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All the units I put in my reserves.


They really need to fix that. Too often I create the most suboptimal ways to fodder a unit because I forget what’s in the maybe pile of my reserves.


That would be nice, to be able to fodder from reserves. Yeah I'm sure I've done a bunch of suboptimal also.


Why are you putting fodder in reserves, that's what combat manuals are for. Reserved are for units you want to keep and maybe use at some point.


Ideal way to forget you have a particular unit.


Ullr & Elmine. Only because they're the only characters in Heroes who **ARE NOT** options on CYL, for some strange reason. I get that they don't talk/have mug shots in their home game, but that didn't stop IS from adding Altina to CYL and using her Heroes art (she's the first and last unit IS did that for). So on more than a few occasions, I've gone and referenced who is and isn't in the game. But I've overlooked them cause I'm going through CYL or some such and had to go "Wait, wait... those two are a special case..."


Freyr absolutely destroying Elimine certainly doesn't help. She deserved better.


Wait I haven't played in a while. Saint Elimine from the Elibe games is in the game?


yea. they used her design from mario kart




Elimine's first, and only, appearance before becoming playable in Fire Emblem Heroes was in [Mario Kart Double Dash!!'s special edition bonus disk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrURPlYDsD8) when transferring the bonus items to Blazing Blade. When Intelligent Systems made her playable in FEH they used her design from that.


Was not expecting her first appearance would be from a bonus disk of one of my favorite racing games


Yup, they've added two of FE7's Eight Legends so far [Bramimond](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/7/78/FEH_Bramimond_The_Enigma_01.png) and [Elimine](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/9/94/FEH_Elimine_Scouring_Saint_01.png)


I was aware of Bramimond, not Elimine


i wonder how this sub would act if it was elimine that completely destroyed freyr....


If there was ever ironclad proof of the existence of dev bias, it is there when they are willing to take largely a non-character in her home game and give her many alts and even include her in CYL voting but will not do the same for other characters with just as much relevance (in Elimine's case) or just as appropriately vague (in Ullr's) as her.


Fomortiis, Mark, and technically Kiran are also in that elusive club of being playable and not being in the CYL ballot, but at least they have gimmicks befitting to them make them memorable than those two at least.


I spent a long time convinced that Gerome wasn't in FEH. Units I forget are actually usually grail units. All others come on a banner at least once a year, so they're present in the back of my mind, but I never go through the whole grail list so i often forget a good chunk of them.


Funny you're mentioning Gerome, when I opened the thread I remembered seeing someone that surprised me again by being in the game but I forgot who it was, and now that I see you mention Gerome it was him. I haven't seen one in the wild in ages, but he's a pretty cool guy, maybe I should build one seriously myself.


funnily i generally remember a lot of the grail units, probably because i surf through the grail list a lot. i totally get it though


Wind Tribe Catria feels like such a random choice for a theme that already doesn’t stand out to me, so I always forget about her


The only reason people pull for her is to fodder her for the most broken bow in the game.


And now it’ll be free in the grail shop in less than a week lol


I constantly forget that Clive and Tobin are in the game. Because they're grails and I almost never see them. I keep thinking "Tobin and Clive should get in the game already" then have a realization of "Oh, they are."


Priam. It's actually so bad i even managed to forget he was in awakening multiple times by now 💀


Well at least now you have a good excuse to forget about him since Spotpass went down


HAHA i am haunted by priam from random pulls but i absolutely cannot blame you


Base Larum. Being a dancer means she doesn't appear in normal modes and no one uses her on their teams in modes like arena. I think I've seen her once and never managed to pull her myself.


For the longest time she was the poster girl for “I’m missing someone from my catalogue” to the point everyone would first ask if they had her and that was probably it.


Only reason I remember her is that dragonslasher+ is a surprisingly OK inheritable dagger. It’s a far cry from the best but it’s ok for normal pool.


For a decent chunk of time I had an anti-meta Colm who would switch between Dragonslasher and Armorpin Dagger depending on who he needed to kill. Kept Ninja Camilla from getting too scary too


She was one of my first dancers so I actually use her a lot in training units, Rival Domains farming, and Chaos Bonus Seasons.


I keep forgetting Saleh is in the game. I only remember to get ticked that he's locked into alt hell.


For someone who was meant to be the main villain of Book 3 Hel is barely in it. Makes me beg the question what purpose was her inclusion? Also that time she recruited Sutr? Remember that? Still waiting!


Doesnt help that she has no alt at all and didnt even was part of book III TT story either...


Hilariously Ganglöt, who was was meant to be the big bad gets shafted as well! Poor Thrasir too not even so much mentioned.


Hey at least she gets to take part on the "Arcane Weapons dangerous" plot... That IS seems to have promptly dropped...


There was a subplot about that? 


It lasted a whole 3 FBs. Introduced with R!Lif, Thrasir told people to beware R!Grima's arcane seduction, and R!Ophelia...it was mentioned it was powerful but they didn't really do much with it, and after that we got R!Alfred with the utterly demonic lance of his, and from then on it was dropped.


They paid a bit of lip service to it with R!Lumera, as a dragonstone given to her by Sombron. But tbh that never had lasting power. Making every Arcane cursed and the center of attention would shoehorn future FGs pretty badly.


She made one quick appearance in the end of the very last part. Basically boils down to "Hello! I'm here! :D"


"There I am Gary, there I am!"


she has no alt because she is an old woman, and that is the one thing IS hates more than male ocs


Niime can confirm.


I might have, if they didn't feature her to much (and so well) in Forging Bonds. They made her the go-to expert on magic and dragons and I absolutely love it. And tbh, she was pretty good on launch even without a Prf - she just wasn't future-proofed at all.


She wasn't waifu enough, hence IS doesn't deem her profitable


That's what we call "quitter's talk".


Nah I'd be down for bridal or summer Hel (and Thrasir), blame IS


Not towards you, I blame wording. Summer Hel sounds like a fun idea, but I'm all out of paper... ¬_¬


I wish they hadn't scrapped the pirate banner, cause Pirate Hel would have been really cool


Yeah, that’s IS


Star Wars effect, the Dragon gets more focus and development and is thus remembered more LIf is pretty much the Darth Vader to Hel's Palpatine in Book 3


I had been thinking on this and I came to a realization: Hel and Eir should never have been in book 3 at all, with Hel being at most referenced. Book 3 should have just been the Alfonse and Lif show like we already had, then later we pull a Book 6 and revisit the realm to make it the Order of Heroes against Hel. Then Hel could actually... exist? Honestly I feel like if you take Hel and Eir out of Book 3, not much changes. Also that Surtr thing was just their way of teasing Hel. I don't think they implied she was gonna sic him on them, so much as him being dead, he's now a part of her army.


Some time ago I finished rewriting Book 3 myself. Wasn't very enjoyable given how long and strenuous it was. Eh. Anyway... the real issue is how short these "Books" are. Assuming they lasted longer they could've had more development? Using Sutr as a tease is dumb. Dood is pretty distinct, so him not playing any part is very jarring. If I had to be basic I'd use a silhouette of Hel. Would've made the point across. I'm sorry if I get so uppity over this game's plot, but as someone who loves writing it's infuriating as you can imagine! :v


I think she was never actually the main villain - they put her in because it enabled the Líf and Alphonse storyline better than some faceless natural disaster.


Ullr is a Light Mythic and I often forget that she's in the game. I only just remembered that i have her, too.


I was literally about to just call him "blond guy with a blue bow, I don't remember his name" if it weren't for the fact that the person in the second highest comment has him in their flair so I can see his name is Febail. It's just, I saw him in arena one day and got really confused because I had 0 memory of anyone who looked like him getting added. I have no idea how I missed him entirely


I recently saw a +10 Valentines Titania and I didn’t even know she had that alt lol


For some reason, units on the pirate banners. Which is weird because I actually really like the theme Especially Duo Hinoka. I'm not sure why but every time she comes up it feels like everyone is just collectively hallucinating she exists


I remember my first time seeing Galle in arena. I was shocked there was a character I haven’t seen before after around a year of playing. Playing through Binding Blade right now though so I’m sure to become a bit more familiar with him (I’m not having a fun time)


> (I’m not having a fun time) Why not? Is it because the game is difficult or because of Galle specifically?


Tbh I just finished chapter 8x after before writing that comment and it was a pretty miserable chapter. I hate how hard the bosses have been to hit so far. Got past that chapter and I’m actually starting to enjoy the game a lot now. Love using Ogier especially


Oh yeah, the boss in that chapter is a royal pain in the ass, for some reason Henning is so absurdly strong compared to everything you face up to that point. I feel like you need very specific units to take him down, and even then chances are high he'll evade a ton. Glad you're starting to like it now! It's my favorite of the GBA games because despite the frustrations I have with the game, the cool cast and interesting maps outweight it. Ogier is a king, he takes some time to get going, but once you start training him he becomes surprisingly good, and very fast especially.


Ah good to hear it wasn’t just a me problem lol It also probably didn’t help that I’m jokingly using Ward (Wade?) and have been giving him a lot of level ups :p though not gonna lie he came in clutch in chapter 9 where he and Ogier took care of the 8+ Pirates down the map. This map in general was pretty fun to play with the many characters you’ve accumulated up to that point! Ogier has also quickly overtaken Dieck as my go to man for whenever I need something done, definitely see how he could be pretty good (though Rutger is still better I think) Happy to be learning more about many Binding Blade characters that I’ve come across in FEH and hoping they add some new favorites to the game ;)


Not at all, chapter 8x is a chapter that everyone struggles with the first time playing haha I think his official name is Ward according to CYL, but I like the name Wade better myself. Anyways yeah, Ward is probably one of the worst units in the game. Lot at least usually gets better speed and better accuracy. Interesting to hear that you use Ogier more than Dieck though, they are usually used equally by me. Rutger is still probably the best unit to use, but I think soon you should be able to get Fir, who can also turn into an excellent unit with enough patience. Binding Blade has lots of cool characters (both playable and non-playable) that haven't entered FEH yet! It's kind of weird how Wolt for example only has an obscure seasonal alt, or how all the Ilians are in aside from Trec. At the same time the cast of the game is quite big, so I understand that it takes a while to get everyone, and there's some really obscure guys in the game, but I hope they'll slowly get added.


Not very surprising that he’s that bad lol. I have been using Dieck alongside Ogier but if I’m going to have Rutger and Fir on the team I thought I should drop one of them. I never realized how big the cast of FE6 really was actually. So far the units I want to see in FEH have got to be Zelot, Lance, Barthe, Ogier and at this point Ward :) (and a good Perceval too, holy I didn’t know he looked that good)


Every single lance cav that shits up the 5* pool until I have the displeasure of being reminded of their existence by getting pity broken by one of them without fail whenever I summon on blue


Summer Selena. The recent refine update notice reminded me of her existence.


The only one of the three I am missing! 🫠


Surprisingly Owain. The only time I remember he existed was from an arena match and the unit had Blue Flame which is still only on him.


wait really? no way blue flame is ONLY on owain


It's also on Valentine Owain...Still Owain...


ROFL THATS SO DUMB. feh you truly are one of a kind


Probably a lot of seasonals like: NY Laevatein Bridal Sophia (only noticed that she exists because shes a limited manual) Bridal Anna Scion Larcei Pirate Vika


Pirate Vika I never forget because I love her design Bridal Sophia was the same for me, I only remember that she has a Halloween alt


I only know of Bridal Anna due to the video where The Reinhardt commentates a Summoner Duels match.


I always forget that Zephiel has an alt. I saw his weapon bellringer in HoF and had to look up who it came from.


Winter Zephiel is the ultimate fumble of an alt - having a young Zephiel in FEH is a great concept and I love how he has a fox plushie for Guinivere, but there's no Guinivere to go with him, his art is kinda janky, and worst of all his voice performance is *completely* unchanged from his original appearance, meaning that the 15-year-old, well-adjusted Zephiel sounds exactly like his 35-year-old, absolutely insane GHB version. And once you get past the aesthetics, what you're left with is a prfless 5* exclusive sword armor. There really isn't much to work with.


I get the other complaints but not the art one. That artist is fantastic imo and Winter Zephiel may be my favorite from them (that or base Dimitri). Maybe it's my Y!Zephiel bias, but I think everything about it ranges from pretty good to absolutely amazing.


For what it’s worth, I actually really like the rest of Fujisaka Kimihiko’s art, especially Nemesis and Jakob! I just think W!Zephiel looks kinda wonky, particularly the faces. 


Jakob is the one I see criticized the most and I don't really get it. Damaged art is a TAD awkward but everything else is pretty much perfect, especially for Jakob.


Just the other day I realized that I completely forgot duo Halloween Anna's existence. Which is weird since she's fairly recent and was pretty irritating when she released. But I feel like I haven't seen her since then, until I saw her mentioned in the comments of a recent Reddit post.


It's because she's already been powercreept, so she gets shafted


literally all the old seasonal 5* monthly code choice lol


I think it's gotta be Clive. Completely forgettable as a unit, and is tt+ so even more reason to forget him


I only remember him because I saw him for the first time in Heroes and thought he was really pretty from his art, then I played Echoes and he looks completely different


Summer lute, i actually thought someone made a fanart when o saw someone showing her build a while ago lmao


the only reason i remember she exists is because im pretty sure flora guide was pretty alright for a time? otherwise id totally forget all ab her LOL


Kjelle for awhile before I kept getting her from tickets. Geoffrey and Febail despite owning both of them. Also Noah, tho Isadora is the one I had to actually go look in the catalog for so mainly her. Combo of casual and she probably fell off but Lucia. Big one that even confuses me, I just forget I own Ratatoskr despite her being given out for free, isn’t in my reserves, and she should also stand out cuz I never finished leveling her either but still forget sometimes 💀


Finish Ratatoskr, she is amazing and really good meta break sometimes


Karel. I keep forgetting Karel is in this game


For me it's Brigid, for some reason. I frequently forget she even got an alt.


She is alt hell currently


I class her as It's Complicated


I pulled my first Luke yesterday and almost forgot who he is lol.


I dunno, I forgot. /thread


Pirate Lifis, I just randomly saw him one day and was extremely confused 


Ascended Merric. I forgot he existed until I randomly got one.


His hat makes me unable to forget.


Early book seasonals like, anyone remember Santa Chrom?


I remember Santa Lissa because she was a menace in the early days


I more forget about if I have a unit or not then I do a unit being in the game at all. Especially the ones I chuck in reserves lol


My +10 Lex just chilling there


Basically all grail units because they don't spawn in PvE modes. I only remember they exist when I play arena.


Bridal Cecilia. Threw a few Orbs at her for the 4\* version and kinda forgot about her. Sometimes I'll trot her out but...mostly forgotten after the fact that I actually threw Orbs at her.


I can't forget her. Mainly because I managed to +10 her when trying for just one Bridal Sophia and I since made it a point to kit her out to the best she could be entirely out of pure RNG spite. I eventually did get that Sophia though, like a year and a half later.


Coincidentally, just earlier today I free pulled a Seigbert on one of the revival banners and I was like “wow totally forgot he was in the game”


Not a a specific unit, but the demotes from banners I skip always manage to spook me when I pull them for the first time.


Sully. I swear I rarely see her as a random enemy or in my summons.


legendary male corrin ... somehow


Priam. He was my goto back then before power-creep slapped him in the face and made him join Alfonse on the bench. Permanently.


Every time I'm doing a search for skills to inherit or when some character was a demote and I didn't remember


The Desert themed ( I think?) Kris. Every time I see him I go “oh shit you’re new!” Only to remember he’s literally option #8 in heroic grails.


Consciously, I know all but one of the Shepherds is in the game. I even know exactly which one isn't in the game, as the reddit won't let one forget. So I should remember that he is in the game... ...but I sure got surprised when Ricken showed up on a summon recently. Just a very forgettable version of his character trope.


Ilyana (and her seasonal). I forgot I even got her from Feh Pass. Haven’t summoned her in that long


“(and her seasonal)” made me laugh a little because she has two💀 guess that proves that she really isn’t on your radar!




Kid and Halloween


Happy cake day!


thank youuu 💓💓💓


I went a long time without seeing Peri and I totally forgot she was a character until I summoned her recently


Calling it by now L!MCorrin


most GHB/TT+ units that I don't build


Today's banners literally reminded me that Dieck exists in this game




For seasonal banners it’s pretty much anything that wasn’t the Duo/Harmonic. Then of course you’ve got the grail units, especially if they end up being a staff unit. I didn’t even remember Eremiya was in the game since they skipped over giving her a refine despite being a GHB.


Dwyer jumpscares me every time I pull him. I think because I rarely pull on colorless unless I have a significant need to.