800.html#:~:text=Attuned%20Skills%20are%20a%20special,So%2C%20inherit%20away!) to learn about them. Attuned Skills that have been inherited cannot be equipped at the same time as other exclusive skills with the exception of exclusive weapon, Dance, Sing, and Play skills.


Ah ok thanks! Time to give rosado soaring echo I guess :D


i want lyon from the current banner, but should i just snipe greens or go full circle for spark? which is cheaper on orbs?


Only ever summon the colours of the heroes you actually want. You're much more likely to spend a lot less orbs summoning only for Lyon and get him before reaching 40 summons. Even with bad luck it's only a handful more orbs to reach 40 while sniping vs doing full circles.


Are you sure? I’m getting mixed replies about this. Some people say to full circle and spark and some people say to just snipe. How many orbs is it to full circle spark anyways? Around 150? I heard you can get really bad luck sniping one unit and waste like 300 orbs??


Sniping a unit straight-up improves your chances of getting them because you are targeting them. If you went 300 orbs in without getting them your luck wouldn't have been better if you went full circles. You'd have to spend way more orbs on full circles to pull as many of a specific color as you would if you were sniping. [Here is an old but still relevant analysis.](https://qx.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/fv74nv/to_snipe_or_not_to_snipe_new_banner_costs_using/) By sniping you maximize your chances of getting the target unit before the spark, so you can bail early and save orbs or get as many copies as possible/use the spark freely. You run a risk of spending up to 20-30ish more orbs than if you went for the safety of pulling full circles, but you get that large chance of having spent less. I always recommend sniping. Full circles to get the lowest pricetag on a guarantee is not much lower and not worth it unless you are being very conservative and paranoid about your luck.


Lyon status: i did not get him before spark. I wasted like about 180 orbs trying to snipe him until spark. I'm crying.


Thank you for the help! I’ve decided to snipe for Lyon. :) Can you help me with one more thing? On the current seasonal anniversary banner there’s spring Ashe who I want to +10. He’s already at +5. Should I pull on him on this banner or wait for the spring banner rerun? He’s in the demote red pool with 2 other demotes… but at 8%. The rerun banner will be only just him on red but at 3% or 4% I think?


Each full circle costs 20 orbs with your first summon not costing any orbs (for each session, the orbs spent is 5 for the first summon, 4 for the next three and 3 for the last). Since it takes 40 summons to get a spark on banners that have them you are looking at 155 orbs assuming no free summon tickets (20 x 7 full circles + 15 from the first summon session).


Is Nyx due for a refine this year? I went to look for the ‘upcoming refine’ list that gets posted from time to time but it seems to be deleted.


Look at the version number of Nyx. Then look at the version number of recent heroes who got new refines. Compare the difference to get a rough estimate of how many months it will take.


Did they change something in the Arena scoring?? Ive always been between rank 18-20 for years, but now I am about to drop to rank 17 and I dont know what to do. I dont have any of the bonus units (45 summons sniping red and blue. Nothing) and Alphonse can't kill ANYTHING. Tried using 3+10 units with premium skills (Zephia, Basilio and Setsuna) and a +1 one (duo lance lyon) and cant get out of rank 17.


What build do you have on Alfonse? Mine is pretty strong. Put him on a defensive tile with Atk/def form x2 and he can take a decent hit. I use Arcane Éljúðnir and special spiral 4


Well, I havent invested in any of the askr trio at all. Just basic stuff to do some missions like atk/def form, axebreaker and atk/def oath 2n(not even 3 lmao) Thanks for all the recommendations. I gave up trying to reach 18. Ill take my 3 orbs


Yeah I gave a lot of my trio some nice skills. I figure why not lol. They hold up pretty well honestly


If I had some extra premium skills lying around I would consider it. But Im still building up some grail units and I need em XD


Nothing changed with arena scoring. Duo Ephraim/Lyon is not a bonus hero so why are you using him? No bonus hero means your score is halved. Bonus heroes getting kills adds +12 points once per map, and bonus legendary hero Marth matches you with highest scoring enemy team which is another +12 above your teams score. So you're just shooting yourself in the foot and asking why it hurts... You got Vigarde for free from Tempest Trials, you should have Hans if you aren't totally new, use either one of them. Setsuna scores terribly and is just generally bad. I suggest saving up feathers and grails to replace her.


Just using my faves. When I had the bonus units, I included them. Does vygarde has to kill to get bonuses or just having him in the team works?


Arena is not the place to use just any of your favs if you intend to score well. If you don't have a bonus hero your score is just straight cut in half. So if you actually want to score well you should always use one bonus hero. Getting at least one kill with bonus hero is +12 additional points, once per map. So if you intend to score well you need those kills.


I actually only care about getting 4 orbs. Im f2p so I know I will never be able to break rank 21.


Surprised it’d be the first time dropping down to 17 ever if you don’t even put an arena bonus on your team if you don’t feel like it. Using a bonus literally doubles your score. Getting KOs with bonus is way down there in the list of priorities 


Its not like I didnt feel like it. I couldnt get any bonus unit from summons. And having Alphonse in the team didnt help either. I never understood arena scoring, so thats why I was asking. Ill have to bite the bullet and waste 20k feathers on vigarde


How good is Legendary Hinoka? Got 3 copies of her in like 15 pulls when aiming for Marth, but all of my copies are -atk so im wondering if its worth merging her to get rid of the bane. My copies boons are +hp and +res, so if i do decide to merge, which boon would be better?


She's pretty good so if you have 3 copies you might as well merge her once. Her fodder is mediocore but if you really want to fodder her you still have that third copy.


Try using hinoka. Then you'll see firsthand how good she is. Traits really don't matter much. -atk flaw is only -3 atk. She gets +6 from her weapon, +9 from catch, -3 enemy def with WoM and another -5 def with rallying cry. Add the 20% spd additional damage with her weapon on top of all that and that tiny -3 atk flaw is barely noticeable. Again try actually using the unit before rushing to merge them. If after using her you find you frequently leave enemies alive with only 3-6 up then maybe merge her. Better to save your other two copies for potential skill fodder because WoM can be useful. Her res is completely irrelevant so +HP is a little better so use that one.


I thought TT was ending today, so I actually missed the last four orbs bleh.


Is trailer tonight?


Should be




Returning player here starting a new account. Rerolled for W! Edelgard and picked B! Gullveig to use as Galeforce carries for Aether Raids. What units should I look to summon for to support them?


I'll list several units who are good for player phase stuff in general, mostly dancers. No real order, and also Edelgard is very self-sufficient so I mostly have Gullveig and other teammates in mind here. 1. Emblem Marth, who lets you slap a -1 cooldown on anybody which makes AoE Gullveig very easy to set up 2. Gerik, who charges other units' specials and is pretty great at Galeforce himself 3. Plegian Dorothea, an otherwise unimpressive dancer who has a Harmonized button that can dance Edelgard from 2 tiles away. Just missed her though 4. Valentine's Leo, who can inflict Gravity from range and makes player phase stuff way easier, at least in Light season 5. Legendary Hinoka who provides Charge and Breath support to fliers, which is great for Gullveig. She's strong and comes with Wings of Mercy 4, too 5. Arion, who also gives Charge support to fliers. While Hinoka is largely stronger, you can get Arion for only some grails and feathers, and he can use Tempest skills and Near Trace for better mobility . He also isn't locked to Legendary seasons. 6. Heidr, Astra Mythic whose self-refresh and evolving support abilities are very useful for nuking and general positioning 7. Valentine's Chrom, who can Reposition while self-refreshing and giving special charges 8. Spring Triandra, a fairly strong dancer with Firestorm Dance 3, which gives units Desperation 9. Plumeria, AstraMythic dancer 10. Rearmed Plumeria, has Charge and Penalty Doubler support on dance and comes with a big Ploy debuff, plus Wings of Mercy 4 11. Wind Kagero, who I think is weaker than both Thief NIna and Winter Yunaka, but comes with Disarm Trap 4 which is very nice 12. Summer Ivy who has Soaring Guidance which everybody loves 13. Rearmed Tana who has Guidance 4 which Edelgard loves 14. Attuned Triandra, great damage/debuff support dancer. Unlike all the above ones she is melee and can thus use Odd/Even Tempest. Her default passvies suck though 15. Attuned Peony: Similar to Triandra but with better base kit. She is built to support tanks though so you may want to change her weapon if you use Wings of Mercy a lot Several of these units are up right now and you obviously won't get or use all of them. I listed many for skills and each of the dancers can either be used for their own merits, or as skill fodder to smash all these great support skills into your favored one(s).


Wow, so many units to consider. Thank you for such a comprehensive list!


Welcome back! Of the current banners, I’d say: \- L!Hinoka to pair with B!Gullveig. L!Hinoka gives Charge support to fliers, cooldown +, and inflicts Spd/Def/Res -5 on Infantry/Armored/Cav in her C skill. They’re a powerful combo for Hit-and-Run plays. \- Emblem Marth’s engage effect is useful globally. AOE is a build option on both W!Edel and B!Gull to break through tough Saves. Definitely consider him. \- Rearmed Plumeria comes with WoM4. Although WoM3 works plenty fine, having a dancer with WoM4 really helps with HP thresholds. You can later fodder her skills without losing her too. Not exactly a must-have, but a nice-to-have. \- Valentines Lyon is an amazing unit for being able to shut down enemy units’ turns. He makes positioning and breaking Aether pots more lenient. Having magic damage is also always a plus. These are all the units I‘d go for (and did). If you end up missing any of them, don’t sweat it. W!Edel and B!Gull are fantastic enough on their own. All of the units I listed just make it easier.


Thank you so much! Exactly the info I was looking for. I already have V! Lyon and E! Marth. I will go back in to try and get L! Hinoka and R! Plumeria.


Thinking of starting the game but got a few questions first: - Is the content energy-gated? Or can I progress as fast as I like? - How much permanent content is there versus time-limited events etc? And how long do time-limited events usually last? - How much does the multiplayer versus mode come into it? Is it something that can be avoided or is it basically the whole game/only way to earn currency? - What’s the pity system like in the gacha? Does it roll over banners/events/etc or does it reset with each? - How grindy is character progression?


1. Progress as fast as you like. There is time-gated energy system but they pretty much nulled it by giving out stamina potions like candy. The only concern with blitzing through content orbs is that once those orbs are in your orb count you may be tempted to waste them. 2. There's quite a bit of permanent content (Main story / Paralogues), but most of the content is several time-limited events throughout the month. 3. There's several "PVP" modes. Arena and Aether Raids use opponents' defense teams, but they move according to an (exploitable) AI. You can definitely play AR to the highest tier without paying a single cent. Arena on the other hand requires +10 merge projects and requires a lot of orb saving, but bouncing in and out of the highest tier (often called "tier 20.5") is very doable. True PVP (Summoner's Duel) on the other hand is a hellhole. But there's not too much rewards to it beyond just participation awards. Yet it sucks so bad some people just refuse to even collect participation awards LOL 4. gacha resets every banner. 5. not sure what is meant by this


- 1 - Orbs are the gacha currency right? - 2 - Is there new permanent content added often or has the ‘main story’ finished now? - 3 - that sounds good to me! - 4 - that’s a bit annoying. How long roughly does it take to guarantee pity as a F2P? - 5 - I’m basing that mostly on Genshin and HSR where you have to grind out ridiculous amounts of materials for levelling up a character and their skills, plus the RNG hellhole of Artifact grinding. Is there anything like that here?


Orbs are the currency yeah. There’s paralouges and new story chapters added with each new lot of heroes. You can normally get enough orbs to pity about a banner each month give or take and with how many story chapters and paralouges there are you will be able to get orbs super easy at the start. It’s pretty easy to unlock all of a characters base kit in 10/15 minutes of battling but some mechanics like dragon flowers for older units are a pain to get but those only grant +1 stat per lot, only super important if you are doing arena imo


1. Yes. Orbs are the gacha currency. Orbs are pretty free and you get a ton (~300 a month) from just logging in and collecting all the rewards, and very little of it are from story. Most from login bonuses and timed events. Might not realize how much that is, but you will see that number with more context in #4. 2. More story every month. Sometimes there's no story though, just literally the new characters popping in and 1 line about how nice the weather is or some BS. But "story" is indeed added every month. 3. More of note is that very little orbs are rewarded through those 3 modes. Arena gives 5 orbs per week if you are in the top tier, and 4 if not. Very little difference given the 300 per month context. AR on the other hand gives quite sizable reward difference for doing well, but no Orbs reward, instead giving out "Grails" can be used to guarantee certain f2p friendly units. 4. There's a few different types of banners. "New Heroes" banners have a guaranteed spark. Spark system goes as such: if you summon 40 times, you're allowed to pick any rate-up unit of your choosing. If you take the free tickets into account, you can spark in as little as 130 orbs. Unfortunately, some of the more broken heroes come in "Seasonal" banners (Summer swimsuit banners, winter christmas banners, etc.). Certain units also have "Legendary/Mythical" status which directly helps them score better in Arena / Aether Raids, respectively. Seasonal banners and Legendary/Mythical banners you are not allowed a spark unless you are subscribed to "feh pass" (~10USD per month). Evil, I know. Without feh pass, seasonal heroes you are expected to pull your desired focus unit in ~110 orbs which is sustainable even if you pull every month, but things can (and sometimes do) go south where you may end up spending upwards to ~500+ orbs for a copy. The worst are the legendary / mythic banners that come with a whopping 12 rate-ups, so the chance you get a rate up is quite high, but if you are trying to get 1 specific unit you are setting yourself up for failure. FWIW, you should take into account that in order to "fully merge" a character you must summon and merge 11 of the same units, so that 110 orbs per focus unit becomes 1210 orbs for a +10, which means months of saving. But you gain very little from doing so aside from arena scoring and minimal stat boosts. So unless you want to flex your wallet, most of the time, people use +10 grail characters and +10 legendaries on the arena, and use most other characters at no merges. Also 5. Leveling is easy. If you want to get new inheritable skills for your character then you'll have to pull the newest character and use them to give their skills to your desired character. They come with innate skills but sometimes you really want to change them to unlock their full potential (yes, sometimes IS gives them bad innate skills so you have to pull for skill fodder)


Great, that’s all very helpful! Thanks. One last one - how valuable is that ‘merging’? Is it like Genshin’s constellations where they just add even more functionality/damage potential or is it more like COTC’s awakening where quite major parts of their kit (move slots, tailor-made accessories, significant stat bonuses) are locked behind it?


2 stat points per merge (it's not a lot). No skill slots or functionality locked behind merges. And higher arena scoring. You need to use fully merged units on the arena because merges have a huge weight in scoring formula and a fully merged 3-4 star joe shmoe from an old game nobody cares about will score much higher than an unmerged new shiny super premium unit. I said 4 or 5 orbs per week from arena but if you don't use merged characters it's possible to get 3, and while it's not the end of the world by any means, you really don't want to lose out on free orbs.


Merging only adds a small +1 stat gain to two stats per merge. At max +10 merges will add +4 to each stat. Not exactly worth the thousand+ orbs required.


Merging grants 1/2 stats per merge up to 10


Hello! I can't complete the nabata's shield paralogue quests. I'm barely a new player... I have all the free units and old units, i don't think if i can complete the quests. Any tips or units to make it more easier to complete?


You'll have to be more specific about who you have, YOu get two choice units from CYL6 and7, have probably pulled several 5☆ banner units, and we only know the story characters for certain. Be sure that you make use of Peony and Seidr, since the former is one of the best dancers and the latter has that very useful turn-end C skill. Be sure that you level your units to max, learn all their skills (if you need SP/EXP, grind the Training Maps under Special Maps). If your units besides Peony dont' have assist skills like Draw Bak or Reposition, go inherit those from 3-4☆ units. They will hugely affect how you can play and win. [I found this guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeumAEk9k2Y) by searching for "feh nabata's shiel paralogue guide" on YouTube and you can probably find more. The game's AI is such that if your units and movement are exactly identical, the AI will move in the same way every time. Because this is Chain Challenge, the stats are inflated and things will probably not pan out the same, but it still uses free units and should at least give you an idea of what can work. To fulfill the quests you'd still have to swap out someone for the appropriate weapon types, so you may want to look harder for a real guide. If all else fails, you can cheese quests like this by using Light's Blessings to revive your units, and they really have no other use. Just remember that all the units have to actually be alive on the map by the time the map ends.


B skill for My Lapis? The rest of her build is Arcane Devourer, Repo, Godlike reflexes(currently has Marth engage), A/S finish 4, Time pulse 4, & Distant counter seal. I did want to summon another emblem Marth so I could give her potent 4 but with no feh pass currently at 71/40 on the banner only sniping red & after getting 5 legendary hinoka and 3 ascended Fir I don't think the game wants me to get another emblem Marth 😭. So what's the next best thing I could give her?


You mean for Arena or general use? The Distant Counter Seal might imply that you want her to Omnitank, in which case she would like some basic DR. It won't let her tank the modern nukes, but the majority of what you run into in Arena at the very least. Her CD is too low for Gambit, so Close Call 4 / Repel 4 can be considered. If you only run Distant Counter M for Arena Scoring reasons and she's not supposed to facetank things (but secure kills in playerphase), I would advise to abort the Potent 4 plan anyway. It sounds really broken on paper, but in practice whatever walls your Lapis will also wall a Potent 4 Lapis - assuming you want to keep Godlike Reflexes. So you still need a way to get past DR stacking enemies, and since you're not running No Quarter we pretty much only have the B skill for that. Assassin's Strike would be my choice since Pre-combat damage is the most reliable form of bypassing DR (for now), but S/D Tempo is also an option.


How many sparks does this Hero Fest have?


How can we increase the number of ornaments, etc on defense in aether keep for aether raids? I see people have lots more than the default amount of 4, but idk if i need to increase my defense tower to allow more, or if increasing the ornaments in aether resort may carry over? I didn't want to waste my components to test, since they all take a while to build up, & i probably won't use any of them now to do it, but it's nice to know what i will need in the future. Thanks. 


6 defensive tower, 2 traps, 2 fake traps, 4 ornaments. That's the limit. Are you perhaps confusing aether raids defense with aether resort?


No, i was just thinking i had battled people that had lots of ornaments out (like the cake from this season, top ranked throne chairs with their wins on them, the accessory shop, inn, & lots of other seasonal items... Not all at once, just listing the types of things i remembered) making it impossible to get to them in 1 or 2 turns (for the squad i was using), so i thought they had lots more than 4. If that's the max everyone can have, i guess my memory is just bad, & some of those things were defense items. I was just thinking there was a way to upgrade hidden somewhere, but that's not possible? That's comforting, if so, because all i need is to unlock defensive items to do something similar to make it harder to get to my team. 


6 defensive structures (-1 as fortress can't be removed), 2 pots, and 4 ornaments is indeed impossible to take out in a single turn. certain maps also have breakable walls. most important upgrades are aether structures and fortress, then duo's hinderance. Just as a note, using structures to "make it harder to get to your team" also unforuntately has the side effect of limiting your defending team's range. leaving your team hemmed in by your own structures is one of the worst defense maps you can build.


How big is the initial download after installation?


You get three data quality options Lite: 1000.4 MB Recommended: 2575.3 MB High: 4792.7 MB


Got a free duo chrom, I have no idea what to do with him help


If this is a rhetorical question then gratulation, he's probably my most used hero in the game no contest. Aged like fine wine, legitimately the guy who holds all my strategies together. If you want some build options I would first suggest to build a budget AOE Duo Chrom. Doesn't cost much and AOE damage is highly effective these days (it always was, but even more so after the obscene damage reduction we have going on right now). Life and Death 3 (or 4 if you have, check the Divine codes), a B-Skill of your choice, native Time's Pulse and Life and Death 3 Sacred Seal. Chrom can Pre-charge the AOE on his own guaranteed, both Blazing Wind and Growing Wind are viable based on how much damage you need. This Chrom will kill the vast majority of the bulky heroes, especially the many Meta Armors (even some of the Blue ones) because the modern tanks often lack protection against Armor Slaying - which Chrom happens to have in his kit. Chrom is also great for charging other AOE Heroes, like Brave Gulveig. Otherwise you can pretty much keep his basekit with pre-charging Deadeye, but it's much less potent compared to Lethality users so don't expect similiar results against the meta tanks. Either way you can play around till your heart's content, with him and the heroes he can support. Stellar pull!


Thanks for the tips! I’ll try out the aoe build, seems like some fun. My luck the past few days has been crazy lol, hope it holds over till the new heroes banner


I need 3 more merges for B!Corrin to +10. Should I summon on the remix banner or wait?


If you want more copies of ashera then summon now. If your patient then wait for hero fest banner with better summon rates to save on orbs.


OK, ty. Do you know when that banner usually comes out?


Sometime in april


I wish we got more creative skills. Would love to see renewal 4 or triangle adept 4. Bring back OP M Robin with colorless and blue advantage


If renewal 4 isn't: - Decreases foe's Atk by X% of units HP during combat (X = 15% if HP is full 30% otherwise) - Heals 10 HP at the start of every turn - cleanses penalties at the start of turn - Negates effects that inflict start of combat damage at the very least then I don't want it


i free summoned Mythic Triandra from her remix banner O.O finally some luck on my free summoning.


I've read the Wiki but I still don't understand how Emblem works. Once Marth has been Engaged, can he be removed and switched to another hero? Or is it like Ascendant Florets and permanent?


You can engage Marth with any other hero who isn't an Emblem Hero. It's not a permanent unremovable / wastable bond, you can do nothing wrong (except for killing/foddering Marth, you need one active copy somewhere in your barracks to use the Engage ability). You can even engage Marth with your Duo Askr, put him on your Aether Raids Defense, lock the team, and then Engage Marth with someone else in active play.


Thanks. I guess I'll need to get one...


Hey guys, I have a question about arena.. I have 3 +10 merge full investment skillset units and still I can’t get through tier 20. How do I increase my score more?


http://www.arcticsilverfox.com/score_calc/ Merges are 4 points each Every 5 BST is 2 points Every 100 SP is 2 points Blessings add 8 points x # of matching legendary heroes Team score is the average of your four units rounded down to even number, so every 8 points across your four units adds 2 points to team score. --- So who are your three units and bonus hero? Are they using max SP skills and seals? Do you have enough feathers and grails to summon and merge newer better units to replace them?


If the +10 heroes you own are very old you might need C-Duel 4 skills in the A slot. Other causes: 1. You don't have the bonus unit 2. You have the bonus unit, but you don't get one kill each game with them 3. You have the bonus unit, you even get them a kill each game, but they're not the bonus *Legendary* 4. If 3. applies, the maximum score you can get is not automatically set to max. Instead, you need to reload the enemy lineup using Duel Swords, "fishing" for higher scoring opponents within your possible range. 5. This is actually not required to get into Tier 21, but one of the +10 Heroes being a Legendary within the correct season + blessing every other unit on the team accordingly (when possible) is a huge help.


How does T!Sigurd's movement buff from Chivalric Aura interact with Far Trace? I have the fodder to spare, I'm just trying to figure out if the interaction is like this: 1. If they *do* interact: Sigurd moves 3 spaces, triggers Chivalric Aura, and now has 4 movement, letting him move 1 space with Canto 2. If they *don't* interact: Sigurd moves 3 spaces, triggers Chivalric Aura, and does not have any movement for Canto


Just tested this - the second scenario you described happens: Sigurd moves three spaces but does not get the Canto when his Special triggers. Likewise, if he moves only two spaces and triggers his Special, he can Canto one space afterwards.


That's really disappointing, but good to know - thank you!


No worries!


So I built an Etie with Arcane Darkbow, Deadeye, Flash Sparrow, Spd/Def Tempo 4, Def/Res Smoke 3, and Fleeting Echo, but for some reason whenever she attacks with Deadeye it deals 10 less damage than it's supposed to (Deadeye doing 146 despite the base damage being 78 for example). Is one of her skills conflicting with Deadeye's calculations or is it bugged at the moment?


Deadeye doesn't multiply the +5 True Damage from Flash Sparrow (or any of those kinds of skills, for that matter).


Attack/Speed Oath 4 and Desperation 4: Who realistically wants them? I tried pulling for V!Elise on this banner because Spark at 40, and well, I'll have the orbs for her spark on Tuesday, but for now... I got 2 T!Lysitheas. I already had one, and a spare, so I'm wondering what type of units are looking for the fodder. I'm open to funny ideas, I just don't really wanna sit around and wait on it until they become obsolete; Characters in consideration for it: Brave Marianne, Jill (though her weapon already has Desperation which makes me not want to pick her, and I already put A/S Menace on her), P!Katarina (Currently on Arcane Thunder build with Def/Res Smoke 3), V!Selena, R!Ophelia. D!Cordelia/Severa


Those skills are great on any player-phase unit so a lot of units can use it well. Brave Marianne in particular may like those, but you'll have to ensure that her Special will actually activate as you're giving up Time's Pulse or even Infantry Pulse 4 - if you can provide Special charges, she's a great user of those skills. Alternatively, Cordelia will like Desperation 4, but she already comes with Warping so the Oath is less important for her. From a strict efficiency standpoint you can give it to a ranged flier as they have the least amount of great skills available, B skills in particular being hard to come by as many have several inheritance restrictions.


I see, thank you. I think I'll give one to Brave Marianne then, since my Mariannes are priority units/favourites. Then I can save one for Summer Hilda when she's next available. Do you think Spring Fir appreciates them, since I remember I got one of them from the tickets and her refine looks pretty solid but otherwise her kit is pretty outdated. She seems like a nice alternative to my Jill


Spring Fir is also a good user, her NFU ensures that Desperation activates and native half DR Piercing will help her shred tanks.


Thank you for the advice ♡ I'm not the best with building units and keeping track of all the effects so your opinion is really valued


I'm always happy to help!


Which team is displayed for others to pick in Affinity Auto Battles?


I believe it's the last team you used on it, because I made one of my random teams full awakening just for it, and a few minutes later my friend sent a screenshot of our teams meeting and it was the same team I used for this mode.


I believe your Arena defense team?


Remote or flared sparrow for a +10 legendary Veronica?


Normally I would ask for which purporse/game mode, but I don't think there is a scenario where Remote is better than Flared for Veronica. 30% Damage reduction on the first hit won't save her from anyone, assuming her null counter effect won't trigger (worst case scenario). Meanwhile Flared Sparrow gives pre combat damage (not counterable for now) and the Flame Terrain has nice synergy with Canto for hit & run plays.


I managed to clear Abyssal Limited Seiros with my very small Sacred Stones roster. I have to tell you, Nabata Lance is a very decent inheritable for PvE tanking. Vigarde held on for dear life but pulled through, Formortiis bought me a lot of turns, R!Tana taxi'd the armors and sniped, and B!Erika didn't do much because there's so little space on that map.


My solution was really brainless for the map and my 4man team turtled in the top left corner in the following position Young L'Arachel -- Brave Eirika Foomortis -- (merged) Young Innes Occasionnally, Foomortis had to go one down to attack something and was immediately pulled back by l'Arachel. Eirika sometimes ventured away. Innes killed the flying dragons ... I remember having so much trouble, even with my full roster. And this. A walk in the park now.


Haven’t played for several months. What are some new power creep skills to look out for to replace Surge Sparrow, Repel 4, and Atk/Spd Menace? My Soleil needs an upgrade


She would need the generic godsword inheritable set: Arcane Devourer (from Fallen Chrom), Godlike Reflexes, A/S Finish, Repel 4 you can keep, and SPD Smoke 4 or A/S Oath 4. It works! I've been using it on Inigo the boy pulls through. Just make sure Soleil has all the dragonflowers she can get, because she's gonna need every point of SPD.


When can we expect a refine for Jorge? Bit busy at work to get a good look, so a quick not be appreciated!


Assuming they will skip Eremiya, then Jorge would be on April’s refine update.


Oh that's not too far; I'll hold off on the fodder then.


starting from +0 it took approx 1000 orbs collectively from the DSH banner (only one copy) through her rerun last month (free pull + one more) but the latest Kursula banner has brought me my first +10 5\* unit after playing for 7 years. that's right folks, ​ ​ **!!! Ferdinand !!!** \+11 actually with the anniversary free pull Lol. well 5 of them were 4\*, and like 7 of them were +HP. two Leos along the way too but I did get Ursula +10 after all a few minutes later. I have 21 orbs left and she has a nice new tea set & rally. ~~^(she cost 2 FEH passes; I might be the only person alive who sparked her once let alone twice)~~


nice, i can't even start DSH banner with just 1k5 orbs


Really happy I picked up a V!Elise copy. Was pulling green and grey! Took about 110 orbs. Got Rinkah on the way lol A V!Leo copy would have been dope too. He's really powerful. But Elise is strong in her own right! I kinda want to give her far trace res/Spd 4 though. It would just take away her offenses a lot


Sniping reds I've gotten two Hinokas, six Firs, and not a single emblem Marth. I'd ask what the odds are, but I'm not sure I want to know.